
Chapter Quick Thinking

The first thing I notice when I come to is the soreness in my left shoulder where it was dislocated. They must have popped it back into place, I realize. Blinking open my eyes, all I can see is darkness. Swallowing the panic that rises in my throat, I focus my thoughts on figuring out as much of my situation as I can.

I discover that my hands are bound with rope as I lift them to my face. My fingers brush a rough sack, which rests on my head, keeping me in the dark. Trying to get to my feet, I can feel the tough hairs of rope cutting into my exposed skin. It won’t be an easy escape, then, that’s for sure. I begin to feel panicked again, but I push it down, instead absorbing any other details that just might tell me where I am as well as what happened to me.

There’s a gag in my mouth, going around my head and tying in the back, keeping me from trying to communicate with my captors. That’s when I realize I smell gasoline… and the ‘ground’ under me is moving. Straining my ears, I can hear gravel crunching under tires, as well as two men talking in low voices. Putting the pieces together, I quickly realize that I’m sitting in the back of a van- probably either the black or white one with tinted windows that I had seen just prior to these guys showing up.

Just as I come to this conclusion, the van stops and two doors slam shut as the men I had heard earlier get out. We’ve arrived at our destination. Whatever they are going to do to Kiki and I will likely happen here. Kiki! I can’t believe I forgot about her! I wonder where she is… I would like to believe she’s safe and far from here, but that is not likely at all considering what these guys did to me. Besides, I shouldn’t get my hopes up. I need to be ready for anything!

Suddenly the doors to my left open and a hand grabs the sack on my head, yanking it off along with plenty of hair. My eyes watering, I look around. The sun is down, so I’m not suddenly blinded and I can see just fine by the light of the moon. I was right- I’m sitting in the back of one of the vans, the white one, on the floor where there are no seats, my back against one wall. The back doors are open, so I can easily see two thugs standing there, glaring down at me. I shrink under their accusatory gaze.

One of the thugs must be the one who suffocated me earlier, for he has a black eye and is limping from my attacks while simply trying to get some air. Looking at the other guy, I notice that he has something slung over his shoulder. Peering at the bundle, I suddenly see it move. The realization of what it is suddenly hits me.

Kiki! She’s facing away from me, but I’m completely sure that it’s her. Before I can move toward her, the man with the black eye roughly grabs me around my waist, hoisting me into the air. Before I even have time to scream, my stomach is resting on the shoulder of my captor.

Feeling completely helpless, I watch as the ground starts bouncing up and down as ‘the Strangler’ starts jogging, holding onto my legs so I don’t fall. I’m slung over his shoulder like a sack of flour, facing backwards, just like Kiki. Since the Strangler is behind the guy holding Kiki, she can probably see me, although I can no longer see her. What are they going to do to her? I wonder, more concerned about Kiki than myself.

The bouncing up and down and my stomach slamming down on the Strangler’s shoulder at each of his strides, is starting to make me feel nauseous. Uh, oh… we had better stop soon, or I’m going to barf! And with this gag in my mouth, that won’t be too pretty! Thankfully, we do stop. Since I’m facing backward, I can see that we’ve just come up a long gravel pathway, but I can’t see what’s happening in front. So I have to rely on what I hear- which isn’t too much.

One thing I do hear, however, is a door being opened, the squeak from the hinges telling me that this is probably an old building that not many people have been to for a long time. Our kidnappers walk down a long hallway, turning now and then. The paint on the walls has long since chipped almost completely off. Since they are no longer jogging, I have plenty of time to memorize our winding path so Kiki and I will be able to escape.

Well, I might not be able to get away, but Kiki will at least be able to escape while I keep them occupied. It’s worth a try- I can’t let them do anything to her- she doesn’t deserve any of this! She’s only nine!

When we emerge from the hallway, we are in a new room. As the Strangler starts to turn and look around the room for something- or someone- I am able to look around as well. From my perch on his shoulder, I can see that we are in a large room with a high ceiling. The room is filled with chairs, and everything is covered in dust and cobwebs, confirming my guess that the building had long since been abandoned. Looking down, I can see that we are on some kind of stage. The wood really shows just how old the building is- it’s all warped and the nails are rusty. We must be in an old building that was used for plays years ago! …Not that that helps much. We’re still captured with no clue about what’s happening.

