You Said I Was Your Favorite (A Lancaster Prep Novel)

You Said I Was Your Favorite: Chapter 51

“You’re going to the Halloween party?” The skepticism in my father’s voice is thick. “You sure that’s a good idea?”

We’re in the living room and I just told my father what my plans are for tonight. I’ve been hinting at this for the last couple of days, so he has to know that I’m going for Arch. My feelings are fairly obvious.

My nod is firm. “It’s definitely a good idea. Plus, it’s my last chance to go since I’m a senior. I want to see what it’s all about.”

And, of course, I want to spend more time with Arch. I’m still shocked that we left campus today and hung out with our friends. When he hugged me, it felt so good to be back in his arms. That’s all I want. For Arch to be in my life. To be my boyfriend.

I love that I’ve made friends too, and that Mya and Edie and I are close. It might be risky, letting Mya into my life knowing how close she was with Cadence, but it’s a risk I’m willing to take. Besides, I don’t think she likes Cadence anymore.

Mya never talks about her. At all.

After all the text conversations Arch and I have shared lately, I know that he’s into me. And I’m into him. We’re going to make it work this time, but there’s one thing I still really need to do.

I have to tell my father that I’m getting back together with Arch, and I’m not going to let him stop me.

I’ve already mentioned to him that we’re talking again, and have even dropped Arch’s name here and there in conversation lately. Dad doesn’t say much when I do mention his name, but at least he doesn’t tell me that I can’t see him at all, which is major progress.

“I’ll be with Arch the whole night, so he’ll take care of me,” I reassure my dad, wanting him to know that’s exactly what Arch will do. My father can trust that Arch will always watch out for me. He’s so protective of me and it’s sweet. I like it.

I like him.

More than anything, I’m in love with him. I want to tell him that tonight, and while that’s scary, I can do it.

I know I can.

A ragged sigh leaves my father and he turns to face me, his gaze going to the tote bag I’ve got slung on my shoulder, filled with the stuff I need for my costume. I hope Arch likes it. It’s simple, it might even be a little dumb, and I really hope he gets it, but we’ll see.

“You care about him, don’t you?” Dad asks me.

“I do. I’m in love with him,” I tell him, but he’s already talking, cutting me off.

“What do you know about love, hmm? It’s just infatuation,” he mutters, scrubbing a hand across his face.

“You and Mom got together when you were young,” I point out.

The tiniest flicker of guilt appears in his gaze because he knows I’m right. “That was different. We were, what? Nineteen? Twenty?”

“It’s not that different at all. Plus, it’s not fair that you judge him so harshly when you don’t even know him.” I straighten my spine, hoping my voice doesn’t waver when I speak. “I’m in love with Arch Lancaster, Dad. And I want to be with him. He wants to be with me. If you would just give him a chance, you would see that he’s a pretty great guy. Don’t you trust my judgment? Don’t you believe in me? I wouldn’t choose a total jerk to be my boyfriend.”

He studies me, resting his hands on his hips. “I spoke with him, you know.”

My jaw drops open and I struggle to find words, I’m so shocked. “W-what? When?”

“A while ago.” He shrugs, like it’s no big deal.

I blink at him mutely, shocked Arch went to him and that they actually spoke. He never mentioned it to me once. Not in any of the texts we shared. “What did he say?”

“He told me some things that you should probably hear from him and not me.” My dad’s smile is a little sad. “And that he wants to protect you and take care of you. He knows what kind of girl you are, Daisy Mae. You’re a good one, and he doesn’t want to let you go. I can’t blame him.”

Tears shimmer in my eyes and I blink, causing them to fall and I let my bag drop to the floor. “Daddy.”

“I gave him my approval to see you, though it was a bit reluctant—whoa.”

I tackle-hug him before he can say another word, squeezing him tight. His familiar smell surrounds me and I pull away slightly, giving him a kiss on the cheek. “Thank you.”

“For what?”

“For giving Arch a chance.” I release my hold on him and take a step back, grabbing my bag once more and slinging it over my shoulder. “He really is a good guy.”

“He must be if you love him.” He shakes his head, running a hand along his jaw. “Kathy did tell me I wasn’t playing fair when it came to you two.”

More shock courses through me at Kathy coming to my defense. I’m not outwardly mean toward her, but I’m not overly warm either. She’s come over to our house a couple of times to spend time with my dad and the three of us have even gone out to dinner together, but I don’t open up to her too much. Not yet.

