Zodiac Academy 8: Sorrow and Starlight

Sorrow and Starlight: Chapter 56

I’d moved well away from the crowded beach, stalking along the coastline into the night where I might seek some semblance of peace and quiet.

I hurled a stone towards the sea with all my gifted strength, watching as it skipped the waves twelve times before sinking out of sight into the depths of the ocean.

The moon was watching me, mocking me, playing Seth’s taunt on repeat over and over while I scowled at nothing and everything.

Who the hell was he to call me a fucking virgin? And why, if there was as little truth to his words as I was trying to convince myself, were they making me so fucking angry?

“Oh no!” a male voice drew my attention and I glanced up to find a herd of Pegasuses cantering down onto the beach, some in shifted form, some just butt naked and smeared with glitter as they ran in their Fae bodies. “Caleb Altair has found us! He’s horny for the horn!”

I narrowed my gaze as laughter and whinnies spilled through the air, a couple of the herd eyeing me like they were hoping there might be some truth to that rumour while others shifted from hoof to hoof, looking ready to run.

“Fuck off,” I snapped, striding towards them, and letting them see my fangs. The laughter stuttered out and a few released nervous whinnies. “And give me that.” I snatched a bottle of gin from the closest guy, daring him to refuse me with a single look, but he just raised his hands in surrender.

“It was just a joke, dude,” said the guy who had started this shit as I closed in on him. “But, er…” He glanced at some of the herd surrounding him and raised his chin as he made himself stand his ground, apparently the Dom in this herd. “In all honesty, there are a few of us who wouldn’t mind one bit if you like a bit of glitter when getting off. And if you did…or do, then you could totally join us for a-”

“I have no interest in washing glitter off my cock for the next fortnight, so that’ll be a no,” I growled, shoulder checking him as I passed him by, reminding him without words that he was damn lucky I wasn’t in the mood for a fight.

“If you change your mind, we’ll be down by the cove,” a girl called hopefully, and I turned my attention to her briefly. She was hot. Shit hot in fact, her lips full and seductive, her tits round and her dark nipples firming as she ran a hand down her chest to toy with them in what should have been a seriously tempting offer. Especially as one of her friends moved closer and began to touch her too.

But I felt no inclination to change my mind, despite how much easier I knew it would be to forget about this pointless infatuation with Seth and use them to help me get over it. They weren’t what I wanted. But he only wanted me when it suited him. So the whole situation was fucked.

I shook my head in denial, turning away as they started making out with each other. I strode off through the sand, the tug of both Venus and the moon hard to ignore as the celestial beings made my cock throb with a pointless need.

I broke into a sprint, only stumbling a little as I raced around the island at my fastest speed, the world blurring then spinning as the alcohol I’d consumed did a fucking number on me.

A tree root leapt out of nowhere and I cursed as I fell sprawling into the dirt, rolling several times before crashing into a tree and cracking at least a few ribs.

“Ow,” I wheezed, staring up at the sky above me, a low hanging cloud seeming to watch me, its form shifting the longer I looked until I was almost certain I could see a pair of outstretched wings, a roaring mouth. “Trust you to turn up just in time to see me fall on my ass,” I grunted at Darius. Or the cloud. Whatever.

I pressed a hand to my side, frowning in concentration as I healed myself, letting the magic go a little further than my ribs to lessen the effects of the alcohol too and admitting to myself that I was probably a bit too drunk.

I pushed myself upright, shoving a hand through my blonde curls to dislodge the dead leaves and twigs that had gathered in them, then using my earth magic to remove the dirt from my clothes. The bottle of gin was gone, lost to the wind or the sky…or probably just rolled into a bush.

I was a fucking idiot who was now wandering around in the depths of the woods with a semi thanks to motherfucking Venus and the moon playing with my libido. My mind snagged on my best friend and the word virgin echoed through my skull on repeat.

Fuck him.

I forced my mind away from him and turned towards the heart of the island, trying to think of something else to give my attention to. Our attack on the palace had well and truly gone to shit, and I hadn’t wanted to even think about it since leaving the war council, but I knew I was being a terrible friend by running around out here getting drunk while Tory sat alone in her room, heartbroken all over again.

I focused on her, shoving out the memory of Seth’s mouth on mine and breaking into a run again. Venus wasn’t having her way with me tonight. In fact, I was pretty much decided that she wasn’t going to be having her way with me ever again. At least not so far as Seth Capella was concerned.

This whole thing with him was dumb and reckless and only served to crush me every time I caught him trading peace signs with random Wolves here, there and everywhere.

Maybe I should just go fuck around with that Pegasus herd. Make us even.

But I didn’t falter from my path despite that completely rational thought, heading straight towards R.U.M.P. Castle in the middle of the island instead.

I sped across the drawbridge then halted, a spike of fear jolting through me as I heard a scream coming from the rooms Geraldine had created for the families of the Heirs.

“Mom?” I gasped, shooting that way so fast that I was hardly aware of anything around me until I was smashing the door to her and dad’s private chamber apart with a blast of fire magic and came skidding to a halt in the middle of the room.

My mom screamed again and this time it really was laced with horror instead of the last one which I’d clearly not noticed had come from lust.

My mouth fell open in dread as I took in the mortifying sight of her and my dad half covered in blood from where they’d apparently been pouring a cup of it over their naked bodies, mid-way through fucking in some kind of sex swing at Vampire speed.

