Zenora, The Dragon's Fury

Chapter 22. Anger Management

Archeops had explained to me that I’m a warrior with amazing strength and fighting skills, of which I don’t know how to use. He himself is a hunter with affiliation to animals and there are mages too, which use magic.

“I’m feeling such a baby right now, I’m glad that I remember how to walk!” I said angrily.

“I can only imagine how you must feel like, right now. Maybe some sparring with me will get your memory back a bit?” Archeops said.

There is no hurt, in trying at least, so I tried to let go of my mind and let my body do the talking. There must be something that could shake my brain awake right?

So we went on it for about half an hour, without getting anywhere. My body is fit, so I had stamina enough, but the lack of skill is what depresses me. How can I be a General like this? No one is going to follow me if I don’t know how to fight!

“Come on Brock, try to hit me!” Archeops yelled, but I couldn’t, he was blocking every attempt I made.

“What the hell do you think I’m doing? I’m trying all the time!”

“Maybe you should get angry.” Another man said in the cell adjacent to ours.

“Dennis, I think he is angry, but he just really doesn’t know how to fight.” Archeops replied.

“No, he is annoyed, not angry. Remember what he did when Emily got lost for three weeks?” Dennis said.

I just listened to what they said, completely unaware of what they meant. Clearly by how Archeops reacted on what Dennis said about Emily, my wife, I could become much angrier than I am right now. And she got lost for three weeks?

“... Oh, and that day when he found out what Markus did to her, added even more fire to his already burning cauldron of oil.” Archeops said, and both him and Dennis started to laugh.

But as I don’t know what they are talking about, or how angry I could become, I don’t see how this could help me.

Well, I didn’t get to wait for long. Archeops hit me on my head, stomped me in my stomach and swept my legs away from underneath my body.

“What the hell, Archeops! What did you do that for?” I yelled at him.

“Get up, you lousy piece of shit! Do you think that Emily will take you back like this?” He yelled back.

I stood up, but immediately I got hit in the chest, pushing me backwards against the wall. Archeops stepped forward and kept hitting me, while I blocked my face with my arms. Hits against my stomach, kicks against my hips and legs, kept coming and coming. I was feeling more hopeless by the second, angrier too. How could I be these people’s General? Or even their future King?

I know what Archeops is trying to do, and frankly it was helping into getting me angry, but not in the way to get me back my memory. Only as irritation from not having the skill to land even a single hit on Archeops.

“It’s not helping Archeops, I’m still not getting my memory back!”

“Then you’re not even close to being angry! Emily isn’t worth of your love! You let her get poisoned, you broke up with her, she left you for three whole weeks and eventually she got kidnapped, tortured and abused! What kind of man let that happen to his woman!?” Archeops yelled to me, and I was stunned.

Did she really go through all of those things he said? Am I really that worthless? No, I couldn’t believe that!

I hit him straight against his jaw, but he kept going.

“When she was barely born, her father had to send her to another world, only to stay save from danger. Only to arrive back to this world until she was to become of age. Then she had to rescue you! You, our General!” Archeops spit out some blood, but kept saying more of these things.

When I had enough of his words, I pushed him away with all the power I got. He stumbled backwards, slamming against the bars of the cell.

“If all those things really happened to her, then why is she still with me? Why am I still a General then? Or soon to be King! NO! There is more than you are telling me! I would never allow her to suffer like that, if I chose to love her, then I would do so with all of my heart!”

I screamed at him, using all of my power, to avoid his incoming attacks and land hit after hit against his torso. My anger overflowed my brain and I stopped thinking rationally. My attacks became so quick, that even I had a hard time following them. My eyes were burning with a pleasant ache and I could see a bright reflection of them into his own eyes. He was confused and happy at the same time, how could he be? I was beating him senseless!

Suddenly I got grabbed from behind, my back was close to the bars from our adjacent cell. Dennis took a hold of my neck, and told me to relax, but I couldn’t. My anger was above and beyond! I was screaming, ravaging and prying to get loose. But Dennis his hold was too strong, I guess he is a warrior too, otherwise he wouldn’t be able to hold me like this.

Archeops came towards me.

“Sorry, but you will feel better soon.” He said calmly.

“What the hell are you...”

But before I could end that sentence, he knocked me out.

“So, finally coming back to your senses?” Archeops asked me, when I could open my eyes again.

“No, I’m still mad at you and I still don’t know shit!”

“Hmm too bad, but at least you got your skills back, and more.” Archeops said, while he helped me sit up.

“What?” I asked him confused.

He explained about the ancient powers that Emily has, and that she has been able to spread the magic of the hunter to others. But I was the first warrior to have used the ancient power. Apparently, my eyes turned yellow, glowing brightly, and I used the ancient warrior’s agility on him. The speed which I couldn’t comprehend myself, wasn’t because I didn’t know any skills, it was because of an ancient power. Which no one ever used before, besides Emily and my son.

Maybe because my mind is swiped clean, that I’m open for new things and new information to progress. Or maybe I haven’t been this angry before.

Well, whatever the reason, it sure will come in handy, when we would escape this place.

“Did all of those things you've said, really happen to her?” I asked him with guilt.

“Yes, they did, but you rescued her multiple times. She loves you more than I could ever explain, so don’t worry about it. When you will get your memory back, you will know.” He said with a sly smile on his face.

“So, how are we going to get out of here? And how are we going to rescue the others?” I asked Archeops.

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