Zaphira's Flame's

chapter 36

“Hey Z come on wake up.” Opening my eyes, Violet is sitting next to me on the bed. “What did you do to me?” “I’m sorry. It was Alex and Rolf, they put something in your food, to help you sleep.”

Groaning, I’m not sure there’s a part of my body that doesn’t hurt right now. “Come on, you need to move a little.” Helping me up, the stitches in my stomach hurting as I move.

“Take it slow. Just one step at a time.”

“Where are we going?” “Out. You just need out of this room.” “How long was I out for?” “About eight hours. It’s Saturday.” “So what’s going on out there?” “Well Raphe and Nick came back for a while, but he left; saying he had some things to deal with at the office. Alex Rolf and I got this place cleaned up, but I think things are still pretty bad out there. They won’t let me go out, not even to the backyard.” Nodding. “I know. You just have to go with it.”

Walking down the hall, the place looks like new. I’m not sure how they got this place cleaned up so fast.

Pain shooting through me, a gasp escaping my lips. “You okay?” Nodding we kept going, until we got the library. Sitting me on the couch, wrapping me in a blanket. Raising my hand calling on my fire.

It took a few tries, but it came back to me.

“Thank you my friend.” Throwing the small ball of fire at the wood, igniting the hearth in warm flames. Feeling the warmth spreading through my body.

“So how are you feeling?” I asked looking at Violet who is standing by the window. “I’m okay. I mean my body feels strange at times, but I guess it’s the change wanting to take over. What was it like, before you became a fire demon?” “It was weird. I didn’t know what was happening to me. I was having these dreams, that I was on fire, but it wasn’t burning me, it was just kind of floating around me.”

Forming a ball of fire as I said it, showing her. “Alex found out about it, and helped me. He brought me to Raphe who helped me through it, and took me in.”

“Wow. He really is a great guy. All of them are. You have a great family here.” I nodded. “Yes I do. And now, so do you.” Coming to sit next to me, leaning her head against my shoulder, without the stiches in it. “What happened to your family?” She asked, her voice small. “I haven’t talked about that in a long time.” “If you don’t want to, you don’t have to. I was just wondering.” “No. It’s okay. I’ll tell you, if you want to know.”

Taking a deep breathe, looking into the flames, before telling her.

“I was younger. They decided they were going away for the weekend, I told them to have a great time. For some reason they were nervous about leaving me. But I told them I would be fine, and to just go and have fun. That they deserved it.” “So what happened then?”

“They got in a car accident. When the doorbell rang, I thought it was them, deciding to come home. But it wasn’t. It was the cops, telling me what happened. It was surreal, they were just gone. Then it was just me; well there’s Zack as well.” “Who’s Zack?” “He’s my best friend. We worked together. We sent him away to keep him safe when all this started. I miss him, but I want him to be safe.”

“So will he come back then?”

“I hope so. But if things don’t change, then he won’t be able to come back.”

We spent the last couple hours, talking. She wants to continue to go to school, but she said that Alex won’t hear anything of it until the rogues are dealt with.

The cook came in, with some food for us, she said that the gentleman would be back later tonight.

Violet suddenly went pale and almost fell over on me.

“You need to go to bed for a while.” “No. I’m fine.” “No. I mean it, go to bed, I’m just going to stay here for a while.” She nodded, getting up and making her way to the door. “Just text me, if you need anything.” Nodding, I motioned for her to go on.

Lying down, my stitches still hurt a little. Lifting my shirt, the wounds are still there, but mostly healed now.

My fire, is still weak, pulling it to the surface, I can barely ignite my hand.

“I’m sorry my friend, I didn’t mean to bring harm to us. You’ll be better soon old friend.”

Closing my eyes, feeling myself drift away to nothing.

Moaning my shoulder is still killing me, but nothing else seems to be at the moment. “You’re awake.” Sitting up, Raphe is in the doorway to the library, he’s not wearing his usual suit, and he’s wearing jeans and a button up dark red shirt.

“You alright?” I nodded, pulling the blanket back round me. Coming to sit next to me, he has a file in his hands.

“What’s that?”

“I just got this in. It’s who we think may have turned you.” Handing it over, I started going through it all. “I know this little bugger. I arrested him. He’s just a kid.” “Well he’s a fire demon.” “He was arrested for a BNE. He broke into his ex-girlfriends place to get back the ring he gave her. It was his mothers. He got off, but she sold the ring. He decided he was moving back home to be with his mom. I managed to find the ring, and got it back for him.” “That was nice of you.”

I nodded looking at the photo again.

“On his way out of town, he stopped at the station, to say goodbye. He also gave me a thank you gift. I told him that I couldn’t accept it. He mailed it to me after he left.” “What was it?”

“A cross necklace. I don’t know where he got the money. But when he was leaving, he gave me a hug, and I guess that’s when it happened. Well I’m glad I know now, how I became a fire demon. Thank you Raphe for finding the information for me.”

He nodded. Getting up from the couch. “Dinner will be ready soon.” “I’ll be there in a while. Thank you again Raphe.” He nodded leaving, saying he was heading to his office.

