You Bare My Mark ( My Mate Series)

Chapter 11- Eleven - Felix's Point Of View.

11- Eleven - Felix's Point Of View.

Location: Hallow-Village, Far far in the Arctic.

Dakota had pestered me to go with him to his pack den, I agreed. I kinda wanted to wrap myself up in the fantastic furs. I would need some for my own bed at home. The ride on his wolf was awesome. He ran as fast as he could and showed his wolf off to me. His wolf was positively beautiful. He strolled into the cave me walking beside him. I kept my hand kitted in his fur as we walked. A man as tall as Dakota walked over towards us. I tightened my hand in his fur making him grow! lightly.

"Sorry" I mumbled.

The man that was standing by us spoke scaring me half to death.

"Step back a little Luna, Dakota's going to shift."

I took a step back and watched as he shifted and his bones snapped and popped until he was once again human. Also very much naked.Dakota growled and pulled me flush against his chest. He wrapped his arms around me. I tried not to think about how his naked body was pressed against me. It was hard, not to get hard.

"Dakota we need to talk, about Leno. "

I wanted to listen to this.

Dakota sighed and nuzzled his nose against my neck.

" Dakota I can't mate a child, and not a bitter child at that."

Here I was getting into other people's business.

"How old is Leno, Surely he is no child, I saw him driving, and he doesn't have the body of a child, I saw that too."

Both of them growled at me.

"He's seventeen. Werewolf males hit adulthood at sixteen, but he acts like a child. As a beta, I can't have a childish mate. I have responsibilities to look after and I need a strong mate.”

Something about what he said pissed me off but I kept my mouth shut. It was not my place to bitch about it. It wasnt my job to point out he was being a huge dick.

Dakota laced his hand in mine as we walked around the packhouse for a tour.

I had met and saw many wolves. The Omega's were such cute little wolves. I fell in love with them all. They fed me all sorts of different treats and foods. I would take them all home with me if I could have.Dakota seemed amused by the whole scene. They fed him and gave him little treats and hugs but not they did me, they treated him as a big brother, and they seemed to treat me as one of there own.

After we left the kitchen we were walking down the hall so he could show me the game room and I was shoved to the floor by two male wolves fighting.Dakota pulled me up off the floor and covered my ears before even though his hand were there heard him yell at the top of his lungs.


The whole house seemed to shake as both the wolves stopped fighting. That's when I noticed one of them was Leno.

I had tuned out Dakota yelling at the other male, but when he got to Leno I wanted to hear what he had to say to him.

"Christ Leno can't you behave. You still act like a pup. Even your mate can stand to be around you."

I watched as Leno broke. But Dakota didn't stop there.

"Diego came to me and told me he can't mate you because you are too fucking childish. Wait till he heard about this now too."

Dakota turned and started to walk away but I couldn't. Leno's knees gave out, he crashed to the floor. I have never seen a male cry let alone a male wolf. I sank to my knees and took him into my arms. He didn't stop crying he only sobbed harder. Dakota had walked away and when he came back Diego the beta was with him. Leno looked up and saw him. It took all my strength to hold him so he didn't runoff.

"I won't let them have a go at you. It's not fair. But in return, you tell me why you lied to me."

He nodded.

Diego had an annoyed look on his face. You could tell he didn't wish to look after a "child".

"I'm disappointed in you-----"

I cut Diego off.

"Shut up. You don't get to be disappointed. You didn't ask why the fight had started or what he was defending. For all, you know he could have been defending you. "

"This has nothing to do with you, mate of Dakota." He snarled.

I got up off the floor and Diego and I were chest to chest.

"One I have a name. It's Felix. King Felix! And you don't get to rip on your mate, he is your fucking mate. Yes, he might be childish but he's seventeen, he is a teenager, not an adult you don't get to force him to be."

" He's fucking crying. What is he three." Diego said annoyed.

"Of course he is crying. He has every right to. Dakota got in his face and said nasty things. I don't know if which world were it is okay for you to tell someone's mate they won't mate you because you are a bitter child. If anyone should be disappointed it's Leno and me because are mates are the most childish immature males I have ever met and trust me I've met a lot of people. Further more Dakota Duke you are going to apologize to Leno or I swear I will go home, and you will not see me again.”

Both the Alpha & Beta looked shocked. They gave each other looks as if they were communicating.

"Don't think I don't see that look you are giving each other.”

I turned and walked back to Leno who was look down at his hand's tears still running.

"I lied to you because I didn't want you to get stuck with Dakota, he's heartless,” Leno whispered softly.

“Leno I'm sorry I was rude," Dakota said his voice lacking any forgiving emotion.

Diego started to walk away.

"Don't go anywhere. You have a mate to take out and apologize for being an ass. "

He turned and glared at me.

"Better get to it before I'm less forgiving."

He nodded.

"Come on. Please stop crying and stand up Leno. "

Leno gave me a bear hug. Dakota and Diego growled.

I got up off the floor and dusted my knees off. I stomped over to Dakota who was at least a foot taller than me. I grabbed his ear and growled at him. Wolves were far harder to understand then Vampires, that was for sure. Diego also really rubbed me the wrong way.

"To the dog house with you. Bad mutt."

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