You Said I Was Your Favorite (A Lancaster Prep Novel)

You Said I Was Your Favorite: Chapter 30

The secret is getting to me. Our secret. Mine and Daisy’s.

Don’t get me wrong, there’s something exciting about sneaking around, hoping we don’t get caught. The knowledge that we might giving both of us an indescribable thrill, one that keeps me coming back for more. Pushing our limits.

We’ve been seeing each other for almost a month. Nonstop. The moment I get her alone, my hands are all over her, our mouths fused. I’ve kissed this girl more than anyone I’ve ever kissed in my life and we’ve never taken it beyond getting handsy. As in her giving me hand jobs and me fingering her. Oh, and plenty of grinding on each other. That’s about it.

Daze is a good girl and I have to be patient with her, but it’s slipping. My patience. I think about mauling her. Tearing her clothes off and going down on her and fucking her. Hearing her whimper with my every thrust, her golden eyes trained on me and nothing else, her lips parting on my name as I make her come.

It’s constant, the thoughts in my head. I can’t concentrate for shit. My grades are slipping and I swear to fucking God, she’s doing better. Better than me.

“Arch, I hate to tell you this but…” My guidance counselor Mrs. Peebles lifts her gaze away from her computer screen to study me. “Currently you’re number two in your class.”

There’s the confirmation I already knew.

“Daisy beat me, huh?” She is going to love this. Hell, she probably already knows. At the beginning of the school year, this would’ve pissed me off mightily.

Now all I can do is shrug at Peebles when she stares hard at me, like I might’ve sprouted a second head.

“She’s currently beating you, yes. What’s going on? Are your classes going well? Or are you struggling?”

My counselor’s fake concern almost makes me roll my eyes. It’s not that I think Peebles is a straight-up liar. I just know she doesn’t worry about me in the normal context. Hell, she doesn’t worry about any of us at this school. We’re all guaranteed a more than decent future as long as we don’t fuck anything up.

Daisy though? She’s working hard and striving and fucking thriving, that girl. She deserves to be number one.

Okay, clearly I’ve lost my mind because I’m willingly rooting for the girl who’s taken over my spot at the head of the class.

The girl who I can’t stop thinking about.

“I’m not struggling,” I tell Mrs. Peebles when I realize she’s waiting for my answer. “I just—”

“I know it’s tough. Senior year and you want to be free. You’ve been saying that for a while.” Peebles’ expression is full of understanding and I think of all the times I’ve gone to her before. When I demanded she talk to my parents and tell them how I should have already graduated. That I don’t need to be here.

I can’t imagine leaving now. Leaving Daisy.

That is the last thing I want to do.

“I’m cool with it,” I tell her, sitting forward in my chair. “I should live it up my senior year, right? My last chance at a life with zero responsibilities.”

The look she gives me tells me she knows I could most likely live the rest of my life with zero responsibilities. Or at least that’s what she thinks. It’s what everyone thinks.

The pressure my parents put on me has ramped up lately. They want to know what my plans are for after I graduate. When I tell them I want to take a gap year, that answer isn’t good enough for them. They both want me to go to college, but damn.

That sounds like a trap. Another four years in an institution like this?

No thank you.

“I’m happy to hear you’ve reconciled with the fact that you’re here for the rest of the school year. It’s not such a bad place to be, you know.” She smiles and I nod, already distracted. I’m missing first period, meeting with Peebles, and I want to get back to English. Not that I’m interested in listening to Winston drone on like he usually does in another boring lecture.

I want to sit behind Daisy and play with her hair. Breathe in her sweet scent. Does anyone notice me? Notice us? I’ve always been flirtatious. This isn’t new behavior for me, but I’ve never been so fixated on one girl in particular before.

That’s new. And that might be drawing attention.

JJ was pissed I ditched out on Cadence’s party the night of Daisy’s birthday, but he eventually got over it. He never holds a grudge for too long.

Cadence and Mya though? Those chicks avoid us. Me in particular, which I prefer. Though if looks could kill, the evil glares Cadence sends my way would slay me dead.

Still don’t feel bad though. Our relationship is history. The past.

“Anything else you want to talk about?” I ask Peebles, my knee bouncing with impatience.

“Have you considered what colleges you want to apply to yet?” Mrs. Peebles asks, her voice extra cheerful. She knows this is a touchy subject for me.


“You should.” Her response is quick. “If you start applying now, you could get accepted on early admission at certain universities.”

“Uh huh.” I nod, tapping my knee with my fingers, checking the clock on the wall right above Peebles’ head.

