You Bare My Mark ( My Mate Series)

Chapter 12- Twelve - Felix's Point Of View.

12- Twelve - Felix's Point Of View.

Location: Wolf Den, Far far in the Arctic.

I should have figured that Dakota wouldn't let me go home once I got here. Dakota drug me around with him everywhere so that I didn't get bored and leave. It might also be because last night I refused to sleep beside him because he of what happens with Leno. made him sleep on a couch that wasn't built for a full-grown alpha were. It was like trying to stuff a full-grown salmon in a sardine can.

He has been complaining about his back being sore all day. I just found it all the more amusing. I mean yeah that was kind of a cruel thing find amusing.

Right now Dakota had alpha things he had to do so he left me in the hands of the Omega’s. Which I of course didn't mind. Somehow they had talked me into making cakes and cookies with them. I looked down at my top and pants. I was coated in flour. I wasn't the only one though, well over half the Omega'’s were also coated.

At some point, one of the cute little Omega's tripped and flung flour and it turned into a flour shower. I went to throw a good-sized hand full at a red-headed Omega but someone stepped in through the doorway and got coated in my handful of flour.

You could hear a pin drop as me and all the Omega's looked at a very snowy looking Dakota. He just looked at me and didn't say anything.

I smiled a half-smile.

Dakota walked as close as he could to me and I watched as he took a hand full of cake batter. My mind didn’t connect the dots until there was wet cake dough running down my face.

After the flour, cake batter fight Dakota made the Omega's and I clean the kitchen well he sat on the counter and watched.

"Dakota your not fair you helped make this mess too clean it," I whined.

"Okay, no problem.” He chuckled.

He walked over to move so I thought nothing of it until he grabbed my chin and drug his tongue over my lips and cheek, which were parts of where the cake ran down.

" You such a pervert. There are little ones around.” I mumbled.

Dakota began to laugh until his face turned a light pink colour.

"What's so funny there chuckles?"

" Those "little ones’ have made more babies then you can imagine." He said.

I was shocked. I turned to look at all my cute little Omega's.

" Oh say it's not true. Don't tell me that they are so cute and innocent. They couldn't have children yet." I whined being extremely dramatic. Diego walked through the kitchen door and just stared at me. He walked towards the fridge and grabbed a bottle of water and walked away shaking his head.

"If you cute little buttons have kids I want to see them all, they must be so cute. "I said excitedly.

That was like the magic sentence. All the Omega's It up much like Christmas lights and then they took off in different ways.

Dakota was chuckling.

"You are going to regret that Felix. Those little ones love to show off their offsprings. You going to be surrounded by children.”

"I would never regret that. Honestly. I miss Valintine and Fallon and his mate. I want to visit them when it's not so hard to leave the Arctic. Like after Storm season.”

Dakota had told the Omega's to take their little ones to the living room where it was much safer than the kitchen. When Dakota finally took me to the living room there were little ones of every age. There was even an omgea I hadn't met holding a brand new little one, I was in heaven. I wanted like twelve of my own.

" Dakota a want like twelve,” I mumbled out not sure if he heard or not. " Excuse me?" He said

I turned and looked into his eyes.

"I want like twelve. So cute.”

He seemed to not have words for what I had asked and I couldn't resist not being able to hold all the adorable little ones, so I left him standing in the doorway as I went around and held all the little ones. I even got to hold the newborn one, though his mother stared at me the whole time, I really didn't mind.

Dakota took me away from all the little ones and said he wanted to go for a walk. I agreed and somehow we had ended up in the pack nursery. All the little ones ran to Dakota and gave him hugs. I found it so heartwarming and cute I had to wipe away a few tears.

There was one little pup that had my attention big time. He seemed off, but he was so damn cute, his hair midnight black and his eyes pale green. He seemed to see me watching him because he wobbles over. He couldn't have been more than a year and a half.

He gave me a toothy smile when I picked him up.

I was shocked when the wolf running the nursery gasped as well as Dakota.

"What?" I asked softly confused.

"Felix, no one and I mean no one has been able to hold him since day one. He has always fought, but not you.”

I looked at him and smiled, he copied my smile and gave me a little toothy smile.

"Gosh your so cute. I just want to love you all up. " I said earning a giggle from him.

" What's his name?" I asked softly.

"His name is Wyatt. He's a little over a year old. His parents were both warriors, they died in a rogue attack.”

That's awful. My heart clenched and I seem to hold him tighter to my chest. Dakota raised an eyebrow at me as if he knew I wanted the baby. " We will talk about it Felix don't push your luck. " Dakota said pinching the bridge of his nose.

Dakota had to practically drag me away from Wyatt. Once he dragged me into our room he all but made us go to bed. I waited till I thought Dakota was asleep before I got closer and cuddled with him, he started me half to death when he wrapped his arm around me and kissed my forehead.

"Sleep, Felix."

He didn't have to tell me twice.

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