Words Unspoken

Chapter Chapter Thirty

The hot water hitting my skin felt like bliss. I don't even remember when the last time I had a proper shower was. A long sigh escaped my lips as I let the water run down my body.

Once I finished my shower, I grabbed the towel that was hanging over the door and wrapped it around myself before stepping out of the bathroom. My eyes scanned the room, it was quiet and empty. The others probably finished up a while ago. I walked across the tiled floors to the benches that were up against the wall and grabbed the clothes that were left for me. A plain black t-shirt, a pair of light blue jeans and some black combat boots.

Once I was done changing, I stepped out of the bathroom making my way towards the other side of the room. Everyone was gathered at the table sitting in the middle of the room that was closer to the medic section.

"Sam, come sit, we have a lot to explain." Alec spoke up and I took the empty seat next to Krista.

"Now, I'd like to thank you all for coming. The more people joining the rebellion, the better chances we have in achieving our mission. Which we will explain in a minute." Alec explained. We all sat there quietly as we listened to Alec speak.

We all knew the Rebellion had been around for many years. Jill and her sister Linda began it. When Joe ran off, everyone was lost. But Joe began to explain everything from the beginning, the day he left with a group of people, leaving Jill, Linda and Noah behind to fend for themselves.

"As I said before." Joe spoke up and we all turned to look at him speak. "That year, 2064, when Jill and Linda began the first rebellion. We were struggling and I knew we were going to struggle, we were all young, around your age." He gestured to me, Ben and Krista.

"I had a back up plan, a plan that Jill and Linda weren't going to approve. It was to go undercover, infiltrate the capital, hide amongst the people in the capital. That was when we found this place, it was an old bunker, well hidden from a war over 100 years ago. As time passed by, we gathered things that we would need, clothes, first aid, radios and other technological things we could gather at the time, things that we had no idea were going to disappear in a blink of an eye. And we were right, they were gone, after the government stopped us, well..most of us."

We all kept our eyes on him as he spoke.

"Alec, Dave, Henry and I, we decided we were going to end this once and for all, to kill the president, bring back our freedom. But when Linda was captured around the year 2086, we had to make sure to keep things on the down low for a while. When Linda was captured, the rest of Jill's group scattered, some followed her, some stayed, some were killed on the spot. That's when we had to stay hidden. So my group and I went undercover, some worked at the prison, some at the White House. Some of the jobs were risky, like the guards, and some, well, those were the jobs that didn't get you noticed. We also tried to recruit more people as well, but it took many, many years."

"Anyways, as we stayed here in the capital, Jill started up another group, along with Noah, Ben and Krista and now you two." He gestured to me and Kyle. "I contacted Jill not too long ago, and told her why I left. The plan we've been trying to make happen once and for all."

It got quiet for a moment, just the sound of the heart monitors beeping.

"To kill the president."

"We could have killed him." Ben spoke up. "I had the perfect opportunity, I should have done it."

"No, you shouldn't have." Alec spoke up this time.

"It's not just the president we have to get rid of, it's the entire government. They all work for him, if any of them have some sort of power they could still continue enforcing the Regulations of Lawrence." Dave explained to us.

"75 years..." Joe sighed and shook his head. "This..this has gone on for far too long. We have the numbers, we have the people. We need a strategy."

"You don't have one?" Kyle asked with a raised eyebrow. I turned to look at the three older men. They all gave each other a look before Joe spoke up.

"We do, it's not final. The main idea, storming the White House." He said and we all nodded our heads.

"Again..." Ben said with arms crossed over his chest. "We had the perfect opportunity to kill the president and whoever else in there. If we did, Henry would still be alive."

The room got eerily quiet, everyone turned their attention to Ben. He was right of course. We had the opportunity to take down the White House and we lost it. But then again, there was only four of us, and Kyle and I weren't that skilled in using weapons yet.

"Yes, he would be." Joe admitted as he nodded his head. "But he's not, and it was no one's fault. We got Noah, we got Linda, but we weren't ready for a full on attack."

My eyes shifted over to the curtains where Noah's bed was. Dr. Gordon stepped out as he took his gloves and mask off before tossing them in the trash can.

"I got the bullet out in success." He said with a proud smile.

