You Bare My Mark ( My Mate Series)

Chapter 23- Twenty-Three - Felix's Point Of View.

23- Twenty-Three - Felix's Point Of View.

I starred at Dakota not even wanting to think about being pregnant. Honestly, that would complicate so many things right now. Yes, another child would be great but not well we are all at war. The last thing I need is for my children to be taken and found dead in a river. Dakota had this light in his eyes that overjoyed my heart but scarred me down to my bones. Sure Dakota and I are adults but we lead busy lives, how would we find time for another baby. I slowly walked from the kitchen to the living room. I sat on the couch and tried to work out things in my head.

If I'm not pregnant then nothing to worry about, If I am then I had two choices, both with there pros and cons, have a new baby or get rid of the baby coming into a dangerous time. Both would be hard to handle, one harder than the other. With no more ideas, I needed to know what I was walking into. I made my way towards the medical wing. The doctor took me back into the room and I explained, he drew blood and put a few drops in the vial with my blood. He set it in a spot in the rotating vial mixer. he told me it would be only a few moments. I went out to the waiting room area and sat down. My stomach danced around in fear. Shortly after he came out with a folded up paper and his face blank. he told me to look at it on my own before I showed anyone or to make any decisions.

With the paper in hand, I left the medical wing and walked to find Pepper. We had gotten close and if I wanted someone to understand me it would be him. I know I should find Dakota and talk to him but I don't want to. Not because I don't want him to know but because I don't know the paper says and if it's positive then I need some time to think. It was selfish but this was my body and although it is our child, he would forgo waiting for a better time, wolves were like that. Pepper was in the daycare with his children. He saw me and saw the paper. He knew what it was, the paper was a light green colour and was only used for this test. Any wolf with a child would know what I was holding. "Have you looked at it yet?"


"Your scared?”

"Yes, this is a huge life-changer."

"I promise you it will be okay.”

"Pepper, I don't even know if I can handle another baby. I mean i..." "Felix calm down its alright, if you're not ready for a baby then forgo the pregnancy if you are and wait till your ready, Dakota will understand.”

"What if he doesn't, he wants his own little pups so bad, what if he never forgives me?"

"When you find out talk it over together, you get the final say, Felix, itis your body."

I took a deep breath and handed the paper to Pepper, I told him not to tell me what it said. I didn't watch his face in case his face would give it way. he smiled softly and handed me back the paper. He didn't say anything but I could feel his eyes on me basically telling me to open the damn paper and get the shit over with. Opening the paper I read the basics of the blood test and looked over the paper. one word standing out.


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