Wolf Moon Ritual

Chapter 7

Alexander’s POV

I watched her as she ran, her long graceful legs were powerful and fluid in her stride. I could see the tension rippling off her as she shed its weight from her slight shoulders. I was in awe of her beauty and playfulness as she ran with Cole, a pearl of giggles leaving her throat. Her long pale blond hair glowed around her in a magically aura, her pink lips pouted and smiled wide. Her blue eyes wide in excitement at the prospect of being able to have this little slice of freedom, even if the freedom was on a tight leash. The pang of envy swarmed my heart and directed its existence towards Cole, I wanted to be the one to run with her and look upon her at a close distance, but he didn’t do anything but be nice to her. I had to be grateful for that.

I knew he would sense me running parallel with them from the mile distance I were away, but he never let her know that. Out of anyone my mother could ask to escort this amazing girl, I’m glad she chose him. He was my best friend and I trusted him, he was easy go lucky and would help her relax and enjoy her time out of that small attic room she was cooped up in all the time. Again, I longed for it to be me running with her but I knew I couldn’t. I needed to stay in my father’s good graces and so far, I had done everything that he wanted me to and more.

I was chaperoning envoys of supplies to other packs in our territory, taking change of a team running the perimeter every evening and doubling my alpha training. He wasn’t as annoyed with me now from bringing her home. It had been 3 weeks now and I know the engagement dinner was getting ever closer. I needed to get this plan underway and after speaking with her earlier this evening I asked my father for a meeting.

I prepared for this meeting for the last few weeks, myself and Cole had come up with the plan of gathering as much information from the journals and then try to get as much as we could out of her as possible. Trying to work out why her father wanted her so badly that he has been searching for her for years was still a complete mystery to us, but we tried not to focus on it too much. She wouldn’t tell Cole anything or my mother really but she opened up to me a little, enough to make it impossible to doubt who she really was.

I climbed the stairs to my father’s office taking calming deep breathes with each step, I needed to keep as cool as possible and not get emotional at all. Show him that I could do this and not be swayed by her and do my duty to the pack.

I rapped twice of the solid wooden door and waited for his permission to enter. When granted, I took one more deep inhale of air, lifted my chin with the authority of a leader, of an Alpha’s heir and opened the door. I walked to his desk and stood to attention, I didn’t speak out of turn or greet my mother who was sat in her usual spot by the window. “You asked for this meeting. I suggest you get to the point.” I nodded in respect to him, and quickly to my mother. “Yes alpha. I wanted to relay the information I was able to gain from the girl and immediately pass it on to you for your judgement.”

He raised his right eyebrow curiously but his eyes hardened. “When did you speak to her?” I cleared my throat, knowing he could reprimand me for talking to her against his orders. “I noted that the luna and Cole were not able to gain any information from her and thought she would be more open towards myself.” His dark eyes flashed gold, he was becoming angry. Not what I wanted. “That doesn’t answer when.” He said through gritted teeth that were now, by the sounds of it were sharpening.

“I spoke to her tonight, not half an hour ago.” I said calmly. “You went against my orders.” His anger flaring more, this wasn’t going well at all. “I did not see her as you ordered. I spoke to her from my own quarters window, she remained locked in the attic.” I took the risk and glanced briefly at him in his chair. “The attic is above my quarters.” I explained. His gruff response was better than him lashing out at me.

“And what did you learn?” He asked slightly calmer than before. “I have learned that she has a brother, a twin brother in fact. She knows we suspect who she really is and that we are waiting for her to confirm it. This she admitted to me.” He huffed. “So, she told you nothing.” I scrambled my brain for a reply. I thought this would help my cause and be able to see her and get more from her. “Well. There is one more thing.” I gulped. I really didn’t want to tell him this but I was failing to convince him, and could think of no other way.

“I don’t have all day boy.” He snapped. “Her wolf is completely pure white.” I reluctantly said while looking at the floor. This type of information could be dangerous for her. He could kill her, thinking she was a white witch.

My mother’s gasp was telling, she would no longer be able to protect her as she has been doing these last three weeks. “How do you know?” He asked surreptitiously, knowing he put them bands on her to prevent her from changing. I knew by holding that information to myself before I brought her here would reflect badly on me. “She told me.” I breezily lied. Silently praying to the moon goddess that he would believe me.

“George, this is huge.” My mother whispered as she came close behind him and rested a hand on his shoulder. My father’s hand slammed down on his desk. Something he did often when he wanted to control the situation. “This changes nothing.” He snapped at her. “It seems Leo was using forbidden magic from the old ones to gain more power through her death.” She gulped.

