Written In Black

Chapter Chapter Two

Days had passed, same as when Peter was gone. Suddenly it felt like when he had been missing, all over again. After that day under the bridge, all I could keep thinking about is what Peter and that man had argued over, it wasn’t something small, I knew that much, this had to do with what Peter had told me from the beginning; his fate. Although, I still wasn’t sure what that meant. I spent some time with Peter, long enough to know, that there was definitely something going on, and another thing, Peter wouldn’t stand down.

“Ms.Radner, please tell the class what the answer is to problem fourteen.” Mr. Lenton asked. I threw back my thoughts and focused on algebra class and flipped through my notebook pages,

“Um, two thousand eighty four dollars.” I replied. Mr.Lenton nodded, then added,

“Make sure to pay attention next time Ms.Radner, instead of daydreaming, shall we?” I felt a hole plunge in my stomach, what a humiliation. I nodded and focused back to the assignment...

That same day, Allie decided to join me for lunch, I had found a spot near the front of the school, under a small peach tree, it was shady, and there was hardly anyone there.

“So..” Allie said, interrupting my thoughts.

“Are you going to the dance, next month?” That just reminded me, there was a dance next month, but it was more like a ball, at least that’s what the teachers said. It was supposed to be some kind of masquerade ball to raise money for some adoption cause. As much as I did want to go, Peter had insisted on the opposite, we discussed it earlier, before he left, when the school first announced the day of the ball. I remember telling him I wanted to go, but even if we did, neither of us had the money and it wasn’t Peters thing, I respected that. The tickets literally cost over fifty dollars per person, and twenty-five for guests, which I never understood, if you’re a guest, shouldn’t you have to pay more?

I answered Allie, “I don’t know, my date, he’s been out of town, I am not sure when he will be back.”

Allie glared at me shockingly, “You..have a boyfriend?”

Now I was shocked, “Why wouldn’t I?”

Allie felt guilty now, asking the question.

“It’s just, you seem, more like an independent person, you know, that’s not what I meant...so what’s his name?” I thought about Allies question, I hadn’t told anyone about him besides mom, I guess it was alright.

“Peter.” I replied.

“Oh, Peter, does he go to this school?” I shook my head.

“Oh, well what school does he go to?” I let out a large sigh, did Allie need to know everything?

“He doesn’t, he’s, well he was homeschooled, he just started college--” Allie cut me off.

“Peter’s in college...and your mom allows it, to date a college guy?” I looked at her irritated for a moment. Was she really asking this question? She saw I wasn’t going to answer the question, so we sat silent for the rest of the lunch period. And as far as the day went, Peter was all I could think about, he had been missing again, but he did say he would be back, but when?

On my way home I stopped by the coffee shop for a drink, the line was endless, took about twenty minutes to reach the front, I even regretted stopping there. I asked for a large black coffee, plain. T

The cashier looked at me like a madman.

“That all little lady?” The cashier asked.

I nodded.

“That’ll be two ninety five.” I handed him the change and waited for my coffee. That’s when someone tapped my shoulder, it was a girl, possibly my age, she looked vaguely familiar.

“Sorry, but I couldn’t help notice your bag, is that a woodland high keychain?” I looked at the girl, then back at my bag, I never really liked the keychain, but a teacher gave it to me and I didn’t want to upset her by not taking it, so I kept it on my bag handle.

“Yeah, do you go there?”

The girl nodded, “I went today to fill out paperwork, but tomorrow is my first day, although, I am new in town and-- oh, sorry, I forgot to introduce myself, my name is Scarlett.” she extended her hand, waiting for me to shake it.

I grabbed her hand in mine, smiling, “I’m Jay, maybe I can help you around school tomorrow? Is there a certain time you get there?”

Scarlett nodded, “Seven, but you don’t have to.”

“It’s not a problem, we can meet in front of the school tomorrow morning.”

Scarlett smiled, “That’s really kind, I will see you tomorrow then.” I got out a piece of paper and wrote out my number.

“So, this is my number.” I said.

“Text me when you need help around campus, or want to hang out.” Scarlett nodded.

Then waved goodbye and I left.

On my way home, all I kept thinking about was Scarlett, finally a decent person, maybe this was exactly what I needed to take my mind off of Peter, seemed nice, that’s what I needed, at least that’s what mom said; to make friends, take my mind off things. This would be great.

