Wolf Moon Ritual

Chapter 25


Leo’s POV

“It is time princess.” My father’s delighted voice rang into the blackened dungeon. Oryan had left her hours ago she were all alone now. Just the way I wanted her.

“Put this on.” I handed her a white box. Inside was the same white dress her mother wore the night of the failed attempt. The delicate long cotton dress with its long sleeves would soon be stained red with blood and I couldn’t wait for the site.

“The blue moon will soon be at its apex, and our guests are already here. Dress quickly princess we wouldn’t want to be late for the show.”

Aurora’s POV

Waiting to be led out to slaughter I contemplated my future. I had accepted my fate, but didn’t agree to go down without a fight. I now knew I had to die to be reborn. The only problem, I needed Oryan with me when I died, as well as Alex.

I had figured out the significance of the vial. I needed Oryan to ingest this in some way, so before he woke I poured some on the vial into his mouth and downed the rest, before burying the vial in the dirt of the dungeon.

The blood of the destined mixed with the life force of the sun would bind us to the original prophecy, and protecting us as one soul, not two. Putting pause to Latina’s plans to overhaul the ritual, but it wouldn’t last long. She would easily be able to fix the problem, given half the chance.

Now all I had to do is die.

Alexander’s POV

The journey was long, it took most of the day for our pack to reach the Crescent moon territory. At the border we were met by our allies. Increasing our numbers tenfold. I didn’t want to dwell on the number of casualties we were about to face, in the aftermath of this war. But through it all I still had hope that we could minimize this with the aid of Aurora.

I know they knew we were here as we all continued on our journey. None of their own stopping us from entering, only cutting off our retreat as they converged around us.

The moon quickly chased away the sun as it rose into the nights sky. Moonlight cast the world in shadow and with it plummeted the temperature down a few degrees.

Just outside the land the pack house stood upon I stopped the car and exited, followed by everyone else. I linked with the other alphas, locking eyes with each one as I shifted my gaze. “You know what to do. Hold them off as best you can.”

We separated there, all getting into our respective positions. Each one having specific objectives. But inevitably all end up on the lawn where the alter were.

Shifting to my wolf, I hit the ground on all fours, readying myself and once again trying and failing to connect with Aurora.

The dream we shared last night was Circe’s idea. Bringing Aurora’s past to her to give her the vial of blood and tears. I just hope she could figure out what they were for before the ritual began.

Emery assured me she would, but I couldn’t help but fear for the worst.

“She’s got this.” Finn tried to assure me from my right, taking the natural position of my delta. “If anyone can figure it out she can.” Cole agreed from my left.

Oryan’s POV

My nerves were on edge as I paced in my room. I left Aurora as she were sleeping in the dungeon hours ago. I know she will think I were taken but in actual fact I wasn’t much of a prisoner down there, just a way from keeping her from finding out I made a deal with the devil.

Walking into my father’s office I noticed firstly that he wasn’t here. Then it dawned on me that no one were here. I were so caught up in my own head that I didn’t notice that the pack house were completely empty. I looked out onto the lawn and saw the whole pack were shifting. Running from the office I quickly joined them and shifted too. My wolf glistened under the moons rays, making my pale grey wolf almost appear white.

I heard growling coming from the forest before our adversaries one by one started to come forth led by another pale grey wolf only he didn’t change colour like mine. His grey coat only darkened at the root. This must be Hunter.

Both sides faced off, measuring up their selected opponent or opponents. I could hear and feel the excitement from the wolves at my back. As per my father’s orders I stood slightly out front as if I were leading these savages.

“Where’s Aurora?” A growled voice echoed around my head. “I don’t care.” I growled back in the same timber as him. “You better hope she isn’t hurt or yours is the first head I’ll take.” Hunter threatened.

He wanted a fight, fine. I would give him a fight. He might have alpha blood running in his veins but so did I, we were equally matched. “That’s where you’re wrong boy.” My father chastised me. “He is an alpha and you will never be.” I gasped.

“What? Alpha George stepped down?” I questioned. “It appears so.” My father answered as an amused wolfy grin spread on Hunters muzzle, knowing what I had just discovered, even without hearing it.

I had no chance.

Aurora’s POV

The door to the pack house opened and I stepped out into the cold nights air, led out by my father. He looked stronger than I’d seen him when I first arrived, he stood taller, walked without his cane or hunched over and radiated power and strength. Nothing like the withered old man I had come to know.

The growls, savage barks and the snapping of jowls died down from both sides as we walked into view. I could feel the tension, the animosity, and the excitement. All the raw emotions of every person here was like an onslaught of overwhelming proportion. Tears brimmed my eyes at the sight of those I love, so as to not shed them I looked to the floor and let my bare feet guide my way, fearing what were to come.

