Zodiac Academy 8: Sorrow and Starlight

Sorrow and Starlight: Chapter 55

I threw my head back, my eyes locked on the bright and glimmering planet in the sky as I rolled my hips and sang to Venus where it hung above the full moon which was arcing across the heavens.

I could feel every ember of their combined power rolling into me, my core slickening at the heady weight of it as the two celestial beings worked me up into a certifiable frenzy.

Justin’s occasional screams made my wick flicker too, and I bit down on my bottom lip while I watched a glimmering herd of Pegasuses soar across the night sky.

I strode further out and a pulse thumped through the sea itself, my eyes set on a glistening rock catching the iridescent light of the moon upon it.

I was a slave to the urges of my sweet Lady Petunia, my hands roaming wildly as the night fever took me in its grasp and the needs of my flesh blotted out all else.

We needed this, all of us needed it after more defeat at the hands of that dastardly Dragoon, but I wasn’t going to allow our failure to darken my light. Oh no. The quests most sorely fulfilled were always those most worthy of song. And I held faith that we were yet to sing our victory to the very moon which rose over us now.

She waited for us and offered up this night of wanton abandon because she understood our need for such free revelry and release after so much loss.

It was a commiseration in group form, our grief and fear and sorrow combining beneath the light of the cold moon and stars as we were offered this brief respite from all of it, a way to process and move on before the woes of tomorrow rose their ugly snouts once more.

My feet made it to the rock and a wily smile took root on my face as I caressed the smooth stone, worthy of the most sinful of seabasses.

Only the cream of the Siren crop would dare mount such a rock on a night cast in moonlight and shadow so potent. Only him…and his lady true.

I called on my magic as I perched myself upon the rock, positioning the long tendrils of my hair to cover my bountiful bosoms and crossing my legs just so. Like I was a dandy girl, untouched and sanctimonious, simply awaiting a rapscallion to come plunder my sea cave.

I brushed a hand up the full curve of my thigh and an illusion spilled over me, a rainbow of Siren worthy scales appearing over my skin and glittering in the moonlight as I reclined upon my rock.

“Oh coowee,” I called, cupping a hand around my mouth to steal the attention of my salacious swordfish and drawing his eyes to my offering.

Maxy boy kept one hand on dear Justin’s head as he held him beneath the waves, his thrashing limbs bobbing up and down as the water crashed over him and he pointlessly floundered.

But I had little attention for the struggles of a drowning dragonfly, my seductive gaze fixed on the tempting trout I wished to catch with my net.

“I find myself in need of your masculine prowess, you scoundrel of a seahorse,” I purred, my voice almost lost to the waves, but the darkening look in my Maxy boy’s eyes made it clear he had heard me.

Our gazes locked and he prowled towards me, forgetting Justin and leaving him to bob on the surface like a lost cork, coughing and spluttering as he fought for the sweet taste of air once more.

I repositioned myself as Max drew closer, biting down on my bottom lip and parting my thighs to reveal my lavish garden to him.

“Do you recall the night we first transgressed like this?” I asked, watching the way his navy-blue scales rippled over his tightening abs where his shirt had been ripped asunder in his brawl, that dark skin of his begging for the touch of my tongue with every step he took closer to me.

“You know it drives me feral when you reveal your body to the entire world, Gerry,” Max snarled, the lust in his expression tainted with a rage I wanted to feel right down to the cornels of my cockles.

“And you know mighty well that I must offer the fullness of my flesh to the sky when it commands it of me,” I replied firmly, unyielding as always.

Max’s jaw ticked as he fell still at the foot of my flawless rock, the sound of the Oscura wolfpack coupling like the animals they were filling the air for a moment as Venus seemed to beg us to join them in their rumpus revelry.

“I think you get off on riling me,” Max growled, his eyes moving from my naked body to the water behind him and the beach beyond that, countless Fae out dancing and canoodling beneath the stars, all of them fully able to see us where we perched out here at sea.

“And I think you’re a barrel headed barracuda who can’t see the sand for the beach sometimes,” I huffed, slowly trailing a hand down my side as I worked to lure him just the way his kind lured so many others.

