Wolf Moon Ritual

Chapter Epilogue

Oryan’s POV

I sobbed over my sisters corpse. Feeling the weight of despair crash into me full force, as if a tidal wave rushed over me and drowned me whole. The sound of battling wolves, a background noise to my desolation and carnage.

I sensed someone approach me but I didn’t turn to face them, hope fluttered within my mind. I welcomed them to seal my fate and end me, just has I had done to my own flesh and blood – my twinned half.

Realisation, set forth another wave of grief that barrelled into me as I felt no anger or distain within the approaching wolf. “You need to remove the knife and burn it with the power of the moon.” The deep timber of an unfamiliar alpha male huffed at me through my mind. His words not registering in my grief stricken haze.

A large paw pushed at my back hard, but I barely moved. The strength within his action should have easily overpowered me, but it didn’t and he pushed into me again. That thought alone made me turn my head to the warm chocolate brown wolf behind me, his eyes the same brown colour, that were filled with determination, not one flash of sorrow.

Was I mistaken? Wasn’t this an alpha wolf?

Meer seconds, no milliseconds of looking as this wolfs narrowed, large brown eyes, answered my unspoken questions. I was right. This wolf had all the aspects of a dominant male. But why didn’t his strength affect me? “You’re an alpha now too Oryan.” This time he answered my unspoken thoughts, and clarified with a nod of his large head. Showing respect to his equal.

“What?” I questioned, still not understanding his words in my disparaging state. “Do you not feel it? The extra strength running through your veins, the growth of your muscles. Or even each member of your packs soles, hearts and minds.” I flicked my gaze immediately back to the fight with a short gasp.

Blood was being spilled. Painting the earth beneath their paws like a grotesque masterpiece of carnage. My body bolstered at the sight, my muscles growing with my building rage, no not mine theirs. My breathing picked up, my lungs heaving in and out and seemed to expand bigger than before, an if under the effects of exertion. My heart rapidly beat and my pride in the strength of my members swarmed my conscious, but I detested what I were witnessing.

Needing to be in action, I reached forward, ripping the knife from Aurora’s body with a roar as I stood to my full height.

“Enough.” I commanded with all the authority of my new found position. The wolves in front of me stopped abruptly, as if frozen in place. The puddles of blood crackled as they solidified, the muddied surface of the lawn making a thin crust under them.

My short, enraged breaths came out in plumes of white mist. The temperature around us dropping multiple degrees in an instant.

But I didn’t mind the cold, I relished in it.

The familiar feeling of ice ran rampant through my veins, greeting me like an old friend. Flexing my fingers I could feel the cold tingling the tips of my fingers, tinging them blue as the blood with my capillaries receded from them quickly.

I eyed the amassed crowd and only silence surrounded the pack house and it’s grounds. The knife hummed in my hand with the power it held, and what was trying to get loose with the promise of destruction.

Raising my palm displaying the knife to all, I centred myself. Using the magic that I possess, not to turn into my wolf but using the power of him, to create the moons icy fire. Flickering ethereal sparks ignited into a blue flame that soon bloomed over my palm. Transfixing all that gazed upon it in place, with only gasps and awed breaths to disturb the silence in the air.

The cracking of the bone could be heard as the sharpened point and hilt perished under my control. I watched in calm reverence as each magical rune carving disappeared, as if evaporating in eradication until the bone knife was just that, and no longer held as much power as it once did but was fractured and cracked with withered age.

The ground thawed as the mystical blue fire dwindled to nothing, and the grief for my dead sister washed over me once again. I looked up once more at the collective, “Leave.” I told the opposing force, as I resumed my position of being knelt at my sister’s side and held her now cold hand in mine.

The majority backed away from both sides, disappearing into the opposite sides of the surrounding woods. Leaving only the higher ranked wolves behind or those to numb with sadness to allow themselves to move.

Snarls echoed in the empty space, I knew who they were from but said nothing. The angry wolf lunged forward, like a lethal blade aimed at its prey, poised to kill. I remained still.


Peter’s POV

I were seething at the recognition that, Oryan. That the unworthy parasite was the new alpha of the pack by default, just because his old man was stupid enough to pursue this nonsense about becoming a god. I didn’t refute the fact that he could possess and wield magic, but become an immortal god, just didn’t seem, plausible.

Twenty years I have waited for his death to then take his place as alpha. I deserved it. I were the strongest wolf here and no one would take this from me. Especially not this cunt.

I signalled my challenge before I lunged but he just sat there, next to his pathetic sister. She had no fight in her either, they were both weak and unfit for their positions or the power that they have.

I crashed into Oryan, easily knocking him into the mud, where he belonged. I paced before him waiting for his retaliation but there were none, he stayed down, probably knowing he would be no match for me. I lunged again aiming my canines at his throat.