All eyes were on me as I passed them by, only for them to follow me down to the alter. My long gown billowing as it did in my dream, my hair loose and whipping around my face as the wind picked up speed around me.

As the moonlight bathed down on me I could see that I shone blue, once again taking on the form of a celestial being. I could feel Latina stirring in the back of my mind, biding her time to strike.

Standing at the alter the stone freezing my feet as I stood silent. “You are here to bear witness to a sacrifice.” My father spoke. A single loud growl broke the silenced night as Alex stepped forward. I gasped, not wanting him to be hurt. A knife to my throat halted Alex and he stepped back and into rank with his men. “Good boy.” My father chuckled. “Now, let’s get back to it shall we -” His words were cut off by Latina driving a concealed knife deep into my father’s chest, causing him to fall limply to the floor, his blood oozing in waves as it escapes his body.

Latina’s POV

I’ve waited years to be able to repay the favour of feeling a knife stabbed deep into my heart. Revenge felt good. I pressed my hand over the wound and felt the warmth of blood paint my hand red, before printing the blooded hand print over my face. Clearly marking myself with the blood of my defeated killer.

Chaos erupted as both sides took the opportunity to attack. This didn’t bother me it was inevitable but they weren’t killing each other quick enough and I needed them to witness.

Reaching my hands towards the heavens I whispered for the winds to pick up speed and grant me their awesome power. Feeling the strength bolster within my palms, I quickly brought them together. With a loud clap the earth trembled under the hurricane force of the wind and parted both sides of the amassed wolves parting them, throwing those in its path like rag dolls into the air.

“Listen well all of you. You were all brought here to bear witness to a sacrifice. That is no longer the case. Instead you will watch my ascension into a moon witch goddess, and no one can stop me.” I chuckled at my own success.

Outstretching my left hand I flicked my fingers inwards beckoning my quarry to me. “Come to me.” I purred at Alex as I locked eyes with him. He walked to me, enchanted by the body I inhabited and bound to the person I now possess. He joined me at the alter and sat patiently like a good lap dog by my side. I could tell that members of his pack weren’t happy that he were under my control, which only served to amuse me further.

“Your turn.” I fix my eyes upon Oryan, binding him to the twin bond. I could see he were fighting the compulsion to obey. Digging his claws into the earth but losing his purchase in the soft wet mud and inevitably ending up by my side.

“Shift.” I commanded him. Oryan let out an agonising whimper as his bones were forced to shift back to his human form. I didn’t allow him to use the magic within him to transform himself, knowing this would cause excruciating pain and weaken him, for my delight.

I used the knife to cut into my right palm before doing the same to Oryan’s left hand, and placing the knife back down on the alter. “Hand.” I instructed Oryan who didn’t fight me and we mixed our blood together, uniting two halves of a whole. Turning to Alex I instructed him in the same fashion. “Paw.” He complied.

My right hand heated up causing the soft pads of Alex’s paw to blister and bleed. Imprinting his paw print onto my palm and mixing our blood as our flesh melted between our hold. I summoned my mother’s soul to me, trapping it into the knife made from my femur.

I turned us to face the multiple witnesses, none were able to move all locked into place at my will. “With the bond of my mate and the unified blood of my twinned half. I offer you the moon gods a worthy vessel of endless magic.”

Thunder roared above us, crackling of lightening in the air in a sonic shockwave of electrified power. It struck the earth in bolts of static energy, the lightening forked down in front of me splitting the alter in half on contact, forcing my signified bond apart.

The ritual didn’t work.

But why?

Aurora’s POV

The fighting between the packs erupted again. The snapping of teeth, ripping of claws in flesh and the howls and whimpers of wolves filled the air. Every sound as vicious and brutal as you could imagine.

With the power drained from Latina I needed to act quickly. Taking control of my body I looked over to Alex who nodded his wolf’s big head. Was he bigger?

I had no time to dwell on that now. I crawled over to Oryan, checking he were still conscious. “Oryan wake up.” He were dazed and unfocused as he opened his eyes. “Oryan can you hear me.” I tapped his cheek probably a little harder than necessary to gain his attention.

“Mother?” He whispered, his eyes still unfocused. “No, it’s me Aurora.” Moving his head back as if to get a clearer look at me, his eyes started to focus. “Aurora? Your still alive.” I nodded. “Yes, but you have to kill me.”

“What?” He replied confused. “Look, I don’t have time to explain. I need you to put your right hand over my heart and plunge this knife deep into it.” For emphasis Alex dropped the knife into his lap and sat back on his haunches.

“No. I won’t do it.” He was adamant in his reply. “Look, to rid me of Latina. You need to do this. If you don’t she will become unstoppable.”

