Wolf Pack

Chapter Profecy

We sat in the chairs in front of the office desk, and explained the whole story, Lucca listened attentively with his head resting in one of his hands, and let out a few sighs during the process.

He then propped his elbows on the table and leaned forward.

“So, I don’t even know what to say, I never imagined all this.” Lucca sucked in a breath before continuing. “But you can’t stay here being an exile man, even if nobody knows, if the communique comes and you’re here, I don’t even know what the guard could do.”

A chill ran down my spine, and a fear gripped me, I would never forgive myself if something happened to him.

“But about the investigation, Luna should stay, I make the request for the investigation in her name, she stays to help us with the complaint and we will dig this story in depth Jack, if this injustice occurred we will find out.”

Lucca said it like a promise, but the fact that I needed to get away from Jack was enough to physically hurt me. Jack sighed and turned fully towards me.

“Is it okay for you to stay honey?” Jack took my hand. “I hadn’t planned on being away from you like this, and even more so with this investigation responsibility…”

“Of course, we will investigate this story thoroughly, and bring justice to you.” My words made Jack open a beautiful smile.

“Lucca, take good care of her, and let me know about everything.”

“Of course my friend” Lucca got up and hugged Jack. “But now go, because every second here is a risk for you.”

Jack turned to me, and gripped my shoulders, he looked me in the eyes deeply.

“My heart is already aching with longing, be well, I love you.”

Jack finished the sentence by wrapping his hands around my face, and sealing his lips on mine, the kiss sent electric shocks through my body. I had already kissed that man thousands of times, but every time it was like the first, I needed to take a deep breath to compose myself afterwards.

“I love you.”

He left, and with each step he took away from me, it was like my heart was tightening inside, it was like we had an invisible line connecting the two of us and it was stretching now, leaving me an emptiness of not having him around, it was like if my heart had an empty hole that weighed down inside me, just not being physically close to him. I had already been told that the distance between Soulmeets causes almost physical pain, and I was experiencing that.

Jack called me minutes later saying that he left my bag with the concierge, and that he got a hotel room in the city to stay there, I updated him that Lucca had already called the hospital Ben works for and asked him for the medical records. The agents’ investigation needed to be furthered, he said, getting rid of the fact that Jack and I had impersonated Council agents. Lucca sent the glass and knife to the lab, made a few more calls and handed me the Clinton family file, they weren’t just alphas from the East Pack, they were one of the most traditional families in the wolf world, one of the founding families of the Council.

Lucca brought Chinese food for lunch, and I had the thought of what Jack could be having for lunch, it was crazy how being away from him affected me, the minutes felt like hours, but I needed to focus on the investigation and help Lucca. We made a lot of progress and at the end of the day my head was in a pile, I needed to clear my head that was exhausted and I needed to release it with the body, as physical beings we need to be always active for the mind to work well.

“Do you have a gym or running track here?”

“Yes, we have one around the castle, but come on, I’ll show you your room first, and I’ll show you the track and the gym.”

Lucca showed me the whole complex, which was simply huge and incredible, there was the “hotel” side of the Council, for visitors, where my room was, which looked more like a fancy hotel room, and the cafeteria, then we went to the gym and the running track.

We agreed to meet in the cafeteria tomorrow at 08:00, then I changed and went running, I walked through the entire complex that was even bigger than I imagined, as my blood pumped to my legs I felt the tension leave my shoulders and my thoughts went away lining up, until my legs were drawn towards an older part of the Council, it was a whole building of stone, and with a huge corridor in the middle. I slowed down and walked into it, it was as if there was a magnetic pull, as if I had no control, the same feeling that had brought me to Jack at our Soulmeet had brought me to that place, the writing on the walls seemed strangely familiar, and very old, there were writings and drawings, some almost completely erased, others completely new and fresh, until I started to read the sentences and saw that they were the prophecies, they were written there.

My eyes were drawn to the fateful sentence: “When good and evil come together, the fruit of this union will bring the end of evil, by joining the excluded”. I heard that phrase over and over in my head, I had flashes of memories of my life, I saw my parents, I saw my birth, I saw Jack and I getting to know each other and our Soulmeet, and somehow I felt like it was about me.

Otto was right.

The prophecy was about me.

It took me a few seconds to compose myself and went back to the compound, showered and called Jack to tell him, he calmed me down, but I was feeling that a lot was yet to happen.

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