I need to get out of here. First period is over soon and I don’t want to miss even a minute of second period. Where Daisy and I are in the office and Viv mostly leaves us alone so we can flirt and talk and I can openly watch Daze blush when I murmur something inappropriate to her.

“Think about it.” She drops a pile of brochures on her desk, nudging them closer to me with her fingers. “I believe you could get into any of these colleges.”

They’re all Ivy League schools and I can’t help the chuckle that slips out. “My dad can buy my admission to any of those places.”

“I know, but wouldn’t it be great to get in on your own merits?” Peebles’ smile is serene as she folds her hands together, resting them on top of her desk. “Have you ever stood on your own, Arch? Or do you always get by on the Lancaster name?”

Anger rushes through my blood as I snatch the brochures from her desk, rising to my feet. “Thanks for the guidance,” I say, my voice full of sarcasm.

I’m out of the office in seconds, frustrated with my outburst. Frustrated more with how her questions hit home.

Maybe I’ve never stood on my own in life because I’m barely eighteen. Has she ever thought about that? Or how damn hard it is to shake the reputation the Lancaster name brings with it?

The ease of everything it brings? Being a Lancaster opens doors. Opens eyes. Opens legs.

I could have whatever I wanted with a snap of my fingers. I’ve never had to work hard for a single thing in my life. Not even school. I’m smart as fuck and barely have to apply myself. Hell, I don’t apply myself and I’m still ranked second.

The realization smacks me in the chest as I head across campus, the trill of the bell sounding, indicating first period is over.

I’ve never worked hard for anything in my life before—until Daisy.

That girl makes me work. It’s a struggle, one I’m willing to throw myself into. She’s the one prize I’m determined to win. Forget being number one in my class. Forget being the most popular guy on campus. Who cares about any of that shit? Not me.

I want Daisy.

And nothing else.

I spot her bright blonde head exiting a nearby building, walking alone, the look on her face contemplative. Wait, I take that back. She appears worried.

Probably wondering where I’m at. I never got a chance to tell her I was meeting with the counselor because Peebles sent me a text early this morning, asking if I’d come see her first period instead of going to class. I was running late—as usual—and forgot to text Daisy like the asshole I am.

I run up on her, noting the way her face brightens when she spots me. Her golden eyes dancing as she tries to keep it together at my approach.

“Hey, Daze,” I call to her.

“Hi.” She smiles, slowing her pace. Ducking her head as I fall into step beside her. “You weren’t in class.”

“I had a last-minute meeting with Peebles.” I shove my hands into my pockets as I walk with her to the admin building, nodding and smiling at people who pass by us, their gazes curious. People still don’t expect to see us together, despite me walking with Daisy to second period every single day for weeks.

“Oh yeah?” Curiosity rings in Daisy’s voice, though I know she’s not going to ask. She’s not nosy like everyone else I know.

“She let slip a tasty little fact.” I catch Daisy’s glance over at me, her brows drawn together in question. “You don’t know?”

“What are you talking about?”

I slow my steps when we reach the admin building and she does as well, turning to face me. “I’m not number one in our class anymore.”

“You’re not? Oh.” Her frown deepens, realization hitting her slowly. “Oh.

“You’re number one now.” Reaching out, I tug on a piece of hair that whips across her cheek with the wind. It’s getting cooler outside, especially the mornings. “Congratulations.”

She averts her head, like she wants to hide the massive grin stretching her pretty lips, but there is no mistaking the pride on her face. The absolute glory at hearing she’s number one. “Um, thank you?”

“Why do you say it like that?” We head up the steps, me glancing down at her, suddenly feeling protective. She’s small and sweet and when she gets out into the real world, the lions are going to eat her whole. And there are a lot of lions out there, more than ready to take a bite out of her.

Why I’m thinking about lions, I’m not sure but damn it, I rub at the center of my chest to ease the sudden ache I feel there. The idea of not being with Daisy next year hurts. She has plans and goals, while I have nothing, and I don’t think I fit into those plans of hers.

I don’t know how I’ll ever fit in.

“I’ve been working so hard, especially the last couple of years, to be number one in our class and now I am? It feels surreal.” She sounds a little dazed too. Like she can’t believe it’s all happening.

We enter the building and head straight for the office, me breathing a sigh of relief that the room is empty and Matthews’ door is closed. No Viv in sight, meaning I can make a semi-move.