“Stars save me,” I gagged, turning and shooting from the room while fighting the urge to scream myself. Their angry shouts followed me down the hall and I shuddered.

Dad was yelling at me to fix the fucking door, but no. Fuck no. I wasn’t going near that room ever again. And I doubted I’d ever be going near my parents again either. They weren’t supposed to have sex. They’d done it only the number of times it had taken to conceive me and my siblings, and they’d hated every moment of it. That was the lie I liked to tell myself and the one I doubted I’d ever be able to convince myself of again now that I’d fully witnessed them in their Vampire kink finest. Fuck my life.

Fucking Venus. Fucking moon.

I sped up the stairs, smacking into the banister and nearly sending myself flying right over the top of it before catching myself and racing on up. Yeah, I was still a bit drunk.

I barely paused for the guards who stood watch at the foot of the stairs to the royal chambers, just lingering long enough to let them see my face and confirm I had permission to pass. It still rankled a bit to have to go through that bullshit, but I’d accepted the rebels were predominantly royalists, and in our current situation, it seemed like the least of our problems.

I didn’t bother knocking, knowing Tory likely wouldn’t answer me regardless.

“I get it, you’re feeling like shit and all kinds of miserable, but I need to help me bleach my eyes and to listen to me vent for about an hour solid on all the reasons why parents should be banned from having sex, so if we can just focus on the me issues for a bit then…” I trailed off, looking around the empty room in confusion before checking the en suite and closet to be sure she really wasn’t here.

Where the fuck was she then?

I moved to the bed as I spotted a note on it, the paper folded over and the words ‘hey asshole’ written in Tory’s no-nonsense script at the top of it.

I flipped it open, my frown deepening as I read the message inside.

I’ve reached my limit with this shit, so I’ve gone to take my destiny back from the stars. Gerry, I love you – lead the rebels against the Court of Solaria like you suggested. Make that scaley bastard pay. The rest of you, try not to cry too much if I don’t make it back, I was a mean bitch anyway. x

“Shit.” I dropped the note and sank down onto her bed, reaching for her nightstand drawer where I knew she kept her tequila supply. This was bad. Geraldine was going to lose her fucking mind. The rebels might just lose their entire reason to keep fighting, especially if we couldn’t figure out some way to get Darcy back here. How long was Tory going to be gone for? What the fuck were we supposed to do now?

It didn’t escape my notice that I was now freaking out over a missing Vega, but at this point our fates had all become so tangled that the question of the eventual leadership of Solaria had barely been on my mind at all recently. All that really mattered right now was that our kingdom wasn’t ruled by Lionel or his shadow bitch. The rest would all come after we assured that was the case – it didn’t even matter right now.

My thoughts slipped onto Orion, and I ached for my coven brother with a new brand of longing. I couldn’t figure out how to reform that mind connection with him no matter how hard I tried, and it just…fucking sucked.

My knuckles bumped against the edge of a box instead of the bottle of liquor I’d been hunting for, and I turned my eyes to the drawer I was rummaging through, my brows arching as I found a sparkly new vibrator sitting in it with a clear plastic window revealing the golden scaley sex toy within. I almost laughed as I lifted the box out of the drawer, the unlicenced ‘Big D’ merchandise printed with an old photo of Darius doing one of his best smoulders. I read the product info and bit back a smile.

Comes with one ultra-thick Big D Fae cock in russet red – complete with expanda-pound technology and mega-vibe deep penetration – reach spots you never knew you had as the Fire Heir sets your body alight.

Or for the truly enamoured, go XL with the Glitzy Dragon shifted D – this mega sized vibrator is anatomically perfected with the shape, scales and golden glow of the Fire Heir’s shifted form. Shaped out of glittering glass, this internally heated pound machine will have you screaming like you’re being torn open right there in the bedroom – and maybe you will be. Also includes smoking hot Big D lube, for that slick grind you know he can find!

“Wow,” I muttered, wondering why the fuck Tory would have bought this thing, then wondering if she actually had any interest in fucking his shifted mega-cock, then shuddering at the thought and realising I absolutely didn’t want to know and hoped they hadn’t…I mean each to their own, but a shifted Darius weighed around fifteen tons and I didn’t wanna know how much of that was his cock. Surely they hadn’t…

I turned the large box over and read the back of it with a mixture of amusement and irritation over the unofficial merch. Darius likely would have just found it hilarious, and I would have had to set my own lawyers on the case of ceasing the sale of it, alongside the rest of the range which were listed on the back of the box.

I lifted it into the light to see the thumbnail images of similar sets which were available for Seth, Max and me. Max’s set included a vibrator which squirted and self-lubricated as well as a scaley blue option which played Siren songs while pulsing in eighteen different patterns. Seth’s included a self-choking leash which would magically tighten around the user’s throat, releasing upon…well, release. The shifted version of his looked all kinds of hairy with a giant lipstick poking out of it and apparently howled when the user climaxed. The lube in his set came with a Wolf tongue-shaped dispenser which was a nice touch.

I almost didn’t want to read my own set’s contents, but it was kinda like looking at a car crash and I couldn’t quite convince myself to look away now.

