You Bare My Mark ( My Mate Series)

Chapter 03- Three - Felix's Point Of View.

03- Three - Felix's Point Of View.

Location: Hallow-Village, Far far in the Arctic

I felt awful when I walked into the last party. Everyone was having a great time and here I was dressed up in my public relations outfit. I wasn't by any means having a good time, people came over and said hello but only because they hoped for good graces from there king as always. The wolves were also invited to this party every year but whether they showed was all on Dakota's decision has their alpha. I didn't care whether he was here or not. He seemed to be avoiding as of lately, but that was probably because I had done something, not to his liking. He always seemed to have these fits when I did something he didn't approve of. I hardly cared at all anymore.

I mingled with all the families and tried to put on a happy face but it wasn't any secret I didn't much care for large events. It was a pretty cool thing that I wasn't judged because of it. The vampires I had in my kingdom were pretty understanding and nice people, we barely ever had any kind of issues.

When he did show there was a she-wolf hung off his arm like she had won the greatest treasure. I've never felt so angry in my entire life, but honestly, I wasn't sure as to one hundred percent why I was pissed. It wasn't like I cared about him, he was always just a pain in my rear. One of the butlers offered me a drink and I took it, I sniffed the liquid and smelt alcohol, just what I needed. I knew whatever grade of alcohol this was, was definitely going to knock me on my ass. This so high grade that even a wolf would get drunk. Honestly at that moment that was exactly what my ass was looking for.

I tipped the glass back and drank it all in one go. It burned as it flowed down my throat. Dakota's eyes were on me I could feel it. He started to walkover bringing the she-wolf with him. My stomach started to turn but I wasn't sure if it was the alcohol or the fact that Dakota was bringing the she-wolf over towards me. I made a not so wise decision and sought out another drink. I tried to avoid Dakota but it seemed I could only avoid him for so long, he caught up with me later in the night, a couple of drinks later. I was very drunk and didn't really care what would fall from my lips. I was over this event and the fucking women on Dakota's fucking arm.

I was in deep conversation with another vampire who was basically talking about all the things they would do if they could mate with a wolf.

"Honestly I would never want to mate a wolf, the one I deal with on a daily is loud and super annoying, and the nerve of him to bring that toad faced thing with him, I'd love to---"

"You would love to what King Felix?" Dakota said standing behind me. I turned around with a smile only to have it completely fall when I saw her standing beside him. The way she was dressed made me want to call her every nasty word I knew and some I didn't.

“There you go again bothering me, I've totally lost my fun now. Excuse me."

I turned and tried to walk away from him, but I swayed and darn near fell down. Arms wrapped themselves around my waist.

"Felix let me help you, you are very drunk."

"I don't want your help, but that toad face does, I'm sure you can help her with some issues between her legs. Maybe well your helping her, find her something to cover up her nearly naked body with."

I found myself standing by myself as Dakota stomped away, and just to have the last word I yelled fuck you, Dakota, just loud enough he could hear me. I had lost any chance to want to stay at the party any longer and the last thing I wanted was to make a scene for my father to clean up.

I found myself walking back to my home in the cold with hardly the right amount of clothing on the block out the cold. My party clothing was not made for the cold of the night. I shivered all the way as I walked, I could see the castle in the distance when someone grabbed me.

I kicked and screamed but my movements were sloppy and unclear thanks to the unlimited alcohol I had drunk. I landed a kick finally and got free, I ran a few steps before someone slammed me onto the ice and snow. They worked quickly, I felt the needle and then they let me go. I was able to stand up but I was drugged, heavily. I could barely keep myself upright. I didn't know what I was given but I needed to hurry. If I could move fast enough I might be able to get away.

The person who drugged me was walking slowly behind me, they clearly weren't afraid I would reach the castle. Finally, I grew to try to move and let myself fall into the snow. I could hear the person speaking as they lifted me off the ground. The drug had basically taken all my strength away and made it so I could barely move any of my limbs. Even my head was starting to grow fuzzy because of the drug. My brain was trying to piece together if this was a targeted attack on me or whoever this was was just trying to grab any vampire. I heard the person speak and I could only make out some of his words.

"Yes I have him, he was easy to get."

My world grew darker and darker as I struggled to keep my eyes open. This couldn't be happening right now, it just couldn't.

"Sleep Vampire. It will be easier.”

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