Zarafa and the Higher Power

Chapter Chapter Six

The next decade passed excruciatingly slowly for Zarafa. She never knew she could be so bored. The Dorff were, honestly, horrible company, and absolutely nothing really happened on First Earth. While the technology intrigued her, she didn’t have much to do with it since she could only go out at night. She was utterly isolated, and the pain of being forgotten and disregarded burned in her chest every day.

Still, she waited faithfully for the Higher Power to return their attention to her and bring her back into the light.

They had to come to their senses eventually, right? It wouldn’t take much for Patrick to mess up enough for them to toss him aside and pull her back. Still… in the decade since Patrick had gained his insignia, he’d somehow managed to get another, as well as Dexter. Since this placed Patrick higher than her, her fury grew exponentially. Outraged for a number of weeks about it, she had gone on a bit of a blood binge to take the edge off.

Now, though, she had an incoming call on the Hologram Square from Dexter. The girl who was the key to Dravyn’s plan. It had to be about her. The correct amount of time had passed since Dravyn’s vision about her.

Pressing on the Square to accept the call, the life-size blue hologram of Dexter sprang up. Her eyes raked over him, looking for signs of remorse and fatigue from dealing with Patrick. There were bags under his eyes, adding to the signs of his aging. His hair was losing its color, with a multitude of grey strands seeded throughout, concentrated by his temples. He still looked regal, but as she expected, he looked weary.

“He lost her. Patrick lost her,” Dexter groaned, looking at her through the Hologram square, his eyes dark.

“I’m sorry... he did what?” Zarafa repeated, feeling glee bubble up in her chest at the news. I knew it. I knew he would screw up.

“Yes... it seems the child was of the Dragon family. I’m sure you’re aware of his lust for vengeance against them,” he sighed. “He managed to kidnap one of their children, but it wasn’t the right one. He lost the girl.”

Biting her lower lip to keep from laughing with delight, Zarafa managed to say, “What would you have me do about it?”

“Unfortunately, I need you to stay on First Earth,” he directed, a knowing look on his face as he denied her dream of reclaiming Patrick’s position. “There’s a masquerade ball being held tomorrow night to cover a meeting the Higher Power is hosting in First Earth. More directions will be given there. I know you want a higher status among the Higher Power, so if she winds up on First Earth, find her. I will send over directions to the ball later.” With that, he signed off, and his hologram sputtered out as the Hologram Square turned off at the end of the call.

“Well, then... perhaps all hope is not lost after all,” Zarafa murmured to herself, her red lips curling up in satisfaction. Her desperation had grown nearly unbearable over the past decade. Now she had a chance to redeem herself, so she would need to bury that desperation once more. The Higher Power was never going to accept her back if they could detect her level of need. Grinning to herself, Zarafa hurried to find a suitable dress and mask for the ball, skirting past the two snoring Dorff, piled on top of each other in the middle of the hallway, sprawling awkwardly.

She showered, dried her hair, and dressed quickly. Pulling on gloves that nearly went to her elbows, Zarafa smiled at her completed outfit. The dress was a shade of red that went perfectly with her hair, which she had pulled up elaborately, thanks to that being one of the things she had gotten good at during her long, boring days cooped up in the house. It fell in soft curls around her face while the rest was pulled up in various areas with braids and pins. A soft, lacy black mask settled softly around her eyes and tied behind her head, which she managed to hide with her hair. Black high-heeled sandals increased her height by a couple of inches and made her long legs stand out even further as they peeked out of the dress, which ended a little above her knees.

She was ready to turn heads at the ball as well as the secret meeting. She would show the Higher Power just what they passed up on a decade ago when they chose to settle for Patrick instead- and even promoted him eight years later.

Striding down the moving sidewalks of First Earth, she admired how everything gleamed in the moonlight. Everything was so metallic here that the light from the moon reflecting off of everything made it bright enough she almost felt as though she was walking around during the day. The sun had set just as she’d headed out of her house, reminding her how grateful she was that the ball had been scheduled late in the day. It was also nearby, which was good news for her since she had chosen to wear footwear with heels, and she’d never been assigned a hovercar. Yet another way the Higher Power had shunned her.

When she saw the building, she knew instantly that it was the correct place. It was techy enough to blend in with the rest of First Earth, but to their standards, the building was still old-fashioned. For one, the walls consisted of stone and mortar rather than whatever smooth metal caused nearly everything on First Earth to gleam so brightly the residents had to make technological changes to their eyes in order to bear it. The building was also much larger than the uniform size the government had issued to compensate for the ever-growing population. It reminded her of a more ‘modern’ version of the Dragon Hunter’s castle. The castle that was supposed to be hers.

