
Chapter Vladimir’s Story

We follow our strange captor away from the theater, skirting the body of the thug lying on the old splintered boards. We are cautious and wary of this strange man, but I also can’t help but look forward to the prospect of food. Kiki, always quick to trust others, is literally jumping up and down in excitement. It doesn’t last long- nearly all of her energy is gone. I’m ready for food, but not quite ready to trust this shifty character.

Once we sit down at a small, wooden table, Snape pulls out three individually wrapped sandwiches. I hesitate to take a bite, but Kiki doesn’t share my concern and I’m slow to stop her as she devours hers. Once she’s finished, she looks at me, smiles, then suddenly falls forward onto the table, her head hitting the old wood with a thump. Dropping my sandwich, I jump up. I’m behind Snape in two steps, slamming his head onto the table then holding the knife that I have yet to relinquish to his throat with the other hand. He doesn’t resist or flinch at the icy bite of the steel. Filled with anger, I demand to know what he had done to Kiki.

He laughs. “Oh, don’t worry. She’s not dead, if that’s what you’re thinking. I simply gave her something to help her sleep.” He seems sincere, but I can’t trust anyone, especially someone I don’t know. All I know about this guy is that he’s weird, creepy, and probably evil. Not willing to release my captive just yet, I look over at Kiki. Her eyes are closed, her face peaceful. Looking closer, I can see that her chest is still rising and falling with every small breath she takes. Relieved, I release Snape.

As I return to my seat, he just sits up and resumes eating as though nothing had happened. This irks me, but I sit down calmly, playing his little game. I don’t touch the sandwich. Finally, I demand to know, “Why? Why did you drug her- without my permission?!” Lifting a finger, telling me to wait, he slowly swallows, then answers me.

“First, put the knife down, if you please.” I glare at him, but he doesn’t budge. Standing, I pull back my arm and fling the knife towards the table. It burrows in a few inches before stopping, quivering. Snape raises an eyebrow at me as I sit back down, then sighs. “Why? Well, why do you think I did so? Come on now, you’re smart! Clear your head of the emotions clouding your thoughts. You tell me why I did this.” Frustrated, I think, contemplating the facts. It’s not hard to come up with an answer, even knowing very little of this man.

“You did it because you want to talk to me alone, right?”

“Close enough. Actually, the poor child needs sleep, uninterrupted and without fear. Also because I wanted to spare her from my story, as it is not for young children.” Glancing at my untouched sandwich, he continues, saying, “But I didn’t put anything in your food, except for something to keep you alert and to keep your head clear so you can stay awake through my story.”

This makes sense, plus I’m starving, so I decide to trust him. If things got ugly, I’d need my strength up. I tentatively take a bite and a pleasant flavor I can’t place flows over my tongue, then continues and fills my whole body with a wonderful warmth. As soon as I swallow, the feeling dissipates, but my hunger is already fading and I am more alert. I quickly finish it, the whole time trying to place the flavor but unable to. My mind is unusually clear, just like he had promised.

Then I realize something else. Not only is my weariness gone, but my aches and pains as well! I feel… perfect! At this moment, there is absolutely nothing wrong with my body. Feeling refreshed, I turn back to Snape. I really should learn his name instead of thinking of him as Snape all the time!

“What’s your name?” I ask him. “I need to call you something other than Snape.” He looks confused at this for a second. A small smile then creeps onto his face.

“My name is Vladimir, but you can call me Vlad.” He answers me.

“Okay then, Vlad. Before we get on with the story, I need to call my parents.”

“Oh? And what would you tell them? That you and your little sister got kidnapped and not to worry, you’ll be home as soon as you finish talking to the stranger who arranged your kidnapping?” He asks me with a mocking tone in his voice. I don’t reply, not knowing how to respond to that since that’s what I’ve been wondering myself.

“That’s what I thought. What time is it?” He asks me. I glance at my watch.

“It’s just past ten. And by the way, my parents are going to be home at ten thirty, so I needed to be leaving a while ago.” He shakes his head at me.

“You have no idea… from here, it would take you two hours to get home.” What? No! I need to be home… NOW! I’m devastated. Vlad, apparently, notices. “But that’s okay,” he says, trying to console me. “You can just call them and convince them to stay the night somewhere else, maybe take a date tomorrow to give you some more time.” He suggests. Brilliant!

Excusing myself from the table, I walk into another room for privacy, then dial my mom’s cell phone number. She picks up on the fourth ring.

“Hello? Crystal? What’s up, honey? Is there a problem?” she asks, sounding concerned. I never call while I’m babysitting unless something’s wrong, so she’s worried.

“No, everything is fine, mom,” I assure her, swallowing. I hate lying. “I was just calling to tell you that things are going great, and I think you should take a day off. You should stay the night in a nice hotel, with only dad as company. And tomorrow, you two can go off and do something fun, just the two of you, and not have to worry about us.” I try to sound confident and carefree so she will believe that nothing is wrong.

