


The sky…

The first thing Zaramanni noticed as she stepped into the other side was the red, gloomy sky.

Compared to Amarxona, Zenrada wore a different air.

Danger, disaster, sorrow…

Zaramanni could deduce that much as she tore her sight off the firmament and landed her gaze on the damaged buildings and paths that greeted the trio.

The buildings, just like in the Amarxona, bore similarities to those of Earth. Apart from the destroyed state of some of the high-rise structures and the unusual smoke that kept emitting from a distance, there was not much difference at the end of the day.

As they all resumed walking, Zara behind the Alpha and his Luna, each structure presented a huge wolf head on a section of their tallness or in some cases, a unique build-up.

It was on every building… that stamp that reminded any trespasser whose land he was walking on. The pitch-black, carved heads looked vicious, ready to bite, and as though they had the ability to come alive.

Zara prayed that wouldn’t happen. It would freak her out if any of the heads suddenly growls and falls right in front of her.

Soon, she hastened her steps past the bothersome buildings and caught up with the other two.

As she walked closely behind the couple, she noticed that they were yet to speak one word. Eyes narrowed, Zara wondered if they were taking a quick journey down a remorseful path.

She could imagine that it would be difficult to see their home in such a devastating state.

But, as much as it sucked, Zaramanni needed all of them to take hasty steps, not slow, delayed ones. She wished to be closer to her own home, not further from it as each second passed.

So, like a thief hoping to escape being caught, she tip-toed from behind the couple and ended up in front of them.

“Wow,” she uttered with a low voice as the faces of the people in front of her didn’t look encouraging. Compared to how healthy they looked on the other side, they seemed pale, like life had been sucked out of both of them. “Hello, Mr. King.” She waved her hands and not a word came from the pale people.

Her fingers then began to make clicking sounds but that was instantly accompanied by a quick spark of blue light.

Zaramanni was startled, no doubt. She stared at her right hand as she tried to process the rapid emission from her fingers.

“What are you doing?” She looked up as a firm, familiar masculine voice questioned her. King Darren and Laura were no longer looking like potential zombies.

No, they looked like they were jointly hating her for halting their journey.


”We told you that we have to reach the palace as soon as possible,” Laura spoke and the arm she had hooked around her husband’s own loosened. “How dare you try to delay us?”

”What? I didn’t do anything! I-” Zaramanni almost scoffed with disbelief at the huge ball of accusation the Luna was throwing at her.

Her wide eyes glaring some more, Laura said, ”Try your dirty trick once more and I will make sure we abandon you.”

Zaramanni was at a loss for words. She could not say anything in an attempt to excuse herself from the untrue accusation. But, as she looked at King Darren and saw that he was not willing to stop his wife from blaming her, Zara nodded slowly while taking a few steps backward.

Certainly, she would just stay back and pretend she didn’t save them from becoming brainless, pale idiots.

Without regarding the issue, King Darren began to speak, his stained ivory skin looking dirtier under the grim sky. “We should continue our walk, hopefully, we meet someone who can help-”

A loud interruption ensued.

With bulged eyes, Zaramanni watched as a huge ball of fur catapulted from one of the distant buildings. The ball swiftly and shockingly separated into two mighty wolves who looked like they were about to tear each other apart. As their fangs gnashed, their growls disturbing the quietude of the area.

Fear gripped Zara who she had nowhere to run to.

Well, that was until King Darren pulled her behind him a sense of protection in his action. He did the same to his wife, but Zara was still surprised.

So, as Zara placed her focus on the back of the King’s head, she wondered what was going on with the animals.

An answer to that question came faster than expected as a group of armed men rushed toward the scene and attempted to separate the fighting duo with bare hands.

Zara questioned their audacity with a squinty look on her face, but the men did it.

They separated the wolves without the help of their weapons and before they all knew it, the wolves turned into men who didn’t mind that they were naked as they kept sending glares at each other.

