You Bare My Mark ( My Mate Series)

Chapter 18 - Chapter Eighteen - Siryn's Point Of View.

18 - Chapter Eighteen - Siryn's Point Of View.

Cheese puffs.

My need for Cheese puffs was untameable.

Lucio was frustrated you could see it deeply on his handsome face. "Lucio, what troubles you?"

"I... I'm really not sure mate, but I just have a bad feeling."

"You're talking about the lack of rouges right?"


Every year on a bad season for the rouges you saw one or two a month but now it was like they had gone quiet. All the pack here had the same issue, no rouges to be seen in months. That was the worrying part. It wasn't like rouges could just not be made, The cycle was endless. The fact we didn't see any but all the alphas on edge. The pack where I grew up was currently sending the warrior wolves out to look for signs of life within the known rouge locations. They hadn't found anything. Lucio's pack had grown to a hundred and fifty wolves after it was rebuilt, many of the younger mated generations had moved over here to help resettle and repopulate the pack. Lucio and I had our plates pretty full. If the rogues were around and planning something I wasn't sure we could handle that.

Laying my head on Luico’s shoulder I opened the side drawer of his desk and stole a pack of his sweet little sprinkle-covered chocolate chips, Where I had an addiction to cheese puffs Lucio loved these things, he huffed at me clearly knowing what had stolen, opening the bag I poured a bunch on the desk and put the sweet treats back into the drawer. His stash was pretty low so I knew I would have to order in a large box of them.

"I can't wait till I can hold our little one."

"You and Me both my handsome Alpha"

Rubbing the small bump I smiled. Grabbing a few of the chocolate bits I spoke.

"I'm going to lay down for a bit, It's Twelve p.m Now, I have the alarm set for two, don't work too hard love.”

Kissing his forehead, I left the room. Getting to our bedroom I sat on the edge of the bed. Calling my father I waited until he picked up.

"Yes, brat of mine?"

"Did you guys find anything ?"

"No, Absolutely nothing and Dakota is worried. I overheard Felix talking to Dakota about bad to come our way, he said a wolf down south tipped them off.”

"That's great news," I said sarcastically.

"No shit eh?"

"Your grandfather said the Elders are worried something is brewing here too."

"That's always good news. " I sighed.

"How are you and the pup?"

"Same old, same old. Round and craving cheese puffs.”

"Your father and I are going to come over on the weekend, he had some things for you. He has been whining about how he wanted to see you."

"That definitely sounds like him."

After a bit more of a conversation, we parted ways and I settled into the bed. If the elders were saying they thought something was brewing then something most certainly was happening. The last thing I needed was a pup born into months or years of war.

Grabbing the remote to our light system in the room I flicked off the lights and felt relief as the darkness settled over me allowing much- needed sleep to come.

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