Let yourself indulge in the Terra Heir collection. The XL vibrator comes complete with ultra-speed Vampire pulsation technology and deep pounding impact. Also includes a set of real biting vampire teeth, laced with a hint of duneberry oil to make your pleasure echo on. And if you’re ready to get really wild with Big C’s fetishes, this set includes a Pegasus horn double-glitz, XXL dildo and rainbow horn butt plug as well as glitter-dumping lube. And for an added bonus – we’ve thrown in a set of vine restraints grown organically by our local earth wielders, right here at Kinky Farm.

“For fuck’s sake,” I growled, trying not to imagine a load of random Fae getting themselves off while thinking about me and simultaneously ramming a Pegasus horn dildo where the sun didn’t shine.

I turned the box over and found a note taped to the side of it which hadn’t been opened yet, Tory’s name scrawled across the front of it, making me wonder if she even knew this thing was here – but who could have gotten into her room to leave it for her? I seriously doubted Geraldine would have bought her this.

Curiosity got the better of me and I tugged the note open, deciding I’d blame Venus for it if Tory was pissed about it when she came back.

My dear queen,

Self-care in times of grief are of upmost importance, so I got you this gift to help ride you through this storm. A little pleasure can run oh so deep when your crannies are crammed with hurt, and I hope this teeny weeny bit of relief can help you through the dark and lonely nights.

Please don’t hesitate to come dump on me whenever you need it. I will be waiting to plunder your innermost recesses whenever you want me to.

Your loyal servant,

Brian Washer

I should have fucking known.

A bang sounded beyond the door, and I tossed the Darius sex toy set out of my hands as if it had burned me, the box thumping to the floor face down just as the door was flung open and Rosalie Oscura half threw Seth into the room.

“Here’s what you were looking for, cucciolo sciocco,” she growled, flicking her ebony hair back over one shoulder as Seth stumbled against the wall and scowled at her. He was shirtless, his half-shaved hair dishevelled and trailing over his face in a way that made me want to brush it back so I could see the warmth of his brown eyes better.

“I should challenge you for that shit,” he snarled, barely even seeming to notice me. “I should come for you and take your pack and make them mine, and then they’d have to listen to all of my wonderful advice and wouldn’t be held back by your wily ways.”

Rosalie growled, her eyes flashing silver as she stalked towards him, and I shot to my feet, getting in her way.

“What’s going on?” I demanded.

She fell still, that hunter’s gaze sweeping over me like she might just go for my throat instead, before she relaxed and shrugged, the picture of innocence all wrapped up in sin. That girl was trouble with a capital T, and I was beginning to think that neither Seth nor I had the first clue on how to handle her, let alone figure out her next moves.

“Your boy decided to invite himself to the orgy my pack is indulging in down on the beach,” she said, curling a finger around a lock of ebony hair as she leaned back against the door frame.

“He…what?” I asked, my throat tightening on the word as something sharp twisted in my chest.

“They needed me,” Seth snapped behind me, but I couldn’t bear to look at him, my teeth grinding as I fought to hide my feelings even as they were crushed in his fist and scattered across the room on a wind as savage as he was. “I can’t help it if Venus demanded my involvement.”

Rosalie tutted loudly. “They would have welcomed your involvement, stronzo, but you weren’t offering them your cock, were you?”

“What the fuck was he offering them then?” I demanded, my words practically a shout even as I tried to contain myself.

“Advice,” Rosalie sneered, her narrowed eyes flicking over my shoulder towards Seth who huffed loudly.

“They needed it,” he barked. “They were thrusting out of rhythm, and I only saw one guy who was touching more than one other person – you can’t call it an orgy if it’s just a bunch of couples fucking in a line. You need a level of crossover that they weren’t achieving. I wanted to see a cock in the ass of a guy whose cock was eight inches deep in a third guy whose mouth was on a girl while she took it in both holes, while another two girls finger fucked each other and played with some side balls. It was a shambles!”

Rosalie gave me a flat look which seemed to say that this was my problem, and I finally turned to look over my shoulder at Seth.

“So you…weren’t joining in with them? You were just trying to direct them?” I asked, piecing his words together.

“Yeah, I was trying to be an orgy conductor, I waved a stick and everything to make it easier for them to follow my orders. And they might have gotten somewhere if they hadn’t all started bitching and crying, then calling their Alpha over to help them. I was helping them, Cal! They needed me! Their Alpha wasn’t even joining in! They said she’d already gotten what she wanted from them, but what true Alpha doesn’t stay balls deep until the final orgasm rolls through the group, Caleb? The Alpha should be the first and last to come with countless more orgasms in between, not just some starter to the feast who ducks out after six measly orgasms!”

Rosalie blew a breath out of her nose and gave me a pointed look.

“He told my pack that the reason I wasn’t joining in was because they weren’t performing to the necessary level,” she deadpanned. “I don’t need the headache of trying to console my entire pack while they all go ultra-sub for me in some pointless attempt to get me off, but that’s what he’s given me – I’ll be dealing with the fallout from this for months.”

“And you’re only interested in Alphas,” I muttered, remembering that about her as the memory of me and Seth both owning her body at once ignited in my mind, and she flashed me a grin like she was remembering that too.

“So, is that why you brought me here and healed away my damn booze?” Seth demanded suddenly. “Because you want him and me again? Is that what you want too, Cal? To change it up? Bring a girl back into the mix?”

