Zarafa and the Higher Power

Chapter Chapter Five

The next few days were pretty touch-and-go with the man she’d rescued, but eventually he woke and was coherent enough to speak. “I’m Patrick,” he began, his voice hoarse and dry. “Who are you people?”

Zeke answered as Dexter and Zarafa hovered nearby, mostly out of curiosity. “We’re a group called the Dragon Hunters.” Patrick paused at this, his one good eye glinting as he looked at the young leader. The other eye was still swollen shut from the wound. The claw had come impossibly close to removing the eye entirely. He was lucky. Though the sickly wound along his cheekbone was clearly not healing- likely thanks to the dragon’s magic. It happened, but rarely. Usually the Dragon Hunters could do a fair job of healing all their dragon-related injuries. Patrick had just been unfortunate enough to have been dealt a wound that, even given time, was unlikely to heal correctly. It seemed he would survive, but his face would never be the same.

“So… you aren’t affiliated with the Dragon family, then?”

“No,” Zeke shook his head. “We have nothing to do with the royal family. We operate independently of those Dragon Lovers.”

Patrick hesitated before speaking again, his gaze intense upon Zeke’s face. “I’d like to join your… operation here. The Dragons are no friends of mine.” His dark eye sparkled with desperation as he stared at Zeke. “Please. I cannot go back to the King’s Village. He betrayed me. ...I can funnel my rage into fighting dragons alongside you. I’ll prove myself to you if you give me a chance.”

Zeke chuckled, lifting his hands up. “Alright, alright. You can join, Patrick. No need to convince me.”

Patrick relaxed back into the bed, heaving a sigh of relief before falling asleep again from the medications he was on. Well, this man should make an interesting addition to the Dragon Hunters, Zarafa thought to herself as she followed Dexter out the door.

She discovered in the following months that she was right. He was shaking up the easy thing the Dragon Hunters had going on. Within weeks of getting back on his feet, he was demanding that the Dragon Hunters get more involved in the politics of Zilferia. It was all, of course, driven completely by his hatred for the King. He’d told anyone who would listen about his infatuation with Pearl and how Alexander undermined him and stole her heart.

He was, honestly, pathetic. She regretted rushing to save the man from the dragon the Hunters had named Giusto. Apparently, Patrick was madly in love with Queen Pearl and had been upset beyond reason when she had married Alexander, leading him to leave the Village and wander into the wilderness, where they’d found and rescued him.

He was a man of single-minded rage, and it was constantly grating on her last nerve. He continually hassled Zeke about waging war on the King’s Village, and when he was refused, he would turn his pleading to her. After denying him multiple times, she finally explained through gritted teeth that she didn’t have the authority to command the Dragon Hunters so much as be a connection between them and the Higher Power.

Oh, how she missed Dexter’s powerful calm by her side. He had left a few days after she’d killed Giusto, saying that if she could nearly single-handedly slay a dragon, she’d be fine here without him. She almost resented herself for adjusting so quickly, making his presence unnecessary. She felt alone here, constantly bored of watching the teenage leader. He didn’t need much help from her, surprisingly, thanks to everything he had learned from his father, the previous Dragon Hunter leader, which just made her feel like her presence was completely futile. What was she even doing here? What was the grand thing Dravyn’s plan revolved around? Literally nothing had happened in the few months since the Hunt she’d gone on with the Dragon Hunters.

What am I supposed to be doing? Each day ended with the smothering feeling of falling short of Astrid’s expectations, as well as frustration at doing nothing all day. Surely there had to be something she was supposed to do while she was here.

Dropping her spoon into her bowl of soup with a sigh, she picked up on a hushed conversation. Intrigued, she let touches of her magic amplify the sounds until she was able to make out the words clearly. It was Zeke, speaking with a small group of his friends. “No, I’m serious,” he insisted harshly, keeping his voice low. “Everything we’ve been taught is a lie. Dragons really aren’t evil.”

“You’ve gone sick in the brain,” one friend replied forlornly.

“No, I’ve gone with him,” one of the others insisted with a hiss. “I’ve seen it for myself. You can too.”

“Why would we want to do something so foolish? They’re obviously brainwashing you into dragging a group of us out there, unarmed and unprepared. Ripe for the slaughter. How stupid do you think we are?”

“Stupid enough to not trust your leader,” the friend replied with a growl, still defending Zeke.

“I don’t want to play the leader card,” Zeke begged, growing a little emotional. “I was hoping you would trust me as your friend, and let me show you something new. Please, open your minds to the possibility of something different.” There was a pause as the others considered his plea.

