Zenora, The Dragon's Fury

Chapter Epilogue

Storyteller point of view:

Emily was on her way home, on the back of Iris this time. And they were followed by all of Ayinthur’s brothers, as it seems that not only the big black one, was his brother, but also the other four.

They had told her that they lived, spread out over the planet of Zenora. Which reminded her that her search, together with Iris, had been so long, because the people that they had come across, had perhaps seen one of Ayinthur’s brothers.

Of course, Emily had taken control of Tanith again, so she was flying with them towards the castle.

When they landed, at the back of the training fields, everyone from the castle and the city included, came running in. They had seen them coming, and already were acting wild, upon seeing them alive.

Emily hadn’t forgotten what her people had done for her, and she wanted to hug each and every person. Rejoicing sounds, laughter and singing, were heard, and there was no one that could stop them, no one that would want to stop them either.

Brock, Cirilya, Anna, Natalya, and every other friend of the family came rushing out as well. They cried tears of joy, of seeing their Queen and precious friend alive and well. They had been waiting for several weeks in a row, for her and Iris to arrive back safely.

Brock of course, couldn’t keep his hands from his wife, of who he was glad to have turned back to her Human form. He kissed her on every available spot of skin.

Arousal started to burn up in between them, and soon he carried her in his arms. On route to you know where.

Iris came back to the castle, a few times a year, to see her family and show her, her own new addition to the family. Because within a year, she had laid an egg of her own, and her little female hatchling was curled up on her back, in between the shoulder blades and her wings.

Her name was Maisie, and she was the promised one of Ayinthur’s big brother.

Tyler was screwing around every girl available, and wasn’t planning to settle soon.

Kaden however, had a secret of his own. Emily had eventually found out that he was gay, and did not have a girlfriend, but a boyfriend. Both of them were happily accepted into the family, and they had gotten married within a few years.

Rebecca, the spy who had given years and years of information to Hayden, had been found and killed by Brock, when Iris and Emily were on their adventure. It turned out that Emily had killed her husband, during the battle at Groyhull, and that’s what the reason was, that she became so resentful.

Mila understood that her father had done horrible things, so she wasn’t that angry towards Emily. She was incredibly sad that her parents had died, sure, but she understood that their actions were their own.

And Iris her drawings? Oh, they were protected by a magic spell, to never deteriorate over the years. Generation upon generation, her drawings were shown, and new ones were made, stories about ancient times were told, books were written and adventures were followed.

From a completely different point of view:

Many, many centuries later...

“And that is the story of how we came to be.” Granny said to me, while closing the old book.

“So, I’m a green Human, because some Queen decided that Orc’s were good? Even though they had killed her mother, and many other people as well? How does that happen?” I frantically asked her.

Granny laughed about my question, but I truly didn’t understand.

“That Queen, of whom you speak so lightly, has lived through many different and difficult situations. She has come to understand, that even though we were born from a certain place, it’s our decisions and upbringing, what builds a character. In our hearts, we are all the same, there shouldn’t be a mental separation upon looking at the colour of our skin alone.” She said.

“Granny, I’m six! I still don’t understand what you are saying!”

“No matter love, you will understand me when you are older.” She said, while hugging me.

I grunted, shoving my hands in my blond hair. Trying to crunch them up in confusion.

“Stop doing that little one. You don’t want to wake up in the morning with your hair all knotted up.” Granny said.

“Okay, I’ll stop, if you tell me the story about your blue ring, one more time!” I asked her, while playing with some white magic between my fingers.

“Alright. But you go to sleep after that, deal?” She said and I nodded heavily.

She opened the old book again, and started at the beginning.

“Once upon a time, my great-great-great-great-grandfather Thraka, had asked upon the help of a Queen…”

A/n: Every single person that has read my story, thank you for sharing your precious time with me. You can't imagine how delighted I am that people actually like my work!

If you have just a few minutes more to share, I'd like to ask you for an honest review.

And sequels? I don't know yet. At the moment I have not enough ideas to fill another book, based on this genre. Maybe I will get to it later this year.

If you have any ideas, about a different point of view, or new creatures, powers or characters, from which I can write a story about, please let me know!

Love you all!! 💛💚💙

Next chapter will be updated first on this website. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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