You Bare My Mark ( My Mate Series)

Chapter 17 - Chapter Seventeen - Siryn's Point Of View.

17 - Chapter Seventeen - Siryn's Point Of View.

Looking at Lucio, he looked conflicted but he got closer. The few omega's went back to what they had been doing. Lucio shocked me when he sank to his knees in front of the bar stool I was sitting on. He laid his hand on my belly where our child was now residing. His face was black as he sat there, the silence in the room nearly killing me as fear and panic nestled itself in my gut.

"Siryn, this child's heartbeat is loud, it's like----"


Lucio pulled back in shock before he agreed. Lucio had explained to me before how he used the vibrations from sounds to map his vision. The baby's heartbeat must help him to see around a little better. I liked that he could see a little better, it made me feel better.

"It's strange, never has a tiny sound such as an infant's heart been projected so much vibration into my vision before.”

"Maybe it's a gift."

"Perhaps, gifts among us wolves are rare but it's not impossible.”

The older omega basically shoved Lucio out of the kitchen a while later saying they wanted to get to know me better and that he surely had Alpha things to do. Lucio left after a quick kiss. They made sure to feed me more and give me tips and tricks for the pregnancy.

The shortest of the Omega's was a blond-haired green-eyed male. His name was Erie, At twenty-four he had a bump slightly larger than mine. He explained how he was mated to one of the warrior wolves, now dead, but this was the gift he left Erie. It broke my heart to see the four foot eleven male halfway through his pregnancy with no male waiting at home for him and his baby. It was amazing he hadn't lost his wolf but I understood why when he explained they weren't soulmates. It wasn't rare for wolves who hadn't found their mates by a current age year to mate within the pack. Sometimes they got away with that and sometimes they didn't and a soulmate would show up.

Lucio came by when it started to get dark and sent the Omega's home with their goodies. Instead of going to his office to do whatever he did well, he was in there, he took my hand and pulled me to the living room. He sat on the couch and pulled me against him. His hand gently set on my semi-flat stomach. He was listening in the silence of our house, surely he was using it to see the things around him.

"I wish I could see you, I can picture you round with our young as this progresses but it's not the same. You are the only colour in my black and grey world."

Trying really hard to picture me I wished to show Lucio what I looked like. The gasp that fell from his lips was enough to tell me something had happened. I really hoped he saw the pictures I sent him across our bond.

"I saw you. You are more stunning than I had ever pictured. However, I'm not sure how you shared what seemed to be an image with me that threw our bond, that is strange.”

“I'm not sure how that happened either..."

“I'm sure that's not a common thing.”

“I would ask but I know the council would have to get involved and I'm sure that's something I want.”

Lucio rubbed my belly as I laid in his lap listening to him tell stories of when he had his vision and of the great things he did with his father. Looking at him I was just captivated by him. Before he was this man who was shut off to me and didn't wish to have me or anyone who wanted to help around. Part of me was dying to know what had changed, Part of me was just too scared to know. He had changed so much in the short time I had known him and it made my heart sing. Going to get up off the couch Lucio grabbed my wrist softly, he was still sitting on the couch.

"Siryn, 1 don't think I've ever thanked you for not giving up on me. I choked you and still you came back. That is more than I deserved. I have been unkind to you, I've hurt you. But the thing is, I didn't want you to befall the same as my parents, My mother lost my father and she became a shell of herself. I would give my life for you and that scares me, not because I know I'll die, but because you will become a shell of your former self.”

"Lucio, no one is dying and I would never ask you to die for me, not now not ever. I promise you don't have to live in fear of anything. Together we will raise our son or daughter and have a large growing family, we will grow old together and die of natural causes.”

Lucio sat in silence for just a moment longer before he stood up and picked me up carefully.

"You're right, I have nothing to fear now, Thank you for that. Also thank you many times over for the heir we have created. I have no words for the excitement I feel. I am to be a father and that is both scary and amazing."

Something was troubling Lucio but for the time being, I would leave that misery alone.

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