Wolf Refuses To Claims Dove: Dark Rider MC Series Book 3

Chapter 14: Cherokee And Dove Come To An Agreement

Temper, Beast, Donna, and I pulled up into Dove's driveway and shut our bikes off. We walked up onto the porch and knocked on the door. As Dove held the door open and we all walked by her I looked down at her.

"Let's go into the dining room she told us."

As we sat down she handed us all a beer. She drank coffee.

"Dove as you know you want revenge on Wolf just as much as Cherokee."

" We are going to let you know what Wolf did to him. I explained to her that I was the oldest by 10 minutes. I was supposed to be the president of the MC but Wolf sold cocaine to a member of another MC and videotaped it. The man who videotaped it made a copy to the tape that left out the conversation and that tape was shown to our dad."

"My dad believes that it was me that did the deal. It wasn't. One of the rules of the club is that we do not sell drugs. We can smoke some marijuana but no hard drugs. So my dad gave the presidency to Wolf refusing to believe me."

" Recently Temper received a box in the mail. It contained the tape of the conversation and two notarized letters that it was the real tape and that Wolf set it up to make it look like it was me signed by the man who bought the drugs and the man who videotaped it all."

"Once my dad sees and hears the tape he will strip Wolf of the title and give it to me."

" Wolf is determined to take your son from you. He lied to you about claiming you. Then he lied about his first wife being in a coma and on life support and that was why he could not claim you."

"He thinks if you believe that you will go back to him."

" I have proof his wife and daughter are both dead and buried together. I showed her the picture."

" What I want to do is to get even with Wolf by legally marrying you and claiming you per biker law as my woman. I will not force you to do anything you don't want to do. But we will have to share a bed."

"I will not cheat on you even if we are not sexually active. I want you to learn to trust me and should you develop feelings for me, let's say I would not reject your advances. I would someday like to have a relationship with you and have sex with you."

I saw his face turn red.

"So would you marry me legally and let me claim you in front of the club members?"

I leaned back in my chair and smiled.

"When would this wedding take place?"

" I have never been married and I want the dress and all I said."

" We have a member who is a preacher we could do it this weekend. I want a wedding ring and I want you to wear one as well."

" Deal."

"I will claim you the day before our wedding."

" And you might as well move your things over here. As you said we will be man and wife so we will live together."

" And you have to agree to visit the clubhouse."

" Deal."

" Look Cherokee."

" You do not look that much like Wolf. So if anyone tells you I married you because you do they are dead wrong."

"I want everyone to think we fell in love."

" I will not embarrass you in any way. And I will never cheat on you either."

" OK, then."

" I say let's go shopping for wedding rings. We will take your truck."

" I don't think you should ride behind me on the bike."

" Hell no. Not when I am this big."

" And you will be at the hospital at the birth of this baby."

" Dove, I am going to sign the birth certificate as his father."

" Fine with me."

"While you go to get your rings. We will go give the news to the club members and get the Valkyrie to start cooking and getting ready for a wedding at the clubhouse."

" Tomorrow Dove, you and I are going to town and look for a wedding dress."

" What do we wear for the wedding?"

" New black jeans, black long-sleeved dress shirts, and your cuts."

"Beast you will give me away. Donna, you will be my maid of honor."

" Cherokee you will need to pick your best man. Then we have that all set."

I stood up and held my hand out. "The keys."

We walked out the door and I helped her into the truck. I drove into town and to the jewelry store. I am not letting her pick out a cheap set of rings. I helped Dove out of the truck and took her hand.

We walked into the store and over to the wedding rings. I moved her away from the cheap ones to ones that cost $5,000. I can afford it. I pointed out a few I liked and then I saw her eyes land on a set in the case.

"Let us see that set I told the saleswoman."

She lifted it out and I put the engagement ring on Dove's finger. I looked beautiful on her finger. "We will take this set I said."

I closed the box and handed it to the woman. She rang it up and I handed her my credit card. I then took the box and put it in the pocket of my cut. I took her hand and we walked out of the store.

"Have you eaten today I asked her?"

" No, I haven't." I walked us across the street to the restaurant the club always eats at.

Once we were seated the waitress named Tammy walked over.

"Good to see you Cherokee."

"Hello Tammy."

" I want to introduce you to my fiancée Dove."

"Dove this is Tammy she is a club member's daughter."

" So, you are finally getting married?"

I showed her my ring and she sighed.

"You are one lucky woman Dove."

" Congratulations Cherokee I wish you both all the best."

Once we ordered and our food was in front of us in between eating we asked each other questions. I found out about Rain's father being killed by one of her brothers and what her brother did to her and how he is trying to make up for it. They don't see each other. I know that when Rain turns 18 she will take over as president of her father's club.

I also know that Dove's favorite color is green. That she like meatloaf, mashed potatoes, and corn, or beef and noodles, mashed potatoes, and green beans, and she loves biscuits and gravy. We both like the same foods. She prefers coffee with two creams. But will drink miller life once in a while.

She is spontaneous and very protective of those she cares about. And she loves playing jokes on people. I told her that I loved surprises and cuddling. I love kids and having fun. I even love riding horses. We finished eating and I drove her back to the house. I helped her out of the truck and handed her the truck keys. I leaned down and kissed her forehead.

"Thank you for trusting me and agreeing to marry me and let me claim you I said."

I watched as he walked to his bike and got on it. He drove out of my driveway and to his club. I walked into the house and sat down at the table. I looked at the ring and it was the most beautiful ring I ever saw. I heard Rain laughing as she ran into the house.

"Mommy, you have to look at what I got."

" I saw a neckless and said that is very pretty."

" Sandy gave it to me."

" Well, don't lose it."

" I won't she said running to the living room ad turning on the TV."

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