While I’m talking, I’ve been watching Kiki and Vlad through a window in the wall. They are both about the same as when I left them, although Vlad, finished with his sandwich, is now leaning back in his chair, his eyes closed.

“Oh… I don’t know…” Mom says, unsure. “Are you sure that it’s fine with you? You don’t want us to come straight home?”

“No!” I gulp, trying to cover up my outburst. “Uh… no. You deserve a break, mom. Kiki and I will be just fine.”

“Well… if you’re sure…”

“I’m sure, mom.”

“…It would be nice to get away from everything for a while… okay. Thanks, honey! We’ll be back… hmm… say tomorrow around one. Okay?”

“Sure, mom! Have fun!”

“You too! Bye, honey. I love you.”

“I love you too,” I tell her, then hang up. When I walk back to Vlad, my steps feel lighter as the stress of hurrying home lifts off my shoulders. But I’m quickly brought back down to earth as I remember that for all I know, Kiki’s life and/or mine, could be on the line.

Swallowing a lump in my throat, I walk back to my chair opposite Vlad. When he looks at me expectantly, I say, “Okay, I stalled them. My parents won’t be back until after noon tomorrow. So now you can answer my questions.”

“I think I’ll start with the story, then see what questions you have left. I should answer most of them,” he replies. I simply nod my assent.

“Now, don’t knock this off as a false story. It’s true. What I’m saying is not fantasy, although it will sound like it. This is my life, whether you believe it or not. ...If you don’t believe me by the end, then I guess I’ll just have to prove it to you,” he begins, looking at me with seriousness in his eyes.

“…I come from another universe. An alternate universe. Now, before you interrupt, I must tell you to simply listen. If, while you are listening, you are trying to disprove everything, then you will gain nothing from this. So just listen and believe. Fight against it later, if you must.

“There are seven different parallel universes, or realms, including this one, the one we call Second Earth. Each one is similar, but none are exactly the same. They are named: First Earth, which is just like this one but more technologically advanced; Quagon, which is mostly made up of water. Only two percent is land, so they use that for farming and have built floating cities to live on. Ponorama is basically a desert with many huge and violent creatures living there. Lii is beautiful, and so are the people that live there. The grass is blue and the sky is purple, and colors are more vibrant and beautiful. Zelon is a lot like your Earth, but the sun is bigger and red, and they have more oxygen, so the bugs are a lot bigger than those on Second Earth.

“And, finally, there is Zilferia. This is where I am from and where the good King and Queen live. Unique creatures are there and the days are much longer than they are here. We have thirty two hours in a day rather than your twenty four. Temperatures are more moderate as well. But best of all, it’s where the Games take place!”

“The Games?” I ask, thinking. “Is that what you were talking about when you said that you were voting for me to win? You think I’m going to go with you and play these ‘Games?’”

“Wow! You are smart!” he says mockingly. “They told me so, but…”

“What? Who’s they? Why were you spying on me? And if you wanted to talk to me, why did you kidnap my sister and I to do it?” I demand. He glares at me.

“Didn’t I say to save all questions until the end?” He sighs. “I suppose I will answer these ones, but please, contain yourself until the end from now on!

“I had some people- it doesn’t matter who- to spy on you so I could see if you could be the one. I kidnapped you and your sister so I can really see what you’re capable of in certain circumstances.”

As I start to ask what he meant by me being ‘the one,’ he stops me.

“You aren’t a very good listener, are you? I told you, no more questions until the end, or I won’t answer any of them!” He sighs again, then waits to see if I will dare to ask him something anyway. When I don’t say anything, he continues.

“The Games are designed to find each person’s magical ability- ‘Gifts,’ as we call them- in each of the contestants. There are fourteen contestants, two from each of the alternate universes, and there are seven teams of two- one boy and one girl on each team. This is chosen randomly, so the pair has nothing to do with bribery. This year there are three from both Ponorama and Lii so there are none from Zilferia.”

“What are the Gifts?” I ask, curious despite myself.

“I was just getting to that,” he responds, glaring at me. Despite this, I catch an amused and pleased twinkle in his eye, revealing that he’s glad I am beginning to take interest in his story. “Each person has a Gift or two, except for the very few who happen to have none. Although it’s been said that the ones destined to be King and Queen can have up to four Gifts.

“There are quite a few Gifts that one could posses and not yet know it, such as: Flying, reading minds, extraordinary fighting skills, the ability to disappear and reappear at will, shape shifting, the ability to befriend and communicate with all creatures, controlling the weather, super speed, super intelligence, being able to remember every detail of everything you see and hear, charm- which is usually used for manipulation, super strength, and telepathy.”

Caught up in it all, I can’t resist asking, “What Gifts do you think I have?”