Pain shot through my head as Latina, understood what was happening and tried in her weakened state to prevent it, by any means.

“Quickly, she’s trying to gain control.” I shouted as another jolt of pain ripped through me.

“I… I don’t think I can.” Oryan choked. “You have to.” I screamed back, trying to keep myself together and remain in control.

Oryan’s POV

Kill my sister.

No I couldn’t.

I wasn’t my father.

“Aurora -” I started but I could see she were hanging onto herself by a thread.

Picking up the knife, my hand shaking as I positioned it over her heart. Building up my courage to drive the knife forward.

“Why would you kill your own sister?” Latina’s voice spoke through Aurora’s lips. Placing doubt into my heart and mind.

“Don’t be your father.” She whispered softly. “Don’t let her get inside your head.” Alex snapped, his voice echoing in my mind, his wolf tone full of the alphas authority.

“Do it.” He commanded. Tears flowing down Aurora’s cheeks, broke my heart. I didn’t know who were in control but this was still my sister. Her hair still white as fresh snow, her eyes still pale blue and almost translucent, her scent still warm honey suckle and delicate as fresh spring flowers.

The other half to my twinned whole.

My hand slid from her chest and landed back into my lap. Defeatedly I looked into her eyes, pleading with her to forgive me.

Latina surged forward gripping hold of Alex’s throat. A menacing glint in her eyes as she began to squeeze and burn him. He thrashed and whimpered, and even in his wolf form, were no match for her. His heart slowed and he gasped for air. Slowly dying right in front of me.

I pressed the tip of the blade to her throat, making a small incision that trickled blood. “Let him go.” I ordered. “You won’t do it, your weak. You have always been weak.”

“I’m not weak.” I snapped back at Latina.

No that wasn’t Latina, none of this was her. It was Aurora. She thought I were weak, she was the one killing her own mate.

“Prove it.” She seethed.

Without thinking twice, I simultaneously placed my hand over her heart and plunged the knife deep into her chest through my right hand.

A satisfied breath left Aurora as she collapsed back to the stone alter pulling me with her from where we were still attached.

“Thank you.” A grateful whisper were the last thing to leave her lips. “No please. Please don’t go. I’m sorry. Please.” I pleaded with her now lifeless corpse. Nothing.

The twin bond snapped, shattering what was left of my heart.

I officially had no one left.

Alexander’s POV

“Trust in your mate and your own heart.”

Circe’s words circled around and around in my head as my life was squeezed out of me. Burning away the air in my lungs and stopping my heart from beating.

“Trust in your mate and your own heart.”

My heart was charred. How was I meant to trust in it?

Falling into the darkness was hard, but as soon as my head went under the proverbial water everything became easy. No more pain, just endless peace.

Why was I here again? Something niggled at the back of my mind but I were lost in the tranquillity of nothingness.

“Trust in your mate and your own heart.”

My mate. Image after image of Aurora swam before me as if they were happening all over again. Her smile, her radiant skin glowing in both the moon light and the sun. Her kindness and pure heart showing in everything she does. The way her soft lips moulded to mine as we shared our first kiss, our first caress, the time we gave ourselves to each other and the way she claimed me as hers.

I couldn’t get enough. I wanted more.

“Trust in your mate and your own heart.”

Snapping out of my trip down memory lane, I knew what I had to do. I had to find her. Find her in the darkness and once again become paired.

One heart beating together.

I twisted in the darkness. Trying to find her light, that beacon guiding me home. But found nothing.

“Aurora.” I shouted. The nothingness swallowing my shouts. Panic set in. How was I meant to find her if I couldn’t see, couldn’t hear her or even feel her.

“Trust in your mate and your own heart.”

Trust my heart. That’s it. I had to let my heart guide me to her.

I didn’t know which direction to go, so just turned on the spot until I made up my mind. Moving in the nothingness was like swimming in honey. Hard and consuming. Everything about it made me want to give up, lose myself once again in the tranquillity, but I wouldn’t. I wont let her down. Not now, not ever.

I pushed forward with more vigour, my process was slow but I finally managed to move easier. The more I moved the more heat I could feel directly in front of me.

Aurora. She is the sun. The heat must be coming from her, welcoming me to her.

After what felt like forever my fingers finally touched something. I gripped it with everything in me and held it tightly pulling it more towards me and holding it too my chest in an iron grip.

“I’m here my love. Can you hear me.” I spoke in my mind trying frantically to connect with her. “Aurora, I can feel you there. Come back to me. Don’t leave me, you promised.” I reached out again sobbing at her silence.

Heat started to burn in my heart, quickly spreading throughout my body. The intensity swelled and flickered to life, bringing with it Aurora’s light.

I had found my way home.

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