After exactly three days and two nights that were filled with countless footsteps, random and annoying stops, and silence, they were finally a few steps closer to The Big Tear.

When Alicia announced their proximity and mentioned that the approaching dawn will be blessed with the view of The Big Tear, Zaramanni was gladdened.

And it seemed that excitement got to her head too much since she had been unable to sleep ever since they all decided to get some shut-eye.

Sick of tossing and waiting for the embrace of slumber, Zaramanni sat up. Then, the side of her eye noticed the presence of King Darren who was resting beside his Luna.

Gulping hard as though she was instantly faced with something that caused great fear, Zara quickly realized that she was slightly scared of… King Darren.

Something within her worried that he would shift into a wolf again and worse… kill someone.

After urging herself to remain calm, Zara stole a look at the clear sky. Despite being void of clouds, the moon sat pretty even though it was not in its full shape.

The distant body shined brightly and provided the sojourners with a homely feel.

Feeling appreciative toward the moon for not being like the occupants of the Amarxona’s land, Zaramanni soon felt a heavy presence beside her.

Lowering her dreamy gaze, hiding the fact that she was slightly scared, Zara looked to her side.

“King Darren…” she whispered.

The man-wolf eyed her as though he was sizing her up before choosing between hurling insults at her or saying nothing.

Zaramanni, who was certain that she didn’t want to engage in any form of communication at that moment, looked away instantly. Her thick lashes fluttered as she silently wished that he would just leave instead of freaking her out.

“You..” King Darren finally spoke, his voice surprisingly not bearing harshness. Zara faced him. “When we get to Zenrada, you need to be careful.”

”I got that memo already. Alisha thinks I am making a big mistake by following you to Zenrada, so she made sure to remind me that I am walking into the lion’s den.” Her eyes squinted slightly as she concluded, “Well, the wolf’s den.”

The plant skirt King Darren had around his waist rustled as he lifted a knee and placed his right elbow on it, the stance giving him a rather heroic look.

Zara made sure to admonish herself not to look down since it was certain that he was naked beyond the skirt. Though, she could not help but wonder for a minute what he looked like down there.

Perhaps, they had different body anatomy in that universe, she thought.

King Darren cleared his throat and she stopped thinking about genitalia. “Do you think you are making a mistake?” he asked.

Zaramanni, who had been avoiding the chance to answer that question, sighed. Her mind had raised the same question so many times since she decided to go to Zenrada.

“If I am being honest, Mr. King, I think I made a mistake when I stepped out of my hostel that day. Why did I have to think about changing my boring life? Perhaps,” Zaramanni realized why she had been avoiding the question, “I would be in class right now. But, no. I am on the run with a werewolf king, his wife, and a witch.”

That feeling of regret… she didn’t want to be conscious of such an emotion. That was the reason.

But, after the response she just uttered, she was sure to eventually feel it.

Zara tilted her chin down as she closed her eyes to send back the tears she felt approaching.

Then, she continued, her hair feeling the breeze once again. “I just wish I could back to Earth without much hassle. Why do I have to travel miles to leave this place when I didn’t come here on my own?” The croak in her voice could not be hidden anymore. “And, I can’t begin to imagine how devastated my grandma is right now. My phone doesn’t even work in this damn place.”

Zara bit into the fleshy insides of her mouth. She didn’t want those tears coming at all. But, she was just so frustrated.

“If you ask me what I think,” the ethereal side to the King’s voice followed Zara’s strained response, “I don’t think going to Mount Hermos is going to be a simple solution to your problems.”


”There is something about you…” His dark eyes roamed her body for some seconds. “Something that will be the reason you will have to stay here longer than you would wish.”

“Something…” Scoffing hard, she rolled her eyes. Zara was tired of hearing about this thing she supposedly has. “What is the thing you people keep going on and on about? Earlier Alisha was insisting that I was a-”

“When you get to Zenrada,” the King chose to ignore her lamentations after cutting her short, “I am going to make sure I protect you. After all, I owe you for saving my life.”

The seriousness in his voice and his eyes… it made her building anger dissolve.

Soon, Zara didn’t have the strength to complain anymore.

Catching a glimpse of the determined look in the King’s eyes, Zara instantly thought about the brief moment they shared a kiss. And the time their naked torsos touched each other as though they were opposite sides of a magnet.

Then, a warm touch landed on her right cheek and her insides became a little tumultuous.

”Zaramanni…” That was the first time the King would say her name.

But there was something about the way he said it.

Never had anyone made her name sound so powerful. No one had ever called her name as if it was a title that must never be lost in time.

Not even her Granny.

Trying to stay focused on what he had to say, Zara found that she was finding it difficult to get his voice out of her head. And the slight touch he had against her face just made matters worse.

But, the King soon withdrew his caress. His hair, which had grown a lot, began to dance with the passing breeze as well.

At that instant, as he brushed the brownness of his hair backward, King Darren said, “I will make sure you have a safe journey to Mount Hermos. But, when preparations for your journey to Mount Hermos are being made, make sure that you don’t let anyone find out who you really are.”

”Do you also think I am a half-fairy?” Zara was surprised when he gave a curt nod. “Why are you taking me with you then? The fairies attacked your people. I doubt you should be going back to your kingdom with someone that might have the fairy’s blood.”

”I can’t leave you behind, little girl. You won’t survive in this realm if you are alone.” After his reply, the King stared ahead at the clustered trees that blended in with the night.

