You Said I Was Your Favorite (A Lancaster Prep Novel)

You Said I Was Your Favorite: Chapter 50

It’s Friday. The Halloween party is happening tonight. And while I’ve been working hard all week putting together this party, my thoughts have been preoccupied with other things as well. Specifically, one thing. One person.


I can’t wait to see her, and this is my best opportunity to talk to her, during this period where I’ve left her alone for weeks, always spending it in the library instead of torturing myself in the office. Even Matthews let me go easily, which is unusual for him.

I think we’ve come to some sort of peaceful coexistence, Matthews and I. I’m not sure, and I don’t want to test it. Afraid I might jinx everything.

I walk into the administration building right as the bell rings, indicating the start of second period. Daisy is already sitting at the desk chatting with Viv, her gaze finding mine the moment I enter the office. Her lips curl into the faintest smile and I return it, slowing my steps as I make my way toward her.

Once we exchanged the secret messages in her book, we turned to texting each other every day after school, long into the night. Basically ignoring each other in class during the day like we’re not together. As if we’re scared. She probably is.

I know I am. I don’t want to fuck this up.

But this morning, I can’t take it anymore. That’s why I’m in the office. I can feel it when Viv notices me, her eyes widening as she takes me in, sending a quick look in Daisy’s direction before she returns her attention to me.

“Good morning, Arch.” Vivian smiles, her expression nervous. “We haven’t seen you in here lately.”

“Been keeping away from Daisy to give her some space.” I send her a look and Daisy’s golden eyes go wider than normal. “Right, Daze?”

“Um, right.” She nods, slowly rising to her feet. “Hi.”

Her attention is all on me, and I swear to God, my heart threatens to beat right out of my chest, it’s pounding so hard. Having her in front of me and not looking like she wants to run feels like a major accomplishment.

“You two are good?” Viv looks between us, her head bouncing back and forth like she’s at a tennis match.

“We’re—good.” Daisy smiles.

“Yeah.” I smile back.

“I’ve been busy planning the party tonight,” I start but Viv immediately sticks her fingers in her ears and starts chanting “la-la-la” over and over.

I send an amused look Daisy’s way, who’s watching Viv with a shocked expression on her face.

Viv drops her fingers from her ears the moment I go quiet. “I can’t hear any details about that particular event, Arch. We try to ignore it as much as possible.”

It’s not school sanctioned and everyone who works here looks the other way, pretending the annual Halloween party doesn’t happen.

Including good ol’ Viv.

“Well, I need some help with party stuff and I was hoping I could steal Daze here.” I incline my head toward the love of my fucking life, shoving my hands in my pockets so I don’t do something crazy like grab hold of Daisy and never let her go again.

Hope lights up Daisy’s eyes and she turns toward Viv. “Can I help him?”

Viv releases a great big sigh, checking on Matthews’ closed office door. “He’s currently not on campus. As a matter of fact, he’s gone all day.”

She should’ve never admitted that. I’m already lunging toward Daisy, grabbing her hand and dragging her out of the office without a backward glance. Lifting my hand in a wave, I call out as we exit through the door, “Thanks a lot, Viv! See you Monday!”

We’re outside in seconds, Daisy’s warm hand still clasped in mine, and it feels so good, so fucking right, I yank her closer, wrapping my arm around her waist, pulling her to me.

She gasps, her hand resting against my chest as she tilts her head back, her lips parted. “Arch…”

“I’ve missed you.” I squeeze her close, my hand around the back of her head, her face tucked against my chest. Her body molding to mine like we’re a perfect fit. “Don’t say anything, Daze. We don’t need to have a serious conversation right now. I just want to spend time with you for a little bit. Is that okay?”

She nods, her hair brushing against my jaw. She’s got it in a high ponytail today and I miss the braids. “It’s what I want too.”

Pulling away from her slightly, I kiss her forehead before releasing my hold on her completely. “By the way, I lied.”

Daisy frowns. “About what?”

“Needing help with the party. I don’t need any help. We’ve got it all figured out. Everything’s handled. I just wanted to spend some time with you outside of the office.” I grin at her. “Want to go grab a coffee downtown?”