“What is going on here?” King Darren announced his presence and the unaware men-wolf turned to face the trio who hoped their days of endless walking were about to come to a halt.

A man came forward. Feisty and crimson-coloured eyes, angry lips, braided hair, dirty toffee skin tone… the sturdy man had a total unforgiving look.

A small grunt came from him as he spat out a huge chunk of saliva. Thankfully, he did that to the side. Zaramanni would have lost her senses if the man were to spit in her direction.

“And, who are you?” Even his voice sounded furious.

Zara wondered if he was one of Zenrada’s ruthless warriors. He did have the physique of one.

Quietly, Zara noticed how King Darren shared a look with his wife before he said, “I am your Alpha, King Darren and I demand to know what was just going on.”

“The Alpha, eh?” The chuckle that came out of the man-wolf’s mouth made Zaramanni realize that something was about to go wrong. “Why is the King out here when he should be cleaning the mess in the kingdom?”

”I am,” King Darren’s voice was solid, “cleaning the mess.”

The man looked around him before laughing again “I highly doubt that. I have not seen any decent food around here in days.”


”How do you even expect me to believe that you are the king? You are out here, dressed in a leaf skirt, shirtless, two women by your side, and walking into Zenrada looking like a fool. You look nothing like the King.”

King Darren exhaled and Zaramanni wondered if he was pissed already.

Then, the Alpha’s grumpy voice asked, “Do you even know what the king looks like?”

”No.” The hefty man laughed. “But, I don’t care. All I know is, I am not going to let you pass by just like that.”

”What do you want?”

The man’s eyes soon shared the same shade as the sky as he moved closer, his arms folded. “You,” he replied thickly.

“You want me?”

Zara made a face as it became unclear where the whole situation was leading to.

“While the ladies will make good entertainment, you will be good meat, with the right seasoning of course.” The men behind him burst into laughter as though their state of hunger wasn’t written all over their faces. Even the naked men that were still drilling angry looks at each other looked like they needed a proper meal.

But, was that good meal going to be King Darren?

Zaramanni looked to her right. Laura had her eyes alternating between the scene in front and her. She kept dashing angry looks her way and Zara knew that Alisha was right.

The she-wolf saw her as some kind of threat.

She wondered what would happen if she told Laura that her husband kissed her while he was a captive in Amarxona.

Her sinister thoughts were soon interrupted when rough hands reached for her hands and had them clasped behind her. The same was done to Laura and the hefty man was already smacking his lips as he observed King Darren.

His hungry eyes were specially placed on the lower part of the king’s body and Zara was about to speculate that the weird man wanted a different kind of meat.

Well, anyhow he wanted it, the man blocking their way was seemingly not destined to get any kind of meat as some men came riding towards the small gathering, the hooves of their horses announcing their entrance.

The leader of the approaching troop raised a hand as he urged his horse to slow down. Surprisingly, the horse looked like the animal Zaramanni recognized it to be. The creature didn’t have a little wolf-like modification.

Before anyone knew it, a long sword was in his grasp and the leader approached the little party, saying with a loud voice, “Stay where you are or you will be attacked or shot at.”

‘They have guns?’ Zara asked herself and that question was answered when some of the men that came with the leader brought out shotguns, ready to fire.

It seemed that the realm was indeed very similar to Earth.

At that point, Zaramanni knew better than to do anything, so she stuck to hoping that things would turn out well. But, she had to admit, she was slightly drawn to the physical features of the troop’s leader.

His short, gelled hair was sand-coloured and it complimented how blue his eyes looked- it seemed, for once, that seeing blue all her life was finally helpful.

His lips, thin and firmly pressed, got checked on her imaginary list of what she wanted her future man to look like.

“You must be the men from the Addai Pack who have been causing trouble for the kingdom.” In addition to his unique height and broad shoulders, he had the kind of voice she found soothing. Not too thick, not too soft, just the right amount. “You keep causing-”

Then the man’s fiery eyes landed on King Darren, he instantly fell to his knees after his pupils bulged with surprise.