“We will discuss this later.” He fired back to silence his wife, clearly not wanting me included in the discussion. I was lost trying to understand when they meant. What forbidden magic? How could he use her for that? And with her death? My mind was racing with raising anger and thinking of ways to protect her. No, I reprimanded myself stay calm, I need to stay calm. “But we need to know what she knows George and quickly. He’s been searching for something for years, maybe it was her.” The puzzle pieces started to fit together. “Father, she is terrified we will send her back to him. Maybe this is why? We have to protect her.” I stated out of desperation failing to stay as calm as I wanted to.

He shot me a side long glance and sighed. “Fine, you can see her tomorrow morning. You will have 1 hour to get as much information out of her as you can. If you don’t get anything useful then she is no good to us.” That wasn’t going to be enough time. If she feels threatened, she won’t say anything to me, I panicked. “George.” My mother squeezed his shoulder again. “You know that won’t be enough time. She needs to trust us, if not us then Hunter at least. If she feels like were digging for information then she won’t willingly give it.” He sighed again, taking her speech into consideration.

“Your right.” He tenderly caressed her cheek. My father loved my mother very much and although he was a demanding and impatient alpha with a temper, he was fair. A true alpha.

“You have 1-week Hunter. I cannot afford for you to have any more time away than that. The engagement dinner is at the end of the month and you will do your duty.” I nodded, hiding my true feelings. “Yes alpha.” I was reeling at the news that the dinner would still proceed so soon after, but I didn’t have any other choice. I turned to leave, my mind filled with desolation.

“Oh, and Hunter.” I turned back to my father. “Sir.” I answered. “You will not mate her, your wolf may have claimed her but you will do no more. We can’t afford for you to ruin this union between the packs.” My mind spiralled further into despair. “Yes sir.” I left the office with the thought of that could have gone worse, and a lot better.

I was about to enter the kitchen when my name was called over my shoulder. I stopped in my tracks and turned towards my mother. “Yes luna.” I formally answered. “Luna? I’m not mom anymore.” She joked. “Sorry, I-” She hugged me close. “You did well in there, you stayed calm and formal. Showed you can take change and the initiative when others failed.” She smiled knowingly. “That’s why you put her in the attic wasn’t it?” I should have known. “Me, I would never conspire such things.” She mocked horror while holding a hand to her chest.

“Take her to the summer cabin. You will have privacy there and time to gain her trust, take Cole and Shay if you wish. But please for the love of the goddess do as your ordered. I know it’s going to be difficult for you to hold back but don’t push your father on this. He would send her back if he thought she were to become a threat and then she will be lost to you.” She tenderly cupped my cheek.

I left her in the kitchen and went to pack some things I guess we would have to leave early in the morning, to get there before lunch. I considered calling Cole, but surprisingly I didn’t need to, he was already at my door waiting for news. I greeted him with a fist bump and opened the door for us and closed it after we entered.

“So?” He eagerly asked. “It kinda worked.” I replied with a shrug. His raised eyebrows showed his confusion, an unspoken question in the action. “I got her out the attic and I’m able to spend time with her, but I had to tell him she was a white wolf.” I groaned. “That’s a good thing though. He knows and didn’t kill her. That’s a win, no?” He said sounding optimistic. “I’m taking her to the summer cabin, I’ve to get as much information out of her as I can. About everything, even things I don’t even know about. Something about Leo using forbidden magic.” He was as clueless as I were but whatever, here goes nothing right. “Spending time alone in that summer cabin with her.” He suggestively winked at me bumping my shoulder.

I continued to tell him what happened in my father’s office and what my other orders were. Cole’s face fell, his mouth hanging open like a gaping fish by time I finished. He blow out a exasperated whistle and rubbed the back of his neck. “Damn man, that’s gunna be hard, like unimaginably difficult. I can barely keep my hands to myself when I’m around Shay.” He admitted. I knew he couldn’t and knew from his experience how hard it is going to be for me. “Come with us, You and Shay. Help me.” The look in his face showed that he really didn’t want to do this, he didn’t want to come with and be chaperone between us, but relented with a groan. “You owe me for this.” I thanked him, before he left to go tell Shay and pack some stuff.

I opened my window and sat on the ledge as I did before and looked up towards her window. It was pitch black in her room and I could hear her soft snores as she slept. I didn’t want to wake her but I thought it best she had prior warning before we left in the morning. I threw tiny stones up at her window hoping to rouse her. After the third stone I didn’t think I’d ever get her to wake up.