Connecting with my target I began sinking my teeth deeply into the boys flesh, but were stopped by a solid barrier.

A barrier that became cold, chilling the nerves within my teeth to the root. I retracted them swiftly and licked my jowls clean of his blood, trying to warm myself.

Oryan’s icy pale stare fixed on me and began to glow blue within their depths, like flames of the moon that moments ago sat in his palm.

I stopped my procrastinating and lunged again, this traitor wouldn’t get the better of me. I swiped my sharpened claws down his bared chest, connecting again and causing blood to flow. The trail of blood I’d just created congealed within seconds, the deep wounds were like I’d just cut into a block of ice, making carved rivets rather than blooded open wounds.

“Peter, you will not win.” Oryan calmly stated. His words only serving to enrage me further and I threw my body once again into his, only this time it was as if I had ran into steel. Stumbling for a few steps to catch my breath and shake off the dizziness in my head I tried again, only this time were met with a cold hand gripped around my throat.

“Do you concede?” The boy asked, I snarled at him in disagreement. I writhed and wiggled my wolfs body to get free of him, his touch getting excruciatingly cold.

The blood in my veins and arteries started to freeze and my throat seized up, my muscles no longer able to move under my command. My lung tissues unable to convert oxygen into my blood before it froze in the air filled sacks.

Disbelief that I had lost to this pathetic pup was the last thought to run across my mind before the light faded from my eyes and the world was no more.

Oryan’s POV

After reducing Peter to a frozen form of his once proud and strong self, I were left emptier than before. I had killed two people in less than an hour. My mind not wanting to dwell on my horrid actions blocked it out, frozen shutters slammed down on the shocked gasps and unbelieving rumblings of my pack at the loss of their beta.

Feeling the soft whisps of magic in front of me, the unmistakable signs of a wolfs transformation followed by light tentative footsteps approached me. I once again took my position next to Aurora, the steps got closer but were followed by an angry growl.

“Get out of my way Cole.” The female snapped. A large, irritated huff sounded, before she resumed her light footsteps in my direction, closely flanked by the heavier paws of a large all black wolf. “Alpha Crescent.” The address caught me off guard, causing me to look up to the beautiful burnt auburn haired woman. “May I sit with you to morn?” I couldn’t deny her so I nodded, in my peripheries I took note that the flanking wolf sniffed at Hunter’s body checking for signs of life as he kept a watchful eye over the woman.

“Is he dead?” I asked, not expecting an answer in voice but the Hunter’s pack beta shook his head, signalling that Hunter were still alive. “I don’t understand they should have reunited by now.” The same deep timbered voice spoke again only this time, he was in human form.

I glanced at him curious of his words. He noticed my confusion and sighed. “Aurora gave you blood this morning while you were with her in the dungeon. The blood was a mix of mine and your mothers. This separated your paired soul, and stopped Latina from gaining her mother’s power over all wolf kind.” This was a lot of information to take in but I continued to listen in silence.

“You were the only one that could pierce Aurora’s heart with the knife to rid her of Latina and banish her essence into it and from there use the moons flame to finally kill her spirit, as was Circe’s last wish. Aurora put Alex into a coma so he could fulfil his side of the prophecy and bring her back from the spirit plane.” Countless questions swirled around my head, but I didn’t know how to voice a single one. I didn’t have answers to any of what was happening but I knew if my mother was involved somehow, Aurora would be safe.

Releasing her hand I moved closer to Hunter or was it Alex. It didn’t matter. I had a thought that if they were physically together then it would aid them in finding each other. Advancing towards him to pick him up, I were stopped by his beta who stepped in front of him, his large canines bared and ears flattened on top of his head, a menacing stance, ready to lunge at a seconds notice, blocked my path to him.

I had to respect his loyalty in protecting his alpha, and in the back of my mind selfishly wondered if I would ever have that kind of loyalty from my inherited pack. “I mean my sister’s mate no harm. I was simply bringing him closer to her.” He snapped his jowls in warning in way of reply before taking a half step backwards letting me through.

Picking Hunter up I carried him, albeit haphazardly due to his size closer to Aurora’s lifeless body, the woman I had no name for making room for him. She helped me lay him next to her with his head over her chest where blood no longer seeped out from and I placed his paw onto the hand where his print was seared into her palm.

Everyone stepped back from them giving them the respect they deserved.

Aurora’s POV

In the darkness a glimmer of red caught my eye, the shimmer of colour got closer and more vivid as I looked upon it. The brightness of the blurred light morphed into a faint shape, one that kept moving and twisting as it continued to get closer. The shape spoke but it’s words to muffled to make out clearly.

The brightness grew until I could no longer look at it and turned my eyes away and shielded myself from the intensity of its radiance. “Aurora, you have been brave my child. Now it is time for you to re-join your mate and be the luna you were born to be.” Her voice were like pearls of music, playing out it’s motherly words of comfort to the tranquillity of the darkness.