“What do you mean, she says you don’t play fair?” I ask.

“You’ve accused me of holding you back, and Kathy agrees with you. She told me I have to let you grow up sometime, and all I’m doing is making you resent me.”

It’s like he plucked the words from my brain.

“I just worry about you, honey. You’re my little girl and I don’t want you to get hurt. That’s all,” Dad admits, pain flashing in his eyes. “That’s why I did it.”

“I’m not a little girl anymore. You can’t keep me one forever.” I go to him, throwing myself at him once again and he automatically wraps me up in another hug. “I know what I’m doing. Mostly.”

He chuckles and I laugh too because it’s true. I sort of know what I’m doing, and what I don’t know, I’m learning. My father can’t protect me for the rest of my life. I have to go out and live and make mistakes.

“I want to be with Arch. He wants to be with me. Please don’t tell me I have to choose between you two, because I’m afraid I wouldn’t choose you.” I tilt my head back so I can look into my father’s eyes. “I need both of you in my life.”

“I won’t make you choose,” he murmurs, his thumb brushing against my chin. “I love you, sweetheart. You’re all I’ve got in this world. I just want what’s best for you. Guess I’ve been a little overprotective of you.”

“A little?” My brows shoot up and we both laugh again. “More like a lot.”

“I already lost your mom. I didn’t want to lose you too.” His eyes are brimming with tears and I give him another hug, hiding my face against his chest, fighting my own tears again. I don’t want to cry. Not tonight. It’s a happy occasion, not a sad one.

“You haven’t lost me, Daddy. I love you,” I tell him, my voice muffled. When I lift my head to meet his gaze, I see the tears are already gone. “I have to go. I’m going to get ready with Arch’s sister.”

“With Edie?” When I nod, my dad smiles. “She seems like a nice girl. One of the nicer Lancasters.”

I roll my eyes and withdraw from his embrace. “You need to get over the grudge you have against the Lancasters.”

“I will, darlin’.” He winks at me. “Eventually.”

“Oh God, we’re so late. My brother is going to kill me.” Edie grabs my hand and drags me down the damp grass path that leads to the ruins, where the party is being held. We’re still pretty far out, but I can already hear the bass of the music playing. The sound of people talking and yelling, having a good time. Excitement and nerves make my stomach churn and I’m glad I’m not wearing heels like Edie is. I don’t know how she’s running so easily across the mushy lawn.

“He won’t kill me,” I say with confidence, making Edie laugh. We’ve just spent the last two hours together getting ready for this party and while I don’t know exactly what she did to me makeup-wise, when I looked in the mirror after she was done, it was like I was staring back at a different person. My face was completely transformed. I somehow still looked like me, but an enhanced version. It’s wild.

I hope Arch likes it.

“No, he definitely won’t kill you. More like he’ll take one look at you and want to drag you away so you two can be alone. You look cute, Daisy,” Edie says for about the thousandth time.

“You really think so? You don’t think my costume idea is dumb?” I’m second-guessing myself constantly tonight and I’m starting to annoy even myself.

“Not at all. Once he figures it out, he’s going to love it,” Edie assures me.

I hope she’s right.

When the ruins come into view, I go instantly into search mode, looking for Arch. There are so many people here, and while there are some I recognize, a lot of them are wearing masks, or a wig, or a lot of makeup, which makes it hard to figure out who they are. And all of the costumes are so clever that I doubt my choice yet again, especially when I glance over at Edie and see how great she looks in her red 1920s flapper costume. She’s got so much fringe on her dress that shakes when she walks, ropes of long pearls around her neck and a feather in her hair. She looks amazing.

While I just look like myself with a bunch of makeup on my face. Big deal.

“Your nerves are showing,” Edie says, bumping her shoulder into mine.

“What do you mean?” I turn to her, my steps slowing, dread coating my insides. I’m tempted to bolt. I feel like a fraud. Like I don’t belong here.

And then I remember that I’ve made friends and I’ve got Arch and I need to get over my old anxiety once and for all.

“You look scared to death.” Edie wraps her arm around my shoulders and gives me a squeeze. “We need to find Arch before you run away and never come back.”

How can someone I’ve only known for a little while already have me so easily figured out? Maybe I’m just that obvious.

“I’m not going to run away,” I say firmly. “Maybe I should drink something. It might calm my nerves.”

“Liquid courage?”

