#12 The Triplets of Emerald Forest

Chapter 31


When the song ended, I felt like my skin was on fire and I was going to explode with desire. I had to force myself out of their arms and rush off to the bathroom. I ran into the bathroom and splashed cold water on my face, breathing deeply. Looking at my reflection, I saw that my eyes were wild and my cheeks were as red as a rose; my chest was heaving in and out with each of my deep breaths. I took one last breath, calming myself down, and wiped a paper towel across my face to dry it.

Stepping out of the bathroom, I saw that Waylon was waiting for me. I sighed and rolled my eyes at him.

“I can’t even go pee without you?” I groaned.

“Not a chance, Luna.” Waylon shrugged casually with his hands stuffed in the pocket of his black jeans.

“Whatever.” I pretended to sound annoyed but, honestly, Waylon was growing on me.

We walked back towards the dance floor and I nearly went postal at what I saw. Livvy and Kenzi were grinding all up on Godric and Gabriel. I didn’t know where Griffin was but I was pissed at him, too; guilty by association.

“What the hell?” I bit out between clenched teeth.

“Uh-oh, unleash the Luna.” I heard Waylon laugh from behind me. I turned my glare on him.

“What was that?” I challenged him to say it again. He held up his hands in surrender and pretended to zipper his lips shut.

I stepped up to the girls and planted my hand on my hips, clearing my throat. Gabriel and Godric’s heads snapped in my direction and their eyes went wide.

“Livvy, Kenzie.” I addressed the girls,

“Oh, hi, Harlie! We were just trying them on for size. You don’t mind, do you? You didn’t introduce them as your boyfriends.” Livvy said with a wink.

I know I said they were harmless before, but, right now, they looked anything but.

“I don’t know, do I mind, Gabriel?” I asked the so-called mate of mine that Livvy was grinding up against. His eyes went huge.

“Yes, yes you do. We were just telling the girls that we weren’t available.” Gabriel said,

He put his hand on Livvy’s back and shoved her away. Godric stepped back from Kenzie with his hands up in the air like he was proving to me that he wasn’t touching her.

“Right, because it’s so hard to get them off of you. All 5 feet 5 inches, 100 pounds of them.” I rolled my eyes and looked over the petite girls.

“I need a drink.” I huffed, stomping away from the dance floor and heading back to our table.

“I told them to run.” Griffin shrugged from where he sat at our table, “They didn’t listen.”

“Don’t think you’re off the hook, either. You should’ve dragged them away.” I grumbled, plopping down next to him.

“Hey, don’t loop me in with them. We’re not responsible for each other.” He said, burying his face in my neck.

“You’re right, sorry.” I mumbled in defeat. He chuckled and kissed my neck, causing a shiver to rattle through my body.

“It’s okay, angel. Here.” He handed me his glass. I had no idea what it was but I tilted it back anyway.

The boys came back to the booth, groveling for my forgiveness, but I forced them to sit on the other side of the booth.

“We don’t look at any other girls but you, precious.” Godric was pouting.

“I’m not dumb, I know that you’ll look at other girls and that’s whatever. But, you don’t need to let them grind up against you.”

Awh, is our little mate jealous?” Gabriel offered me a sideways smirk.

“Smart, brother, poke the bear.” Griffin rolled his eyes.

“I’m just confused, that’s all. I thought you didn’t want us that way? I thought that we weren’t your boyfriends?” Gabriel leaned across the table to lock eyes with me.

“Keep it up and you won’t be.” I snapped but I felt my resolve slipping.

“I don’t believe you, little mate.” He said in a hoarse voice.

“I need another drink.” I grumbled, flagging down the waitress.

About an hour later, everyone was back at the table resting and rehydrating. By now, most of the girls had ditched their high heels and we were all pretty tipsy, minus the guard wolves and our DDs. After an hour of drinking, I had to pee so I hurried off to the bathroom alone, finally ditching Waylon who was back on the dancefloor with Kori.