“Jay, is that you?” Mom was in the kitchen again, this time wiping down the counters, aggressively, great, which means not-such-a-great day for mom.

“Hey, sorry I’m late!” Mom threw the rag on the counter and had one hand on her hip and another on her forehead. Great, even better.

“I had a talk with my boss today…” she trailed off.


“I’m supposed to be working double shifts now, which will add with my day time jobs and my weekend job.” I saw a tear run down mom’s left cheek. I ran my hand across her face to wipe the tear away, and surrounded my arms along her shoulders, giving her the kindest hug I could offer.

“Well, I could work weekends, I’m old enough to work, I could get a job, and you wouldn’t have to work weekends, what do you think?”

Mom sighed, “Jay, we’ve had this discussion, I don’t want you working, you need to focus on school, I can handle it.”

This made me furious, she always had to put other people before her, this time I wouldn’t let it happen, I literally put my foot down. I nearly shouted.

“Mom, I don’t care to be honest, you are working too hard and too much, I will take weekends and you will quit your weekend job, because you deserve it, whether you want me to focus or not, I love you too much to let you suffer through this, I will look for a job tonight, and in the meantime, you can call your boss and tell them you won’t be working there anymore!” she looked at me shocked, almost graciously, and drew her fingers through my bangs,

“My sweet Jay, you’ve always been an angel,” she sighed, “Fine, but I expect those grades the same, straight A’s and make sure to get plenty of sleep, alright?” I nodded.

“Thank you mom, and you get some sleep, you’re the one who deserves it.” I hugged her even tighter now, then headed upstairs to my desk where I would find my job.

I dug out my laptop from by bag and started searching; cashiers, managers, nurse-aids, and teacher’s-aids. But I found one in particular that I thought was interesting, a book-editor for a publication office, it said ages from seventeen and up were welcome. I am seventeen and up. I checked to see how much they payed.

A new page popped up, indicating the pay, it showed fifteen dollars an hour, which was a little more than what mom makes at her job, which basically she just stocks food and goods on shelves all day, this is why I need to take her place, give her a break, because she deserved it.

I ran back downstairs giving mom the news.

She came out from the kitchen and glanced at me, “Already, that quick? Did you even consider the payment? The time’s you will be working, or whether or not you’ll enjoy the job?”

I nodded, “I checked everything, I applied and my interview is tomorrow morning, so I will need to skip class for an hour or so, is that alright?”

She hesitated, “I don’t want you failing any classes Jay, you’re doing so well now, I don’t want to see your grades go down,” then in a moment of contemplation she agreed.

The next morning, my interview came, I prepared myself for the worst possible scenario, then left with full determination.

“How are your grades in school?” The manager was built, maybe mid-forties, he had short gray hair that hung above his face, and dark brown eyes that practically blended with his pupils, he was actually semi-attractive.

“I’ve maintained a grade point average of three point eight since I started high school.” I tried my best to sound chipper, but inside my heart was beating faster then I would have expected, I was more nervous than ever. I practically had to control myself from stuttering my words.

“Very impressive...well Ms.Radner I’ve read through your resume and we’d love to have you with us!”

“Thank you sir.” I said in a calm voice, but inside I was screaming.

I leaned in and shook his hand.

“Here is your schedule,” he handed me a paper with days of the week indicating when I am going to work, “we do have openings for Saturday and Sunday, as I recall, you wanted both openings?”

“Yes that’s right.” I skimmed over the paper, making sure everything was in order.

“Be here every morning from six to noon, and you should be set.”

“Yes sir, thank you again.”

I left with an incredibly large smile spread across my face, this would be so good for me, and my mom, she would have time off, I would earn some extra cash, everything was in order.

I headed for my car, which was parked all the way in the back of the lot.

Then I stopped in my tracks, the lot was empty, there was not a car in sight, besides my own.

When I came, the lot was nearly half full, something wasn’t right.

And for some reason, it was unusually cold out, there was no breeze, not even one cloud, it was bright as ever, and the sun was right above me, but it didn’t feel warm, it felt like, like I was dying, I never knew what that felt like, but I would imagine it was like this, even my breath seemed to show when I let it out, it was freezing!