Shaking her head, Zaramanni cautioned herself against crushing on a man that might end up not being real in case she was just having a dream.

A ridiculously long dream.

“Your Majesty,” the leader extolled. “You are back.” His head was swift to look up, his eyes wearing excitement. “You made it back with the Luna.”

”Sham,” King Darren let out a chuckle as he walked to the shorter man and had him standing on his feet. “You are okay.”

”Of course. Your Majesty gave me such an important task, it would be treacherous of me to die without trying my best.”

”I know, I know.” The king patted the man’s back, his plump lips curling into large grins. “While I was on my journey, my mind always thought about you and something told me that you were doing a great job.”

The he-wolf that was called Sham chuckled with relief. “Now that you are back, things will be better. The Kingdom still has a lot of healing to do.”

”Yes, indeed.” King Darren nodded. “And, together, we will make Zenrada a better kingdom than before.”

At this point, the men that firmly caged the ladies’ hands had released their hold.

Stepping forward, the savage man who wanted meat asked a bit calmly, “Wait, you are really the king?”

Zaramanni wished to guess that the man was feeling tossed aside and perhaps stupid

King Darren faced the man-wolf, then he stole a glance at the people that came with him. After drawing a sharp inhale, he faced Sham. “You said they are all from the Addai Pack, right?”

“Yes, your Majesty.”

”You should invite them to the palace to get some food that will sustain them and their family. Or are we having a food shortage?”

Sham shook his head instantly, his sense of duty all over his face. “We have more than enough. We have been searching for displaced citizens ever since you left and we never stopped the search. So, this man and his friends are more than welcome to stay if they want to.”

King Darren creased his forehead as something registered in his brain. “We? Did you find someone to assist you?

“Oh.” Sham’s scattered eyebrows jerked a little as his excitement grew. “Someone from the council isn’t dead.”

”Who?” Zara watched the King’s face wear a slight elation even though he hadn’t gotten a response.

“Zoey. Zoey from the Crown-Blood Pack is alive. He is presently taking care of-”

”Sham,” Laura cut in. “We have had a long journey. We would love to hasten the walk to the palace if that is possible.”

”Of course, your Highness.” Sham assumed an authoritative stance as he looked at the armed men behind them. “Some of my men will gladly give up their horses for both of you and-” Sham finally noticed the white-haired girl.

“Zaramanni,” she replied, still cautioning herself strongly as she took in the features on his square-shaped face.

“And, Zaramanni.” Sham’s lightly hued gaze wore a warm look, his lips curled into a slight smile.

“Actually, Zaramanni will be stopping on the way,” King Darren interfered.

“Huh?” Zara was pretty sure the palace would be her destination as well.

“Oh, really?” Sham spoke.

“She will be residing at Crown-Blood Pack’s manor in the meantime.”

”Why not the palace?” Zaramanni questioned and she did not miss the startled look on the faces of others.

“Because it will be safer for you there. You can’t argue with me,” the king dashed her hopes of putting up an argument. And, Zara did a re-think. Talking back to the King in front of his people might not be a good image for her.

“Okay,” she quietly agreed.

Sham cleared his throat and Zara looked his way. His face wore a look she was unable to interpret. So, Zara just shrugged and started to walk toward the rest of the troop.

Zaramanni, who had her keen attention on the horses, thanked the heavens for the fact that she wouldn’t have to continue the rest of her journey on foot.

She had done enough walking for a lifetime.

And, even though she was irritated by King Darren’s decision to toss her in a place that he wouldn’t be residing in, she considered the fanciness a manor was always rumoured to have.

So apart from the sight of disturbing reddish sky, perhaps her brief stay at Zenrada wouldn’t be terrible.


Welcome to PART TWO of Book One. :)

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