“Fuck no,” Rosalie said before I could utter a single word. “I had my fun with you boys, but non sono il terzo incomodo. Some new rebels arrived today from the mainland and there was a Manticore among them looking to fight the entire world. I’m planning to go see if he fucks as well as he fights. I just needed to hand off this stronzo before I go hunting.” She pushed off the doorjamb, offering us both a wicked smile as she went. “Divertiti.”

Rosalie shut the door behind her, leaving me and Seth hanging in the awkward silence remaining in her wake. I cleared my throat, moving away from him and pushing my fingers through my hair as I tried to get my thoughts back in order.

For a moment there I’d been about to lose my mind over the idea of him fucking her pack. I’d been ready to rip the world apart and damn the consequences over a betrayal which I had no right to feel. He wasn’t mine and I wasn’t his. This whole thing was just…messed up.

“Should have known you’d be here,” Seth muttered behind me. “Is she cleaning herself up or just hiding under the covers?”

“What are you talking about?” I frowned.

Seth stalked across the room to the crumpled bed and whipped the covers off with an “Ah-ha!” before staring blankly down at the empty sheets.

“Where is she then?”

“Who?” I asked.

“Tory, obviously,” he growled. “Is she moisturising her perfect tits or lubricating her vag or doing something equally feminine somewhere?”

“She’s gone,” I said, wondering why he kept going on about her tits so much recently. “I dunno when she’ll be back.”

I found the note she’d left for us and held it out for him, and he snatched it from me, his eyes tracking over the words while his frown deepened.

“She can’t just take off,” he snarled, crumpling the note in his fist, and tossing it aside.

“Who can stop her?” I asked and he looked at me as that loaded question hung between us, because there was a time when it would have been clear that any one of us could have stopped her if we’d wanted to, but now…

Seth’s eyes narrowed and he shook his head suddenly. “I need to go,” he muttered, stalking past me, his shoulder slamming into mine as he went, knocking me aside and sending a spike of pain through my arm.

I whirled around, a snarl rising in my throat automatically, but it stuck there as I spotted the dark lines of the new tattoo shining on his skin, the intricately beautiful design sitting perfectly between his shoulder blades just like we’d discussed all those weeks ago. It was a crescent moon with a wolf perched upon the curve at its base while a bat hung from the curve above, their faces angled towards one another, but they were just out of reach. Within the moon was a clock with no hands, only a ring of numbers and shattered cogs spilling from beneath it in a beautiful pattern.

“You got the tattoo,” I said dumbly, because he obviously knew that already, but he stilled at my words, glancing over his shoulder at me with one hand on the doorknob.

“Yeah,” he grunted.

“You added stuff to it,” I said.


“What does it mean?”

He shrugged, lips locked tight and secrets in his eyes.

I shot towards him, coming to a halt right behind him, so close that the scent of him engulfed me, making my lungs expand and that knot in my heart loosen just a little as I reached out to trace the lines of ink.

Seth’s skin peppered with goosebumps at my touch, his shoulders rolling back, the muscles tightening and seeming more defined as he exhaled slowly.

“It’s beautiful,” I murmured, my pulse thumping erratically as I continued to trace the pattern, unable to stop myself from stealing the excuse to touch him.

“Stop,” Seth growled, the threat in his tone forcing me to still, but my fingers remained against his skin.

“Why?” I dared ask, using the excuse of the alcohol I’d consumed tonight, even though I knew I’d healed myself of most of its effects. I started to move my hand again, but Seth whirled on me, snatching my wrist into his grasp and knocking me back against the wall, pinning me there with a feral snarl.

“I said stop.”

I raised my chin, eye to eye with him, his lupine gaze whirling with silver and brown, the fury in him intoxicating even if I knew it should be terrifying. “And I asked why.”

His fingers flexed where he still held my wrist, his jaw ticking and a noise somewhere between a whine and growl rising in his throat.

“You were an asshole tonight,” I said, my muscles flexing at the memory of his words to me, the way they’d been burning their way through my skull incessantly since he’d spat them.

“I’m an asshole every night, Cal, you just like to forget that when it suits you or when it isn’t aimed your way,” he deflected.

“Does the mixture of the moon and Venus make you think you’re some kind of sex guru then?” I bit out. “Because you seemed all too keen to tell me how much better you think you can fuck than me, and then you went on to try and convince others of the same thing. Were you going to join in with Rosalie’s pack once you got done telling them how to fuck too?”

“What if I was?” He shrugged, pushing away from me and turning his back, prowling across the room like an animal, the light from the flickering fire making shadows dance across his new tattoo. My mouth dried out as I watched him walk away from me, the insult and arrogance making the monster in me raise its head.

“You didn’t seem up for the challenge I gave you, so why not get my kicks elsewhere?” he added.

My blood pumped hot and furious through my veins, the implication in his question making me want to both punch him and prove him wrong. I shot towards him with a snarl, my fangs snapping out with the desire to remind him of exactly who he was baiting.

But instead of colliding with the firm plane of his body, I crashed into an air shield, the force of my impact with it breaking my fucking nose as I hit it at full speed and stumbled back.

A vine snapped around my ankle and threw me off my feet, and I cursed as I fell sprawling onto the bed, my own blood pissing down my face.

I healed my nose with a flash of magic, but Seth wasn’t done with his little power display, and he snarled like a beast as he pounced on me. He caught my wrists in his hands, pinning them above my head as he straddled me, his hips grinding down against mine as he used his weight to hold me in place beneath him.