Growling, she dragged her thoughts away from the Dragon Hunters and Zilferia as she swept through the large, open doors. Pausing, she admired the beautiful wood that had been used to make the door. Even after leaving Ponorama, she hadn’t seen much wood. Lii’s buildings were mostly created from the flowers among crystal fields, and the Dragon Hunters’ castle was mostly crafted out of stone.

Shaking herself out of it as she noticed people filing past her, she lifted her chin and sauntered inside. This was her opportunity to make a good impression on the Higher Power. The timing was crucial. She fully intended to take advantage of amplifying Patrick’s huge blunder and make herself appear as the perfect replacement. She was, after all, everything that Patrick was not. Patient, poised, focused on the future, absolutely dedicated to the Higher Power and their goals. She was everything they needed, and she would show them the mistake that they had made in passing her over for the hot-headed orphan of Zilferia.

Looking out over the gathering crowd, she immediately picked out those of the Higher Power. She’d had little else to do but study the leaders among the Higher Power over the last decade. Nothing really happened on First Earth. It wasn’t much of an assignment as much as it was a banishment. The majority of party-goers were definitely from First Earth; their unhealthy bodies told her that much. No one in this realm exercised much, thanks to the ease of technology. Still, there were plenty of more trim attendees, helping the Higher Power to blend in among them. It seemed there were enough people invited to the ball that they were unlikely to be noticed when they slipped away to conduct their meeting.

Enjoying the music, Zarafa headed over to the refreshment table. It had been a long time since she’d been around so many people, and she could feel her teeth beginning to ache in need. She’d need to supplement. She absolutely could not be seen as weak. Not now. Watching the crowd, she noticed when the host joined them, thanks to everyone there seeming to know him.

Everyone but her, that was.

Intrigued, she abandoned the food and slipped past the many bodies in the room in pursuit of the man. She slowed as she neared him, taking in his appearance now that her vision was no longer impeded by the many bodies between them. He had a strong jawline with black stubble, the perfect length to shape his face, but still allowing him to look put-together. Dark blue eyes shone as he welcomed a couple of ladies to the party, the white mask he wore covering half of his face. Lips curving into a smile, Zarafa closed the gap between them, speaking once she reached his shoulder.

“You must be the man throwing this wonderful party,” she murmured, allowing the slightest amount of magic to carry in her voice. The man turned, the obligatory smile already on his supple lips, but froze before he could say anything in return. His eyes widened slightly before raking up and down, looking her over.

His lips finally stumbled over the words, “T- that would... be me. And who are you?”

Deciding to play with the man, she simply smiled coyly before giving him the tiniest shake of her head, stopping him in his tracks. Then giving him a sly wink, she turned and plunged back into the throng of people, feeling his stare linger on her until she’d moved out of his sight. Pausing in a dark corner, she looked back at him, one hand on her chest. Sure, the man was stunningly handsome, but she’d seen handsome men before, and her heart hadn’t ever done this. And what was that that she had just done to him? Was she flirting with the host of the ball... of a Higher Power gathering? Oh, she hoped this wouldn’t come back to haunt her. She absolutely had to stay away from the man who caused her heart to burn.

Otherwise, she felt sure she’d never be able to secure a higher position among the Higher Power.

She avoided him the best she could until the signal was given for the meeting to begin, though she kept a careful eye on him. The only reason she could think of to not know about him despite her thorough examination of files on those among the Higher Power was that he had been kept from the file on purpose. With that being the case, he had to be a spy, or something similar.

That only made him more attractive to her.

When the meeting began, Zarafa opted to sit near the front, but at the far side of the room, by the wall, to lower the chances that the hot host would sit by her. As the room began to fill, she slowly relaxed, though remained alert. The chair beside her, inexplicably, remained open. Swallowing, she watched as the well-built man finally entered, his dark blue eyes sweeping the room. When they landed on her, his lips quirked into a small smile when he noticed the empty chair beside her, and the fact that she was staring right back at him.

Before she could do anything to remedy the situation, he slid into the seat, effectively blocking any escape. He smiled at her confidently, his brilliant white smile throwing her off even further. “You left before you could give me your name.”

Hesitating, she met his gaze. Keeping her cool, she simply replied, “Zarafa.”