Suddenly I hear footsteps heading towards us across the stage. The Strangler turns toward the sound, which, of course, causes me to face away from it. Frustrated, all I can do is listen as the footsteps come closer and closer, slow and menacing. I shiver- not just from cold, but from fear as well… a fear of the unknown. Fed up with being a helpless prisoner, I decide to act. Thinking quickly, I look around for something, anything sharp that I can use to cut through the rope binding my hands together.

Glancing around, I finally spot something sharp. Best of all, it’s close. In fact, it’s so close that if I’m careful, no one will even notice me trying to escape. The Strangler’s knife which he had threatened me with earlier is clipped to his belt, which I can just reach. I figure it can easily cut through the rope without much resistance. Perfect!

Trying not to be noticed, I reach out and grasp the knife, tugging it out of its holster. I hold a breath anxiously, praying that the Strangler hadn’t noticed. He doesn’t react, so I stuff the knife handle into my mouth and lift my wrists to it. The rope begins to fray against the knife’s sharp edge. Although I’m petrified at the thought of what might happen if I’m caught escaping, I’m more terrified of what might happen if I don’t escape- to me or Kiki. After a short while, the rope snaps. I slowly slip them off, holding onto the frayed rope so no one notices my freedom immediately. Then, still moving slowly and carefully, I reach up and slip my gag down over my chin, letting it hang around my neck. Then I just hang limply on the Strangler’s shoulder and listen, waiting patiently for the perfect time to escape.

The footsteps have stopped. A voice that sounds almost dead wheezes, “Well, well, well. Looks like you caught the girl. That must have been difficult, judging from your black eye and limp.” The Strangler doesn’t reply. The creature turns to my left, stopping and talking to the guy holding Kiki. “I see that you brought our insurance, Kiki, as well. Good thinking.”

What? What are they going to do to us?! Then I make a decision. I think it’s time to show these punks just what they’re dealing with. I’ll teach them not to mess with me or my sister!

My first move is simply to wiggle around a bit, making muffled noises with my mouth closed so it looks like I’m completely helpless and, most importantly, make it look like I’m still tied up. This move is risky, for the creepy boss guy may come over to check on me, or knock me unconscious or something. But it’s necessary for my plan. They must be relaxed, thinking that I can’t do a thing and can barely move or make noise, so I’m no threat whatsoever.

Thankfully, he doesn’t come over, simply shuffling a little ways away and collapsing into a chair, sighing with exhaustion. Then, with another weary sigh, he groans, “Take care of the girl. I don’t have the energy nor the patience to deal with another spoiled brat right now. Toss her and her sister in the waiting room until I have a chance to talk to Crystal Shay alone.”

Little did either the Strangler or his boss realize, but while I was wriggling around, I had actually been able to wriggle out of the ropes tying my feet together. It’s now hanging on only one foot, just so it doesn’t fall to the floor and alert them to my scheme. Now Kiki and I can get away!

Wasting no time, I quickly ram the knife into his shoulder, near his neck. Warm blood comes gushing out, spraying into my face as he screams and releases me. I land in a crouch, wipe the blood out of my eyes with a quick flick of my sleeve, and swipe my leg under his legs, causing him to topple. His head makes a horrifyingly loud noise as it vigorously slams against the protruding nails on the floor.

I quickly spin around to face the man holding Kiki. He backs up a step, terror inscribed on his face as he sees my expression. He slowly sets Kiki on the ground, backing up with his hands in the air.

“Listen here,” he grunts, fear causing his voice to tremble. “I don’t want any trouble…”

I laugh. The sound isn’t pleasant. “Yes, you do, otherwise you wouldn’t have done any of these things.” I take a menacing step towards him, the knife clenched in my fist, when a voice speaks up behind me. The leader.

“No, no, he’s entirely correct. We don’t want any trouble, we simply wanted to arrange a meeting. George, leave her be. Stand guard by the door or something to ensure that we remain alone. Crystal, I assure you, I just want to speak with you. No harm was meant to come to you.”

As George saunters away, I race to Kiki and cut her bindings before spinning back to the boss. I’m a little surprised at his appearance, for I was expecting someone more… well, scary. The man looks like my great grandfather, only grouchier. Suddenly, he starts melting, right before my eyes! Horrified, I shove Kiki behind me, unable to look away myself as he changes. First his skin seems to bubble then melt partway off, then reforms, changing how he looks like he’s wearing some kind of costume. It looks quite painful. The process actually happens pretty fast, and when he’s done, he looks like a completely different man.