“You look good down there, Caleb,” he taunted. “Wanna know how good it can feel subbing for me too?”

I bared my fangs at him as I tried to buck him off of me, my heart galloping in my chest. I was caught between fury and the thrill of this game which I knew neither of us would willingly lose.

“I think subbing suits you better,” I hissed, yanking on my arms but finding them held in place with vines as well as his hands so I couldn’t release myself. “You practically melted for me when I called you a good pup.”

Seth scoffed darkly, his eyes flashing. “Nah, I just let you think that. I wanted you to feel good about yourself as the big, bad Vampire, but really, when it comes down to it, you’re just a scared little boy, aren’t you, Caleb? You thought you’d play with the Wolf and see if you liked it, but now you’re in over your head, wondering if it’s safer to go crawling back to your ex and her tits and-”

“Why the fuck are you so obsessed with Tory’s tits?” I demanded, and he growled at me.

“Because I don’t take kindly to being used as a distraction,” he replied harshly, his abs rippling as he pushed his weight down on me harder, keeping me beneath him. “And that’s what I am to you, isn’t it? A little experiment with something new. One that gets you off because of the novelty of something different after years of doing the same vanilla bullshit. But deep down you are vanilla, Caleb, and I’m a fucking rainbow sundae which you can’t handle aside from the odd lick.”

“I can handle more than you can, asshole,” I snarled, jerking on the vines he’d used to restrain me and snapping them with a surge of my gifted strength.

I flipped us over, knocking Seth beneath me on the bed and rearing forward, my eyes moving to his neck. But before I could lunge, he rolled us again, his hand gripping my throat and forcing my head back before his lips captured mine in a brutal, punishing kiss.

I opened for him, my spine arching against the mattress as his tongue sank into my mouth and my heart flipped over in my chest, rage shifting to lust in an instant, my mind scrambling with the change.

“Prove it,” he growled against my mouth, his teeth sinking into my bottom lip and making me groan as I flexed my hips beneath him.

The words he’d tossed at me on the beach were echoing through my head. He’d taunted me over the thing that had been haunting me since I’d first realised how much I wanted him. Reminded me that he knew just as well as I did that I didn’t know what I was doing when it came to me and him. I hadn’t fucked a guy before and my fear over that and how many others he had to compare me with had been holding me back for weeks. But he’d also challenged me to let him teach me. He’d told me he would, and with the weight of his body crushing mine to the bed and the throbbing of my cock as I ground myself against him, I knew I wanted that more than ever.

My heart rioted with anticipation and exhilaration, but as the clouds shifted beyond the window, moonlight flooded over us, kissed with the glow of Venus’s power where the planet hung in the sky high above the moon itself. I felt the desire they commanded swelling within me, my need for him surpassing my fears and insecurities as I just let myself feel that desperate plea of my body.

Fuck, I wanted this. I was so sick of trying to imagine it, of fucking my own hand while thinking about it, of watching him when he didn’t know I was watching him and aching for the right words to say to ask him for this. But I realised that I didn’t need words. He’d made it clear what I would have to do to seize this piece of him, and no matter how fleeting the importance of this was to him, I knew I wanted it anyway.

I broke our kiss, wrenching my head back and glaring into his eyes, the taste of him mixing with the blood which had spilled over my mouth as I licked my lips. Then as his eyes turned wary and his hold on me threatened to slacken, I steeled myself and lifted my chin.

My head fell back against the pillows, my gaze breaking from his as I focused on the headboard instead, his sharp inhale the only confirmation that he knew what I was doing, what I was offering as I bared my throat to him in submission, just like he’d told me I would.

I swallowed thickly as he remained unmoving on top of me, the weight of his stare feeling like an unholy judgement taking place over my flesh while he assessed the offer I was making.

Never in my life had I submitted like this. Not to anyone in any way. No one but him.

The brush of his mouth against my throat was a thrill and a sin, wicked pleasure coursing through me as his stubble raked against my own, his lips touching that most vulnerable, sensitive spot.

A tremor burned through my flesh at the feel of his mouth against my skin, at the knowledge of how easily he could tear my throat out if he willed it. I was his in that moment, utterly, undeniably, his.

Seth moved suddenly, the Wolf in him taking over and the sharpness of his teeth sinking into my skin stole a gasp from my lungs as I arched beneath him.

He growled as he bit me, the Wolf in him taking control while the Vampire in me riled against such an impossibility. No one had ever bitten me like this. Not once. Hell, no had ever bitten me at all aside from Orion, and this couldn’t have been further from that reality if it tried.

I cursed as I ground my hips upward, my cock throbbing with need as I rubbed my crotch against his, feeling his own erection straining through his jeans as he ground down onto me too.

Seth released my wrist, his hand moving down the front of my shirt, flicking the buttons open so easily that it was as if they’d never been there at all, his fingers pushing between the fabric as he explored my body, his teeth sinking deeper into my neck.

“Fuck,” I hissed, my cock throbbing with desperation, my hips bucking against his, the need in me making me pant for him as he took complete control of me.

Seth unzipped my fly, his hand fisting my cock while a low growl escaped him, the vibration of it echoing through my entire being. He moved his hand in a perfect motion, his thumb smearing the precum from my tip all over the head of my cock as he took possession of me.

