Words Unspoken

Chapter Chapter Twenty Eight

I turned the flashlight on, shining it down the stairs so it could light our way. Krista and I slowly made our way down the stairs, trying to make as little noise as possible, so no one would here us. As soon as we got to the bottom of the staircase, a long hallway, with concrete floors and walls was in front of us. I raised an eyebrow at Krista and she gave a nod.

The two of us held our guns up as we started making our way down the hall. The only sound was our footsteps echoing through the hallway. We suddenly stopped in our tracks when we heard a scream. My heart pounded heavily as I turned to look at Krista.

The two of us sped up the pace as we continued down the hallway, when suddenly a flash of light was in front of us.

"Shit!" I whispered and shielded the light with my hands.

"Sam? Krista?"

It was Ben's voice. He lowered the flashlight and the four of us were standing there.

"Jesus you scared the hell out of us." Kyle spoke up.

"Sorry. We heard a scream." Krista explained. Which we did, and it definitely sounded like Noah's voice.

"He's here, in one of these rooms." Ben said as he scanned the hall. There were metal doors throughout either side of the walls, and possibly two of them had Noah and his mom.

"Hold on." Ben said as he pulled something out of his pockets, some black ski masks. "Put these on, so they don't see our faces." He explained.

We nodded in agreement and took the masks from his hands and slipped them over our heads.

"Okay, you guys check the left, Kyle and I will go on the right."

We all nodded and continued on through the halls. Another scream erupted and then..


Krista and I stopped again in our tracks. The screaming had stopped.

"No.." I whispered, my hand gripped tighter onto the gun in my hand. I continued to push forward. I soon stopped in front of a door. Leaning forward, I pressed my ear up against the door. My eyes widened as I heard voices behind it. I looked at Krista and she gave me a nod, taking the flashlight and signaling the guys to come to us.

Once Ben and Kyle were on either side of me, I looked at the two of them.

"On the count of three." I mouthed.




Ben kicked open the door in front of us and before the guards could even pull their own weapons out, Ben and Kyle shot both of them in the shoulder. The two guards collapsed on the ground, screaming in pain from the bullet wounds.

Krista rushed over and held the gun to the presidents face.


He did as she said. As Krista kept an eye on him, Ben and Kyle rushed over to the guards to remove their weapons. I immediately rushed over to Noah, beaten to a pulp.

"Noah. Noah!" I shouted as I placed my hands on his face, lifting his head slightly. He just groaned in response and I looked down to see a bullet wound on his leg.

"Shit.." I muttered as I looked around hoping to find something to tighten around the wound. My eyes flickered to the floor and saw Noah's shirt. That'll do. I thought to myself as I picked it up from the floor and began to wrap and tie it around his leg. Once I knew it was tight enough to stop the bleeding, I reached for one of the blades and cut the ropes from his hands and legs. I heard him wince in pain and slowly helped him on his feet.

I turned my attention to the others. Ben and Kyle handcuffed the guards to the chair, while Krista still held the president at gun point.

"You won't get out of here alive." As he said that, Krista pressed the gun onto his skull.

"Yeah? Watch us." She spat out.

"Tie him up." I heard Ben say and Krista motioned for the president to sit in the chair that Noah was in. Kyle grabbed the remaining of the rope and tied him up in the chair, making sure the ropes were nice and tight.

I could feel Noah's body weight almost dragging me down. He was in and out of consciousness from all the blood he lost.

"Guys a little help here." I called out and Kyle rushed over to the other side of Noah to hold him up.

"Come on let's go, they're tied up." Krista said as she tugged on Ben's sleeve. But he was standing there in front of the president, not moving, not saying a word.

"What? You have nothing to say now?!" Ben shouted at him and suddenly pulled his gun on him, holding it against the side of his head. The president just let out a chuckle.

"You think you've won?"

"Oh I know we did." Ben replied as I watched him switch the safety from on to off.

"This isn't over kid."

"Yeah...I think it is." Ben grumbled out and suddenly moved the gun and shot him in the leg. We all jumped at the sound and Ben took a step back. President Martin let out a loud scream from the pain in his leg.

