You Bare My Mark ( My Mate Series)

Chapter 08 - Chapter Eight - Thanatos Alexander's Point Of View

08 - Chapter Eight - Thanatos Alexander's Point Of View

It was quite an ugly day when I got up, there was nothing in the world that made me want to get out of bed. Forest was sound asleep, I was tucked against his side. He is my own personal heater, it was like a sauna under the blankets. I could hear Quinn and Kane downstairs laughing and enjoying themselves. I felt off but I couldn't place the reason, I figured it was because Forest and I mated.

I managed to crawl out of bed and go downstairs. I walked into the kitchen and sat at the table. I dropped my head onto the table. Quinn walked into the kitchen and wished me a good morning. I just groaned in response.

Forest made his way down into the kitchen,

" Are you alright Than?" He asked with his eyes staying on me.

"Your awfully pale Thanatos,” Kane said looking at me.

Quinn came and handed me two small pink pills,

"Take this Than, and let me know if they make you feel better"

"Okay, thanks Quinn *

I took the pills and went to sit on the couch, Forest's little brother saw me and his face fell

"You look terrible Mr.Vampire"

Both me and him turned when we heard a growl. Forest was standing at the doorway, he was growling. He was most likely growling over the comment that his little brother made.

I heard Quinn's voice from the kitchen, "Make sure you put your dirty condoms in the trash bin and whatnot, so they don't end up in my laundry. "

"They won't.”

"How do you know that smart ass?"

"They won't mom, we never used any condoms, that's how I know there won't be any in the laundry.”

"What in the great moon goddess did you just say!" I heard Quinn scream and his footsteps told me he was on his way to chew my head off.

"I hardly doubt you want me to repeat myself, mom," Forest said, staying out of reach of his birth father who looked ready to beat his ass.

"No wonder poor Thanatos looks so shitty, he probably is with pups now,” Quinn yelled his arms flying everywhere.

"Quinn I'm oka--"

"Shut your damn mouth Thanatos I'm talking!" Quinn yelled.

Kane pack linked the pack doctor and told him to bring a blood kit. Forest lifted me off the couch and walked upstairs with me. He gently set me on his bed

"I'm so sorry Thana----"

"I'm not sorry," I grabbed Forrest's arm and set it on my belly.

"We could have a pup in there, and I'm not at all angry or upset, I'm overjoyed."

That was a little bit of a lie. I felt terrible for putting this stress on him after we agreed he was too young to be a father.

"Than, I would be a terrible father, I'm not even an adult by human standards yet."

"Guy's the pack doctor has arrived,” Kane yelled up the stairs.

We both let out the air we didn't realize we were holding before we went downstairs. Quinn smiled at me softly. I could see the hope and joy in his eyes, he was hoping that we were having a baby. Quinn grabbed my hand and gave it a squeeze, I could see he didn't want to wait any longer. The doctor instructed me to sit down and allow him to draw enough blood to see if there were any hormones in my blood that would give a clue if I had conceived.

The doctor left after drawing my blood to go process it. Forest was on edge for the next couple of hours. every time there was a message he demanded to know what it was for.

It was about six hours after the doctor left that both Kane and Quinn came to find us, we were watching a movie, Forest was the first to notice them, Forest stood up and pulled me up with him. I watched as Kane handed a shiny envelope to Forest, I let him open it and he pulled the letter out. He looked at the paper as if he was expecting it to burst into flames. I watched as his eyes shut and he went sailing to the floor. I went to dive to the floor to grab my mate but there was a hand around my waist. I turned and saw Kane had his arms around my upper half.

1 was angry that he let my mate hit the floor, but I understood why right away. The letter had both the Alpha, Luna & Pack Doctors signatures in it, the words, PREGNANCY TEST: POSITIVE, stood out. I walked to the couch and sat down, strange dizziness began to come over me. I fainted.

When I finally came to, Forest had moved me so I was in his lap on the couch and he had me pulled against his chest. I could feel his panic but I also felt how happy he was. Despite all the shock of everything. I was happy to know he wasn't too worried at this moment.

Quinn and Kane were sitting on the other couch having a conversation about what they were going to do now with this little surprise. I felt guilty about the whole thing. This isn't fair that they had to worry about what they were going to do now, All because of my poor judgement.There was always the option of aborting the baby, But I had a funny feeling that wasn't going to to fly in this household. Vampires weren't as attached to the idea of pregnancy until the baby was born. werewolves on the other hand held pups highly and abortion wasnt commonly praticed in packs unless it was necessary.

I sighed into Forest's chest startling him. He looked down at me, his eyes full of worry. He touched his forehead to mine and I could feel how relieved he was that I was okay. That feeling of guilt crept back in and I looked away from him. Moving myself from his lap I sat beside him on the couch and tried to find the words to apologize to his parents for my mistake. Finally finding the words I opened my mouth only for Quinn to speak.

“If you say what I know you're going to then you better actually find something to apologize for Thanatos.”

I wasn't all that surprised that he knew I wanted to say sorry, after all he was an elder and had powers from the moon goddess herself. Quinn gave me a small smile before he spoke further.

“So here are the options at hand. One, you abort the baby and go on like nothing has changed, Two you keep the baby and raise it, or Three you keep the baby and we can find a nice family to raise the child. You guys should think it over and come up with a plan here, there's nothing wrong with any of the options, Whatever you pick you will not be shamed.”

I could feel how bad Forest wanted to say something that was making him angry but he didn't he kept his mouth closed and just sat there. I took his hand and looked at him.

“Forest, I can feel how uncomfortable you are with the idea of aborting the child, I felt it immediately. If that's not something you want then we have other options.”

Forest let out a deep breath before he spoke.

“Than, It's your body you get the last say as to what happens with the child growing inside of you.”

“I appreciate that you are letting me make the decision, but I'm giving you a say as well, this is your child as well, and if you don't want to abort the child then it's off the table. We can keep it and it will be a lot of work, or we can have it adopted out to a good family.”

“I want to be selfish and say keep it, but I also want to do best by the child growing inside you.”

After all the talking we settled on keeping the child and I knew Forest was happy about that, but also fearful to fail the child. It pleased me that he was so concerned about being a good parent this soon.

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