Suddenly I got a bad feeling that I shouldn’t be here, I quickly slipped into my car and started the engine, just as I was about to leave the entrance, I could have died now if I had the chance, there was a figure standing right in front of my car, I knew this figure, I’d seen it before...the demon from my dream...but if it was from my dream that only meant one thing, I was losing my mind! But it couldn’t be fake, because this was real, I wasn’t dreaming. It walked toward my car, my heart was racing faster than ever. It’s disgusting rusty hand grabbed the top of my window, reaching for me. I leaned back as far as I could, at the same time trying to let out a scream, a call for help, but I was too frightened to do anything at this point, I found the courage to lean over and roll up the window, the demon pulled back and ran off. I don’t know how long I had been sitting there, but the coldness seemed to go away and it began to feel warm again. My hands were shaking nervously, my whole body was in fact. I started the engine and headed home, which is where I really wanted to be.

“Mom, are you home?” No answer, she must’ve left already, I decided to call the school and tell them I would be staying home. And then I headed straight for my bedroom. How badly I needed Peter here with me, he’d know what to do, he always did. I could have gone back to school, talk with Allie, be normal for once, go to a dance or a game, but nothing about this; my life, was ever normal. I came to the final step of the stairs and reached for the door handle, I shook my head, surely being alone in my house couldn’t have been better than going back to school, where I could possibly take my mind off things and enjoy a day with something sane. Before I reached the bedroom door, I headed back downstairs and grabbed my coat and keys and left for school…

I headed back to school after that hoping to ignore what had happened at the parking lot, to take my mind off things I ended up telling Allie all about my interview and where I’d be working, she seemed interested and then rambled on about some new guy in her history class whom she liked. I saw him too, not much to see really, the guy was a tool, had no class.

It has been weeks and still no sign of Peter, I was beginning to think this whole thing would happen all over again, and he had promised it wouldn’t.

It was third period now, which meant chemistry.

“Jay, you have a new table partner today, we rearranged the seating chart.” Ms.White said.

Oh now that was just perfect, a new partner, just what I needed, as if I didn’t get along with everyone already, I get a new partner. I headed to the back of the room, hoping it’s not another blonde or jock. It wasn’t actually, he was different from what I thought he’d be. He sat huddled over his paper writing at an easy pace. His short blonde hair was brushed back but a strand hung over his eye. As I made it to the desk he looked up, his dull grey eyes pierced back at mine, he gave me a friendly look, and pulled the chair out for me, I sat down.

“So, you’re the one I’ve been waiting for?” The boy asked.

I gave a doubtful look, “Not what you were expecting?”

The boy chuckled, “No actually--uh, nevermind.” The boy shook his head regretfully.

“I’m Jay.” I say shyly.

“Cay.” Cay chuckled.

“You’re kidding right?”

“Most unfortunately, no...my full name is Cay Newman.”

“Well Cay, it’s nice to meet you.” I rubbed my eyes, I felt a tear come down my cheek, I hated the way I reacted when I was tired or stressed, my eyes would just begin to water and I’d cry.

Cay must have noticed because then he spoke, “Are you alright?”

“I’m fine, whenever I’m tired, my eyes start to water.” I shrugged.

“Why are you tired?” Geez, this guy wanted to know everything

“I had a job interview this morning--”

Before I could finish Cay budded in, “And?”

And I got the job--”


“What do you mean but, I’m just tired is all, I got up really early so I’m tired.” Cay brought me back to this morning in the parking lot, I couldn’t think about this, not now, not here.

“Can we just finish our work please?”

Cay nodded, realizing I had no means of finishing this topic and went back to his paper.

I decided to strike up another conversation to keep things from becoming more awkward than they were, “So I never noticed you around school before?”

“Yeah, I’m new to this school, new to people, new to you.” Cay tugged on the collar of his black vest. I can’t believe I didn’t notice until now, Cay was completely dressed up, he wore the tie and vest and everything, he even had on new shoes, they looked new anyways.

“A little overdressed perhaps?”

Cay chuckled, “No, I have work certain days of the week, sometimes on rare occasions, I have to wear this.” Cay spoke as if he wanted to end the conversation, but just the part about his job.

“Where do you work?”

Cay nearly threw his pencil on the desk and spoke in a harsh tone, “Evergreen Memorial.” Now I can see why Cay didn’t want to talk about it... But Evergreen Memorial was here in town.

