You Bare My Mark ( My Mate Series)

Chapter 09 - Chapter Nine - Thanatos Alexander's Point Of View

09 - Chapter Nine - Thanatos Alexander's Point Of View

School started again yesterday, Forest and I have been trying to connect before school started. The alarm sang its angry tune at six a.m, waking us both up. Forest didn't want to get out of bed but I got up and pulled the blanket off him, He growled in response to losing the blanket. That made me instantly annoyed with him.

" Don't growl at me Forest, Get up, You need your schooling. Angry little fucker.”

He pulled the pillow from my side over his ears.

"Fine, I'm going to get your father.”

I'd never seen someone run so fast, he slammed the bedroom door and stood in front of it

"Let's not go crazy now, Than, my dad needs his sleep”

"You just don't want him to be on your ass because he will make sure you're awake, by any means necessary."

Forest got dressed and walked over to a calendar he put up last month when we found out I was pregnant, he calls our child, our little Peanut. I got dressed figuring I was going to drive him to school yet again. Forest went to a private school where only supernaturals or humans that are somehow related to supernaturals are allowed to go to school there. That made it a whole lot easier for us to not stand out and look like a strange couple and I was less likely to get stared at for being pregnant.

We went downstairs and Quinn wished us a good morning, he also handed me a bottle of pills that I was supposed to take, one a day. I took the pill and got a bowl and cereal and set them in front of Forest, he just stared at me. I poured the cereal and put milk in it and grabbed a spoon and pushed it in his space. He just groaned at me.

"Eat now Forest, before you're late,” I said before I tried to fix his hair so it looked less like bed head and more as he did brush it. When he was finished he washed his bowl and told me he was ready to go. By the time we got to school, he was late. I walked into the school with him and a bunch of kids that were in the hallways were starring. Joys of being a prince, after all, The principal ran out into the hall to see what the problem was. He instantly saw Forest and began to speak to him. "Forest Dawson, we need to speak about the comments you made to the teacher about being too distracted to do your work," the principal said. his eyes looking over me a bunch of times as if he was trying to figure out exactly who I was and why I was here.

"Mr. Craydon, I swear it was the truth,” Forest said, trying to get the guy to understand. I stepped closer to Forest and looked at the principal to see if he would still make a comment and after a few seconds of no words I spoke.

"Is there an issue here?" I said softly.

"Ah, you must be his mother Quinn Daw---"

"No, Sorry I'm his mate Thanatos, Now what was his comment about being distracted.”

The principal looked me over and then spoke, " Forest's excuse was about his mate being pregnant, but I can see that was a lie----" I cut him off.

"Mr. Craydon I am indeed pregnant and you can do all the looking at me you would like, I will even pull up my shirt and show my baby bump if it would make you much less rude towards my mate," I said, my right hand resting on my hip. I was annoyed.

"I'm sorry Mr..., I didn't quite catch your name”

“My name is Thanatos, Thanatos Alexander”

"Ah, you are a Prince if I am correct.”

"You are."

"Well, It is a pleasure to meet you, your highness, Forest is free to go to class now, I just wanted to make sure he was telling the truth. I didn't mean to sound rude or disrespectful.”

" It is more than alright Mr. Craydon & Forest I'll see you later okay ?"

I left the school building and went to visit Emerald's home. When I got into their house The demon King Lucca and Queen Emerald were right at the door waiting for me. Lucca was holding Em back, he finally let go of Emerald when I had gotten my coat and shoes off and the door shut. Emerald raced to me and his hands were on my belly where I knew he was going to put them.

"Than, I saw the paper today saying you're pregnant, you're one of my new patients,” Emerald said with joy pouring from his face.

"Oh, I'm glad, Forest will be glad to hear that it's you who will be looking after our pup until birth."

"That better not be a joke Thanatos, " Emerald said, giving me the stare he gives his children.

"No, I'm really happy it's you. Forest shouldn't be so stressed out finding out that you are looking after me." I said rubbing the back of my neck.

"I would ask how this happened Thanatos, but I'm not stupid. But on the subject, how is Forest handling the whole thing?"

"I guess he's alright for now, But he's got school and he's stressed about this new baby. I don't want him to worry because I know everything will be okay.”

"Yeah, That boy is still so young. I understand that at sixteen werewolves are seen as adults but he's still so young."

"Trust me, I know. We discussed how he even thought he was too young for children and look at where we are now. This is my fault because I didn't make him wear a condom and I was the older one. I should have made him."

"Thanatos, you can't just blame yourself for this. He is just as much to blame for all of this."

I sat down on one of the couches in Emerald's living room and we just talked back and forth about so many different things. A lot of what we talked about was job-related and was mostly all good things. Which was always a good thing. Emerald also talked about his boys and how busy his life had gotten. The funny thing was Emerald was always busy, If he wasn't being a Queen he was bringing life into the world. He was always such a positive soul that I loved being around. He had also done so much for Lucca who before was just smeared by the media. Now they looked up to him for being a great leader. It was really nice to see.

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