“So,” Zara wore a small frown on her face, “you think I will survive in Zenrada?”

”If you follow me, yes.”

“Wow. Just wow.”

Scratching sounds ensued as King Darren got up, his feet retreating by a few steps. “You should get some sleep. Once we cross The Big Tear, things might get a little hectic.”

”Are we not going to talk about you shifting into a wolf?” Zara asked suddenly. But, her calm state became agitated as the man’s face suddenly closed in on hers, their faces almost kissing.

“If you want to live, don’t ever mention that incident. Ever.” His voice sounded so cruel.

”Uh… okay. Okay,” she repeated as he glared at her. Once he left and walked toward Laura who was fast asleep, Zara’s chest felt less startled.

And, she soon went back to desiring the arrival of the approaching dawn.


Zaramanni was unable to sleep but it didn’t tell in her steps.

In fact, her face wore a bright look as they finally reached The Big Tear which was nothing like what she had imagined.

As she stared at the huge demarcation, Zara noted how lovely the colours on the fluid-like wall were and her eyes happily followed the waves the wall gently created.

“This is it, King Darren.” That was the first time Alisha put some respect in the King’s name. Zaramanni noticed that he didn’t care, just like he didn’t care when she was calling him by just his name.

“Thank you, Alisha,” Laura spoke, her busty bosom pressing into the man’s side as she hugged the king dearly. “You have helped my husband’s journey greatly.”

”I did lose an arm, though,” Alisha spoke, jest in her voice.

“Yes, that’s terrible. I wish we could get you a new one,” Laura replied and the look on her face suggested that she was yet to believe that Alisha’s arm partially decayed when she was experimenting with an unknown liquid.

“Nah, it is fine. You should go ahead, the journey is still long.”

”Oh please, once we step on Zenrada’s grounds, we are home.”

Alisha threw a smile in the woman’s direction and Zara could tell it was fake. As the witch turned and faced Zaramanni, she reached for her hand and placed something in her palm.

“This,” Zara inspected the dirty metallic object, “looks like a lighter.”

“If that is what you wish to call it, go ahead. This object will help you get out of any dire situation.”

Zara inspected the object some more. “How do I use this?”

”The same way you would use it back on Earth. It will help you greatly.”

Zara let out a sigh before she hugged Alisha. “Thank you so much for helping us, Alisha. If not for you, the fairies would have captured us again.”

”Thank the goddess they didn’t, I would have missed out on such a great show and I wouldn’t have lost an arm.”

”I don’t think that is something you should be joking about,” Zaramanni said as she took a step back.

“I hope we get to meet before you leave this universe,” Alisha sounded serious for once.

“Me too. Take care, Alisha.” Zara hugged her bloodstained bag to her chest.

”You too, Zaramanni.” After a warm smile, Alisha soon had her hand hanging mid-air, her gesture directed toward the king. “King Darren, I hope you welcome me into your kingdom sometime.”

”Well, we will see about that. Thank you for your help, Alisha.” Zara noticed that Laura looked subtly shocked when the King showed his appreciation.

Soon, after the farewells, the trio advanced towards the wall, to begin their journey into Zenrada.

The journey that will mark a new chapter in Zaramanni’s life.


Ezeman could feel it in his fluttering wings whose functionality was retained despite the sorry state it recently attained. He could sense that the person he was about to meet was close by.

He looked down and saw The Big Tear in its nylon-like state and he wondered if the king and the girl had indeed made it to Zenrada.

Or perhaps, the forests of Amarxona had successfully trapped them.

Whichever it was, Ezeman quickly decided that would not be his concern at that moment.

Soon, he landed, the sole of his designed shoes stepping on some unfortunate microscopic creatures.

The lingering scent that greeted him assured the fairy that the person was indeed close.

So, he walked a few more steps, pushing aside some intruding branches. And finally, after some seconds, his lips found a reason to widen with a smile.

With a huge smile, he said, “Alisha.”

The witch wore a grin as well, as she rushed towards the fairy. “Ezeman, you are here.”

“My-” He saw her arm and he became concerned. “What happened to you?” He held her shoulders firmly as his concerned eyes scrutinized her amputated arm.

“That doesn’t matter.” Alisha quickly placed her lips on his, displaying her hunger for his touch as her only hand fumbled with the belt of his knitted trousers. “I have missed you so much, Ezeman.” Her kisses trailed down to his neck region but he was still distracted.

“Who did this to you?” Ezeman asked, his voice more insistent, his eyes so close to blazing with anger.

“Who cares? I still look sexy.”


Alisha sighed and put a pause on her attempts to get his manhood ready for her. “Ezeman, I am fine. I can always get a false arm from Bugsman. But right now, I have missed you so much and I can’t wait anymore.”

The man raked her hair with his fingers, his eyes wearing an endearing look. “I came because I need your help.”

”Well, that can wait.” She planted a small kiss on his nose and resumed fondling his trousers. “Right now, make me miss you less.”

”Of course, my beautiful goddess.” Ezeman, with a single motion, had his trousers layered at his feet. His growing erection poked Alisha who was about to go on her knees. But, before she could do that, while he occasionally tugged her at her lips with provocative kisses, he got rid of every layer of her gown and exposed her nakedness.

Once Alisha had his hardness in her mouth, the both of them fell into the feeling of ecstasy and the nature around them bore witness to the steamy, intense moment they both spent on the ground, in each other’s arms.







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