You Are In Hell Boys

Chapter 22

After a nerve-racking, long yet exciting game, I was proud to say that we won. The score was 4 - 3 for our team. Sammy and Cole scored magnificent goals and Lucas and Luca helped score the second and the third goal. They played their hearts out and it was fun to watch. Of course, I taught them... I’m the sports master. No one can beat me in soccer. Okay, I’ll stop.

As soon as the game ended, we ran to the center of the field and cheered for the team and my brothers. I hugged Sammy and Cole then stood aside, watching in silence. Ian was greeting them and bro-hugging them next thing I know, he was gone from my sight. Maybe he went to the bathroom? Oh well... I have a cool family that has a cool daughter.

While I was standing alone, gazing at the small overjoyed crowd, I felt two hands grab me from behind. One hand was around my neck, and the other was around my stomach with something cold and hard. I slowly looked down and saw a knife. I screamed at the top of my lungs, which caused the noise and cheers to die down. The boys and my family looked at me with wide eyes. "Let go of me you jerk!" I yelled. Who was it? I turned my head a little to see a face with a bandage on his nose. He was Vincent Payne. Surprise, surprise... Not.

"Remi!" My brothers shouted and tried to come closer but were stopped by 5 buffy men in black. Hey I love that movie. Not the time.

I tried to wiggle my way out of his tight grip but couldn’t. I felt helpless. "Vincent, let go of me," I demanded once again and he laughed as if I told him the joke of the year. "I told you, you’d pay for what you did to me, you, and your brothers," he whispered in my ear, which sent unpleasant shivers down my spine. Dad and mama tried to move closer but Vincent tightened his grip on my neck and stomach which made me wince in pain.

"One more step and she’s gone. I'm not kidding!" Vincent threatened while showing the small knife on my stomach. I searched through the big horrified crown for Ian, but I didn’t see him. Where is he? Oh, wait... Bathroom probably.

I felt that I wanted to cry like a baby, yet, I held my tears back. I didn’t want to satisfy Vincent. "Please, let go of me, I’m sorry for what my brothers have done to you." I apologized to save my short life. I didn’t live the full life. I’m just 16 almost 17. I hope they remember me.

I looked at Aurora and saw her in the arms of Nick. He was protecting her. Good, she’s safe at least.

"The McKnight brothers, watch carefully what I’m about to do to your precious and only sister, as you always say. She will be humiliated in front of the whole school like you humiliated me." Vincent announced and I felt scared and afraid for the first time since I was chased by a dog 10 years ago. One minute... It’s not the whole school. Jokes on him, some are absent.

"Don't you dare touch her!" My brothers yelled at him in unison. Quads telepathy at this time is scary.

"That just made me more eager to rip her shirt off of her nice toned body, that you don't allow anyone to see it," Vincent pointed out and I tried once again to free myself. Dad started walking towards me with a calm expression on his face. "Give her back to me or I swear that I’ll make you live in hell while you’re still alive! You will die before your actual death." Dad threatened him with an intimidating tone but then, Vincent reminded dad that my life was still in his dirty hands.

Vincent grabbed my shirt and teared it to two pieces. I know I was supposed to scream for what he had done to me but... I just laughed. He looked at me with a weird look, then he realized what just happened. "Jokes on you jerk, I wore a sports bra today, so basically, you didn’t do anything bad." I sassed at him and he got too angry and pissed to the point of slapping me. His other hand was still holding me tight. He just slapped me. He slapped a girl. He slapped a weak girl?

I just stared at him speechless, everyone was so quiet, they were trying to analyze what happened. "That was so low dude," Someone commented on Vincent’s act. I turned my head to see Ian standing behind us, well... behind Vincent to be exact. "You just slapped my girl so you gonna pay," Ian was furious and livid. When he raised his fist, it collided with Vincent's cheekbone. I heard a cracking sound and it satisfied me. That must hurt like hell.

Because of the punch, he let go of my arm, so I backed away from him. "Don’t. You. Ever. Touch. Her. Again. You. Fucking. Bastard!" Ian declared between punches. Vincent tried to defend himself but couldn’t, he looked at his five buffy men in black to rescue him but they couldn’t give any help because they were fighting with my brothers and the two sets of twins.