“What do you want?” I heard her breath out, her voice thick with sleep. “I’m taking you to the summer cabin in the morning, thought you would wanna know.” She shifted in bed, the springs of the mattress groaning under her weight. “What?” I knew she wouldn’t understand but I had to make her willing to come with me, start the process of trust. “It’s for your protection, it’s secluded up there and we could see anyone coming for miles away.” I admitted.

Her yawn was cute, I thought back to her at the lake side when she was not wanting to wake up and how peaceful she looked. “When do we leave?” Good, she was going to come with me. “After breakfast. Cole and Shay are coming to.” Again, thinking it best she knew, so she could prepare herself. “Okay. I guess I’ll see you in the morning.” I could hear every bit of trepidation she felt, but this was the plan. I just needed to get her to trust me, but keep her at arm’s length. I groaned knowing it wasn’t going to be easy as that.

Before dawn I was up, excited for the trip and freedom from my father but knew all too well that he would want reports daily. I loaded up my car, making sure I packed enough food and some snacks for the journey. “Will this old piece of shit get us up the mountain?” Cole mocked as he flung his bag in the back seat.

“Better than that death trap of yours.” He looked offended I called his beloved Dodge Charger a death trap. “He has a point babe.” Our attention shot towards the front doors as Shay, sauntered out. Her fiery burnt orange hair was up messily on top of her head and swayed as she laughed. Her usual black skinny jeans hugged her trim physique well and white t-shirt finished her casual look. “As if.” Cole scoffed not happy she sided with me.

“Hey.” Rose shyly approached us on the front stoop. She held no one’s gaze and looked to the ground more often than at anyone. “Which car do you like better, Mustang or Charger?” Cole asked her as soon as she came through the door. “Am I meant to know what they are?” She answered. He sighed not giving up. “This piece of shit here.” He pointed at my car. “Or the red beast over there.” He gestured to his car with open arms as if worshiping it. Rose looked between the two cars a couple of times before replying. “Erm, the black one.” She said, me and Shay burst out laughing at Cole’s gobsmacked face, he was not impressed.

With a satisfied smirk, I pushed off the bonnet I’ve been leaning on and opened the passenger door for her. “Thank you.” She slid in and took a deep breath steading her nerves, I closed the door and went round to get in myself and the others piled in. It wasn’t a long drive up the mountain and conversation flowed all the way up, Rose relaxing a bit as she chatted to Shay. Our eyes met a couple times as I drove, but each time it were awkward and didn’t last long.

Her blond hair was down cascading in front of her shoulder and slightly covering her chest. Her modest outfit didn’t show off anything but I remembered every inch of what her body looked like naked from when she shifted. I shook my head, dispersing them thoughts, I had to stay in control. In my peripherals I saw her bite her lip and shyly push her hair behind her ear. Damn, I was in trouble, only now understanding how hard this is going to be.

Once parked in the garage, we all piled out grabbing bags as we went. “The view is beautiful.” Rose stated as she saw the view from the top of the mountain for the first time. “It is.” I stated dryly from behind her, but not meaning quite the same view as her. “Come inside.” I instructed. “Can’t I have a few more minutes?” I inhaled, not my brightest idea. Her scent engulfing my senses, but I had to remain in control. “No.”

Sadness crossed her face as she turned and walked passed me towards the cabin. “Harsh much?” Shay scoffed and followed Rose into the cabin. “Don’t worry man, I’ll tell Shay.” I shook my head. “Don’t. At least Rose will feel like someone is on her side when I have to push her away.” Cole’s humourless laugh filled the space between us. “This is gunna be shit isn’t it?” I nodded turning to pat him on the shoulder. “Only for me. Still enjoy your time with Shay while we’re here.”

I entered the house to Shay sending me daggers while Rose was looking at the rug as if it were interesting, it pulled on my heart strings but I couldn’t let it show. “Come. I’ll show you your room.” I continued walking, took the west hallway. I heard soft footsteps behind me and knew she were following me. At the end of the hall I opened the last door on the right. “This will be your room.” I gestured for her to enter and she did. She gasped at the beauty of the room, I let her have the front facing bedroom so she could see the view whenever she wanted.

“All the doors and windows are locked and alarmed.” I warned. “You are free to explore the cabin as you wish, the office is however off limits. You will know which room that is, because it will be the only locked room.” I tried to put as much malice in my voice as I could but don’t think it worked as well as I wanted it to. “There will be punishments if you break the rules.” I added as a threat and closed her bedroom hard with intent to intimidate her.