Slowly getting up, my stomach no longer hurts, but my shoulder still hurts. Moving my shirt, the wound is healed; but stitches are still there.

With my folder under my arm, I slowly made my way to my room.

Alex is sitting on my bed, looking out the window as I walked in. “Hey what are you doing here?” “Well hello to you too.” He said coming up to me. “I’m happy to see you, just a little unexpected, is all.” Picking me up, holding me close. “What are you doing?” I yelled as he carried me to the bed. “Just saying hello.” He said as he kissed me, lowering his body to mine, pressing our bodies as close to together as they can possibly can be.

Moving back, breath ragged. “Hello.” Pushing him off me, trying to sit up. He caught my shirt as I’m pulling it down. “Let me see.” Pushing it back up, showing my stomach. “I think these can come out now.” Grabbing the kit still beside my bed pulling out the scissors. “Hold still, so I don’t hurt you.” “We’re doing this now?” “Yes.”

Nodding he started cutting out of stitches.

Rubbing some kind of cream in my stomach. “I’m just going to dress them for a day or so.” “Ok. Check my shoulder.” Pulling my shirt completely off, peeling the bandages off. “It looks good. I think they can come out now as well.”

By the time he got them out, I felt extremely dirty. “Ok I need to shower before we go down for dinner.” Getting up, he started to follow me, but I stopped him. “You don’t need to follow me. I can handle it on my own.” Closing the bathroom door, peeling my pants off, there stuck to me like glue.

Turning the shower on, getting the water scalding hot. Stepping under the water, rushing all over me, feels amazing. I had to wash my body twice to get all the dirt off, and to feel even remotely clean.

Pulling on the fluffy robe, calling my fire up to the surface to warm me. I want to bring my demon form out, but I can’t not until I know she’ll be safe.

Going out to my room, Alex is gone; but there’s a pile of clothes on my bed.

Pulling my jeans on, along with my bra and long sleeved red and orange shirt with the leather jacket. Grabbing some runners from my closet, I started my slow decent to the dining room.

There’s no one in the dining room, grabbing a drink; sitting in the armchair by the window waiting for the others to come in. “Hey there you are.” Looking up Violet is running towards me. I don’t know what it is, but she doesn’t look like herself. “You feeling okay?” She nodded sitting across from me. “Yeah. I’m just so tired. All I want to do is sleep. Dad says that it’s the change wanting to take over, but I have to fight it, for now. And I’m trying.”

“How is it with calling him dad?” “It’s weird. But it’s getting easier to handle.” “You did well cleaning the place up.” “Thank you. There was a lot of damage done by the rogues. But with some others help we got it done. How are you feeling?” “Better. The wounds are heeled. You did very well. Thank you for saving me.”

“You saved me as well. We’re even now.” Just then Rolf came in, in wolf form. Changing back, he smiled at us. “I’m glad to see that you’re both doing better.”

Looking at Violet she’s not looking at either one of us. “Violet what is he talking about?” “She didn’t tell you, did she?” Shaking my head.

“No. No she didn’t. So one of you tell me, what happened to her?” “She passed out. We were practicing her fighting, she suddenly went pale, and then she passed out, right in my arms.” Glaring at her. “Why didn’t you tell me? You could have died.”

“Yes she could have.” Looking back Alex Nick and Raphe are standing in the doorway, Alex glaring at her. “I just talked to you. Why didn’t you tell me what happened to you?” “I’m sorry dad. I didn’t want to worry you.” “Well Raphe told me. I called Jack he said that the change is coming on faster and faster. He’s not sure you’ll make it to your birthday.” “So what now?” “We keep a close eye on you. And pray that you make it. Jack doesn’t know what will happen if it happens before your birthday.” “I’m sorry everyone. I never should have come here.” She tried to leave, but Alex stopped her.

“No. You came exactly where you needed to be. I just found you, and I’m not about to lose you now.”

Crying she hugged him, and he hugged her with all his might.

“Violet?” Moving up to them, she’s gone limp in his arms, and she’s stopped breathing. “Violet?” Setting her down, we started to compressions on her.

“Come on, dammit! Don’t do this! You can’t leave me!” Alex huffed out, trying to get her to breathe. Finally she gasped but didn’t open her eyes just kept a steady rhythm of breathing.

“We just have to let her sleep.” Carrying her to her room, laying her in bed. “You boys out. She needs to rest.” They don’t want to leave, but giving them a look, and the four of them left, closing the door behind them.

Going to her closet I pulled out that nightgown I bought her. Pulling off her clothes, I changed her making her look presentable.

“I’ll be back my sweet.” I said kissing her head. Going out the guys are there leaning against the wall. “Well?” “She’s still asleep. What if she wakes and is a vampire?” “I don’t know. I’ll give Jack a call.” Taking Alex’s hand, giving it a squeeze.

“Hey Jack. Something’s happened to Violet. Yeah I’ll put you on speaker.” Pressing a button he said.