"He lost a lot of blood, we had some blood stored and gave him the one he needed. He's resting now, he'll wake up soon. And Linda's awake if you wanna see her, she has to take it easy though, she's had a mild concussion." He said more so to Joe. Joe gave a nod and he stood up walking over to where Linda's bed was.

He soon disappeared behind the curtains and a second later some laughter echoed from the little room. A small smile formed on my lips, knowing it was a happy reunion between the two. Even though Joe had his reasons for leaving, Linda was able to forgive him.

A couple hours have passed and Noah was still asleep. He lost a lot of blood, but he was going to survive. Krista and I were sitting on one of the bunk beds just flipping through a magazine, Kyle in the next bunk taking a well needed nap and Ben pacing back and forth.

"Babe relax, Noah's okay. He'll wake up soon." Krista reassured him. As if on cue, Dr. Gordon appeared in front of us.

"Noah's awake, if you guys would like to see him."

I glanced at Ben and raised an eyebrow.

"You guys go, I'll wait."

Ben gave me a quick hug and smiled before thanking me and walked off with Krista. I knew I did the right thing. We were all worried about Noah, but this entire trip, Ben was the most distraught, and the one who took it the hardest. And Kyle? I had no idea how he was feeling, he was with them that night and I knew he was upset as well, but he didn't show it as much.

I turned to look at my brother and saw he had woken up from his nap. He sat up and looked around for a bit before focusing his attention on me.

"Where are the other two?" He asked as he sat up.

"Noah's awake, so they went to go see him."

"Really??" He jumped out of bed as a wide smile appeared on his face.

I let out a giggle and motioned for him to go. "Yeah, I'll see him soon."

He fist pumped the air and kissed my cheek before rushing over to Noah's bed. I let out a giggle and shook my head before laying down on my bunk. Closing my eyes for a moment, a small sigh escaped my lips as my body began to relax.

I don't know how much time has passed, but I soon woke up to someone shaking my shoulder. My eyes shot open and Krista was smiling down at me.

"Come on, Noah wants to see you." She giggled as she helped me out of bed. We made our way over and the two of us stopped at the foot of his bed. The boys stopped their conversation and Noah turned to look at me, a smile forming on his cheeks. He was looking a lot better and not as pale as before.

"Hey you." He croaked out with a smile.

"Hey.." I answered back. Silence filled the air and Krista spoke up.

"Okay! Let's leave the two love birds alone." She said as she motioned for Kyle and Ben to leave. They waved goodbye and I turned to see Krista closing the curtains, giving me a wink before they were completely shut.

"Get on over here." I heard him say and I turned to look at him. He motioned with his head and I slowly walked over to his side.

"So, I heard you shot a couple of guards." He said smiling up at me and I let out a giggle.

"Yeah, I did."

Noah then shifted slightly to the right, letting out a small wince in the process, before patting the spot next to him. I hesitated for a moment before slowly sitting down next to him.

"You have no idea how worried all of us were, how worried I was. Noah-"

"Sam, I know, I was stupid, I know I was and I should have ran with the guys, but if I did, they would have followed us and it could have risked exposing the entire rebellion, killing people, killing...you." He admitted. I took in a shaky breath as I listened to him speak.

"They could have killed you Noah." I whispered. I turned my head as I felt tears welling up in my eyes. I started to wipe them away but I felt his hand on mine as he turned my head to face him.

"I know, but I'm here, safe and alive." He said to me as he held my cheek and wiped a tear with his thumb. I leaned into his touch as I placed my hand in his. The two of us laid there quietly for a few minutes. It felt like a thousand years, a million years, that I haven't seen him but in reality it wasn't, it was only about a week, but it felt like forever.

The silence broke when Noah spoke up again.

"Sam, there's something I've been wanting to tell you, for a while now. Even though I've only known you a few months, these last couple of days, I had a striking realization, you know when you feel your life slipping away and you're about to die, but you don't wanna die cause there's so much you haven't done or seen.., but anyways...you're the greatest thing that's ever happened to me, and I will always be by your side and-and-"

He was rambling on and on, but a small smile formed on my lips before I leaned in and kissed him. He kissed me back without any hesitation as he wrapped an arm around my waist. After a few seconds, we pulled away but our foreheads were resting against one another.

"I love you too." I said with a smirk on my lips. Noah let out a chuckle as he kissed me once more.

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