He frowns and studies me, looking me up and down, and, finally, staring deep into my eyes. After a few minutes, he shakes his head. “You’re a tough one. I can see you having almost any of the Gifts. However, my best guess would be extraordinary fighting and logic, just from what I’ve seen of you so far. Although, you seem to be very special and I’m betting you have another one or two… especially because of your eyes. But I can’t even begin to guess what it might be.”

“Whoa. Wait a minute. You mentioned my eyes again. What does that have to do with anything?” He hesitates to answer. “If you don’t tell me, then I am not attending these Games that you apparently want me to win. I doubt I would anyway, but you have a much greater chance if you tell me everything you know. Including and especially your strange obsession with my eyes.”

He frowns for a second, then laughs. “You don’t really have a choice. But I will tell you, I suppose… if you promise not to tell anyone else- especially not your little sister.”

“Okay, I promise,” I reply. I probably wouldn’t anyway. No one would believe anything this guy would say anyway. I don’t really even believe it, and I’m pretty gullible.

He looks relieved. “Alright then. The King and Queen I told you about earlier had triplets about sixteen years ago. Two were boys and one was a girl. These Games are actually to find those who can aid the King and Queen in finding their lost children. And I have reason to believe that you are the Princess Crystal Dragon.” He looks at me, waiting for my reaction.

I laugh. I laugh hard, for a minute or two. Then, wiping my eyes, I say, “Ha! That’s a good one! Me? A princess of some non-existent universe? Wow! If you were trying to convince me that your story is true, you just blew it with that one! Some people eat that kind of stuff up, but not me. I believe in what’s real, what is right in front of me. Besides, why would you think I’m the Princess just because of my eyes? Just because my name happens to be Crystal doesn’t mean I am this Princess of yours.”

His voice deadly serious, he says, “Because your eyes are exactly how the King described them to me.” He leans forward and lowers his voice. “Your eyes can turn into dragon eyes, can’t they?”

I stare at him in disbelief. How… how on earth does he know?! I haven’t told anyone, and I’ve been careful not to do it in front of others, not even when I’m by myself! I haven’t done it in… almost five years! In fact, I’m not even sure that I still can… But what I actually say, to hide how much he unnerved me, is, “Are you insane? Dragons don’t even exist! Let alone someone with normal eyes and dragon eyes! Look at them, if you want. They’re normal! In fact,” I add, standing up, “I think it’s time for me to go. I really don’t want to be spending the night with a lunatic.”

The instant I stand and say this, two guys come in through the doors on both sides of the room, blocking me off. Looking back at the table, I see Vlad standing next to Kiki, yet he smiles calmly at me like nothing is happening. “First off, I am not a lunatic. Secondly, if you fight your way out, which I have no doubt that you can, then I will just have to keep your little sister here with me until you come back. Lastly, and I’m sorry to say this, but I am under strict orders to get you to Zilferia so you can participate in the Games. That does not mean that I have to be nice to you. I would rather not be mean, but I can and I will. If I have to, I will force you to come with us back to Zilferia.”

Thinking hard, I can’t see a way out of this. Sighing in defeat, I ask, “How long will I be gone? I may go along with this, but my parents would freak out and you would be arrested. Luckily for you, they just might put you in the mental hospital rather than jail.” I say, subtly mocking him.

He smiles knowingly. “Oh, don’t you worry about that. When we go to Zilferia, your universe will be frozen in time. It will remain like this until you get back. But this may take about a month or more, depending on if you win or not. Your little sister may go with us, if you wish, but if we leave her here, then she will be exactly the same when we get back. You may not want her to travel with us. It is dangerous in Zilferia, especially for contestants and those with them. Plus, you would be put into separate buildings anyway. We have special lodging for you and the other contestants set aside. So, decide. Do you want her taken into danger, or suspended in time where no one can harm her? It’s your decision.”

He’s backed me into a corner. I don’t want Kiki to get hurt, but I can’t just believe Vlad that no one will be able to get near her until I get back. I can only guarantee that she will be safe by taking her with me, but according to Vlad, that is dangerous- and not just for me, but Kiki as well. Ugh! I don’t know what to do! But then I realize that I have a backup. I’ll just leave Kiki my phone so she can call the police if I don’t come back! Turning to Vlad, I say, “Prove to me that she will be safe… and I’ll leave her here. …I don’t want her to get hurt.”

He smiles. “Good choice. Trust me, she will be safe here and you will be back before she knows it. To Kiki, it will seem like nothing happened. Now then, would you rather sleep here tonight, or in Zilferia? If you go to Zilferia, you will get more sleep, for like I said, our days are longer, and so are our nights. Either way, you will sleep alone. We are not introducing the contestants to each other until tomorrow morning. So? Which do you prefer? You and Kiki will be safe no matter what.”