“Ah... the one and only applicant to get into the Higher Power after only a year of training,” he murmured breathlessly in response, inclining his head toward hers and speaking softly so no one else would catch their conversation. She appreciated that, at least. “You have quite the reputation, Zarafa,” he continued, pulling back a little and giving her another grin. “Rescued from the forlorn realm of Ponorama, you worked with Dexter for only a year before your trial, where you set another record with the fastest battle in the history of the Higher Power. Pity you got a black mark on your name during it, though. It seemed you obtained your insignia almost effortlessly... I must say, I was astounded when I heard the newest contestant was the one who secured the position in Zilferia.”

“Yeah, well, not for long,” she muttered, trying to keep her eyes from flashing in irritation.

“Yes, they appointed that imbecile, Patrick, instead,” he murmured, eyes locking onto hers as though to read her reaction to his words. “Why they would choose him over you, I haven’t the faintest idea.”

Zarafa’s lips finally began to lift in a smile. Oh, it felt good to hear someone else voicing the same thoughts that she’d been having for a decade. “You’re telling me,” she chuckled in response, finally relaxing.

The man’s smile deepened as he noticed her defenses lowering. “The name’s Dalwork, by the way.”

“Pleasure to meet you,” she replied, shaking his hand formally. He seemed like a pretty formal guy... yet she had a feeling he wouldn’t remain that way around her for long. Their gazes lingered on each other’s faces as the meeting began, with the man at the front droning on about the lost Dragon child.

Forcing her gaze to the man speaking rather than Dalwork’s darkly intense returning gaze, she pretended to listen as the man told them everything they knew about the girl. Her name was Crystal, though they’re not to rely on that, since she was more than likely not going to receive the same name after being transported to another realm. She was, at this point, a couple of weeks old, so they were to search for any children that had been reported as appearing out of nowhere in the last few weeks, or a baby showing reptilian-like eyes: the dragon eyes those of Zilferia’s royal family displayed at will. It sounded like a very simple and straightforward task, for which Zarafa was grateful, since most of her attention during the meeting was focused on the nearness of Dalwork’s body, the heat radiating from him, and the gaze that hardly strayed from her face. Never. Never before had a man looked at her like that.

The burning feeling in her chest increased, and she almost felt as though she was going to sweat from the intensity of emotions rushing through her. Well, not emotions, she knew that it was simple hormones, but still, they made her flushed in the most embarrassing of ways. She couldn’t wait to get away from this party and this man... yet she also felt the need to linger as long as possible. Maybe they could be partners in the search for the child, so she wouldn’t have to leave him so soon after meeting him?

As the meeting finished and everyone stood to leave, she blew out a nervous breath. Stop being so silly, she scolded herself as she followed suit and stood, Dalwork rising beside her. You do not know this man, and you do not need nor have you ever even desired a mate. You are stronger than your hormones, so act like it!

Zarafa hurried from the room, very much aware of Dalwork keeping pace with her. She gave him an amiable smile as she slowly crept toward the front door. “You have a wonderful house. Thank you for the lovely evening, but I must get going now. To, uh... find the girl.”

“Of course,” he chuckled before unexpectedly taking her by the hand and tugging her back toward the dance floor. Pulling her to him, she found herself off-balance enough to be unable to resist the move until her body was pressed to his. One hand moved to the small of her back, keeping her body close to his. His smirk softened as he looked at her, his feet automatically leading them in a waltz.

Stunned by the swift decisiveness of his moves, Zarafa numbly followed his guiding steps before finally pulling her thoughts back together. “Dalwork!” she growled, slapping his chest with her free hand as she glared at him.

“Why not stay for a dance?” he chuckled as he spun her expertly. “This is, after all, a ball. It would seem odd for you to show up and not dance. Besides, I’m sure that baby isn’t going anywhere. If she’s even in this realm, rather than Zilferia, Second Earth, Zelon...”

“Alright, I get it!”

Grinning, Dalwork continued anyway. “Ponorama, Quagon, or Lii. There isn’t that high of a chance the child was sent here in the first place. Right, my dear?”

“I’m not your dear,” she growled in response, again smacking his chest, which just served to deepen his smile.

“You know, my dear, you are drawing undue attention to yourself,” he murmured by her ear, his breath sliding over her skin in a way that instantly gave her goosebumps. Swallowing, she glanced around, confirming his claim.

“Alright, alright,” she sighed, finally relaxing in his arms. “One dance.”