In fact, I think, he looks a lot like Snape, off of Harry Potter! Well, his nose is smaller and his hair’s less greasy and long, but wow! It’s like they’re twins! Weird. Suddenly, the man stands up. Startled, I back up a step, then assume a defensive pose, threatening him while protecting Kiki behind me. But all he does is clap. Okay, this is just getting weirder and weirder!

When I take a step toward him, he laughs! “Well done!” he chuckles. “Only one other person got so close to getting away from me, and not with as quickly and beautifully executed maneuvers!” I’m surprised to find that his voice isn’t much different. “I had no idea what you were doing until right before you acted, and by then it was too late for me to do anything! Excellent! I am definitely voting for you to win! Especially if you are partners with that other boy…”

My curiosity aroused, but still cautious, I ask him, “What? What do you mean ‘for me to win?’ Win what? What other boy? Explain everything, why you captured us, all those things you said, and how on earth you did that!!”

“Did what?” he asks innocently.

“You know what! How did you change from an old man into Snape? Who are you? Tell me! Now! Or you’ll get a face full of my ‘beautifully executed’ punches!” I threaten, desperate to figure out what’s going on. However, all this does is make him start laughing again! Growling, I advance a few more steps, hoping to drive my point home. At this point, he’s roaring so hard with laughter that he can hardly even breathe. Bewildered, I can do nothing but stare as he wipes tears from his eyes, catching his breath.

“I like your spunk! ‘My beautifully executed punches!’ That was a great way to put my words back in my mouth! You know,” he says, suddenly thoughtful, looking at me so intensely it makes me uncomfortable, “you remind me of the good Queen, Pearl Dragon. You look a little like her too.” He suddenly gasps, coming close to me and peering into my eyes before I can back away. “Y- your eyes,” he whispers, shocked.

“What about them?” I demand, backing up and pushing Kiki back with me, keeping her behind my back.

“They are blue with gold in them!”

“Yeah. So?” I question.

“It- it’s nothing!” he hastily tells me, backing away. I’m confused, but since ‘Snape’ doesn’t feel like talking because of my eyes, I’ll just have to change the subject in order to get some answers.

“Fine, don’t tell me about my eyes. Tell me why you kidnapped my sister and me. How do you know who we are? And who are you?”

He seems relieved that I’m not pressing him about my eyes, which almost makes me want to ask him again, but I resist- for now. After I get some answers, though, I just might ask him again.

“This will take a while,” he warns me. “You will want to sit down, trust me. I’ve told this story three times already- just today! I should know how long it is. In fact, all three of the other kids were sitting by the end.” Not believing him, and not wanting to let my guard down, I remain standing, glaring defiantly at him. Suddenly, I feel a soft tug on my sleeve. Looking down, I see poor little Kiki. She doesn’t look very good. Being kidnapped put too much stress on her, and her skin has a grey tinge to it.

“Crystal, I’m hungry!” she tells me. My stomach rumbles loudly, agreeing with her. I occurs to me that we haven’t eaten yet today. I quickly glance at my watch, keeping one eye on the strange man. It’s past nine! I then realize two more things. Oh, man! I completely missed the movie with Brandon! But even worse, my parents said that they would be getting back around ten thirty! I have to get home, and quick!

I turn back to Snape, telling him, “Well, talk fast. I need to get home as soon as possible!”

He looks at me, amusement glittering in his pale, gray eyes. “I’m sorry, but I think I may have heard you or your sister wrong. I thought she just said that she’s hungry, but it sounded to me that you said that you want me to tell you that story that will change your life forever, now. Are you sure you want your little sister to waste away while we talk all night? That’s pretty selfish of you.”

I glance at Kiki. She really is wasting away! She used to have so much energy you couldn’t get her to hold still for anything! But now she’s just standing there, looking utterly wasted. Poor kid! I look back at Snape, debating what to do. Finally, I make my decision. I… guess we could stay for a while. But only until Kiki is fed and I get the whole story from this guy, life changing or otherwise! And… I guess I could call home with my cell phone and leave them a message. Although I have no idea what I should say to keep them from worrying. Oh, well. I’ll think about that later. Right now I need to get some food into Kiki before she passes out!

“Fine,” I say to the man. “You win. We’ll eat first. Then we’ll just see how long and ‘life changing’ your little story is.”

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