Zenora, The Dragon's Fury

Chapter 5. Perks

That night, when we left the cave, after rescuing Ayinthur, the war at the castle had ended. It took several months to repair and organize everything into the way it all was, as before the war.

But, Ayinthur wasn’t the same. Ever since the moment I had healed him, I felt sorrow emotions, running through his mind. He had blocked his thoughts from me, so all I could feel was his emotion. He was feeling sad as depressed emotions came through to me. Even on my wedding day, he was a bit demure, not trying to show it to others, but I felt it. I didn’t understand why he would be sad about anything though. He was safe again, lived through that horror of his scales being ripped from his body, and he got loads of new friends.

We both found it odd though, that the mind-link was still there. Even though I gave away my dragon’s powers, for him to be healed.

Of course, I had this connection with him that was indescribable, I kind of love him. Not in a romantic way, but as if he was my older brother. And all of my friends and family, liked him as well. They greeted him and talked to him, as if he was just one of us.

He would leave for the mountains on several occasions, but came back every few weeks, to see how we were doing. He was curious about the babies as well.

But after he found out that the twins were boys, he had said something strange. Of course he was happy for us, becoming a new family, but there was also some disappointment in his voice.

“I’ll be gone for a while. Contact me, if you ever need me.” He had vaguely said.

Before I could ask about it, he flew off, but not towards the mountains, but off towards the ocean. He didn’t let me contact him through our mind link either. He blocked his thoughts, completely shielding himself, to not be able to listen to anything.

I had tried to contact him, several times a month, but he didn’t reply. I knew he could hear me, but he just chose not to answer. After a few months of hearing nothing from him again, and for him not to show up, ever since the boys were born, I had given up. Ayinthur is an amazing creature, but also really stubborn. I know dragons can live up to thousands of years, and as he was still young – barely eighty years old – he just took his time. Clearly there was something bothering him, but I didn’t know what.

I was looking outside the window, watching how my beloved husband was training with his sons. Over the past few years they have become strong little youngsters. With them being four years of age now, they were a tough set of tricksters, as they got lost if they didn’t get the attention they wanted.

The two boys were always together, and if they had to be separated, to sleep in their own beds for example, they were starting to cry. As a result, soon after, Kaden teleported himself to his brother. On other occasions, when one of their aunts took care of them for a while, Kaden often teleported himself and his brother to a hidden location somewhere in the castle. The whole castle’s staff was looking out for them for some hours, until they were found again. Sometimes they were sleeping in a closet, or found playing with Miles or eating chocolate with the servants in the kitchen.

They were a happy, but mischievous bundle of joy together.

Brock found out that Tyler really needed to release his energy, as he got angry sometimes, and started breaking his toys. Him being angry is normal for toddlers, but the strength he has isn’t. So, Brock gave them both basic training, and played with them until they got tired. Kaden got bored easily, but Tyler wanted to train more.

“Mommy?” I turned around and Kaden looked up at me, as he just teleported himself into our room.

“Come here little one.” I said with my arms open wide, noting for him to jump into my arms. Which he did.

“Mommy, will your belly grow too? Aunty Tally has big belly too.” Kaden said and I looked at him bewildered. ‘Aunty Tally’ is Natalya, and she was pregnant now with her first child. So, was Kaden implying that I am pregnant now too?

“Mommy has no baby in her belly, so it won’t grow as Aunty Tally’s.” I said to him with a frown on my face.

“Yes Mommy, you have!” He said, and chuckled with his hands in front of his mouth. His eyes were gleaming red, so I guess that he can sense something.

I was counting the days in my mind, when was my last period? We have been trying to get pregnant again, but so far it hadn’t been a success. My periods were so unpredictable, that I didn’t focus on the days anymore. I couldn’t remember my last period, has it been so long already? We have been busy with raising our children and training the new rangers, that I haven’t thought about it.

“She is happy in your belly Mommy. She likes your voice when you are happy.” I was astound, Kaden can read her mind! He must be much stronger than I ever was as a mage, as I couldn’t read the boy’s minds when I was pregnant with them, as I can't do it right now. Besides that, it’s a girl, how wonderful!

“Is she? She must feel my happiness for you and Tyler.” I gave him a kiss on the forehead, and asked if he wanted to tell his daddy. But before he answered me, he teleported us outside, right in front of Brock and Tyler. I wasn’t terrified of teleporting anymore, as Kaden only did it when I asked him to.

It has been different, a year ago though. He scared me whenever he touched me, and took me to his play room or to the kitchen to ask for cookies. It took him some time, to understand that teleporting isn’t a common thing to do for other humans. But, he has got the hang of it now.

“Hey boys, Kaden has something to tell you guys.” I said, while putting Kaden down on the ground.

He ran over to his dad and told them everything. Brock looked up at me, and I smiled happily, nodding my head. He whispered something to his sons and picked them up, one son on each of his arms, while walking towards me. I got myself trapped in this huge family-hug and we all smiled and cheered.

“Can we name her?” The twin said at the same time, and I chuckled.

“It will take some more time for her to arrive, so we have plenty of time to…”

“Iris.” They both said at the same time again.

Brock and I looked at each other and smiled. Just like I still had the connection with Ayinthur, I could still read people’s minds, even though the mage’s power was transferred to Kaden. Thats the perk of being the chosen one, I guess. But I didn’t need to read Brock’s mind, I know him well enough to read his emotions from his face. He liked the name, the boys came up with.

“Okay, Iris it is.” Brock said, and I completely agreed to it. ‘Iris’ is the name of a purple flower with three petals, and as she will be our third child, this name suits the condition. It is even more special, since the boys came up with it.

I was so happy with being pregnant again, and by the looks of Brock, he was too.

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