You Bare My Mark ( My Mate Series)

Chapter 13 - Chapter Thirteen - Fallon’s Point Of View.

13 - Chapter Thirteen - Fallon’s Point Of View.

I heard valentine cry again and I pulled my self out of bed. Cillian was not in bed when I woke up. I went to stop valentine from crying. When got to valentine's nursery Cillian was rocking valentine back to sleep. He was a great father.

Valentine was almost two weeks old and cried almost all the time. The pack doctor said valentine had belly problems when he ate. He said valentine had to much stomach acid and it was giving him baby heart burn.

I stood at the door and watched.

"Listen my son. Your mama is sleeping he's still healing from pushing you out, you need to let him rest. Papa will look after you."

I smiled when I heard that. I walked in the room and sat in the rocking chair. Cillian saw me and smiled.

" how did you sleep love?"

"Like a rock. It was nice to sleep for that long."

Cillian smiled and set valentine in the crib and he went right back to sleep. I yawned and got out of the chair hugging Cillian.

"How's breakfast sound my lovely mate.”

"That sounds great Mr. Alpha.”

"Good good."

Cillian picked me up and carried me to the kitchen. We were in the middle of eatting breakfast when Cillian’s phone rang. He growled and picked up the phone after excusing himself.

I ate all my breakfast and stood up grabbing his plate and brought it up stairs.

Just as I was about to open his office door he opened it and smiled

"I was just coming down to join you again.”

"I came to join you my busy alpha.”

Every alpha around knew about mine and Cillian's new baby so they tried to call as less as they could.

I was extremely grateful for that.

I walked in the office with him and sat in the other chair. I cut his food into bite-sized peices and fed it to him well he worked.

He was hard at work on his computer when my mind went into the gutter. He had smirk on his face moments later as if he knew what I was thinking.

"I can smell your arousal from here little lover.”

I blushed.

The more I looked at him the more I wanted to touch him. I found it hard to pull my eyes of his toned body.

"Fallon Please you know the doctor said no breeding again for a least a month after the birth."

"Cillian I want you now..." I said whining.

Cillian groaned and dropped his head on the desk.

"Fallon I want you too but you need to heal and even after you heal we can't have crazy unprotected sexy because you will get pregnant again darn near right away."

After a were has a baby for up to 2 months after there chances of conceiving have doubled. I mean I wouldn't mind getting pregnant again but Cillian already said he wanted our next child if we have one to be one of love not him forcing me.

My heat would be coming after the two months. As long as my body was recovering my heat would stay away.

Cillian let out a sigh before speaking

"I'm going to go wake valentine so that he can eat. He will probably need to be changed as well. You can go watch TV or something if-----" "I can look after valentine you seem to be busy with work. I will take care of him."

I stood up and ran to the nursery before Cillian could reject my offer. He had been looking after our little one day and night. He barely slept because he was the first one to be awake when valentine cried.

I woke valentine up and he didn't cry he just starred at me before he giggled.

"Hello mama's baby."

He cooed and smiled. I made him a bottle and fed it to him. After the bottle I burped him & changed him and he began to fall asleep again. I sung him a lullaby and he was out like a light. I walked around will him in my arms before I walked to the living room and sat on the rocking recliner chair.

Valentine slept as we rocked back and forth. I was watching some cooking show when Cillian came racing down the stairs he looked to be in a panic.

"Fallon have you seen... oh he's with you I thought he was gone. Thank god."

"1 would never let anyone take our child they would have to go through me.”

Cillian walked over and sat on the couch. Within mere moments of him relaxing he was passed out in the corner of the couch.

Valentine woke up a moment later and was quite. He was watching his Papa sleep too.

Cillian looked so peaceful. I kissed his forehead and let him sleep.

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