“What does that mean?” he demanded, taking a single step closer to me, his powerful body rippling with a potent energy that made a wanton moan rise in my throat. I knew what I needed of him this night, and better yet, I knew what that jealous beast in his chest required too.

“That you wiffle and waffle over the display of my curvaceous form because you fear some other villainous cad might come claim what you seek to brand as your own.”

“And why wouldn’t I think that?” he demanded, his anger ruling his lust, the force of it spanking me in a tantalising way as he allowed his gifts free reign and tried to rile me too. “Every fucker and his pot plant looks at us and thinks we make no sense. Every prick in your Ass Club laugh behind my back and whisper about you using me before finding someone better suited. They look at me and see a passing phase, a sweet distraction, but not a threat. They don’t see me and you as long term because you’re a royalist and I’m an Heir. And they circle you like fucking vultures, hoping to swoop in the second you decide to discard me.”

I sighed at his waffling outburst, my fingers rolling down my side once more, banishing the illusion of scales there and leaving me just as I was; a wild beast with a canine heart which thumped solely for the heart of this kipper. No matter how unsuited we may seem to have been.

“Then perhaps instead of pouting about it, and drowning silly dragonflies, you should show them that that isn’t so,” I challenged, my waters tingling in the most delicious way as I pushed myself up onto my elbows and gave him a taunting look. “Right here on this beach, before the entire world. Why don’t you show them how thoroughly you’ve claimed my wanton heart and how deeply you’ve taken root in my loyal soul? They don’t need to see the flappings of a jellyfish all a-bother with his jealousy. They need to see a shark claiming the blood that’s his by brute force and masculine wiles alone.”

“Are you…asking me to fuck you out here in the open where everyone can see us?” Max asked and by golly, if the moon had been just a touch brighter, I could have sworn his blush would have been reflected in the waves themselves.

“Good gander, do not be so crass,” I gasped and he relaxed a touch before my wicked grin gave the game up and I moved onto my hands and knees before him, presenting myself in all my glory as I looked back over my shoulder. “I am merely suggesting you release that slippery salmon which is trying to burst your zipper asunder and take me like a garden in full bloom upon this most mermish of rocks, showing the entire world how my Siren side-piece can make this Cerberus howl.”

Max gaped at me for several seconds and I arched my spine, knowing that Venus approved as I felt the brush of her light on my skin before I let my mental barriers fall and allowed him a glimpse at all of me with his Siren gifts.

I let him see himself as I saw him, a powerful, wonderful sea beast, come to plunder my rock pools and harvest the pearls from my oyster. I let him feel the power of my love for him and the ache my heart held without him close. I gave him my want, my need and my heart and he groaned as he let the purity of his love and desire for me spill from him too, until I could feel it more deeply than I could feel anything other.

He stalked me like the beast I knew him to be, and I moaned freely as his hands rounded my bumtous bottom. Max cursed like the blaggard he was, unbuttoning his fly and shoving his pants down as he finally gave in to this and his velvet shaft pressed to Petunia in a kiss of greeting.

“Yes,” I sighed, arching back into him and he growled my name as he sank in deep, the feeling of him plundering me just as wholesome as I had known it would be.

“This is insanity,” Max swore as he began to move in me, his lust and mine tangling in the air with our love for one another and I could feel that combined emotion spilling out from him as he lost control, taking me deep and rough like the feral creature he was.

Countless eyes turned our way as his power lashed from him, moans spilling from the lips of those who felt it and the writhing bodies on the beach growing in number as more and more Fae fell to the power of the Siren who rode me so skilfully, finding their own partners and joining us in our union.

“Oh, great galloping narwhals!” I cried as he took me deep and hard, owning, claiming, marking me before one and all as we made certain that everyone knew that I was his and he was mine.

Venus purred her enthusiasm through my veins as I fell apart for him with a warble of delight and he pumped faster and deeper as he gave in, forgetting the Fae watching us, forgetting his doubts and insecurities, and remembering us. Only us. Beneath the light of the moon, as one. Now and evermore.

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