Several dances and a lot of laughter later, and Zarafa grew comfortable enough with Dalwork to allow him to lead her away from the dying party. He took her by the hand and showed her the rest of the gorgeous house, finally ending with a private balcony overlooking the moderate garden to the side of the house.

When he leaned against the railing, she did the same, facing him. She couldn’t seem to keep her eyes off of his gorgeous face. And that was without even being able to see all of it, thanks to his mask. Reaching her fingers up to it, she hesitated, watching for his reaction. Giving her an easy smile, he nodded for her to continue. Biting her lower lip gently, she pulled it off of his face, tossing it onto the small glass table in the corner.

He looked back at her just as intensely as she studied his face, and soon she dipped her head, lowering her eyes. The level of attention he was giving her was just too much to handle. Looking back up at him through her eyelashes, she noticed him reaching for her own mask. Gulping, she turned to give him better access. He managed to untie it despite it being buried in her hair, and she finally felt the soft black lace slip off of her skin.

She felt strangely vulnerable without it, and her chest felt tight. Still, she couldn’t resist the pull to meet Dalwork’s gaze. His face seemed to be glowing as he took her in. If she didn’t know any better, she’d have thought the look was akin to adoration.

But that couldn’t be the case.

Once again dropping her head, she talked to his chest instead. “So, Dalwork. Tell me about yourself. You know everything about how I came to join the Higher Power, but what about you?”

He let out a brief sigh and led her to the two chairs that sat waiting for them. Sinking into it, he looked at her, his gaze less intense now that he had something else to focus on. “I’m originally from Zelon. I’m sure you’re aware of how the creatures, especially bugs, there are much larger than any other realm?” he asked.

Zarafa nodded. She’d also spent a lot of her time studying the realms in an attempt to stave off her boredom. “Well, I was one who helped defend the cities against the more… hot-headed types. One day I slipped up and nearly died. Apparently, the Higher Power had been watching me for a while, and they helped me recover and offered me a better, safer job. I took them up on it and started training. I got my own insignia about four years later and have been working for them for about… six years now.”

“As a spy?” she couldn’t help but ask.

He gave her a surprised look. “How did you know?”

“There’s not much to do in this realm,” she admitted, her face feeling slightly flushed. “So I mostly study things. The realms, those in the Higher Power… and I recognized everyone here but you. It was the logical explanation.”

“Ah, I see. Well yes, you are correct. Apparently, the need for spies grew once Patrick joined the Higher Power. His… ah… nemesis, King Alexander Dragon of Zilferia has begun to develop a suspicion about us and his moving to thwart Dravyn’s plans. I go to Zilferia often enough to make him think I am on his side. Mainly I just discover what I can and make a report. I was the one who discovered they were having triplets and reported it. Patrick decided to use that information to move against the King, resulting in him losing the girl. Unfortunate that we didn’t know she was ‘the Key’ until after she was born, while Patrick was in the midst of losing her.”

“If your job is in Zilferia, why are you in First Earth?” she asked.

He gazed at her for a moment before giving a small shake of his head. “I have my suspicions, but the time isn’t right for me to share them with you. As much as I enjoy your company, I don’t feel safe sharing my suspicions with you just yet.”

Zarafa nodded in understanding, and her mind stuck on the words ‘I enjoy your company.’ Had anyone ever truly enjoyed her company before? Dexter may have, but he’d certainly never said it outloud to her, even after spending a year with her, day in and day out.

Who was this man?

She was just beginning to open her mouth to ask him more, but realized with a start that the sky was rapidly lightening. “The sun is coming up,” she stupidly pointed out.

He turned to look at the horizon, heaving a happy sigh. “That it is. Isn’t it beautiful? I’ve always loved sunrises. Such a beautiful way to start the day.”

Zarafa stood, pushing her chair back in her haste. “I’m afraid they mean something else to me.”

“What do you mean?” he asked, turning to look at her in confusion.

As Zarafa stared back at him, she realized he didn’t know about her vampirism. “...I’m a vampire.”

He physically blanched at the word, drawing back from her, shock and even disgust crossing his face. Zarafa felt as though she’d been slapped at the look. Oh, this had been a dangerous game to play. Just like that, her heart hurt like it never had before, a unique kind of pain seeping from it; different from when Dexter had replaced her with Patrick.

Dalwork recovered quickly, but it wasn’t fast enough to spare her the pain. “I’m sorry-” he began, rising to his feet and taking a step toward her.

Turning away from him, she fled, her legs carrying her away from him and his house fast enough it was as though he was the threat to her life rather than the rising sun.

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