You Bare My Mark ( My Mate Series)

Chapter 04- Four - Felix's Point Of View.

04- Four - Felix's Point Of View.

Location: Hallow-Village, Far far in the Arctic.

The room was dark when I opened my eyes. You could smell the blood in the air, it was so strong that any vampire lacking control would be thrown into blood lust. The growling in the air also rubbed me wrong. I had heard werewolf growls so I knew these were the growls of my own species. They were starved to the point of insanity. It made me feel so bad for them all.

The door on the other side of the wall opened and in walked a tall older man. He smelt of blood and ash. All the hair on the back of my neck stood up as he walked closer to me. He stopped a good foot away from me and spoke.

"Loud aren't they? They get louder when they get fed.”

He grabbed one of my hands and sliced my palm with a silver knife. The vampire in the cages hollered and screamed. They shook the cages. It was a horror show. They attacked the front of the cages and were hurting themselves in any chance to even get a drop of my blood.

"It really is a pleasure to meet you, King Felix White, But we are going to get well acquainted so I'll just call you Felix," he said laughing, waving the knife around.

I growled.

"Felix that's not how friends act.” he stabbed the sliver knife right threw my left hand. It burned and hurt so badly. It wasn't the pain that seemed to cut deep, it was the pained howls of the vampires alongside me. I could feel their pain but I couldn't understand it because I had never been starved of any blood as they had. Saving them would be nearly impossible, they were monsters now.

"Anyways Felix, you are the first completely pure blood I have had here, I sure they will enjoy you, but first I have a few questions for you," he said laughing madly.

After the questions, they shot me up with more of the same drugs they had in the beginning but they gave me more then they had before. The smile on all their faces made me sick. I knew what they planned to do with me. I wasn't stupid by any means.

When the man opened the cages of the other vampires I watched them flood into the room there had to be no less than twenty of them. They didn’t seem to pay me any attention until the man sliced my arms in multiple spots. Then they advanced towards me, they all attacked me. Over and over again.

It was the same.

Attacked and Questioned.

I felt the water touch my skin but I couldn't fight it. I was much too tired to fight any longer. Death no doubt waited for me. Vampires were not indestructible we too broke and died. I felt the warmth on my skin as people moved me from the water. They no doubt thought I was dead. I mean even I thought I was dead. All there was around me was blackness and more blackness. I felt lost to the Sea. I didn't even know if I was actually dead. It felt like it.

Could one have thoughts in death?

Someone touched my face. They pulled my eyelid up and shined a bright light into it. I blinked out of natural reflex. They forced my eye open again and after flashing a light into my eyes I had had enough. I closed my eyes tightly and tried to throw my arm over my eyes but my movements were still limited because of the drug. Everything ached so badly.

I tried to sit up but I darn near fell right off whatever I was on. Someone moved to hold me up and by the scent they werewolves. The werewolves hold was uncomfortable but I didn't fight it, I didn't have the energy to fight a wolf right now.

The warmth of the wolf made me shiver. They seemed to remember I was in damp clothing.

"Fallon, come hold him up well I grab him some dry clothing.”

"Okay, hurry."

"I will be my fastest.”

Their words were loud on my ears. The Wolf holding me up moved and another wolf held me this one smelt of home and made me feel safe. Even though my tongue felt heavy I found I was able to speak.

"You smell safe, like home. You must have children, I can sense your mothering instinct .... very strong," I mumbled my thoughts still confused.

"I have a month old pup, Valentine," he spoke softly

"Werewolves then, I'm at a wolf den..." I said trying to figure out where I was.

"No, we don't live in a den, we live in a pack only arctic wolves live in dens."


"I am far from home .." I said.

I wondered how far I was from home. The other wolf came back and I saw him. He was a large male much like Dakota only in normal clothing. He had clothing in his hands. The larger male pulled me off the bed and they helped me dress, there was no way I was dressing myself wobbling around as I had been.

I laid on the bed sucking up the warmth until the pain of hunger shot threw me. The smaller male tried to unfurl me but I just cried out saying I was so hungry and needed to feed.

"Honey I can't give you any food it will just make you sicker,” he said softly

"Please. just a little... please." I cried out in pain looking right at the smaller male. He held onto me and gently ran his warm fingers through my hair.

The wolf was studying me I could feel it, he was locked in on my eyes. My eyes were quite unusual, one teal coloured eye and one emerald green, they often made people stare at me because they stood out among my pale skin and dark hair. I looked at him and he seemed to realize I knew he was watching me.

The other wolf left.

When he came back he came back with a baby.

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