“Alright,” one of them finally grumbled, giving in. “We’ll come.”

Zarafa stopped listening then, but watched them, intrigued. What is happening here? The leader of the Dragon Hunters... begging his followers to change into what they label as ‘dragon lovers?’ That’s a pretty risky move, considering how much this group loathes dragon lovers. Because of that, I might think it’s a ploy for something else, but with Zeke... he probably has grown fond of dragons. Not that I care one way or the other, but if he manages to convert the entirety of the Dragon Hunters- well, except Patrick, he’s the most stone-headed of the bunch- there won’t be much of a group left serving the Higher Power. And that simply won’t do. Even not knowing Dravyn’s plan, I know the Dragon Hunters are a big part of it. ...Maybe by showing Zeke’s slip-up, I’ll be appointed to be the head of the Dragon Hunters instead. They may be a boring, dull bunch, but they are going to be at the center of the action. At least, that’s what Astrid said when she heard from Dravyn just before I was sent here. Zilferia is the most important realm where his work is progressing. They entrusted me to it when they sent me here... replacing Zeke will just give me more control. I’ll actually be able to help further Dravyn’s plans, rather than just sit back and wait for something to happen. After all this time of feeling useless and under-utilized, I’ll finally be able to prove myself!

Zarafa’s gaze took in movement, and she pulled from her thoughts just in time to witness Zeke and his band of followers slip out of the main room. Smiling to herself, Zarafa stood and swept after them, her own meal forgotten in her eagerness to expose the wayward leader.

The cool night air brushed against her pale skin as her long legs carried her after the band of ten or so people. Why so many people? She idly wondered as she snuck after them, using just a touch of magic to keep her approach silent, despite the dry, fallen leaves beneath her boots. Surely he hasn’t recruited so many people that he’s needing to take them out in larger and larger groups? ...How long has this been going on?

Unsettled that she hadn’t noticed the shift among the Dragon Hunters before now, she scowled and scurried along behind the trees, keeping a sharp eye on the group. Undoubtedly, they were headed toward a dragon who had managed to befriend Zeke. How else was he supposed to prove to them all that dragons were, as he called them, ‘friends?’ Slowing, she whispered a spell under her breath to hide her from detection, from even dragons. One couldn’t be too careful.

Just ahead, Zeke gestured for the group to slow and stop before he carried on alone, likely to warn the dragon. Zarafa waited with bated breath, wondering if she should get closer. Finally deciding she had to be absolutely sure before risking exposing the boy, she crept closer. There, the glint of red scales could be seen through the trees. It was a mother dragon, judging by the dragon hatchlings climbing all around- one even cradled in Zeke’s arms. Turning, Zeke called out to the rest of the group. Zarafa just caught his voice as it carried on the wind. “Come on- without your weapons. I’m fine. Come and see!” The others hesitated before finally laying their weapons on the ground amid the orange and red leaves of fall coating the forest floor. Slow, heavy steps carried them over to Zeke. It didn’t take long before they relaxed and even begin playing with the dragonets. Grinning triumphantly, Zarafa pulled away and turned back to the castle.

She’d seen enough.


After hearing Zarafa’s report, Dexter decided to come to Zilferia himself. He’d be there in a matter of minutes, ready to receive the group as they returned from the woods, catching them in the act. Zarafa waited, leaning against the stone walls, a pleased smile lifting her lips and her mood. This would change everything. This was what she had been sent here for. Everything was looking up for her now. Her year of waiting patiently had proven to be fruitful. Oh, how she couldn’t wait to see the look on Zeke’s face when he realized he had failed. No big surprise to her. He was far too young to be a leader, untried despite his father having led the Dragon Hunters until he died. She still wasn’t sure how he’d died, particularly since it wasn’t something Zeke liked to discuss. Shrugging to herself, she reminded herself that it didn’t matter. It hadn’t then, and it mattered even less now. She was set to change everything around here.

“Zarafa,” Dexter’s familiar voice sounded behind her, and she turned with a ready smile.

“Dexter! I’m so glad you could make it,” she greeted sweetly. Her red lips pursed in preparation to say more, but she was cut off by a soft chorus of gasps behind her. Turning back to the woods, her smile widened as she took in the startled group, staring at Dexter, the knowledge of their indiscretions upon their faces, the final piece of evidence Dexter needed. When Zeke turned his pale face to Zarafa, she gave him a tiny nod, confirming his fears that she had discovered his secret and reported it to Dexter.

