Zenora, The Dragon's Fury

Chapter 21. Thoughts

No, no, no! He can read my mind! He is a mage. Just like I have given birth to a set of boys, twins, so is Brock one of a set as well. And where as Brock is the warrior, just like Tyler, this man is the mage, just like Kaden.

“Ah, there we go. You have finally figured it out. I am indeed Brock's brother. My name is Hayden, and my mother took me away and taught me all that I am today.”

Brock never much had spoken about his mother, only that she had left him and his father soon after he was born.

Hayden kept on talking about how his life has been and that he didn't got the chance to go to the Mage Tower for training. So, as a result his mother had been training him, as she is the one where he got the mages power from.

They hadn’t had the best of lives, but together they made it work. His mother took a servant’s job in a city far away and he managed to sell off his abilities to people, who needed stuff to be done.

I didn’t want to know what kind of things he had to do, to get money off. But I doubt they were legal actions.

I got bored by his story and wanted to see Brock, my children and the others. But I didn’t want him to know anything from me again. So, I blocked my mind as best as I could, because if I was to think of a plan to get out of this, he shouldn’t know about it.

“Can I go and see my family and friends now?” I asked him.

“No, not yet.”

I got angry and stood up to walk to the door, but got held back with a mage shield. Hayden pulled the shield towards him, dragging me onto the bed next to him. He released the shield and noted for me to lie down.

“Do you really think that I want to have sex with you?” I asked him.

“Well you didn’t complain about my earlier actions, so why should you now?”

“Because you got me at a weak moment! I didn’t realise you weren’t Brock until I got to see your hand!” I yelled at him.

He chuckled. Clearly, he was proud of himself to get me off-guard that moment, when we stood in the showers. That he could touch me everywhere he wanted! I am feeling so dirty right now, still not knowing how to tell Brock about that. But I have to stay strong. I have to come up with an idea to get Hayden and his warriors out of ‘my’ castle! But I couldn’t hurt him, not without making sure that he wouldn’t hurt the others.

I have to get alone, so I can contact Ayinthur or anyone else outside the castle. But still I wasn’t sure how anyone could help. As Ayinthur is too large to get inside the castle, and if I got hold of Axel, Archeops or the army, the moment they would break through, Hayden could still alarm his Dark Mages to hurt the others.

So, it was up to myself to get through this. Only I can fix this, shit!

Brock's point of view:

“Brock, wake up!” A slightly familiar voice said.

I opened my eyes trying to understand where I am. Around me were iron bars and the floor was filthy, stained with blood and other bodily fluids. What am I doing in jail? I can’t remember doing something wrong, hell I can’t even remember getting in here.

I looked at the man who had spoken.

“Brock, are you alright?” He said to me.

Shit, I don’t even remember who I am. Is my name Brock?

“Yes, I guess I am. But who are you?” I asked the man with a ponytail and broad shoulders.

“Fuck! Do you really don’t know who I am? Do you even recognise any of the other people inside here?”

I looked around me and saw other people, dressed in undergarments or regal clothes, sitting in the other cells.

I shook my head in disagreement, but instantly regretted the decision to shake my head at all. The throbbing pain in my left temple was quite overwhelming, apparently a blow to my head made me forget about everything.

“Should I know them?” I asked the man.

“Yes, you should! You’re our General, soon to be our King! These are all your friends and people from the Royal Guard. My name is Archeops, I’m your second in command, and your best friend also.”

My ears were buzzing. General? King? Am I really of such a high place in hierarchy? I sure like to be ambitious, but becoming a King, is something different. But this Archeops says that I am soon to become King, so is my father ill? Is he about to die?

But if I am going to be the King, why the hell am I in jail then?

“Are we under attack?” I asked my supposedly best friend.

“Even though you hit your head, you’re thinking hasn’t changed. Yes, I was just about to leave the castle when black hooded warriors put me in here. One by one, the people here were dragged in by those same warriors. But I don’t see your children and the mages. They must have taken them elsewhere.”

He saw the look in my eyes, awestruck by the fact that I am a father.

“Shit, sorry, yes you have twin boys, four, almost five years of age. And your wife is pregnant of a girl right now.” Archeops said.

Fuck, now my head is hurting in a different way. All this information is a lot to digest. Clearly someone loves me, as she has agreed to marry and have children with me. But right now, I couldn’t think of any love that I might have for any person. Let alone two children and a wife.

I asked Archeops how long I was out, and apparently it has been a whole day and night. Seeing through the small window a sunrise, notifies me that it is morning now.

Suddenly, the door to the dungeon opened with a loud creaking sound.

“Come bunny, let me show you your friends.” A man said before he walked around the corner.

When he did, I didn’t immediately see him, but all the other people in the cells gasped and put their hands in front of their faces. With a confused frown I stood up and looked at the man that stood in front of me. It was as if a mirror was standing in this man's place, as he was looking just the same as me!

“Well brother, finally we meet.” He said with a chuckle. Not sure if I have before, but right now we have one more thing in common, this is the first time we meet.

Behind my brother stood a woman, a gorgeous strong female. I could tell that she has been through a lot, as her eyes are red from either crying or lack of sleep. But even though she looks clean, well dressed and fed, there is something about her that I can’t really describe.

“Oh my, this is going to be fun.” My, so far nameless, brother said. His face turned into an evil smile; he knew something that I didn’t. Yes, I know I have amnesia, so everyone knows more than me, but this is something different. I don’t think I am going to like my brother.

“Bunny, why don’t you explain to him who you are? Or maybe you shouldn’t, to save him from getting hurt.” He said to her.

“You will never be the man he has become! With or without his memory, he will always be the only one for me! I know he loves me, even if it will take us to start all over again!” She yelled at him, and then it dawned on me, she is my wife!

Instantly I felt this sudden need to protect her. So, I grabbed the bars and tried to reach for her, and in return she wanted to grab my arms but got pulled away from me by my brother.

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