Zenora, The Dragon's Fury

Chapter 6. Mysterious

A few weeks later, we had moved the twins into another room, adjacent to the one Brock and I were sleeping in. The room was painted with three shades of blue, the floor was newly tiled, as some of the tiles were cracked and could damage the boys little feet. They also got new dark blue curtains, which had golden stars embroidered on it. Two closets where put on one side of the room, for each to put their clothes in, as well as their training gear. And the door to the bathroom had a small lock on it, as I didn’t want them to squander a lot of water while playing.

I know that Kaden could teleport himself in there, but at least I was trying to make a point. For how long I don't know.

Furthermore, we had managed to get them into separate beds. They were finally learning to at least sleep apart, as they understood that they couldn’t sleep in the same bed forever. They had grossed out, when I told them that neither one of them would want to see the other, kissing a girl.

“Eeeewww Mommy!” They both said, still in sync with each other, and I had smiled to them.

I’m wondering, how long the bond will be strong like this. They were going to have to be separate in the future, as eventually Kaden will go to the Mage Tower, while Tyler stayed here being trained by his dad. As Kaden already has some mage abilities, I don’t think we have to wait for him to become sixteen in order for him to go there. I guess that his powers will only grow, and we might need a private tutor, until he can teleport himself to that place.

Maybe Nicolai could take him under his wing?

“I would love to take him under my wing.” Nicolai suddenly said when he walked into the boy’s new room.

“I wanted to ask you that same question actually, as I can feel a lot of power residing in that boy’s body. It is safe to say that he needs some proper training, before something bad happens.” Nicolai continued.

Something bad? What could go wrong? Is he going to explode things just like me? I remembered that I’ve had a lot of trouble into creating shields, while being trained by Cirilya.

“No I think that you were a loose projectile, and as you have said to me, you never fully felt yourself acquainted by the mage side of you. I think your son is much more comfortable with using magic, although he needs to be guided. We don’t want your other son to turn blue, or that Kaden casts a spell on himself without knowing what he does, right?”

Nicolai clearly read my mind, when I got frightened by the idea of Kaden exploding stuff, or people.

“A loose projectile huh?” I said to Nicolai with squinting eyes.

“Even though you are the Princess, don’t think that I would succumb to that face of yours.” Nicolai said, chuckling.

I laughed at him, he was indeed not one of the persons that should be scared to whatever I have to say. He belongs in the family, ever since I met him, the day of my Mage’s Fury outburst. He has become a close friend to me, as during my pregnancy of the boys, my hormones were raging through my body. I couldn’t let the Mage’s Fury take over, so he had taught me to stay calm, even though I was raging with anger sometimes.

Also, when he noticed that I was emotionally at a certain stress-level, he took me outside to unleash some of the magic. Afterwards, I always felt freed, as it took some tension away from the muscles in my shoulders and neck.

The boys were teleported into the room, looked at me once, smiled, and ran off to their toys.

“What are you two up to?”

“Nothing.” They both replied at the same time.

I had seen the images in Tyler’s mind, where he would shoot cupcakes to people with his catapult. Naughty monkeys!

“Oh no! That is not what you are going to do!”

Nicolai laughed out loud, as he clearly had seen the images as well. But before I could reach the boys, Kaden anticipated my movements, and teleported himself and his brother out of the room.

“Nicolai! You better go and find those smirking sons of mine! And make sure that Kaden starts his training today!” I yelled, while storming out of the room.

“Yes Ma’am!” I heard Nicolai answer with a chuckle afterwards.

I was laughing actually, on the inside. The boys remembered me of all the trouble that I had put myself in, when Dennis was raising me. He must have thought several times, to bring me back to the castle, to give up. In fact, he threatened me several times, saying that he would lock me up in a castle and leave me in the tallest tower. But that was before I knew that the castle he meant, actually was real. Of course, his threats weren’t real, but the castle he spoke off, was.

The nursery that is attached to our room, the boy’s old room, was being redecorated by Anna and Natalya as we speak. They wouldn’t want to tell me, what they were going to do with it, as they wanted it to be a surprise for me. I had read Anna’s mind already for a bit, and I saw some tiny ideas of what she wanted to do. Of course her ideas were explosive, and contained brightly, sparkling, pink unicorns and rainbows. I had sighed. I can only hope that Natalya pulls in the reins, and keep it a bit more civil. But nonetheless how the room would turn out to be, their little niece would be spoiled to pieces.

Natalya was about to pop her first-born, as she was eight months pregnant now. So, she wasn’t the one to do the heavy lifting for the nursery, Anna had made Dennis to get the new furniture in the room.

I had let them be, I was on my way for my job.

My dad was still the King, but he occasionally had told me that he wasn’t going to be at that position forever. I know that I’m the one to step up into his shoes one day, but I was slightly frightened to carry such a powerful burden. The responsibility that came along with it, was quite substantial. It wasn’t only about taking care of my own family, but the other thousands and thousands of people throughout our lands as well. Not to mention all the changes that I still wanted to happen, as learning how to read was still not a basic thing to be taught to every person.

The plenty of ideas that I have, would have to be discussed with the council. Which were only gathered once a month.

But today was the day, where difficult situations and accidents would be resolved in the castle’s throne room. My dad had made me judge, jury and executioner of the many trials that were held during the day. Some were easy to solve, as with my mind reading capability and the power to verdict the criminals, the cases were dismissed quickly.

“I know that this boy here, killed one of your goats, but maybe you should talk to your daughter about this certain question.” The man who I was talking too, looked angry towards the young man, I guess maybe fifteen years of age, that stood next to him.

I had seen in the boy’s mind that he was trying to court the older man’s daughter. But instead of asking for her love, his actions turned sideways, as he fell over the goat in question and landed on his head, breaking the poor animal’s head.

The man scolded the boy for what he was trying to do, yelling at him for never being able to touch his daughter if he didn’t pay up for the goat. I had smiled when they left the room, never would I punish a boy severely for killing an animal by accident, even though the man wanted for him to be imprisoned. The boy got his punishment now, by being scolded by the man, and that was enough for him to go through.

My smile quickly faded, when I saw two scroungy men and a woman join in the room. They were glaring at each other, calling each other names, while the woman had her head bowed down, and walked in the room behind the angry men.

When they reached the stands, at the front of where I sat in my dad’s throne, they stated their issues uncontrollably. But all I could look at, was the dirty woman behind them. Her hair was dirty, covered in mud, and she wore brown cotton clothes. Where her skin was revealed, it showed several scars. I tried to read her mind, but somehow she was blocked from my ability. Is she a mage? Can she block her mind? She sure doesn’t look like she is a mage, powerful enough to block her mind. Even so, if she is a powerful mage, then why is she dressed like this? My mind wondered off, in the curiosity of what this girl must have been through.

The men kept on blabbing about something so unworthy of even being addressed to. They were only thinking about themselves, and some tiny business-deal that went south. It wasn’t even about something that was going to make them lose their jobs, so why bother coming here about it?

I kept nodding to them, and listening to their insignificant ranting, about nothing. While all the time I kept looking at the woman. She managed to lift her head up, just once, to look up in my direction. But when she noticed that I was looking at her, she instantly turned her head back down, completely afraid.

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