Dexter let out a sigh as he stepped up beside her. “Zeke. A word, if I may.”

“O- of course,” he stammered in reply, scrambling to follow Dexter back into the building. As Zarafa followed closely behind, she felt a haughtiness in her step. She had done well, exposing the boy to her superiors. She could already taste the increase of power to follow.

Zeke stood, trembling, when they reached the room, declining to sit. Dexter slid into a seat with a tired sigh, and Zarafa followed suit, leaving Zeke to stand out as he waited for his punishment, poised to race out of the door at the slightest sign from Dexter.

Dexter didn’t speak for a moment, but looked at Zeke tiredly. Finally, he leaned back in the chair and began. “Zeke. I’m sure you’re aware of the problem this poses for us among the Higher Power.”

“Y- yes, sir,” he replied, voice wobbling. “B- but it doesn’t have to change anything. We’re still willing to serve the Higher Power- I am willing.”

“Be that as it may, for Dravyn’s plans to proceed, we need the Dragon Hunters to remain set in their ways, their hatred burning for dragons even brighter than it has been. Unfortunately, that makes you unfit to lead them. Becoming, as they say, a ‘Dragon Lover,’ you have become a bit of a pacifist, as well as those you’ve persuaded to join your new way of seeing things. I’m afraid you must be removed from the position. Effective immediately.”

“B- but...”

“Oh, and you and your followers are to leave the Dragon Hunters. Immediately. I don’t care where you go, just get out of here.” Dexter had hardly finished saying this when another man swept into the room. Zarafa’s irritation rose instantly. Patrick. He had a habit of eavesdropping when he shouldn’t. She should have anticipated this and put up a privacy spell.

“We are having a meeting here, Dragon Hunter,” Dexter growled in irritation.

“Yes, my Lord, that is why I am here,” Patrick replied, bowing his head slightly and leaving it that way as he knelt in respect. Zarafa was relieved to see it. That disgusting scar on his face was not healing, and the position he was in hid the wound in the shadow of his cloak’s hood. It seemed to come instinctively to him now. It must have been long enough that hiding the wound had become second nature to him. Patrick lifted his eyes to Dexter glinting in the light as he knelt before him. “Since Zeke has obviously disgraced the Dragon Hunters, I could not help but come and see what is to become of him. That’s when I caught your words... My Lord, I believe I could lead the Dragon Hunters to the amount of bloodlust the Higher Power requires.”

“Oh? How would you be able to achieve this better than, say, Zarafa?” Dexter returned, gesturing toward the vampire with a nod of his head.

Zarafa smirked at Patrick, letting him know who was in charge here. He stared back for a moment before turning back to Dexter. Standing, he threw back the hood, letting his sickly wound shine in the light. “Ah, the man we rescued from Giusto. I remember you. You certainly didn’t seem too bloodthirsty then. Too full of fear.”

Zarafa choked back a laugh, and Patrick sent her a withering glare. “This wound is from a dragon, yes, but my hatred of them began long ago. To be blunt, you have no idea the depths of my not only distaste for the creatures, but loathing and lust for vengeance. I would also be willing to join the ranks of the Higher Power, which, let’s face it, is the only reason Zarafa is even here. No need to have two people doing one person’s job here, right?”

“Hmm,” Dexter hummed, glancing between him and Zarafa. Finally, he turned to her. “Zarafa, dear, is Patrick bloodthirsty and as driven as he says against the dragons?”

Zarafa frowned. “Yes, he’s definitely bloodthirsty, and he’s been begging for us to initiate war with Zilferia constantly. Honestly, he’s a nuisance. He has essentially no purpose outside of hating dragons and the royal family of Zilferia. He’s rather dim-”

“Alright, that’s enough,” Dexter stopped her, standing. She rose as well, still with a confident smile plastered on her face, but inside, her confidence wobbled. Was he just looking for a war-hungry leader? Surely he wouldn’t pass up everything she had to offer in favor of this idiot’s thirst for vengeance?

Dexter’s eyes shifted between the two of them for a moment longer before reaching out to shake Patrick’s hand. “Well then, congratulations, Patrick. Let’s get started on preparing you for the role you will play in Dravyn’s plan, shall we?”

And with that, Zarafa’s carefully executed plan crumbled to the ground around her.

She had not been chosen.