“Wait,” I panted, but he ignored me, pumping harder, his tongue lapping against my throat as that growl rumbled through him again.

I was so turned on that I was nothing but putty in his hands, falling prey to his desires entirely. As he bit down even harder, the command there was undeniable and my entire body arched from the bed as I came for him, my seed spilling in the space between us as he stroked me through every bliss filled moment.

Seth withdrew his teeth from my neck, rearing back and giving me a predatory grin, his teeth still stained with my blood as I panted beneath him.

“Good boy,” he purred, mocking me with that fucking smile, his fingers gathering my cum onto them before he pushed them into his mouth and sucked them clean. “But don’t go thinking I’m done with you yet. You wanna learn from the big, bad, Wolf? Then I’m going to make sure you get a really thorough lesson.”

“Seth,” I growled, a warning in my tone, but his eyes were dark, hard, like he was here and wasn’t all at once.

“You want to learn this lesson or not, pretty boy?” he taunted, his hand moving to fist my hair. He yanked my head back, his eyes flashing with menace as he took in the bite he’d left on my throat.

I blinked at him, wondering what madness had taken hold of both of us as the man who was my best friend and deepest desire looked down at me like I was both of those things, and yet somehow nothing at all to him. He seemed angry with me even as the lust between us coated the air so thickly that I could taste it.

“You look like you want to hurt me,” I said in a rough voice, and he cocked his head to one side, half a shrug shifting one powerful shoulder. “Are you gonna tell me why you’re so pissed at me or are you just looking to hate fuck it out of your system?”

Something shattered in the dark aura he was giving off, a flicker of pain breaking through his gaze like the first light of dawn before it shuttered again so quickly that it was impossible to tell if I’d just imagined it entirely.

“I could never hate you, Cal,” he muttered, moving backwards as if he was going to leave but I caught his wrist to stop him, though the look on his face told me plainly enough that he wasn’t going to tell me what was wrong with him.

“I’m angry too,” I said, jerking my head to one side and forcing him to release his hold on my hair. “Angry at the whole fucking world. For Lionel, our fate, for our terrible fucking luck. For Darius. For everything. But I don’t feel like that when I’m with you. You make me forget, even if it’s only for a little while.”

“You make me forget too,” he said, shadows passing behind his eyes as we shared that pain.

I pushed up onto my elbows, moving so close that I was inhaling his air, our mouths brushing without quite closing the fullness of the distance which parted us.

“Good,” I spoke against his lips, and he released a low groan, his gaze burning into mine like he was hunting for the deepest parts of me, looking to claim them for his own.

I kissed him. It wasn’t the brutal claiming kisses that we’d shared so far, more like a question and a plea, my soul laid bare in offering to him and his rising up to brush against it.

The moonlight spilled in from the window, and I groaned as our kiss deepened, my hand pushing into his hair, scraping over the shaved side of it before tangling in the longer length beyond. He was so powerful, this dominant, wild creature, set loose from a dream and come to rip me away from the reality I’d once known. I hadn’t ever felt lust like this, the intensity of it stealing my breath and the need for more overwhelming me.

I pushed forward and he let me move him so he was kneeling over me, giving me access to the rest of him as I began to kiss my way along his jaw and down the side of his throat.

Seth pushed my shirt from my shoulders, and I helped him, rolling my arms back as the fabric slipped from my body. He cursed as he watched me kissing my way down his powerful body, licking the lines of his chest and abs until I took his cock in my hand and began to pump it for him.

I hesitated as he knelt up, making it easier for me to continue the descent of my mouth, his cock glistening with precum as I dropped my eyes to it. The words he’d spat at me earlier rose up in my head, tangling with the doubts and fears I’d been battling whenever I’d thought of doing this to him.

But as I raised my gaze to meet his, Seth gripped the side of my face in his hand, a growl of desire rolling through him which had my cock throbbing with a need for more already.

“Show me how you like it,” I said, the words sticking in my throat as I forced them out, my skin burning with what I refused to admit was embarrassment, or fear of fucking this whole thing up, as the warm brown of his eyes turned to magma and the smile he offered me turned feral.

“I got you,” he swore, his hips shifting as he looked down at me, the need in his expression bolstering my confidence as I dropped my gaze to his cock once more.

It wasn’t like I’d never used my mouth on anyone before. I could do things with my tongue which had girls screaming within seconds. And yeah, this was different, but maybe it wasn’t so different that I couldn’t use any of those moves on him. Because the idea of Seth Capella panting my name in ecstasy had my blood pumping so fast that my hesitations were melting away and my need for him was overwhelming each and every doubt.

I leaned down and brought his cock to my lips, my tongue tracing a circle around his glistening tip as I tasted him and the curse which slid from his throat in reply urged me on.

I licked him again, then sucked the head of his cock into my mouth and circled him with my tongue.

“Fuck,” Seth panted, his hand pushing into my hair and tightening in my curls. “More.” He pushed his hips forward slowly and I groaned my approval around his shaft as I took him deeper, relaxing my throat as I worked to take as much of him into my mouth as I could.

The taste of him was making my entire body buzz with electricity, the noises he was making sending me into a frenzy of need as I drew back then took him in again.

Fuck, he was big. My fist pumped the base of his cock in time with the movements of my mouth as I sucked and licked at him for a few moments and Seth swore as he tried to hold himself back.