“I thought you said you were new to this school?”

“I am, just not to this town, I went to a private school, but this year I decided to try something new.”

“Why so?”

Cay shrugged, “Reasons, parent’s thought I should interact more.”

“Alright students, everyone pass their papers to the front of the class, bellwork papers go on the left and assignments on the right.” Ms.White announced.

“Everyone, reminders that the test is next week so study, if possible, make study time with a friend or your partner, this is a big part of your class grade for the end of the quarter so please understand when I tell you that you don’t want to fail--” As Ms.White finished her sentence the bell rang.

“So will I see you around, maybe we can hang out at lunch?” Cay asked.

I nodded and left to my next class. Time flew by quickly, for some reason, I was overjoyed that Cay would be joining me for lunch, as well as Allie. The thought brought me back to Scarlett, I hadn’t heard from her yet, in fact, I haven’t seen her around school at all. She told me she’d call if she needed help around school, maybe she didn’t. By the time lunch came, Allie and I met at our usual spot. And it took about five minutes before Cay rushed out of the cafeteria with his food…

“Sorry I’m late, traffic was a jam.” Cay laughed.

“Yeah, the cafeteria can get pretty crowded.” I replied.

“A taller boy had shoved me out of my way to get in front.” Cay added.

“So, this is the one we’ve been waiting for?” Allie asked.

Cay and I just stared at each other blankly with slight amusement. I knew he and I both had the same thought’s in our mind; irony.

Cay leaned in to shake Allies hand, as did Allie to Cay.



“Well now that we all know each other,” Allie interrupted, “What do you do in your leisure time Cay?” Allie asked.

“What is this, an interview?” Cay chuckled.

“Well, I do work for the school newspaper, maybe I could get a scoop on the newbie?” Allie asked.

Cay straightened up and cleared his throat, “Well, since you asked, I write.”

Allie leaned in closer, “Really, like novels or--”

“Something like that, mostly just short stories, sometimes poems.”

Now I looked back at Cay, “Really?”

Cay nodded. “Mostly stories--”

Allie interrupted, “Have you shared them with anyone, thought about publishing them?”

Cay shook his head, “They’re no good to read.” Cay said calmly.

Now I began to speak, “Why not, do you have one on you?”

Cay shook shyly.

“You’re lying, come on, cough it up, let’s see it.”

“Alright, but they’re not that great, hardly interesting at all.” As Cay spoke, he pulled out a black binder filled with paper.

“You filled all these pages?” Allie asked astonished.

Cay chuckled, “Yes, but they’re probably not good, go ahead, read, but it won’t be worth it.”

I snatched the binder out of Cays hand first and opened to the first page, prologue, I skimmed through the first paragraph,

And I knew at that moment I wouldn’t make it, not in this condition. The consequences would be severe, I would pay for my actions...The night was young, and my heart was old, I’d wasted away years of it, more than I could count. I stared up at the sky, with the wind whispering through the trees, and reached my face, a rush of cold icy breeze rushed through my nose and mouth, making it’s way to my lungs, and between my eyes, I closed them, hoping to prevent dry eyes. My throat began to burn, in a way it was peaceful, maybe this would finally be over...So many years, gone to waste, for her. I fall down, knees first, then my palms lay flat on the ground, claws digging into the white cold cream tossed on the ground. Now my head reached the ground, I saw a bright light heading my way, noises heading toward me, calling for me, trying to save me? That was a false accusation, no one had been spotted here for weeks, that was highly doubtful. My eyes slowly began to close, my last thoughts was her voice, and only her’s, telling me she’s waiting.

I looked up at Cay, astonished, “You wrote this?” I asked,

“It’s bad isn’t it?”

I shook my head, “No actually, brilliant,” Then I added, “I could never pull it off, writing like that, I never had the patience, or imagination.”

“I’m sure everyone could write if they tried.” Cay and I shared glances for a moment, a spark of something shot up between us.

I suddenly forgot about Peter for a moment, and all that mattered was Cay.

Then Allie interrupted, “Well now this is definitely going in the school paper, newbie at school has a passion for literature, how many pages is that? Hmm?”

“Why don’t you guys talk? I just remembered I have a makeup test in english.” I lied.