Over the next few weeks, Dexter trained and oversaw everything Patrick did. Once he stopped failing as miserably, Dexter decided he was good enough and gave him his insignia. Watching the fiery eye spark to life over his hand, Zarafa felt a fire of her own spark in her heart. A righteous rage burned in her chest. It took her a few moments before the word for her emotions sprang to her mind. Betrayal. Her one and only friend, who had trained diligently with her for a year, passed her over in a moment’s notice for someone he hardly knew. All for the hatred he had inside of him. Apparently, that meant more to him, to Astrid, and to Dravyn, than the many skills she had cultivated for the Higher Power specifically.

She imagined she could not feel more crushed than she did from Dexter turning his back on her.

As for the Dragon Hunters, they were lost thanks to the swift change as well. Their boy leader had been sent packing into the forest with his ‘Dragon Lovers’ with hardly an explanation as to why, and Patrick, who had only just joined their ranks, was lifted up as their superior. None of it made sense to them, nor to her, but when she had approached Dexter about it, he’d quickly shut down her questions, refusing to explain himself, acting unusually cool toward her. She wouldn’t say that he lost all care for her, but she was clearly no longer his priority.

And now, she’d just found out that her new assignment is to go to First Earth and ‘keep watch’ on the goings-on within the realm. She felt she could not be more insulted than by the events of the past week. But again, Dexter shut her down when she’d attempted to explain herself, and had reaffirmed that her new position was from his superiors. “You have played your role in Dravyn’s plan here in Zilferia,” he’d said to her, his voice utterly devoid of emotion. “And he thanks you for that, and has issued a new role for you. Would you deny his demands?”

“Of course not,” she’d muttered in reply, and that was that. Her fate was sealed. She was going to a realm with so little magic, that technology had advanced to make up the difference. There was nothing to protect her from the sun. Even her own spells would be less effective there. What good was she supposed to be, stalking around the realm under the cloak of darkness? Even in the technological realm, the people worked almost exclusively when the sun was out.

When she voiced her concerns to Dexter, he’d waved them away, explaining that help would be sent to her. Now that help had arrived, and she couldn’t help but look down her nose at it. Them, actually. Two Dorff monsters from Ponorama, called Rosulkip and Gordlf. The pink and red scaly beasts hardly reached her knees, and they peered up at her with yellow eyes, their slitted pupils dilated as they examined her in return, their nostrils appearing as two slits in their flat faces as they breathed in her scent, memorizing it.

“We here to serve Zarafa,” they announced, giving her grins displaying their few, pointed teeth.

“Yes, that’s me,” she sighed, resigning herself to her fate, stuck with these two idiot monsters as her eyes and ears in the realm. “Alright, we’re leaving for First Earth in a few minutes, so stay here, okay? I need to finish packing.”

“Oh, of courses,” the pink one, Rosulkip, replied, beaming up at her like a child. “We happy to helping you!”

“No,” Zarafa growled, pointing at the ground. “Just stay here until I get back, okay? Do you understand that?”

“Understands,” the red one grunted in acknowledgement, flopping down onto the stone floor of the hallway with a solid thump. “We waits.”

“Good,” she sighed before trudging off to finish packing, her boots falling heavily on the stone as she went. Throwing open the door to the room, she grabbed her belongings, clenching them in her fists. This is going to be the longest assignment of my life, she wailed to herself in the safety of her mind as she shoved the rest of her clothes into her bags. At best, it will last until the girl Dravyn’s been waiting for is born in the next decade or so. If his visions were more accurate, we’d have a better time frame, she sighed, forcing the bag closed and heaving it onto her back. She turned to look around the room one last time, giving a hard kick to the bedpost in the hopes it would help ease her frustration. It didn’t. I can only hope that once she’s born, things will get moving, and I’ll be utilized for more than surveillance.

As she walked back toward the Dorff, Dexter joined her. “Are you ready?”

“Sure,” she sighed heavily, shifting her pack.

“Good,” he curtly replied, seeming to lose interest in her actual readiness and happiness, just as he had since Patrick had been instated in her place. He no longer cared about how she fared, and she could feel it. How had that idiot Patrick usurped all her work in the space of a few sentences? He will likely ruin everything for the Higher Power just as quickly, she figured, staring at Dexter’s back as he led her and the Dorff to the portal. Serves them right for replacing me with a hot-headed, impulsive street rat. See how well that works out for them.

When Dexter stopped and summoned the portal, she smirked at him before turning her back on him and striding through, leaving her prominent place among the Higher Power behind. She knew deep in her heart that this was a mistake that would backfire on them, and whether that was tomorrow or after the child was born, she’d be ready. Ready to reclaim her rightful place at the center of it all.

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