“Yeah.” I laugh. “I think I need it.”

Putting on a brave smile, I let Edie take my hand and lead me up the rickety old stairs of the building. All sorts of people greet her and I realize she’s the star of tonight. A Lancaster in her element.

I’m sure that means Arch is a star too. He always is. Everyone wants to be around him. With him. I get it. I’m drawn to his magnetism and when he flashes that secret smile that seems to be only for me? I want to melt.

do melt.

God, where is he? I need to see him.

Once we’ve gone through the house and there’s no Arch in sight, we go get something to drink at the temporary bar that’s been set up by the side of the house. I take a cup of beer and when I sip it, I get nothing but foam, which is gross. I toss the cup in a nearby trashcan.

Pretty sure beer isn’t for me.

There are so many people here and they all enthusiastically greet Edie, and some of them even greet me, saying my name and everything.

“I figured they didn’t know who I was,” I say after about the tenth person said hi to me.

Edie rolls her eyes. “You’ve gone here the entirety of high school. They definitely know who you are.”

I take a step back when a huge group of people head in our direction, all of them pushing past us to get to the bar. I lose sight of Edie at one point, there are so many people between us, and my heart drops when I hear a familiar voice.

“Edie! Fucking finally. Where’s Daisy?”

Edie’s laughter is coy. “She’s around.”

The crowd dissipates slowly, revealing Arch standing between us, his back to me. He’s wearing a charcoal gray suit that fits him to perfection and I wonder what he’s supposed to be when he turns and faces me. The tamed hair, the fake glasses and his slightly undone shirt, revealing the hint of an S on the shirt beneath gives it away.

My Superman.

“Daze…” His voice drifts as he drinks me in, his gaze touching me everywhere, all at once. His brows draw together and I can tell he’s trying to figure out what I’m supposed to be and coming up with nothing.

I glance down at my Lancaster Prep sweatshirt. It’s not a part of our uniform rotation. They sold this particular shirt in the student store our sophomore year and I’ve always loved it. It’s got the giant Lancaster family crest on the front of it with Lancaster written beneath it. It doesn’t even say Prep anywhere on it, which I thought was perfect for tonight.

“You look…amazing.” He approaches me and everything else fades. All I can focus on is him. His beloved face and his comforting presence and also the fact that he’s so gorgeous, he makes my body ache.

“Thank you.” I’m feeling shy, which isn’t abnormal but God, I really wish I could get over this.

“You wore your hair down.” He reaches out, brushing a few strands from my shoulder, and tingles break out all over my skin. “For me?”

“This entire costume is for you,” I admit. “But I don’t think you figured it out yet.”

His gaze sweeps over me, lingering on the sweatshirt. The necklace I’m wearing. Realization hits and he meets my gaze. “You’re wearing that necklace. The one we saw at the store. The one I checked on earlier.”

Reaching up, I brush my fingers over the tiny gold A charm. I had money from my birthday and I spent it on this necklace. I wanted to wear his initial on a chain around my neck to please him. To show everyone that he belongs to me. The daisy earrings he gave me for my birthday are in my ears, their solid weight reminding me that daisies are his favorite. That I’m his favorite, just like he’s mine. “I am.”

“You’re the one who bought it?” He chuckles, shaking his head. I can tell he’s pleased but still a little confused. “I give up. Who are you supposed to be?”

I take a step forward, our bodies gently colliding and he automatically rests his hand on my hip, keeping me in place. Pressed right next to him. “I’m Arch Lancaster’s girlfriend.”

The joy sparkling in his blue eyes has my heart racing. “Hell yeah, you are. That’s your costume? You dressed up as my girlfriend?”

“Well yeah. I wore my hair down because you like it, but I kept a couple of small braids because you seem to like those too.” I point at the braids on either side of my head. “The sweatshirt has your name on it and nothing else. And the necklace.” I’m rubbing the A charm again, the nerves coming back when he still hasn’t said something.

“Maybe it was a stupid idea,” I tell him when he remains quiet. “I thought it would be kind of fun, but it’s also a little lame, huh. I’m so—”

He kisses me, cutting off my rambling, and I fall into his kiss, returning it with all of the pent-up emotion I’ve been keeping to myself for way too long. He coaxes my lips apart and our tongues glide against each other, and when he slips both arms around my waist and clutches me close, I cling to him, relieved that he likes it.

That he likes me being his girlfriend.

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