The boys were doing pretty good in front of the killing machines. They were huge but that didn’t mean that they were stronger than my brothers and the boys. "Yes, Ian hit him real hard and make sure he doesn’t walk for weeks," mama yelled and Ian smiled wickedly at her. "Well do, ma’am," he replied and continued beating him up.

Roo came to me and hugged me real tight. "Are you okay?" She asked and apprehension was evident on her pretty face. "Yes, I’m okay, and thank you for convincing me to wear the sports bra today, it came in handy." I high fived her then we looked back at the fighting battle. Like I say: Handsome always win.

After a minute or two, we saw police cars making their way to us. Is it even legal to drive on grass? One old man got out of the car, then he walked towards us. His men handcuffed Vincent and his men in black. "Are you okay?" He asked me and I nodded. "Yes, thanks for asking," I replied with a smile. The old policeman smiled at me then he arched his eyebrows. "Is there something wrong?" I asked.

"You look familiar." He pointed out then mama suddenly screamed. We all looked at her, alarmed. "Detective Stevens!" She said in a shocked tone. The old man looked at her then his eyes widened. "Ariel O’Connor?" He asked. Okay, I’m lost.

Mama nodded. "Actually, it’s McKnight now. How are you? It's been years," she asked, she looked delighted. "I’m good, wow... Time disappears quicker than my food." He replied with a chuckle. I like him.

"Yes, it does. Detective, meet my daughter, Remi. Remi, this man was in charge of my kidnapping case when I was 19." Mama explained and I nodded, finally understanding what was that all about. "Oh, nice to meet you. Can I ask you a question though?" I asked him. "Sure."

"How did you know that you have to be here?" I asked what everyone was deeply wondering. "Oh, your principal called my office and said that there is a problem at his school, so, here I am," he replied. Not bad Mr. Dunn. I hope that you informed your wife the truth.

"Okay now, if you’ll excuse me. We have to go." The detective responded and we waved him goodbye. He was nice and fun to talk to. "Remi!" My brothers called and then I was in a bone-crushing group hug. "Are you hurt?" They asked. "No, thanks for helping guys and I’d appreciate it if you let me breathe," I replied with a grin. They let go of me after saying sorry.

"Come here, cupcakes," dad opened his arms for me and I embraced him, then mama joined the hug. When I let go of them, I realized that I had no shirt on. I felt cold therefore I shivered. "Remi," Ian said and handed me his jacket. "Are you okay?" He asked with a smile.

I put on his cozy jacket. "Yes, thanks to you. You saved my life, Ian, I’m forever grateful to you." I hugged him for a minute or two then I heard someone clear their throat. "Ian?" Derek said and Ian let go of me. "Y-yes," he stuttered. "I’m very thankful for your help and all but... Why did you call Remi your girl?" He crossed his arms and all of the males in my family lined up in front of us. Five against two... That’s so fair.

Ian gulped. "Oh, that... Haha," he trailed off then he looked at me for help. I rolled my eyes and sighed. "Because I’m his girlfriend!" I admitted but that caused my brothers to shout and object. Mama clapped her hands with a wide smile displayed of her shining face. "Finally," she pointed out.

"No, you’re not." Dad objected but mama grabbed his ear and twisted it. "Oh, yes she is, and if you say anything, you’ll pay. You four, you should be happy for your sister, that she found her true love who just saved her life." Mama said with The Mama Tone. I love the mama tone. It’s absolute.

"Yes mama," the quads nodded and lowered their heads. I jumped from happiness then hugged Ian real tight and I picked his lips real fast. "Hey no PDA," Logan yelled while covering his eyes. "And I have something to say... " Nick pointed out with Roo’s hand in his. My brothers looked at their hands and facepalmed themselves. "Not you too." They sighed. They couldn't object anymore.

"Yeah, us too," Aurora replied and I smiled. "Since when?" I asked as I hugged her. "Since a minute ago." She laughed then kissed Nick’s cheek. "I said no PDA," Logan repeated and we all laughed. "Just like your dad," Mama commented and we headed home with a trophy in our hands. Aside from Vincent’s problem, everything was perfect. I have the best family. I have the best of friends. I have the best boyfriend. What else do I need? Wait... I need a girl in the family. Please, God, hear my prayers and let the unborn child in mama’s stomach be a girl.

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