I think for a minute, and one choice seems more logical to me. “I will go with you to Zilferia. I’ll need my sleep, right?”

He smiles. “Correct. In fact, if you find that you cannot sleep tonight, take this pill,” he says, placing the small object in my hand. “and you will be able to sleep better,” he continues. I inspect it. Half is blue, and half is purple. It’s about the size of my smallest fingernail. “The blue half puts you to sleep, while the purple ensures that you do not have nightmares. Now then,” he says, spinning on his heel and heading out of the door on the right, two of the men following him. The other two move behind me, intending to follow me and make sure I don’t try and escape. I guess it’s just for insurance, for I know that I can’t get away and just leave Kiki here. I’ll just have to do whatever this lunatic wants me to until I can get Kiki and myself away from him. I follow Vlad into the hallway. As I pass Kiki, I subtly slip my phone into her jacket pocket.

As we walk, I start out trying to remember the route so if an opportunity arises, I can escape. After a few minutes I give up on this plan. Our path is too long and winding, and the sandwich I ate is starting to wear off, so I am no longer as alert and clear-headed. As we are walking, I begin feeling very tired. Curious, I glance at my watch to see what time it is. To my surprise, I find that it is almost two in the morning. No wonder I’m so tired! The only thing keeping me awake right now is the fact that I am with an insane guy who can somehow change how he looks as well as the possibility that I might be in danger, along with some other ‘contestants.’ Sure, Vlad’s story is ‘life changing,’ but only because he believes it so much himself that he kidnaps people and takes them away somewhere that no one will be able to find them!

After walking for a few more minutes, my uneasiness growing with each step, we finally exit the building and walk onto the lawn behind it. The velvety black sky, not lit up much by the crescent moon, looks peaceful and eternal. It makes me feel small and worthless in comparison. The peaceful night does nothing to settle my nerves, however. All it manages to do is make me feel more stressed as well as cause my mind to linger on all that I’m leaving behind to follow this weirdo in an attempt to protect my little sister. And it might not even be worth it, but what else can I do? Vlad has got me backed into a corner!

I am now surrounded by the thugs as I follow Vlad into the night. My fear skyrockets as ahead of me I see Vlad turn and wait. We had reached the spot that would supposedly take us to another universe. Gulping, I step up to Vlad, trying to appear strong and unconcerned. My stomach writhes and my throat constricts. What have I gotten myself into?

He smiles at me. “Are you ready?”

“I don’t know,” I say, sarcasm in my voice. “I’ve never traveled to an alternate universe before. I don’t know what to expect.”

“Well, I can’t tell you what to expect, for it is different to everyone who travels through here. All I can say is… well, brace yourself.” He smiles, then says, “See you in Zilferia.” Then, turning, he walks toward what looks to me to be a wall. Just before he hits the bricks, his body shimmers and he disappears.

“Whoa!” I shout. “He- he just disappeared!” But before I can ask any questions, someone shoves me from behind.

“Your turn,” he grunts. Staggering forward, I fall toward the wall. I instinctively cry out as it rushes toward me. Just before I hit it, there’s a flash of light and a light tickling sensation. All of a sudden, I feel as though I’ve been punched in the gut. I’m doubled over for about a minute until the sensation fades. Standing, I look around. I am surrounded by a shimmering whiteness. I’m floating in nothingness. Then I realize that I hear music. It is very faint, but growing stronger every second. Then I feel like I’ve been punched again, so, eyes closed, I don’t see exactly what happens when the light fades away. Once the pain fades, I look up and see Vlad standing over me.

“Welcome…” he adds with a sweep of his arm, “…to Zilferia!”

Staggering to my feet, I am immediately wrapped up in the beauty of the place. Even though it’s night, I can see many things by the light of the huge moon overhead. Crouching down, I touch the grass underneath me and feel its soft caress. Looking around me in wonder, I see big, beautiful trees. And… is it just my imagination, or is that where the music is coming from? In fact… the music sounds oddly… familiar.

Looking closer, I see that only when the wind blows through the trees do they sing. That is the best I can describe it, that they are singing a soft, peaceful tune. I feel… at home. Standing and looking past Vlad, who’s carefully studying me, I see buildings in the distance. The place is wonderful- impossible, but wonderful. Vlad doesn’t let me enjoy it long. A couple of the men we left behind arrive behind me. As soon as they do, Vlad turns and begins walking toward the buildings, completely ignoring me. Afraid of being left behind in this strange and magical place, I hasten after him.

As we walk into the night, I look up and see the moon. It’s larger than Earth’s, but it is the closest thing to home, so I hold it in my sight as I walk into this new world, my mind in complete awe and confusion, yet filled with wonder at the same time. So, as I walk after a man who I thought was a lunatic just a few minutes ago, I ponder my future and how I will ever make sense of the present, let alone the past.

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