Zenora, The Dragon's Fury

Chapter 70. Count Down

Sure, why not? It’s his demise.

Upon me opening my eyes, he instantly let go of me. He stumbled backwards and tripped over a rock.

Frightened and confused he started to bramble, incoherent words came out, until he was almost certain of what he wanted to say.

“At.. Attack… Kill her!” He managed to yell to his army.

Only now, upon seeing my eyes, he realized in how much trouble he was actually in. I had already guessed what he had seen, but upon reading his mind, I knew for certain.

My eyes weren’t just one colour, not just red, or blue. It wasn’t, that only one of my powers had taken control. No. I had taken control over my powers, not the other way around.

I finally understood, what it is that the Goddess wanted me to be able to. Only now was it clear to me, that I’m in control. I’m the one to get magic and powers, spread through Zenora again. Not Markus, not Victoria and certainly not Hayden! It has always been only ME!

The windows to my soul showed all my powers. A harmony of a vibrant selection of blue, green, red, yellow and purple, all shining brightly in the irises of my eyes.

Blue, I used my amazing sight with the power of the hunter.

Green, I healed my own wounds with the power of the druid.

Red, I lifted my body with the power of the mage.

Yellow, I used my speed and strength with the power of the warrior.

Purple, I shot fireballs with the power of the Dragon.

All of Hayden’s men, started to attack me. Over two-thousand people were coming in close, using spells, shooting arrows, rushing in with swords, animals and what not more.

Iris yelled in fear, watching how all those men and women, were focusing on me.

I shot fireballs in all directions, using shields on the mages, and brushed away the arrows that came soaring in. I kept avoiding, dodging, fighting and blocking. And this kept on for several minutes, were plenty of people found their ends.

But even though I’m the most powerful creature alive on this whole damn planet, I’m not a god.

Two-thousand is even too much for me, even though I’m capable to continuously heal my wounds and block all attacks. I’m not strong enough to keep two-thousand people at bay.

Soon, they got a hold on to me, knocking me down on the ground, by using their ropes and cables, magical shields and pure raw strength. I got pinned down, again.

“Sheez woman, for a moment I thought I was done for! You sure know how to entertain a guy.” Hayden said with his self-sustaining arrogance. He had gotten up, and took on this appearance again, as if he wasn’t afraid just a minute ago.

“Only if you knew.” I said, with a devilishly smile upon my face.

“Only if I knew what?” He asked, but I didn’t reply.

“Only if I knew what?!” He yelled now, and slapped my face.

I spit some blood on the ground, theatrically of course, as I was healed already, but it was all to delay his inevitable death for just a few more seconds.

“What is coming for you. In three…”

“What are you talking about!” He yelled again, and slapped me again.


“Stop counting!”


An amazing loud and harmonious roar came out of all directions from the volcanic mountain, caused by five mighty Dragons.

I had sensed them near, the moment I had started to attack Hayden’s men.

I looked around me, and there was one that was the same as Ayinthur, only bigger. Then there was a bright red one, a golden-white one, and finally two green Dragons.

“Hi brother, need some help?” The big black one said.

Great, he is just as annoying as Ayinthur, maybe even worse!

“Could all of you stubborn lizards, finally burn these assholes to cinders?!” I yelled to them.

“Yes ma’am!” The big black brother said.

I looked back at Hayden, and he had turned pale, all blood drained from his face. He didn’t know what to do anymore. He just stood there, stammering like a broken record plate.

“This is, this is… this is…”

“Impossible? No, you just underestimated us. That’s all.” I said, before I knocked away the men that were holding me, and I walked over to him.

The man, that has done so much to terrorize our way of life. The man, that will not get away from his foul actions so easily, that man will receive punishment, justifiable against all his crimes.

Fire erupted from all around me, and I just stood there, not anymore necessary to shield me from the fire. Screams of the men and women around me, didn’t even bother me anymore. They all deserved this, they all deserved to die, because they dared to touch my daughter, and to take down their Queen.

Hayden was running away from me, trying to save his own life, while all of his soldiers were perishing in the endless sea of fire.

Then I remembered, that I never had taken the chance to summon my fire elemental. So, with the flick of my wrist, and after some delicately spoken words, I had called upon the power of fire, from the ground that was now turning into a pit of lava again.

The ease at which I summoned it, didn’t amaze me anymore, I’m perfectly aware of my capabilities now.

The glimmering hot headed creature, was soon to follow my lead. All I had to do, was to point at the running Hayden, and upon understanding what I wanted, the molten lava monster was on his tail. And even though a lava flow was slow, my elemental was not. He surged towards that monstrous beast of a man, and left behind a trail of destruction. Because everywhere he went, the ground beneath it started to crack, smoke and burn.

Within seconds, it had reached Hayden, while running down the slope along the mountain. It had taken a hold of his wrists, and Hayden hang in between the elemental’s arms. Cries and screams left Hayden’s throat, as his arms were practically starting to melt off.

I looked at him a little while longer, watching how his skin slowly dissolved on his arms, leaving the bone behind, which soon became black.

“You deserve a lifelong of torture, for the killing of my father and all those children! But I will not do that, I won’t kill you at all.”

I could see confusion and desperation in his eyes, all the while he kept screaming in agonizing pain.

“But he will.” I said and pointed to my fiery creature.

Hayden started to scream even louder, when the creature’s body came closer to him, leaving only his head out of the burning heat, so I could see him perish till the very last moment.

As I read his mind, I could see all the children that he has tortured, drained and killed. And all that pain that they had suffered, I had send it a hundred times worse, back into his mind. The screams that he was emitting now, was a certain music to my ears. This, is what he deserved!

Then I looked again, searching for my father, and all I could feel from Hayden, was the resentment, and the hate for his position and the incapability of becoming King himself.

I was done with his corrupted mind, and my nod towards the elemental, gave him the permission to continue the heated torture.

My creature slowly engulfed Hayden’s body with its burning lava, burning off his clothes, then sizzled upon his skin, blackened his bones, and finally after some long screams, his chest, neck and head, were consumed as well. Hayden was nothing more, but a pile of burned and charcoaled mess of bones.

A soft wind, blew against the brittle remains, turning it into ashes. And as if it were feathers and dust, the wind took the ash up into the clouds. Far away from me.

Finally at long last, this battle and my torture is over.

I am no longer the insecure woman. I am changed, forever.

I have all my powers within my reach, and my eyes would never turn back to that ordinary pale blue, I was once born with, ever again.


A/n: What a rush! It's over! Don’t forget to read the Epilogue! 💛

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