Words Unspoken

Chapter Chapter Twenty Five

The five of us have been going over strategies and ways to find Noah and get him out, as safely as possible. All signs pointed to the White House. Where the president resides. But the main question we kept asking ourselves: Where could they be holding him? In Prison? Or separate in another building?

Krista, Ben and Kyle were examining the capital's maps looking for entryways that can help us get to the White House quickly.

My eyes wandered over to the picture of Noah's mom. She had the same blackish brown hair, medium length and chestnut brown eyes. A small smile formed on my lips as I kept my gaze on the picture, reminding me so much of Noah. I felt a tear escape and I quickly wiped it away.

"Are you alright?"

I quickly turned around to see Joe standing behind me, his hands in his pockets with a concerned look on his face.

"Yeah I'm fine." I replied as I wiped my eyes and looked back at the board.

"I regret leaving them..." He spoke up as I watched his figure step closer while he stood next to me.

"My wife, she's been in prison for a long time. I should have been there to help, but what good would that have done if Noah lost both his parents.."

"But he did.." I answered and turned to look at him. "She went to prison and you disappeared."

Joe got quiet for a moment before nodding his head slowly. "Yes, I did. But I have been trying to fix my mistakes.."

"But why didn't you go back to the group?" I asked him.

"I had to stay here, stay undercover, find out as much as I can about where they're taking us. Some of the group has gone to prison, some have received the death penalty, luckily my wife is still alive...I have eyes and ears around here." He explained with a slight smile.

"Noah's not in prison, he's been taken somewhere, probably being tortured to spill every secret, every information about the group."

"Noah's strong, he won't say a word." I prayed as I kept my eyes focused on the board in front of me.

"I know he won't." He replied as the two of us looked over at each other for a moment, hope in our eyes.


Noah's POV

My hands gripped onto the chair, my knuckles turned white. The blade pierced into my skin for the hundredth time that day. I have been sitting in this room for what felt like days or weeks. Being tortured for information that I would rather die than give up to these assholes.

Sweat was dripping down my forehead as I hung my head. My eyes felt heavy, like I was about to pass out. I squeezed my eyes shut for a moment before opening them again. I lifted my head slightly to see the two guards walking out of the room.

Not a minute later the president walked in, his hands behind his back. I furrowed my eyebrows, glaring at him.

"You're a tough kid, I'll give you that.." He spoke up.

"I'm not saying shit." I gritted through my teeth. He let out a chuckle as he nodded his head slowly.

"Yes, I know. Which is why I'm giving you an ultimatum...give me what I want or you can watch your mother die." He snarled.

My eyes widened to what he said. My mother was still alive? There was no way.

"I'll give you until the end of the week, which is only about three days, to think about it. So...choose wisely." He said to me. We stared each other down for a minute before he turned on his heels and rushed out of the room. The door slamming shut behind him.


Sam's POV

The next morning, after a long night of figuring out the perfect plan, the five of us gathered into Joe's Van. Finally, after what felt like years, we were on our way to rescue Noah.

Joe created new ID's for all of us, and some disguises, along with weapons, and uniforms to blend in with security at the White House. But this was just the beginning, we had no idea if this plan of his was going to work, but we had to try. Noah's life was in all of our hands.

"Everyone should start getting their disguises ready." Joe informed us from the drivers seat. Ben was sitting up front as well. Ben and Joe already dressed as the three of us began putting on our own uniforms.

"Are you sure this is gonna work?" Kyle asked as he buttoned up his guards uniform.

"Don't worry, I've snuck in there a few times, no suspicions." Joe replied his eyes on the road in front of us. Krista, Kyle and I gave each other a confused look. My gaze shifted to Ben, who was also looking at Joe.

"You made it inside the White House? How?" He asked after not speaking for hours.

"You kids may think the entire government, the capital is out to get you and the Rebellion, but you're wrong." He said as he glanced at us through the rear view mirror and then back at the road.

"When I left, I took some people with me. Jill and Linda weren't happy about it. And Noah at the time, his mom had to tell him another story. But I took people with me. Some of these people ended up working in the White House, along side the president. For a while, not much has changed, except the fact that the president took some of the group, tortured them into telling him where the hide out was, who the leader was. They didn't break, they didn't give up and they died protecting the cause."

"So he didn't figure out the leader was your wife?" I asked with a raised eyebrow.

Joe let out a small sigh and shook his head. "No, they didn't thankfully, they believed she was another rogue. She's in prison now, solitary confinement. I tried so many times to get in there and break her free, but it's heavily guarded." He added as he glanced through the rear view mirror.

My eyes shifted over to Ben who was sitting up straighter now. I could tell by the look on his face he was still angry, still pissed off.

"Wait a minute..." Ben spoke up as he turned to look at Joe.

"We're not going to the White House, are we?" He asked, anger in his voice. Joe stayed silent as we looked between the two of them.

I watched Joe's body movement, his hands gripped right on the steering wheel and I could see his knuckles turning white.

"Noah Will be fine. My wife has been locked up for 20 years-"

"This mission we've been on was to save Noah!" Ben yelled at him.

"We rescue my wife first." Joe calmly said. The four of us just stared at him, how could he just change up the mission without consulting with us first?

"This is bullshit.." Ben muttered under his breath.

"Maybe it won't be so bad, the more help we have, the easier it is to rescue Noah, remember he's in the White House, alot more heavily guarded than the prison." I explained hoping to ease the tension. Ben turned to look at me, I could tell from the look in his eyes he was hurt, mentally and emotionally.

"We're not giving up on Noah. But he's strong and he's tough and he'll be okay. We will get him back." I said hoping to lift his spirits somehow. He didn't say anything, just gave me a nod before turning back around.

The rest of the car ride was eerily quiet. No one said a word once we reached our destination.

"We're here." Joe spoke up, breaking the tensioned silence in the car. We all looked out the front window and there it was, the prison. The entire building was surrounded with barbed wired fences. There were two watch towers and you could see a few guards standing in there. Joe then turned to look at us.

"Just keep quiet and follow my lead." He said to us and we all gave him a nod. The van soon slowly approached the entrance and we finally made it to the building.

I hope he knows what he's doing.

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