Her eyes light up, though I see the caution in her gaze too. “What about our classes?”

“We could be gone all day and it doesn’t matter. The teachers don’t really care with the party going on tonight, especially with the seniors. Not like we’re paying any attention anyway.” I shrug.

“Okay. That sounds fun.” She doesn’t bring up her dad or worry about getting in trouble for skipping class, which is a relief. And then she says the craziest thing. “Maybe we should invite JJ and Mya to hang out with us.”

The words hang in the cold air between us, shocking me silent for a few seconds.

“Seriously?” I thought she hated JJ.

“Sure.” She shrugs. “Mya and I have been talking more.”

“You have?”

She nods. “At lunch, I sometimes sit with Mya and Edie.”

“You do?” I’ve been laying low since Daisy ended things with me, hanging out with my friends mostly, avoiding any common area where Daisy might have been, like the dining hall. I’d grab lunch but I rarely sat inside. It was easier staying away than watching her and making myself sick over the fact that she wasn’t mine.

And my sister has never mentioned to me that she’s been spending more time with Daisy and Mya. Figures she wouldn’t tell me something so important.

I like it though, that they’re becoming friends. Even Mya. I could tell she wasn’t happy hanging out with Cadence. I’m glad she got away from her.

“Yeah.” Daisy shrugs, smiling. “I actually have friends now.”

She sounds so pleased with herself, and I’m happy for her too. This is all she’s ever wanted. She just didn’t know how to get it.

And look at her now.

“Text Mya,” I tell her, pulling my phone out and sending a quick text to JJ and then—fuck it—to my sister.

Once the bell rings, Edie, JJ and Mya meet us out at the G Wagon in the parking lot and I drive us all to that coffee shop downtown. The one Daisy and I went to the day I took her to urgent care when she got her stitches.

That feels like a long time ago. Things have changed—definitely for the better. And while I wish Daisy was sitting in the passenger seat instead of JJ while I’m driving, she wanted to be in the back with the girls. I’m just so damn thankful she’s in my car and we’re acting like everything’s normal, I don’t protest.

I’m the happiest I’ve been in a long ass time.

Once I park my car on the street, we make our way to the coffee place and order our drinks and food, sitting at a small table outside, people watching and making idle conversation. Daisy sits to my right, Edie on the other side of her and while they’re engrossed in conversation for most of the time, she does send me the occasional smile that reassures me she’s in this.

She’s into me.

All I can do is watch her talk, admiring her beauty like a lovesick fool. Pleased that she’s made friends, that her and my sister are laughing and joking with each other while JJ hauls Mya into his lap and delivers a smacking kiss to her lips. It’s almost surreal, how great this moment is. How happy everyone seems.

“Let’s go to that one store,” I tell Daisy after we’ve gathered all of our stuff and tossed it in the trash. Edie suggested we should wander around and look in the shops, and I have to agree with her it’s a good idea.

Daisy frowns. “Which store?”

“The one with the jewelry.”

We find it quickly, sneaking inside while everyone else goes into another shop next door, and I’m dragging Daisy over to the counter where the initial necklaces are, fighting the disappointment rising inside of me when I realize they don’t have the necklace I was looking for on display anymore.

“Did you sell the necklace with the A charm?” I ask the sales lady when she comes over to help us.

“Ah, I’m afraid we just sold it.” The woman glances over at Daisy, doing a double take but Daisy turns away, heading for another display across the store. The women offers me a sympathetic smile. “We don’t have any more at the moment, but I’m sure we’ll get a new shipment in soon. You should check back if you can.”

“Okay, thank you.” I nod at the lady before I go in search of Daisy, who I find at the front of the store, spinning around a rack that’s loaded down with various pairs of oversized earrings. “Why’d you take off?”

“I thought these earrings were cool,” Daisy says, keeping her focus on the ugly ass earrings like she’s unable to look at me.

“You’ve gotta be kidding me,” I tease her and she flashes me a smile, laughing. “Come on, Daze. Let’s go find our friends.”

We return to campus during lunch, Daisy and I parting ways with a wave and a smile, JJ watching us the entire time with a confused look on his face.