Allie shook her head, in her eyes I could tell she was saying, thanks for the alone time with the hot newbie.

I looked back at Cay, who seemed to have no opinion on the matter, though I thought I saw a hint of disappointment in his eyes as he glared back at me.

I waved goodbye and pretended to be on my way to my english class.

What I really needed to do, was to be alone. That moment with Cay was my first sign to myself about what this meant for Peter and I.

I thought back to that moment, completely letting Cays presence overcome me entirely, almost as if I was in some trance.

I didn’t know how to describe it, but whatever I had felt moments ago, I didn’t want to feel anymore, I needed to see Peter, as soon as possible.

As the day dragged on, I waited impatiently to head home.

I finally reached my house and headed straight to my bedroom where I knew he would be waiting.

“Peter!” I screamed, in a cheerful tone as I made my way toward him.

Peter was sitting on the edge of my bed, admiring a book, he looked like he had been reading it for a while.

I looked back at his face, he seemed drowsy, his eyes weren’t the usual glowing brown, this time they had gone pale, like someone had began painting his eyes but had not began to fill them with life.

Peter looked up at me, half smiling, half drowsiness, “Was wondering when you’d get back, I waited for you earlier, but you left before you made it to your room,” Peter laughed.

Ignoring his comment, I dangled my arms around his neck, squeezing him as tightly as I could.

Tears fell from my face, “You broke your promise.”

I heard silence, then a release of breath, “I know, I’m so sorry.”

Peter returned my embrace and brushed my eyes softly with his thumb, then at the perfect moment, he pressed his lips against mine, pursuing the softest, most precious kiss imaginable, yet it was stronger than ever.

I dug my fingers into the back of Peter’s neck, pulling him in even more. He held tightly at my waist pulling me closer and closer until our chests couldn’t be physically closer, his hand’s led up to my neck, sending a tingling sensation down my spine.

His hands went higher, now reaching my cheekbones and pulling me in for more.

In that instant I knew that Peter was here, my worries were gone, and everything was nothing but utter bliss.

But at that despicable moment, he released from my hold and his, and looked down at me discouragingly.

“What’s the matter?”

Peter shook his head, “I missed you…”

Peter spoke again, “What happened at the lot this morning?”

I let go, releasing his grip, and paced throughout the room, “How did you know about that?”

I couldn’t believe this, everything had gone well, for a moment I thought, I wouldn’t have to deal with the lack of sanity, but the whole scene played out like a film in front of my eyes, how it became cold as winter frost, how I lost sight of anything warm or loving, and him, that evil thing, that had--tried to attack me.

I bit on the end of my nail, gasping for breath.

Peter held out for my hand, but I didn’t want to think about anything anymore, other than the fact that my whole reputation for--what was the point, I barely had a reputation to begin with.

“Please Jay, tell me what happened.” It was more of a request then a question.

I gulped and played out the story as best as I could, “It was cold, everything went cold, and dark, I couldn’t…” I stopped trying to think of a word to use, “feel anymore, think, breath...then a man…” The demon, “attacked me--”

Peter interrupted, “Did he hurt you?” Peter looked around for injuries, I shook my head.

“I got away, that’s why I came home earlier and--wait, what happened to you? Why here all of the sudden?”

Peter exhaled slowly, “I had a feeling you would ask that…” Peter stopped talking.

“Well, I’m tired of all these lies, just this morning I got hijacked by some psycho! You’ve been gone for days--weeks, nothing...Peter!” It seemed he hadn’t even been listening to a word I said, in fact, he didn’t seem to hear or see anything at that matter, I raised my hand in front of Peter,

“I can only so often make appearances like this, and I can only do so much to keep you safe...I know that I haven’t been honest with you, just give it some time please, for me.”

“Keep me safe?! You realize you have made no sense at all these past few months, you keep popping in and out, just tell me, what is going on, is someone looking for me, is there some psycho!?”

Peter looked up slowly, “Unfortunately.”

“Which is why all of this is necessary, I’m presuming?”


I shook my head, “This is ridiculous...but if it’s what needs to happen then alright,” I cooled down, then added, “Fine, but once this is all over, will you give me a little insight?”

“I promise.” I nodded and gave Peter one last large hug.

“I’ll see you soon, for now, try to stay out of trouble.”


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