Zaphira's Flame's

chapter 39

I can hear someone calling to me, but I can’t see them anywhere, it’s all dark; there’s nothing but darkness all around me.

“Z come on! Aren’t you coming?” “Alex!” I shout frantically running looking for him. “Come on Z, what are you waiting for?” Suddenly there’s a burst of blinding white light, so I can towards it, gasping for air as I burst out the other side. “Z!” someone said, shouting for Alex to get in here, but I can’t see anything.

Doors close by burst open, and I managed to remove the covering from my eyes, looking around I’m in Alex’s room, he’s standing in the doorway, face beet red, he looks like shit though. Making it even harder for me to catch my breath, what happened to him? “Alex!” I breathed as he walked up to me. “Thank you everyone, you all may leave us.” “Yes sir.” Nick Ralph and Rolf and Violet are standing there staring at me, tears streaming down Violet’s face, trying to not run to me, Rolf is in wolf form. What happened to me? I wondered as the four of them are walking out of the room giving me a smile as they went, closing the door, leaving the two of us alone.

“Alex…. What happened to me?”

Climbing on the bed with me, he looked me over and pulled me into his arms. “Thank god Z! I thought I had lost you.” “You didn’t Alex I’m right here.”

Holding him tighter, I breathed in deep, breathing him in. “Alex what happened to me?”

“You died Baby! After the attack you were dying, you lost too much blood for you to be healed. I gave you blood trying to save you.” “I died? But that means.” Pushing back I looked at myself, I’m covered in dried blood.

“I’m a vampire now?” He nodded. “Yes. I’m sorry. It was the only way to save you.” Sighing he put his face in my neck.

What’s happening to me? Two sharp fangs extended, making me gasp at the new sensation, making me very hungry. “You need to feed.” Alex said giving me his wrist. “Don’t I need to drink human blood?” He nodded. “Yes, but for now you can survive on mine, you need to drink.”

Taking a hold of his wrist I looked up at him. “Thank you for saving me.” The look on his face; says everything, but he said it anyway.

“I wouldn’t have had it any other way. I love you, and I wasn’t about to lose you.” Looking him right in the eye, I can see it more and more with every word he said.

He did what he did to save me, if the roles were reversed would I have done the same for him? Not having to think twice about the answer, absolutely I would, if it meant I wouldn’t lose him, or anyone else I care about for that matter.

A wave of dizziness washed over me. “Z you need to feed again.”

Once again taking hold of his wrist, sinking my new fangs into his cool flesh; his blood filling my mouth.

After several good pulls I released his wrist, watching the wounds heal over.

“How are feeling now?” “Better.” I said wiping the blood from my mouth. Looking at myself. “Why am I still covered in blood?” “You haven’t been out very long, and Raphe said to just leave you be until you woke up.”

“I need to shower.”

I stated climbing out of the bed, then it hit me, my fire!

“Zaphira what is it?” “My fire, will I still have it?”

As I say it, I reach into the very core of my being, pulling it out. And my entire body erupts into flames.

Thank god! I still have her. I thought I had lost a piece of myself.

Extinguishing them I looked at Alex.

“I’m a type of hybrid aren’t I?” Coming up to me he wrapped me in his arms. “Yes baby I’m so sorry. I never wanted this to happen to you. Please forgive me.”

Burying my face in his chest which now is a little harder to do. “There is nothing to forgive. You were trying to save me, thank you for that.” He chuckled lightly. “I thought you would be mad at me, for making that choice for you. Thank you for not being mad.”

Looking up at him. “I love you Alexander and I know you did what you did to save me. If it was me that had to make that decision, I would do it, just so I wouldn’t lose you. Would you be mad, at me?” “No. Of course not. I love you, and want to be with you always.” Smiling at him. “Good. Now I have to go shower.” Moving back I went into his bathroom, closing the door on him, stripping off my dirty and bloody clothes. Throwing them in the hamper.

Taking a deep breath I looked at myself in the mirror, my skin is paler then it was before. Closer to Alex’s skin, my hair is longer then it was, the most shocking my eyes are glowing red, I hope that will fade.

Violet looked so scared when I woke up, like she didn’t really believe I was here. But I am.

Looking closer at my neck, there’s no signs that I was ever attacked, nothing but smooth cold skin. Turning on the water I stepped in under the hot water.

A moment later Alex stepped into the bathroom. “What are you doing?” “What does it look like I’m doing?” Pulling off his clothes he stepped in behind me. Looking him over, his pale skin glistening from the water droplets. Holding me close he started washing the blood off me.

Everything hit me at once.

“I died today; how am I supposed to deal with that?” Holding me closer my back against his chest I can fee his heart beating against my back.

“You didn’t die, your right here with me. We’re both here.” Taking my hand he put it over my heart.

“Do you feel that? That’s your heart beating, you’re not dead my love, your breathing, here with me.” Closing my eyes concentrating, and I can feel it, it’s slow but it’s there, my heart is still beating.

Tightening his arms around me, his lips at my ear.

“Z I will never let anything bad happen to you ever again.” Alex whispered in my ear. Suddenly weak he helped finish washing, and helped me out of the shower, setting me on the counter he dried me off and carried me back to the bed, pulling the blanket up around me.

Kissing my forehead he said.

“I need to go talk to Raphe and the others. I won’t be gone for long. Get some sleep. I love you.” “I love you.” Giving me one last kiss, he stepped out of the room, closing the door behind him.

I can hear him walking away from the door; his footsteps echoing down the hall, like a hammer pounding in my head.

It’s weird being able to hear him walking. It’s part of my new vampire abilities, now I guess. What else will I develop? Speaking to my inner voice.

“Please don’t leave me my sweet, I need you now more than ever.”

But there’s no response, I just hope that I don’t lose her over this.

Sighing I closed my eyes and world faded away around me.

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