“What the fuck is going on with you two?” he asks me once all the girls leave us.

I shrug as we walk across campus. “Trying to take it slow.”

He snorts. “You take nothing slow.”

“With Daisy, I do,” I say firmly.

The look on JJ turns thoughtful. “I think she’s good for you.”

“You do?” I turn to him, surprised.

JJ nods. “Hell yeah. I know you were all twisted up over her a while ago, but you seem…calmer now. More like your old self but better, if that makes any sense.”

“It makes sense.” I feel better knowing Daisy and I are going to make this work. It helps that I spoke to her dad. Having his approval means the world to Daisy.

And to me.

After the final bell rings, a bunch of us go to the ruins and help set up the party. There’s so much booze, it’s ridiculous. Kegs and bottles of liquor everywhere. A few guys have set up a makeshift bar and we even have a decorating committee who has decked out the old burned-out building with all sorts of Halloween-themed stuff. It looks pretty amazing.

Since this is my last Halloween party at Lancaster Prep, I want to do it right. All Lancasters throw an epic Halloween bash. I remember hearing about my cousin and the sex-tape scandal that was exposed at this party a few years ago. Carolina got suspended over that whole mess, so at least I wasn’t the first Lancaster to get busted. Not that I plan on getting busted tonight.

No bad vibes are coming from this party. It’s going to be a good time and that’s it.

The best fucking time, if I have my way.

When I return to the ruins, it’s dark, the strings of orange and purple lights strewn about everywhere giving off a decent amount of light, and there’s music playing. There are a few people already hanging around the bar, red cups clutched in their hands. The beer is flowing, a group of girls just showed up in sexy costumes and the air is filled with promise.

I’m nervous though. If Daisy doesn’t show up…

Ah come on, what am I thinking? She’s definitely coming.

It’s happening.

“What the hell, bro? What’s your costume supposed to be?”

I turn to find JJ approaching me, clad in black pants and a white shirt with black suspenders. He’s got a hat on and there are fake bullet holes in his shirt, fake blood oozing from them. Mya is beside him in a clingy white sweater and a long, tight black skirt with a black beret on her head. She’s carrying a toy gun and she’s got bullet holes oozing blood on her sweater that match JJ’s.

“Who are you two supposed to be?” I throw back at him, frowning. They look great, but I can’t figure them out.

“Bonnie and Clyde,” Mya answers, smiling up at JJ, who gives her a quick kiss.

Shocking. These two finally seem like they’ve got it together.

“The criminals? Cool costumes.” I nod.

“You don’t think we’re pushing it with the bullet holes?” Mya looks worried and I suppose I can’t blame her.

“Nah, it’s Halloween. I can guarantee someone is going to show up dressed like a pimp. Does that mean he’s pro-prostitution?”

“Well, maybe…” JJ starts, Mya jabbing him in the ribs with her elbow to shut him up, but all he does is laugh.

“And who are you supposed to be again?” JJ’s gaze sweeps over the suit I’m wearing and I get it. I don’t look like I’m actually wearing a costume.

I readjust my fake glasses on my face and unbutton my suit jacket, tugging at the front of my button-down shirt, which is fake. It’s really got snaps and I undo them quickly with both hands to reveal what I’m wearing underneath.

The Superman emblem makes an appearance and JJ smiles. “Clark Kent!”

I slap his offered hand in a high five. “Superman, bro.”

We chat for a bit, Cadence coming into view at one point wearing a sexy Cinderella costume and she brought some dude who’s dressed as her Prince Charming.

The poor sucker. He’s screwed.

More and more people begin to arrive and I’m checking on each group like I’m hosting this event, which I sort of am. The costumes are killer and I take a lot of photos, realizing quickly that I’m grateful that I am the host and completely preoccupied. Otherwise, I’d be sweating over the fact that Daisy still isn’t here.

Where is she?

I grab my phone to check it for the millionth time, tempted to text my sister and ask where they are, but I resist the urge. What if Edie tells me something I don’t want to hear?

I’d rather not risk it and pretend that Daisy is definitely coming. After everything we did earlier today, and how easy it was between us?

She has to.

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