“Ok you’re on speaker. Please tell us you know what is happening to her.” “Hello everyone. I’m sorry about Violet. Can you tell me what has been going on with her?” “She’s been sleeping a lot. She doesn’t have the energy she did when she first came here. Rolf and Violet were training and she passed out in his arms.”

He didn’t say anything for a moment. I’m starting to get concerned. “The change is starting. I know don’t know how. It’s not supposed to be starting now. Does she have someone’s blood in her system?”

“No. She said she’s been having urges though. But she’s trying to fight it.” “She needs your Blood Alex. If she is going through it, then she will need your blood to help her get through the change easier.”

“Alright thank you Jack. I’ll let you know what happens.” “Be sure you do. I hope everything works out.” They hung up, and we went back to her room.

“Nick go get the cups and everything else, and take it down to room, so we can do something like we were going to do on her birthday.” He nodded and left with Rolf doing as he said.

Moving next to the bed, she looks so peaceful, like a sleeping angle.

Gently he picked her up, carrying her downstairs. “Is everything ready?” Nick nodded moving back. Alex put her on the small couch, making her comfortable.

Lighting the candles setting the room aglow. Alex gave me a look, as he took the dagger, slicing it across his wrist, filling the goblet with his blood. “Z help me sit her up.” Nodding I slid in behind her, supporting her.

He spoke some words in Latin and together we managed to get the majority of it down her throat. Wiping her mouth we laid her back down, raping the silk around her, I also put the pendant from Jack around her neck.

“Now all we have to do is wait.”

Sitting in the chairs watching the rise and fall of her chest, until it stopped completely. “It’s happening to her. She’s becoming a vampire!”

It’s been a few hours, and she still hasn’t woken up. Alex is getting very nervous. I’m trying to reassure him, but it’s not working all that well.

I told Nick to get some blood, for him and Alex as well as for Violet when she wakes. “She’s going to be okay. You just have to be patient, and give her some more time.” Looking at her, her body jerked and gasped for air. Getting to her side, helping her.

“You’re okay baby we’re right here. You’re going to be okay.” She didn’t say anything, but her eyes are on us, and her eyes are glowing red. Bringing the cup to her lips. “You need to drink baby. It will help you.” “What’s going on?” She rasped out. “I’m sorry. The change happened earlier, we couldn’t stop it from happening. But you need to drink, if you don’t then you’ll die.” Looking at me, I nodded, telling her she needs to drink.

Helping her sit up, she gulped the blood down, like it’s noting. Helping her lie back down, her body jerked again, and she let out a scream.

When he stopped, her body went limp. “This is normal. She’ll wake again, and she’ll be fine.” A few moments later, she opened her eyes, taking a deep breath.

“How are you feeling?” Helping her sit up, she seems a little confused. “Where am I?” “You’re in the room we were going to do the transition in; but the change was coming on too quickly to stop.” “So I’m a vampire now?” I nodded taking her hand. “Yes. I’m sorry.” “It’s okay. What am I wearing?” Laughing. “I thought you might want to wear it, so I put you in it.” Handing her another glass of blood. “You need to keep drinking blood. It will help you.” She nodded taking a sip.

“Why didn’t the change last until my birthday?” “We don’t know honey. Jack has been looking into it, but he hasn’t found anything yet.”

Taking her hand. “Violet is there any chance that your mom may have been something else?” Shaking her head. “No. Not as far as I know. But if she was, she wouldn’t have been sick like that would she?” “Not necessarily.” Raphe said crossing his arms across his chest. “Unless her ability never emerged. It does happen, a parent might have been some kind of being, but her powers never manifested.” “Raphe when you did all those tests, did anything come up?” Shaking his head. “No. There wasn’t anything unusual. Perhaps I could do some more tests and see if there’s anything in them.”

She nodded, finishing off her blood. “So since I’m a vampire now, can I leave? At least go out back?” Alex and I exchanged looks, I nodded.

“You can go out back, but not for a couple days, at least until your body won’t react too badly to the sun.” She nodded, smiling. “I think I need a bath right now.” Standing, making sure the wrap is in place around her, I followed her out, while the guys got the place cleaned up. Following her to her room, sitting on her bed. “How are you feeling, really?”

Sighing she sat next to me. “It feels strange. Like my whole body is buzzing. I can hear things that I couldn’t before. It’s like all I want to do is run, and not stop.” “You’ll get there. Everything will get back to normal. You just have to give it time. When you draw your bath, be careful of the hot water; it will hurt your skin a little. And be careful of the smells, it might shock your senses as well.”

Standing I kissed her head, leaving her to her bath.

Going to the library I climbed up to the second level, to do a little research.

Raphe has all these really old books on demons, vampires and werewolves. Hopefully there will be something in there that could help us. If there is something else in Violet’s blood, then there has to be something we can do to help her. There has to be a reason that her body went through the transition so early. It’s only June 27th she should have had more time than that.

Going through the shelves, I pulled out everything that could hold the key. Sitting in the corner at the window, with my books and a notebook, I started reading.

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