“Jeez, when did you turn into a dictator.” Shay once again reprimanded me as she leaned against the wall at the end of the hallway. “Shay, leave it.” Cole warned her. I ignored them both and went into my room which was across the hall from Rose. I threw my bag on the bed and followed it landing heavily and rubbed my hands over my face.

Starving I went in search of food, the guys were in the kitchen unpacking the groceries I had packed earlier. I rolled my eyes at them acting all ‘couply’ as they laughed together and had little inside jokes, their relationship was so easy and it was annoying.

They had come to realise they were mates bout 10 years ago, when puberty hit, but their patents made them wait until they were both 16 before allowing them to finally be together as a pairing. The same time as this realisation was the same time I had been told my mate was dead. I was devastated but not fully effected by it as I had never met her or claimed her as mine, but here she is very much alive. I wanted to be with her but knew I couldn’t be, not the way I wanted to be anyway.

“I’m gunna go hunt.” I said not wanting to be a third wheel to them. “I’ll come with.” Cole stated before kissing Shay and joining me by the door as I stripped out of my clothes only leaving myself in boxer shorts. “I’ll prep a stew for when you guys get back, don’t be long.” Shay said while gathering ingredients. I know Rose saw me half naked as she poke her head around the corner as I went to the door, I winked at her suggestively before I shut the door tight.

“So, wanna talk about it.” Cole asked breaking the silence. We had been running for about half hour now without a word. I growled at his question and pushed myself harder into the mountains. The freezing wind whipped my fur around as it blew around me, my panting breath coming out in tendrils of white clouds.

“No. Just wanna run and hunt. Let off some steam.” I huffed. “Bet I can get more rabbits than you.” He challenged. With a wolfish grin I pushed into him and ran full pelt back down the mountain to begin the hunt. In the end we had a fair stack of rabbits, which happens to be Shay’s favourite. We picked up our haul and trotted back to the cabin. We dropped them by the shed door and went back round front to shift back and dress before we skinned and gutted them.

We both shifted back and I could sense someone’s eyes on me. I turned towards the windows, to see a retreating glimpse of Rose. I knew she would have seen both of us in all our glory, but I knew her eyes would have only focused on me.

I left Cole to sort the meat and went to check on her, in part I wanted to see her and the other I wanted to tease her. It was fun to see her squirm in embarrassment before we left for the hunt.

I found her in her room reading while sat in the corner, so she was slightly hidden from view. “What ya doing?” I flung myself on the bed stomach down. “Reading.” She replied not wanting to look up in case I were still nude. I could tell she were nervous I felt it like a current running under my skin. “I see that. What’s it about?” Wanting her to talk to me. “It’s about a… a family.” I chuckled and she finally looked up. “You sure? You didn’t sound so sure.” I teased. “Yes.” Laughing again I pointed at the book. “You have a talent if you can read upside down.” Her focus went to the book in her hand, seeing I was indeed right she slammed the book down to her side.

“Stop laughing at me.” She seethed her cheeks turning a deep pink. “I think the sight of a true man, got you all flustered.” I took a whiff of the air and smirks. “Feeling lustful are we.” I teased again sliding off the bed and crawled towards her. “Stop that.” Holding her hand out stopping my progress. “Why?” My primal instincts now pulsing threw my veins, causing rational thinking to exit my brain.

“Because… Because I said… said so.” She stuttered as I playfully bit her outstretched finger, flicking the tip with my tongue. “I know you want me.” I continued forward, her hand now pressed against my chest. My lips centimetres away from hers. Her eyes widened, her breathing laboured. The sweet smell of honey washed over my face. With that filling my mind, I pressed my lips to hers.

My heart hammered as the kiss developed from a sweet chased kiss to one of pure need and want. My tongue begged for access, to which she granted me. Our tongues danced for dominance, both exploring and tasting each other. Both her hands now rested on my bare chest and sparks shocked me where she touched. I pulled her into me tightly, needing her as close as I could get her.

One second our lips locked the next I was pushed hard into the dresser. My back hit the wood with a thud, a groan leaving my mouth due to the impacted and a glass thingy from the top fell and shattered around me.

My eyes were wide, she had pushed me away, hard enough to get me at least 3 feet away from her. We both stared at each other, panting, fighting to regain our breath. Her hand was over her mouth, tips of her fingers lightly tracing the bow outline of her top lip. Her cheeks were flushed her heart racing as hard as mine. What have I done? “I’m sorry.” I regretted kissing her the way I did, but not for wanting her.

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