Wolf Pack

Chapter The call

“Hello, Luna?” Marcus answered.

“Yes. Can you talk now? Is Otto around?”

“No, I’m at Mina’s house, are you okay? Are you exiled?” He asked worried.

“I can’t explain it right now, but I need you to tell me something. I know you’re a good person, and I honestly don’t see you representing the Forsaken, I think you know how to do the right thing…” I paused to try to ask this gently. . “Do you know what kind of trade Otto is involved in? Maybe something that needs a port?”

Marcus was silent, I could hear his breathing on the phone, but he didn’t say anything.

“Mark, are you there?”

“I’m just… it’s hard Luna, this is my home, my Pack, I can’t betray them like that. Otto was like a father to me…. Even though he killed my father himself.” That last sentence was said with pain, he said almost in a whisper, and for some reason everything in my head clicked together, the black wolf that killed my father was Marcus’s father, Otto killed him next, Marcus’s wolf was also black.

“Your father killed my father.” I simply spoke, I was a little scared by the information that suddenly formed in my brain, Jack’s and Lucca’s eyes were scared and wide.

“You know… I, didn’t know how to tell you this.”

“I didn’t know before, but it unlocked my memories Marcus, I saw your father kill mine when I was 3 years old.”

“I’m so sorry Luna, I….”

“It’s not your fault, and your father only carried out an order, the insane person is Otto.”

He was silent again for some seconds, then he start talking again.

“I can only say that he does an illegal trade, I heard that he used the port of the East Pack, but after their Alpha died, he lost the scheme and built a small airport on our land, where he transports now.”

“That’s right Mark, thanks for the info.”

“Luna, I’m sorry.”

“No need to apologize, just stay well, and stay away from Otto if you can. Bye.”


When I hung up the phone, Jack ran his hands through his hair, agitated by all that, I looked at Lucca not knowing exactly what to say.

“That was too much information for one day, now you two go, go back to your Pack, receive your rightful rank again, and return to your family. I’ll follow the investigation from here. I’ll wait three hours to release the communique that you are not a exile anymore, to give you time to get to the Pack before Otto plans something or catches you on the road. Take care, remember that now you’re his targets again.”

“You can leave my friend, I don’t even know how to thank you for everything.” Jack opened his arms to Lucca and they hugged.

“I just did my job and I’m glad justice was done.” Lucca replied still patting his on the back.

“And you Luna, it was nice meeting you, thanks for holding up when my friend couldn’t, and your determination helped us achieve justice.” Lucca told me while also hugging me.

“The pleasure was mine, thank you for everything.” I answered before Lucca left.

I took my things there at the Council and we left for our Pack, the trip was long, and I never saw Jack so anxious. We wanted to go back soon, have our family back. After a few hours we reached our familiar landscape, I felt Jack’s heart race, his nervousness was almost palpable. I was anxious too, the guards saw us coming and soon opened the way making a small bow to us, it was so familiar that it almost scared. Jack parked near the Pack House, and as we got out of the car I didn’t even have time to turn around before I was grabbed by Alina hugging me tight, and over her shoulders I could see the most tense and delicate scene there, Hughes was standing there a few meters away from Jack, the two of them looked stunned, but neither had taken any action yet, suddenly tears welled up in Hughes’ eyes and he lowered his face and walked towards Jack, who opened his arms and welcomed him.

“I can’t believe my son, that you’re back.” Hughes said crying in Jack’s arms, seeing the scene just made me hug Alina even tighter.

She held my shoulders as she released me, and wiped my tears with her thumbs before wiping her own, only then did I realize that I had been crying.

Edward hugged me too.

“Ah my little one, what a pleasure to have you back.” Ed said in the middle of the hug, but then he released me and turned into his side to hide his tears, in his tough pose.

And then Hughes approached me while Alina and Ed greeted Jack too, my grandfather looked at me a few seconds before opening his arms saying.

“You don’t know the happiness I’m feeling right now, you’re back. You’re back my granddaughter, we can all live together again.”

After all the reunions, we sat down for coffee and Alina made some toast.

“It’s only been a few days, but I missed your cooking Alina.” I said taking a sip of my coffee.

“But tell me, how was all this? How did you manage to prove your grandfather’s innocence?” Hughes asked Jack.

“It was all your granddaughter, without her I wouldn’t even have know what I was going to investigate, but she went after everything.” Jack said looking at me in awe.

“We investigated together Jack, don’t take away your credit.”

“You who had all the hope I didn’t have, the strength I didn’t have, the determination I didn’t have. Exile took everything from me, I was broken inside, but you saved me, in every way, and I will be forever grateful for that.” Jack finished talking by squeezing my hand that was resting on the couch, I sniffled and let a tear roll down my cheeks.

Jack smiled and hugged me.

“But how did you investigate?” Ed asked now.

“I said we were from the council.” My speech made everyone’s eyes widen. “Wrong. I know, but it was necessary. We spoke with one of Jack’s great aunts and luckily she had some evidence saved from the day.”

“Speaking of Judy, we need to talk to her, she is out of exile too, after all these years.” Jack said.

“Where does she live? Bring her to live here, she will be very welcome in this Pack.” Hughes said with a smile.

“She lived in Alpha Matt’s East Pack…” I said looking at Jack.

“There’s Matt, I need to talk to him, I don’t want to be Alpha of his Pack, I never wanted to take his place.”

“What are you talking about?” Hughes asked confused.

“As my grandfather was Alpha there, in the sentence taking my exile I received the title of Alpha of the East Pack. But I never wanted that, I need to clarify things with him.” Jack said excitedly.

“But you know it’s dangerous for us to go out now, don’t you? Otto must be freaked out after all this.” I said trying to bring reason to the moment.

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