I took care of my business and was washing my hands when I heard a knock on the door. I assumed it was one of the brothers or maybe Waylon, since this wasn’t a single use bathroom and a woman would just walk right in. I pushed open the door and gasped when I nearly slammed it into Ty’s face.


“Harlie, I was just checking on you. I saw you run off alone.” Ty steadied me and pulled me away from the door of the bathroom.

“I’m o…” before I could finish, Ty was being ripped away from me and slammed against the wall.

“You dare touch what’s ours?” Godric growled in Ty’s face, his hands balled into fists as he gripped Ty’s shirt.

“Godric, stop!” I cried out. Gabriel grabbed my arm before I could lunge forward, “Stop it!” I wrestled with Gabriel’s grip.

“These men,” Gabriel spat the word, “Need to learn how to treat a lady.”

“He was just checking on me! He saw me go off alone.” I explained quickly, still fighting Gabriel’s hold.

“He shouldn’t have touched you, Harlow.” Griffin said in a calmer voice than the others.

“He’s allowed to touch my arm when I’m about to fall out of the bathroom door!” I spat.

The brothers looked between each other and me before their eyes came to rest on Ty. Godric released him with a grunt.

“What the hell, Harlie?” Ty looked at me with a wild expression before running off.

“What’s wrong with you three?” I yelled.

“We told you already, Harlow, we’re possessive of you.” Godric shrugged like it was no big deal.

“You can’t just attack anyone who looks at me the wrong way!” I shouted, “Besides, you weren’t very possessive of me when you were dry humping Livvy and Kenzie!”

Gabriel walked towards me and I stumbled backwards, trying to get away from his haunting look. The next thing I knew, I was pinned against the wall, trapped between Gabriel’s arms; his hands pressed against the wall on either side of my head.

“You belong to us, Harlow, make no mistake. We can and will remove the limbs of anyone who dares touch you, the eyes of anyone who looks at you, and the breath of anyone who speaks to you with less than honorable intentions. We are your mates, your Alphas, and that is our birthright.”

Gabriel’s voice left no room for arguments and his gaze was so black that it scared away any of the words I would have used to argue with. He turned his back and left without another word.

I ran away from Godric and Griffin before they could stop me, hurrying to find any of the girls. I crashed into Annie and begged her to take me home.

“What’s wrong, Harlie?” Annie looked startled as she stepped away from Cam and hugged me.

Cam was immediately on high alert. In the next second, Waylon and Ambrose were beside me and Matti and Kori were hovering in front of me.

“What’s going on?” Matti asked.

“I just want to go home.” I begged.

I felt it when Godric, Gabriel, and Griffin joined our group but I refused to look at them.

“Alphas?” Waylon looked behind me.

“She’s fine.” Gabriel grunted.

“She doesn’t look fine.” Waylon snapped back in response.

“Let’s go, Harlie, we’ll all ride back together.” Kori said, taking my hand.

We all left the club in a hurry, eager to avoid the nosey eyes of the clubbers and the rest of my friends. The three SUVs pulled up in front of the club via the valet and the girls directed me towards the middle one.

“I don’t think so.” I heard Godric growl. I jumped and turned around just in time to see him reaching for me.

“No!” I shouted, scurrying away from him and behind Annie.

Nova appeared out of nowhere and planted herself between me and her brothers.

“You three go to the front car, now.” She said in a dangerous voice.

“You will not stand between your Alphas and their mate.” Godric warned.

“I will when the Luna is afraid of the Alphas. My loyalty lies with her protection above all.” Nova said and the others nodded in agreement.

“Afraid….” Godric’s voice caught in his throat.

“You’re not afraid of us, are you, Harlow?” Griffin said in a broken voice.

“I just….I don’t want to be around you right now.” I squeaked from over Annie’s shoulder.

“Just give her some space, Alphas.” Annie sighed.

“Fine.” Gabriel huffed in annoyance before he stormed off. I heard the SUVs door slam violently before I slipped into the back seat of the second car.

“What happened, Harlie?” Annie asked once we were all settled in.

“Asshole werewolves.” I grumbled.

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