You Bare My Mark ( My Mate Series)

Chapter 10 - Chapter Ten - Siryn's Point Of View.

10 - Chapter Ten - Siryn's Point Of View.

Dakota having abandoned me here made me wonder if my parents already knew of me being kidnapped. Dakota should have done something more had they of not known. Right? I hoped they at least knew I loved them if Lucio decided to eat me. I didn't think he would but I really didn't know what he was totally playing at here. One minute he didn't want me and the next he did, this man was cold and hot and confused.

Confused, I sat on the floor, the power now on and lights working. Lucio looked perfect under all the lights despite him being so damn filthy. I probably was no better. My mud puddle bath and all. I debated getting off the floor to get a bath instead I just sat there and sighed before whining. He didn't pay attention to me the first time so I whined louder and more obnoxiously and that seemed to work, so I whined more.

"I need a bath!" I whined scraping dried mud off my arms. It flaked off onto the floor, after two days I really was aching to be clean again. I wanted the dirt out from under my nails and between my toes and off my damn scalp. I was just still coated in all the mud.

Lucio seemed to remember something and grabbed my hand pulling me roughly. Pulling me into a much smaller dark room off the hall down the stairs. I felt him move out of the way before he spoke. The room was pitch black and I couldn't see a damn thing. I wondered if this was what it was like for Lucio all the time. If this is what he went through all the time it was a wonder he was depressed about it all. "Shower"

“It's dark... I can't see Lucio."

Realizing he didn't turn on the light he began to fumble around for the switch. He must have found it because the light flicked on and I could see the shower. It wasn't anything amazing but it would get the job done. Leaving me there alone I undressed and turned the shower on. Like a normal person, I waited for it to heat up. I stepped under the spray just as the door opened.

The water was freezing cold. I wanted to cry.

"I forgot to say that Dakota told me it worked but it would be really cold.”

"Yup. He was right. It's really cold.”

Lucio started to laugh. He was also quite filthy. I wondered what it would take to get him to join me, instead of some great plan to get him in the shower with me, i just asked him straight out,

"Come join me."

He stilled and left the room quickly. Shrugging I cleaned myself quickly. Realizing I had no towel I laughed slightly. Going from the bathroom to the bedroom where my bag now took only a moment. After getting dressed I went to look for Lucio. As I went to walk by the outside door a knock scared the shit out of me. Sniffing the air I smelt my father Diego. Slowly opening the door I peeked at him. The glare I got back was one of a not very happy parent. He had the SUV and I could see the lights glowing in the distance. Lucio came from the other side of the house and he sniffed the air. The annoyance grew on his face more and he didn't even try to show he wasn't annoyed. He clearly didn't like that my father had shown up just randomly.

"Siryn next time you decide to spend the night let someone know. Your father and I were worried."

Before I could plead my case my father grabbed me by the ear making me yelp in pain. Lucio, who was just standing back, grabbed my father's wrist and removed it from my ear. Shoving me behind him I watched over his shoulder as he let my father's wrist go. He didn't growl at my father like I thought he would, instead he just used his words and I felt proud of him oddly. He was more human than I had given him credit for.

"I think you need to leave."

"Excuse me?"

"You need to leave now."

"Not without my child I'm not."

"I do believe your grown adult son is more than capable of protecting himself."

"While that may be true I don't trust you. Mate or not you have already hurt my child and----"

Lucio wolfed out.

Both of them went flying into the yard. I was frozen in place. I couldn't yell for them to stop. Mind linking Dakota I prayed that even over this distance he would get it.

Dad and Lucio are fighting, please help me. I can't. I'm scared. I can't stop them. I don't want them to kill each other or even hurt each other. Please!

Sinking to my knees in the doorway I started to sob. They would kill each other and I would be powerless to stop them. I felt arms around me. That was my one weakness, I couldn't stop my family from fighting. I never had been able to. This was the same case.

"Stop crying. Please stop crying. It's okay. We are okay. I'm so sorry mate."

He picked me up despite him also being injured. I was weak. I knew I was weak. It was such a shame to have that as a weakness and it wasn't one that was hidden either. Everyone knew I was useless when it came to breaking up fights among my family or anyone I cared about.

When Dakota arrived he had my other father with him. Dakota gave my father an ear full of not so nice words. Then he started to walk my way. But not before my father bitched again. I was so sick of all the fighting that was going on.

"He didn't say he was staying----"

"I fucking let him stay. All you had to do was ask.”

Dakota also gave Lucio an ear full. He also brought up the choking incident. Lucio didn't make excuses; he said he knew what he did was wrong. Glancing at my father who was getting an ear full from my other father. I stick my tongue out at him. The flick to the forehead came out of nowhere. It mildly stunned me and for a brief moment I wondered how blind Lucio actually was. He seemed to know my exact location every time he needed to touch me. It was pretty interesting to me. "Behave Mate."

I glared at him. Before he could make a move to stop me I grabbed his hand and licked his palm. I watched him cringe. Dakota growled at my father and took them home. This night had turned into a big shit show all over my father being over protective of me. People got hurt because of me again. My mate got hurt because of me.

I looked at Lucio who was touching a wound on his arm.

"I'm sorry about my father.”

"It's okay. It's only a flesh wound."

“What the hell do you mean by that? Its a whole fucking wound and your just brushing it off?”

“I have had much worse. What your father did next to nothing. It's annoying and that's the extent of it.”

I couldn't keep the look of what the fuck to myself. Alphas are strange creatures. Not just Lucio but even Dakota was weird and it made me wonder how many other alphas were just this strange, maybe it was only the arctic alphas.

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