I took him into my mouth again and again, my head bobbing as I got used to the feel of it, my tongue exploring the head of his cock every time I drew back.

Seth began to tremble as I toyed with him, his hand fisted so tightly in my hair that it was dancing the line of pain.

“Shit, Caleb, I can’t keep holding back,” he panted, hips flexing with the need to take more from me, the urge to go faster, harder.

My fangs prickled at the sound of his desire, and I grazed the sharpening tips up the length of him before pulling away entirely.

“Then stop holding back,” I commanded, licking his tip while holding his gaze, the moonlight illuminating his powerful body where he knelt over me and my cock stiffening at the sight of him, aching for more already.

Seth growled his agreement to that and with a thrust of his hips, his cock drove into my mouth, right to the back of my throat until it felt like I might choke on him, my eyes burning from the sensation. He drew himself out halfway then pumped himself into me again, growling with pleasure as I rolled my tongue up his length despite the brutality of his claiming.

He gripped my hair in both fists and drove me onto him as he fucked my mouth and something in me ruptured as the feeling of owning his pleasure like that turned me on so much that I could hardly take it.

I shifted beneath him, one hand gripping the firm muscle of his ass as I urged him on, the other fisting my own cock to gain some relief from the torture of my need for him.

Seth dragged his hips back and I called on my gifts, flicking my tongue against him so fast that he cursed again, my name breaking from his lips before he thrust right to the back of my throat once more.

That was all the encouragement I needed and as he pulled back I did it again, my tongue flicking and twisting around him as I sucked on his cock, urging him to give in to me and groaning my own pleasure as he exploded into my mouth with an echoing howl that marked his release.

I swallowed greedily, the taste of him intoxicating as I took every drop, pumping my own cock harder as I felt a second release coming for me, my body aching with need for it.

“Stop,” Seth panted as he shifted back, his hand gripping my bicep as he forced me to release my hold on my cock. “I’m the only one making you come tonight. So keep your fucking hands to yourself or on me.”

The Alpha ring to his tone had my fangs snapping out fully and I lunged for him, throwing him down onto the bed beneath me and sinking my teeth into the pulsing vein in his neck. Moonlight and earth washed over my tongue as I drank deeply, grinding my hips down against him so that I could feel the heat of his flesh against the throbbing head of my cock. I needed more. Fuck, I didn’t think I would ever get enough of him at this point, and I wasn’t sure I ever wanted to either.

“By the stars, where is the lube when we fucking need it?” Seth hissed.

I forced my teeth from his throat and looked down at him in surprise, my body aching for what he was suggesting more than I could put words to.

“There’s some here,” I said, my eyes flicking from him to the box of unlicenced sex toys I’d found earlier where it still sat on the floor.

“How would you know that?” Seth growled, his Wolf rising in his expression.

“Because I found this earlier.” I leaned down and grabbed the heavy box from the floor, ripping it open as Seth coughed out a surprised laugh.

An enormous, golden Dragon dick dildo fell out and smacked him on the chest, making me laugh too before I tossed it aside and gave the box a shake to empty the rest of the contents onto the bed beside us.

I glanced at the bottle of lube without really looking at any of the other things lying around it, my mouth drying out at the thought of what we might do with it.

“Oooh, blind bag!” Seth cooed, snatching a sealed silver bag from under the vibrator which had been modelled with Darius in mind.

I knocked the vibrator off of the bed too, while Seth ripped the bag open with his teeth. His expression went from excited pup to insatiable Alpha as he took a golden butt plug out of the bag and held it out, rolling it between his fingers.

“How vanilla are you feeling, Altair?” he purred, running his tongue along the side of the sex toy and making my heart thrash in my chest.

“You tell me,” I said, anticipation building within me as I watched him suck the entire plug into his mouth before releasing it again.

Seth didn’t answer me, his mouth rearing up to claim mine before any fears or doubts could rise within me and ruin this. He shifted beneath me as he shoved his jeans off fully and I followed his lead as I pushed my pants the rest of the way off too before dropping back over him to reclaim that kiss.

I kissed him hard and deep, my fingers roaming from the curve of his knee all the way up his side, as the expanse of bared skin made my blood pulse with a need unlike any I had ever experienced with anyone else. I wanted to own him with that kiss and force him to submit to my claim on his soul. But of course, he wouldn’t ever just let something be that easy.

Seth pushed me back until I was forced to stand, getting to his feet with me and hounding me back towards the wall, his mouth on mine the entire time as we kissed with a desperate, endless need that just couldn’t be sated.

My spine hit the cold bricks and a couple of the flowers adorning the ceiling were knocked loose, falling around us as Seth ran the warm metal plug up the back of my thigh. I growled my approval as his other hand gripped my ass, his fingers slick with lube which I hadn’t even seen him opening.

He kissed me harder as his fingers pushed between my cheeks, my muscles tensing then relaxing as I forced myself to give in to him, to follow his lead as he began to massage the lube into my skin.

He pushed a finger into me, then a second, grinning against my mouth as I panted through the unfamiliar feeling, a deep growl rolling through my chest as he massaged my inner walls.

“I’m gonna have so much fun teaching you all the things you’ve been missing out on, Cal,” he taunted, his fingers driving deeper and stealing the breath from my lungs so that I had no hope of replying.

