You Bare My Mark ( My Mate Series)

Chapter 05 - Chapter Five - Leno's Point Of View.

05 - Chapter Five - Leno's Point Of View.

Now to say I was scared was a big understatement. Diego was so angry you could smell the anger through his skin. It was like a smokey smell that filled the room. Oh boy was he steaming. His hand was gentle as he grabbed my face to look at it better.

"Want to tell me what happened, now or after I rip this entire place to the ground.”

As his words settled in my head, I realized I would have to tell him what happened. After reciting the tale he was far more than pissed. He was pacing around the house, all of the sudden he punched the wall making me jump. When he turned to face me his eyes were black. Both he and his wolf were pissed off the max. I saw him looking at the door and I immediately ran to stand in front of it so he couldn't go do something he would regret.

"Move mate." he snarled.

“I'm sorry but I can't Diego. You can't do this or god at least wait until the morning.”

After what seemed like hours I finally got him to agree that this could wait until the morning. This like this did happen but only once in a very very blue moon. I walked to my bedroom to clean my face. After cleaning my lip and poking at the nasty bruise on my face I went to lay in my bed but I was snagged and pulled across the hall into His Room. He pulled back the blankets before lifting me up and dropping me on the bed. I couldn't hide my confusion as a normal eyed Diego looked at me.

"You're staying here tonight. End of story.”

"Um, OK. But Why?"

"Well because I said so."

I let out a huff of breath and laid down on the pillow. His pillows were so deeply scented of him. It was like he was waiting for me to praise him over his bed. Our wildest packs would make dens to impress their mates so I figured this was something like that. I had to resist the urge to laugh, was he really seeking my approval? I was pretty sure he didn't even like me so why was he acting like my approval was so damn important.

"Very good, I love your bed so comfortable," I said, giving in to his need to be praised.

He got in the bed and pulled me against him. I closed my eyes to sleep because I just wanted this night to be over. I felt his fingers trace over my busted lip and he growled. This was by far the most caring Diego had ever been. Whatever would come tomorrow I didn't want to see. Part of me was pretty sure all this was just because of the fact I was busted open and had gotten beaten

Sleep was restless and not at all energizing.

Diego woke me up at about ten am. I got out of his bed and ran to the bathroom, I had to pee like a racehorse. after relieving myself I saw my face. My face was so deeply bruised. My lip was bruised around the edges but nothing like my cheek and eye. Diego brought me a change of clothing and I soon realized it was his clothing. I brought his clothing back out to him and he looked at me with his eyebrow raised. It felt too weird for me to wear his clothing.

“I'll wear my own----"

"Put it on, we don't have all day."

"I'll just be a----"

"Leno don't fight me.”

I sighed before slipping on his clothing right there in front of him. He looked at the ground before he came over and "helped" me adjust his clothing. We walked to the alpha office which also had a meeting center. Diego pulled me into the meeting center and I saw all of our male warriors. The sober wolf from last night's eyes met mine and you could see him cringe. Diego pulled me to the front of the room and cleared his throat.

"Three of you attacked my mate last night.”

Gasps were heard all through the crowd of warriors as they looked at my face when they turned their attention to Diego. The three from last night slowly come forward. Diego wasn't pleased, to say the least. My head was spinning as I thought of all the things he would do to these wolves if he was given a chance.

"Have you any idea the punishment I can bestow upon you for what you did to my mate?"

They all said yes. That was the chilling part. They all knew they were in hot water. They had assaulted me, but not only that but being a mate of the beta was a factor here that would make it so much worse. I felt so uncomfortable with what was going on, but I couldn't do anything because Diego was the beta. He was allowed to give whatever ruling he saw fit with the Alpha’s permission.

"What one of you was it that hit him?"

The largest male stepped forward and said he did. Diego's punch came from out of thin air as he sent the male across the floor. Diego then got in his face and growled slowly. I stood up out of the chair and wanted to get him to stop. This wouldn't solve anything but the look I got told me not even to bother trying to get him to stop what he was doing. "As much as I would like to rip you limb from limb, I'll wait for the alpha to see to your fate, And the only reason you still breathe right now is that my mate is in this room."

My own breath was caught in my throat. I was fearful that he would murder these wolves right here in front of me. This whole accident had gotten out of hand.

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