I grab Daisy’s hand and pull her into me, giving her a too brief hug. Wishing I could feel her cling to me versus quickly pulling away. “Congrats, Daze. If I had to be number two to anyone, I’m glad I’m number two to you.”

“Thank you.” She grins at me, barely able to contain her joy, and I don’t think I’ve ever seen her so happy. And it’s at my personal demise.

It doesn’t even matter. I’d give up everything to see her smile like that at me again.

“Sit with us,” I practically demand as I steer Daisy into the dining hall. It’s lunch hour and while I love being with Daisy alone, I realize we need to spend time together out in public. Amongst our class. With my friends.

“Okay,” she says, her voice light, though I see the flicker of panic in her gaze. I know why she’s agreeing so easily.

She’s still feeling on top of the world being ranked number one and she has every right to. I want my friends to see her at her best. I want to show her off.

But not too much. Those bastards even think about touching her and I’ll crush them into pieces.

Jesus, I need to chill.

“I’m going to get a salad,” she tells me, pausing when her gaze lands on someone standing behind me. “Oh hey, Edie.”

“Hey, you two.” I turn to see my sister’s amused gaze locking with mine and I scowl at her. “Stop it, Archibald. Your fake grumpiness doesn’t affect me.”

Chuckling, I give my girlfriend a gentle push toward my sister. “Go get rabbit food together while I grab something with more substance.”

Daisy waves at me, her expression helpless when Edie grabs her arm and steers her toward the salad bar.

I’m standing in line, placing two cheeseburgers on my tray when JJ sidles up next to me. “Bro, what’s up?”

“Not much. I’m starving.” I grab a basket of fries and pop one in my mouth. “What’s going on with you?”

“The usual. Mya is talking about a party this weekend. You two need to come to it.” He’s meaning me and Daisy. “People are starting to talk, Lancaster.”

“Talk about what?”

“You and Daisy. It’s like you two are together, we can all see it, but you never go anywhere together socially.”

“We spend time together.” I shrug, not wanting to admit too much. I’m protective of my relationship with Daisy.

I’m flat out protective of Daisy.

“Alone. In hiding.” JJ grins. “Come on. It’s time to put yourselves out there.”

“That’s not on me. That’s a Daisy thing.” We pay for our food and I wait for Daisy and Edie before I head for our table, JJ standing with me. “I can’t push her too hard.”

“Why not?” JJ frowns.

“She’s not like that.”

“What’s she like then? What do you see in her anyway?” He sounds genuinely curious. How do I explain to him that with Daisy, she doesn’t care who I am or what I’m worth or any of that bullshit. She just accepts me for who I am.

“She’s…sweet.” She also kisses like a fucking dream and is always down to mess around with me. She’s as into me as I am into her and the best part?

We don’t argue. Well sometimes I’m a hothead and I set her off too but for the most part, we get along.

And I love it. She makes things easy.

“She’s hot,” JJ adds, making me frown.

“Stay the fuck away from her,” I growl.

He laughs. “You’ve got it so fucking bad. Wish I knew what was so great about her.”

If he’s fishing for details, I’m not telling him a single thing.

My gaze snags on Daisy making her approach and I smile at her. “Ready?” I ask her.

She nods, Edie right beside her.

“You joining us?” I ask my sister.

“If you don’t mind.” She sends a scathing look toward the table she sits at most of the time, returning her attention to me. “I desperately need a new view.”

We all head for our usual table, a few guys already sitting there, eating and shooting the shit. They all greet me enthusiastically when I join them and it hits me that it’s been a while since I’ve sat with everybody. I hang out with JJ when I can, trying to make nice when I’d rather be with Daisy, so it’s not often. Lately I’ve isolated myself and it looks like they’ve all missed me.

And it feels good, being missed.

“Where have you been?” someone asks me and I glance over at Daisy, who’s sitting right next to me. Her smile is quick before she’s returning her attention to Edie, who’s talking nonstop.

“With my girl,” I admit, grabbing my cheeseburger. “I’ve missed hanging with you guys.”

“Your girl, huh?” I glance up to find Mya standing directly behind JJ. Thank God Cadence is nowhere in sight. “It’s official then?”

I meet her gaze, noting the possessive way she touches JJ’s shoulder. They’ve been looking pretty serious lately too, though he never talks about her with me. “Yeah. It is. You have a problem with that?”

“Hey. Ease up,” JJ says, his stormy gaze finding mine.

“Sorry,” I mutter, taking a big bite of my burger. It’s only because Mya’s so damn close to Cadence. I don’t trust her motives.

Don’t think I ever will.

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