You Are In Hell Boys

Chapter 21


We all looked at Remi, who was reading her message with very wide eyes. Her eye color though... Not the best time Ian. You can admire her later. I walked towards her and closed our distance but not too near to her, her dad was looking at me like I was some sort of a murderer. I shook his stare off and looked at her anxious yet beautiful face. "Remi?" I pointed out to grab her attention.

She quickly raised her head and smiled at me. "Yeah?" She replied in a normal tone like everything was normal. Everything was not. "Did something happen?" Her dad continued for me. Aurora placed her hand on her shoulder and gave her the Spill The Beans look. Remi slid her phone fast in her back pocket and shook her head. "No, it’s nothing to worry about. Let’s go." She countered and I arched my eyebrows. Something must have happened. But what?

Her dad stopped her by grabbing her wrist gently. "Are you sure?" He raised his eyebrows to see if he can get her to talk. Remi sighed and nodded. "Yes, dad. See you at the game. Come on guys," she grabbed my hand and Aurora’s hand and dragged us to my car. As we got in, Remi sat in the shotgun and Aurora from the back. "Here we go," I commented as I started driving.

"Remi," Aurora called and I glanced at her from the rear view mirror. Remi turned her head and nodded. "Yes, Roo?" She asked. "What happened?" Aurora asked her in a serious tone. I nodded. "Yes, Remi, what’s wrong? We know that you were lying in front of your dad." I stated in a firm tone.

She sat back in her seat and ran her hand through her brown hair. "I can’t trick you, huh?" She chuckled in a bitter tone. "Well, I got a message from V.P who’s most likely to be Vincent." She revealed and the car swirled a bit because of me. I looked at her for a second with wide eyes then turned my gaze back on the road. "Why didn’t you say so?" I asked in a high tone. I was upset.

"Remi, why you kept that a secret from your dad?" Aurora asked with crossed arms. She was disturbed and so was I. Remi looked at us with hurt in her blue eyes and I felt bad for raising my voice. "Because I didn’t want him to worry, I mean... Come on, he’s Vincent, what can he do?" She asked us and I thought. "He can hurt you without us noticing, I don’t want you to get hurt, Remi." I cleared, imagining the worst that could happen.

"What did he say?" Aurora asked. "He sent a message, it said that I should watch my back at the game," she replied with a long sigh. She looked weary and I couldn't blame her.

"So, he knows that you’ll be there," I stated with a rustle. "I can’t let you slip from my sight for even a short second. You’ll stay near me no matter what! And I don’t care if your brothers don’t approve or get mad and angry with me. All I care about is your safety, Remi." I ejaculated and she nodded while looking at her feet. I was genuine in my words. I couldn't let her get hurt or be in any kind of danger. Not while I was in this life and alive.

I looked ahead and saw the school building and a lot of people. "Did you understand?" I asked her again to make sure she heard me loud and clear. She nodded. "Yes Ian, I’m not a little girl. Don’t worry," she replied and I smiled. "It’s like you’re asking the water not to get wet," I commented and the girls chuckled. I parked in the parking lot and we got out of the car.

"Ian, do you know where is Nick?" Aurora asked me as we entered the building. "He and Logan are already here, they are helping the boys warm up," I replied then grabbed Remi’s hand. She looked at me like I just killed a cat. "What are you doing?" she asked while pointing at our hands. I shrugged because, at that moment, I didn't care. "I just want to hold your hand like a normal boyfriend," I exclaimed in hopes she’d get what I was talking about. The girls stopped and looked at me. Did she?

"Ian... Are you asking me to be your girlfriend?" Remi asked with a little blush that made her look more adorable than ever. I smiled widely, knowing that she got my hints. "Yes, I am. So, will you?" I asked with hope in my eyes. Her shocked expression got replaced with a wide happy and delighted one. She beamed brightly at me. "Yes, I will," she replied in a faint tone. "But..." She continued and I got worried. I nodded. "Yeah?" I asked.

"My family needs to know about this, we can’t keep this as a secret." She cleared and I laughed. I got worried for nothing serious. "Of course they would know, and I was planning on telling them after the game. I pray for your brothers to win this game so they can be in a good mood..." I replied with a kind of a serious joke.

"Good idea, I wish you the best of luck, you guys. I’m so happy for you," Aurora spoke with a soft tone and her smile was genuine. "Thank you, and just a little spoiler for you Aurora... Nick will ask you in the near future," I declared and her smile grew wider and her cheeks turned red.

Remi laughed at her reaction then she hugged her. "Awe, I hope he asks you after the game. For now, let’s go to the field." She grabbed our arms and we headed to the soccer field. As we got there, we saw Nick, Logan, Derek, Jack, Lucas, and Luca sitting on the benches. Cole and Sammy were warming up. "There they are!" I pointed at them and the girls ran toward them.

"Hey guys," Remi called and the boys turned and looked at us. "Look who decided to show up," Derek stated then he hugged Remi. They did love their little sister so much and I admired that. "How are you guys doing?" Aurora asked then Derek hugged her too. "We’re good. Where are dad and mom? Do you know?" Jack asked us.

I nodded. "Yeah, they’re still at home. Your dad was waiting for your mom to finish her shower." I answered and their eyes widened. "So, you drove the girls here?" Derek asked in a high tone. I just nodded. Suddenly, out of nowhere, a soccer ball made its way to my chest. I groaned with pain and looked at the one who did this. It was Cole.

"You didn’t just drove the girls alone, did you?" He dashed towards me while Sammy was hot on his tails. Remi stood in front of me and blocked me from her crazy brothers. They are my best friend, true, however, they are still crazy.

"Back off guys, dad was the one who called him to pick us up. So, chill." Remi countered and the boys calmed down. Finally. "If it’s dad’s order, then I guess it’s fine... " Derek commented, not too convinced and I sighed with relief. Wait till they know that I’m her boyfriend!

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