As I peeked out from behind my lashes I saw a beautiful woman, her red hair like no colour I’ve seen before. “I don’t know how.” I nervously admitted my shortcomings to the woman. “Yes, you do.” She encouraged with a white toothed smile of faint amusement. “I’ve waited decades for you. You were so brave in defeating my daughter and protecting these packs. You can do anything you want.”

Her motherly reassurance bolstered my confidence just enough to know that I needed to find Alex, I needed to trust in his heart and his love for me. He was here with me somewhere, it reminded me that we still had work to do. The woman’s brightness dimmed away having delivered her message and given a much needed boost to my confidence. Mustering up my strength I centred myself in hopes that I could bring him to me and find his beating heart in the darkness.

I could hear him faintly calling out to me but I didn’t know where he were, or in which direction he were calling out to me from. The darkness, a thick blanket covering my eyes as if they were not open. Resorting to the other option I had, I opened my heart more allowing my love for him blaze. To guide me with its light in the right direction.

I pushed through the thickness, my movements painstakingly slow, but on I waded through the gloom reaching out to him. Holding all my treasured memories of the two of us within my heart.

My fingertips finally connected with something, or someone. The grip tightened and pulled myself towards it, before feeling myself being crushed to something solid. Its hold so strong I thought I soon wouldn’t be able to breathe, but its touch was soothing.

“I’m here my love. Can you hear me.” His voice whispered, restoring everything in me. Emotions crashed into me wave after wave, overwhelmed by happiness I were unable to speak. “Aurora, I can feel you there. Come back to me. Don’t leave me, you promised.” He pleaded at me. His sad sobs broke me out of my emotional state and shattered the lump preventing me from being able to speak.

“I’ll never leave you, I’m here. I love you Alex.” I all but screamed out to him. Heat burned from where our hands touched and continued, intensifying in temperature throughout my entire body, my passion for him never dimming.

My eyes opened to the clear nights sky with stars twinkling above me. I heard several gasps around me but no one said a word, everyone too shocked to say anything.

The amazing scent of pine and fresh rain filled my senses as I breathed life into my long neglected lungs, with my mind calm I looked down at my chest seeing the grey hair of Alex’s wolf on my chest and a thankful smile crossed my lips.

He stirred and lifted his head, his eyes connecting with mine. Instantly he went from wolf to man and pressed his lips to mine. We devoured each other, smiles on both our lips as they pressed together.

“I love you.” He said while resting his forehead to mine as I wrapped my arms around him not wanting to let go and stay within this precious moment.

“Aww guys, your just too cute.” A boyish coo broke our moment. Alex sighed turning to look at his brother with an annoyed but amused look.

“Finn, go get the car.” He ordered. His brother rolled his eyes but promptly turned and headed towards the forest. I guessed that was the direction in which the cars were parked.

Alex helped me off the ground, it felt odd to be stood. Which in itself, was odd, but I didn’t let my mind dwell, instead, just being thankful I were alive.

“Glad your back.” Oryan said while shuffling on his feet and not making eye contact, guilt plastering his features. I threw my arms around his neck and held him tightly to me. “Thank you.” It was all there was to say. Without him killing me I would never have been able to come back. I would have been completely taken over by Latina and would have been contained within a tiny box at the back of her mind.


Oryan held me to him, I could feel the cold radiating from him and I guessed he had the power of the moon back within him, in its rightful place. But there were something else. Something I couldn’t place.

As I withdrew my hold, I inspected him curiously, as if only just seeing the changes. He was bigger, more filled out and taller than I last saw him. I remember thinking these things before but for Alex. “He’s an alpha now.” Alex said as his hands held my waist pulling me into his chest, not able to have me out of his hold for long.

Recognition bloomed within my mind, of course, father was dead. Latina killed him so that meant the title would be inherited by Oryan.

He smiled sheepishly while nodding, kicking the floor in embarrassment. “Does it look good on me?” He teasingly questioned. I laughed and nodded. “How does it feel?” I questioned right back.

Oryan rubbed the back of his neck thinking. “To be honest, like a lot of work. This pack needs to mend and rebuild, father ruined it and ran its members into the ground with his dictatorship. I don’t even know if they want me as their alpha.” He admitted.

I smiled at him. “Well it’s a good job they have a good man at the helm now then isn’t it?” I reassured him. I had complete confidence in him that he would be the right person for the job, his pack would have to be fools to not know that.

“I’m not sure about that luna but I’ll work on it.” He chuckled giving both me and Alex a nod before walking off towards the pack house and its members.

“Did he just call me luna?” I asked. “Well you are my mate are you not?” I turned in Alex’s arms. Taking in his new appearance fully. “Well alpha.” I giggled. “I suggest you kiss your queen.”

Next chapter will be updated first on this website. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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