Zaphira's Flame's

chapter 37

“Hey there you are.” Looking up from one of my books, Alex is standing there, plate in hand. “How long have you been up here?” “I don’t really know.” Looking at my watch its well over midnight. How did it get to be so late?

“What are you doing up here?”

Looking at the books all around me, and the book full of notes beside me. “I’ve been doing research. Hoping that I could find something to help Violet.” Sitting next to me, looking at the book. “Did you find anything out?” “Well it is possible that her mom could have been born to a demon or something. But there’s nothing about what it could be.” Handing him the notebook, he looked at everything. “But what could it have been? I mean if there was something in her, then how could it have been passed onto her?” “I don’t know. It’s just a working theory right now. I don’t have any proof that it’s even the case.” Running my fingers through my hair, I just wish that there was something else I could do to help her. Patting my knee he said. “Come on, let’s get you to bed. It’s been a long hard day.” Nodding I shut the book and followed him down. Walking to his room, we stopped at Violet’s room to check on her, she’s fast asleep, the blankets twisted around her, smiling we closed her door and continued on.

Not bothering to change, I dropped into bed, curling on my side. I felt tugging, Alex is trying to pull off my shoes. Managing to get them off, he got the blankets out from under me, and climbed in next to me, holding me close.

“Sweet dreams my sweet.”

Feeling his lips brush my neck, then darkness took over.

Howling, there’s howling all around me, opening my eyes, it’s still dark out, the full moon shining through the window, groaning; I pulled the blankets over my head. Then there’s more howling.

“What’s going on?” I groaned, kicking Alex who’s lying next to me. “I don’t know. But right now I want to kill Rolf.” Sitting up we climbed out of bed, following the sounds.

Opening the door, as Raphe and Nick are walking past the door. “What’s going on?” “We have no idea. But I want to kill Rolf right now.” Going down the main level, there’s no one there, but there’s still the howling.

Calling my fire to the surface, as Raphe opened the front door, revealing several wolves on the doorstep.

Rolf came running, in his wolf form, he quickly changed back, pushing past us.

“What the hell happened?” “We were attacked. The rogues.” “How many?” “Half a dozen. It was just the four of us, everyone else is at the safe houses, safe and sound.” “Why did you stay here?” Shaking his head. “No. We wouldn’t leave the place unprotected.” “But the packs have been gone for weeks now.” Helping them inside, Closing and locking the front door.

“We just couldn’t leave. Everything was fine, then they attacked.” “It’s okay. Just calm down, your all safe now.” “What’s going on down here?” Looking up at the stairs, Violet is standing there, pulling her robe tight around her. “They were attacked. Nothing to worry about, go back to bed.” She didn’t listen, just came down, to help us. Getting the four of them to the small medical room he has for occasions such as this.

Violet and I got water and cloth to clean them up. I only know one of the wolves, Dom he can be a hot head when he wants to be. The other three I’ve never seen before.

“You really should be in bed. We can handle this.” She shook her head. “No. You need my help and I’m not leaving. Now tell me what I can do.”

This little girl never ceases to amaze me. Telling her what to do, we got to work making them better. “Who’s this lovely little thing?” “She’s Violet, and she’s my daughter. Now enough of that, and lie back.”

Alex snapped pushing him back to the bed.

We got them fixed up and Violet and I went to get them food, the wounds weren’t that bad.

“Who are they?” She asked setting a plate on the tray. “Just fellow pack mates of Rolf, he’s there Alpha.” She nodded and we took our food to the medical room.

“We will be out of your hair in the morning. Thank you so much for helping us.” Raphe nodded. “You are most welcome. I’m just glad your pack is doing well.”

We brought them there food, that one wolf never taking his eyes off of Violet, and I can feel the anger rising off of Alex. Urging Violet out of the room, we went to her room, and away from that wolf.

“What’s wrong with dad?” “He’s just stressed, everything that’s going on with the rogues, and you just going through the transition; and now with that wolf making those eyes at you. It’s all so new to him, and he doesn’t quite know how to feel about all this right now. So you just have to give him some time, and things will become more normal for us.” “What does normal look like?”

Shrugging, I turned a movie on, settling in bed next to her.

Opening my eyes, the sun blinding me. Sitting up, I’m still in Violet’s room, she’s fast asleep next to me. Gently I climbed out of bed, heading down the hall to my room. “Where have you been?” Jumping Alex is in my room sitting by the window, staring at the rising sun.

“Sorry I fell asleep in Violet’s room, and I just woke up.” “How’s she doing?”

“Better. She understands what was going on with you last night, and is okay with it.” Giving him a kiss I went to take a shower, he didn’t try to follow me this time, unlike he did on several other occasions. Drying off, he’s still out there, only sitting on my bed this time.

“So the wolves are leaving soon, they want us to come with them to see the compound where the packs are.” Nodding I grabbed some clothes and went behind the screen, to dress. “Is Violet coming with us?” “No. I don’t want her to leave yet. She’s not ready. I’ll leave her with Nick and Jack is coming over as well.”

Stepping out, I grabbed my gun from beside my bed and put on some shoes. “How long till you think she’ll be ready?” “I don’t know. I just want to keep her safe. She shouldn’t be dealing with this, neither one of you should be.”

“It’s okay. We know, and she’s okay with it, and so am I.” Grabbing my leather jacket he gave me, we left my room, I went down while Alex went to talk to Violet before we leave.

Holstering my gun I made my decent to the main level where the guys are ready and waiting for us.

“Are we ready to go?” “Just waiting for Alex.” “I’m right here. We’re ready to go.” Heading out there are three cars waiting for us. Climbing in next to Alex we headed out, as soon as we left, the gates closed and the wards are back in place.

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