Zero to Infinity


Jenny visited Zero’s chambers every day. On a couple occasions, November would carry Jenny back to her room. Chatter was stirred around the kingdom.

Jenny visited Zero’s chambers every day. On a couple of occasions, November would carry Jenny back to her room. Chatter was stirred around the kingdom. Once, Margaret had visited and when she left, she told all of Mount Pioneer that Zero would never wake and he was a lost cause.

But Jenny never believed that. She was convinced that Zero would wake up one day and they would be able to continue their adventures together. She thought about him all the time and imagined the day that he would finally open his eyes.

Every day, she would sit beside his bed and talk to him. She told him about her day, what she had learned, and everything that was going on in the kingdom. And she always ended her visits by telling him that she loved him.

One day, she arrived at his chambers and found November standing outside the door. When she asked what was going on, November told her that Zero had finally woken up.

Jenny was overjoyed and couldn’t believe that he was finally awake. She rushed into his chambers and found him sitting up in bed, looking around the room with a confused expression.

She walked over to him and hugged him tightly. He hugged her back and she could feel the tears streaming down her face.

It was finally over. Zero was awake and they could continue their adventures together. But it wasn’t over. Because the first words out of Zero’s mouth would break Jenny in half, sending her running from the room.

“Who are you?”


A woman in a white coat entered next.

“Where am I?” Zero asked.

“Do you not recognize your room. You are on Mount Pioneer,” the woman said. “November brought you here unconscious. You had a massive encounter with Gordon.”

Zero tried to remember what had happened before he woke up here. He could only remember a vague dream about a girl. This girl was there for him. She loved him. And oddly enough, he could feel her.

“I remember a girl,” Zero said. “I think her name was Jenny.”

“Jenny is your betrothed. And… that poor girl you sent running out,” the woman said. “She was very worried about you.”

“Where is she now?” Zero asked.

“She’s probably run off to her own chambers,” the woman said. “You know, she’s going to be the next Matriarch. You’re a lucky man.

Zero got out of bed and wandered the halls. It was quiet. Looking out the windows, Zero saw darkness with specs of stars glistening in. About ten minutes on, Zero saw a room with Jenny sitting on the bed. She looked up at him.

“You’re okay,” she said.

Zero hugged her.

“I’m glad you’re safe,” he said.

“Do you remember me?” Jenny asked curiously.

“No, but I feel you. I feel love from you. I don’t know who you are now, but Im willing to get to know you!” Zero said with sincerity.

“Ohh Zero!”


After several weeks, Zero was well enough to leave his chambers. He was too weak to return to his duties, but Jenny and the Matriarch would not give up on him. November helped him whenever he could. Zero was grateful to November for all his help.

“I don’t know what I would have done without you.”

“That’s what friends are for,” replied November.

“Thanks, November,” Zero smiled. “Hey, I know I’m still fuzzy on some pieces, but... What happened to Gordon’s body?”

November looked away and Zero knew the answer before he even said it. “He’s... He’s gone, right?”

November nodded solemnly. “Yes. I’m sorry, Zero”.

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