"Let's go!"

He rushed out of the room and we all followed after him. Krista closed the door behind us and made sure to lock it.

"Wait! What about Noah's mom?!" Krista called out and we all stopped in our tracks. We all exchanged looks.

"Krista, come with me. Kyle, Sam, get Noah back to the Van." Ben ordered us. The two of them rushed down the hall while Kyle and I made our way towards the exit.

"Okay, as soon as we get upstairs, you need to get ahold of your gun, in case we have to shoot our way out of here, I got Noah."

I gave him a nod and the two of us continued on down the hallway and finally up a flight of stairs. Once we reached the top, Kyle held on to Noah as I reached for my gun. Slowly opening the door, I peeked through...empty. I motioned for Kyle to follow me and he lead me through which way they came from. We continued on down the empty hall before we ended up in front of another door.

"Come on." I said after looking through the window, and saw nobody was there. Once we made it through we finally ended up back to where Henry showed us the way in.

I scanned the area making sure no one saw us, I was about to open the door when suddenly I heard footsteps approaching.


I spun around and saw two guards rushing towards us. The door behind us opened and Henry quickly pulled Kyle and Noah inside. I held my gun up and aimed it at their legs, firing a few shots. They yelled in pain from the impact and fell on the floor.

"See ya suckers!!" I yelled out and made my way through the door.

"Where are Ben and Krista?" He asked looking between the two of us.

"They went to get Linda." I explained and my walkie talkie went off.

"Sam, Kyle, we got Noah's mom, she's alive. We'll be there in two." Krista's voice echoed through the walkie talkie.

"Okay, just be careful. I had to shoot down two guards."

"Damn Sam, right on."

I slipped the walkie talkie back in my belt and followed Kyle and Henry out the door.

"Where the hell are the guards?" Kyle asked and I shook my head. It was odd, there weren't many here and surely if they heard those gunshots, they would have come after us guns blazing. Maybe they thought the shots were ordered from the president. Who knows what hell is going on in this place.

"I don't know, but let's not jinx it and get the hell out of here." I said as Kyle and Henry got Noah into the Van. A minute later the back door opened revealing Ben, Krista and a woman, also unconscious. Linda.

"Henry, come with us." Ben said to him. "If they find out you helped us, they'll kill you."

Once we got everyone inside, it was Ben and Henry standing outside.

"Go, I'll be fine, just go." He said to us. Ben stood there for a second before rushing into the Van. Once we were all in, Henry closed the doors and we finally were able to take the ski masks off. I peeked through the window and he gave us a wave as Joe started driving off. The door behind him opened and a dozen guards rushed out.

"No!!" Ben yelled out as he slammed on the window. We watched as Henry gave us a nod and got down on his knees, his hands up in the air. Every single guard had their rifles pointed towards him.

Henry gave us one final nod before they started firing at him. I quickly turned away, tears welling up in my eyes.

"Henry!! No!!" Ben yelled out slamming on the window. I lifted my head to look out once more, Henry's lifeless body on the ground.

My back slid down the door and I leaned my head against it. I turned to look at Ben, his head in his hands. My gaze shifted over to Noah and I scooted over to him, lifting his head slowly and gently placing it on my lap.

"We gotta lose them, they can't follow us." Kyle spoke up. He was sitting up front with Joe. He gave a nod, his eyes glanced through the rear view mirror looking at all of us.

"Henry's death will not be in vain." Ben spoke up. We all turned to look at him and gave a nod in agreement.

I turned my attention back down to Noah, his face was all beaten and bruised up, cuts all over his chest and lower stomach. I reached down and brushed a strand of his hair away from his face. A soft groan escaped his lips, his eyes opening slowly.

A wide smile spread across my face and I wiped away the tears that had spilled down my cheeks.

"Hey Sam, you missed me?" His voice was all hoarse, probably from all the screaming and the pain he was in.

I giggled softly shaking my head. "Yeah, I did."

He forced a smile before closing his eyes once again.

We got him back. He was alive, brutally hurt, but alive.

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