I reached for my cock as the ache in it grew to the point of desperate need, but Seth flattened himself against me, refusing me with a warning snarl which was accompanied by the metal plug reaching my ass.

Seth removed his fingers and I cursed at the empty feeling left by them. He kissed me then, tongue undulating with mine, our pulses falling into a blissful rhythm, and I moaned into his mouth as he slid the lube coated plug into my ass.

The toy stretched and filled me, the urge to tug it out again rising up fast before he drove it in a little more and a gasp tore my mouth from his.

“Fucking hell,” I breathed at the exquisite fullness of it, my mind blanking for several seconds as I just leaned against the wall and let myself adjust to it.

Seth moved away from me as I stood there, panting and fucking aching for release with my cock a rigid beacon of my needs.

He dropped back onto the bed, squirting more lube onto his hand and letting me watch as he slicked his solid cock with it before coating his ass with it too.

“Come on then, Caleb. I dare you,” he teased, reading the uncertainty in my face while he taunted me with his confidence.

I raised my chin at that look in his eyes, the knowing one which said he was in his element here and I was at his mercy. Because fuck that. He may have had plenty of guys before me, but he had never had me.

I shot towards him so fast that he couldn’t even blink before I was on top of him, my weight driving him down onto the mattress and my mouth claiming his once more.

I hooked his powerful thigh over my arm and drove my hips forward, my cock sliding through the lube which coated him before I helped myself to more of it and covered every inch of me in it. This might have been my first time with a man, but it wasn’t my first time doing anal, and if Seth thought he was going to be coaching me through every second of this then he had another thing coming.

I pushed his leg further up my arm, kissing him deeper as I angled his hips just right and the tip of my cock finally nudged against his opening.

Seth grinned against my lips like he knew just how this would go and I growled my defiance of that, thrusting forward and sinking deep with a masculine moan which said that he was entirely mine.

“Shit,” Seth hissed as I began to fuck him, knowing how he liked it from all the countless stories he’d told me over the years. He wasn’t some soft petal who wanted to be taken sweetly. He was all Alpha and he liked to fuck hard and fast.

I drew back and thrust into him even deeper, the perfect tightness of his ass making my damn head spin as his body hugged my cock with mind blowing intensity.

I pinned him beneath me, driving myself in and out of him, but he didn’t just lie back and take it, his hips rising up to meet mine, his fingers biting into my ass as he urged me deeper.

“By the stars, you’re so fucking big,” he cursed, head tipping back with a howl as I pounded into him, taking and giving and losing myself entirely as the power of Venus and the moon collided, stoking the fire of this desire between us to new and unstoppable heights.

Seth rolled us so suddenly that I just blinked up at him as I found him straddling me, his hand wrapping around the girth of his shaft as he began to ride me, pushing down on my cock as he took control of the movements and fucked me even harder.

My breath caught as the new position drove the plug further inside me, pleasure radiating from the full feeling of it and making me pant his name.

I reached for him, staring up at him as I drove my hips up to meet every thrust, watching the way he pumped his own cock for me with a feral need which had me so close to finishing that I had to bite down on my tongue to hold back.

I didn’t want this to stop, never wanted to untangle my body from his, or to feel anything other than that perfect tightness of his ass gripping my dick.

I needed more, all of him, and I snatched his hand into my grip before sinking my teeth into his wrist.

Seth howled again as I began to feed, and I wrapped my free hand around his hip as I helped guide his movements over me.

My body was shaking with pleasure, the need for release making my eyes roll back in my skull as I pounded into him again and again until finally, I was coming so hard that my entire being trembled with it. The hot splash of his seed spilled over my chest as he fell apart in time with me and the way he gasped my name had me undone.

I yanked my fangs from his wrist and captured his mouth in a kiss as he collapsed on top of me, the two of us coated in sweat and panting heavily through the aftermath of our worlds shattering apart beyond repair.

I pulled out of him, and he rolled onto the bed beside me, the two of us staring up at the ceiling as we let our thrashing hearts calm down in the wake of that mind blowing sex.

The silence stretched as we lay there, shifting from comfortable to tense without either of us moving a damn muscle.

“Right,” Seth began but I cut him off.

“Can we just…not,” I said, my eyes flicking to him beside me then away again. “You don’t have to throw me the peace sign and walk out on me.”

“I wasn’t going to,” he replied, and I turned to him with a frown as his eyes roamed over my expression and he cleared his throat. “I mean, the peace sign is just for blow jobs, and we fully fucked, so I’d have to add the okay sign too – you know because it makes a hole with your finger and thumb so-”

“Seth?” I sighed, ignoring the tightening in my chest at his flippant bullshit and rolling onto my side to face him.

“Yeah?” he asked, his eyes softening, like he felt bad or something, like he could see all the words warring to get out of my chest and pitied me for them.

I blew out a breath then gave him a push, so he was forced to roll away from me. “Let’s just go to sleep, yeah?”

Seth didn’t say anything for several seconds, his powerful body tense as he lay with his back to me, and I stared at the new tattoo decorating his skin. I reached out to brush my fingers over the ink and he released a long breath, relaxing into the pillows at last and letting me shift closer to him.

I pulled the covers up over us and let my eyes fall closed as I wound my arm around him and made him into my little spoon.

I could have sworn I heard Venus and the moon chuckling as I drifted off with Seth held tight against me, and a small smile pulled at the corner of my lips in reply.

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