Wolf Moon Ritual

Chapter 6

Arora’s POV

The weeks passed and the only person I saw was Ruby, she regularly brought me food and drinks. Chatted merrily about the pack and some details about herself. It was hard not to smile with her, she was just the type of person that could get anyone to laugh, but my smile always quickly faded as she was still someone that kept me hostage here.

All-be-it there are much, much worse places to be held in, I should know. But I longed to run, to stretch my legs and feel the breeze on my cheeks as I went. To see the brilliance of the moon on my skin, and bathe in its invigorating power and calmness. I was starting to feel claustrophobic in here, there were nothing to do but read or sleep. I couldn’t even watch the comings and goings of the people that lived here as the window was too high up and stained glass. The moon design was beautiful and intricate but it was nothing compared to the real thing.

“Ruby?” I said her name as she cleaned up the dishes from lunch and took hold of the laundry basket. “Yes dear.” She beamed at me. “Would it be possible to see the moon, maybe go for a little run.” I begged with my eyes. As a wolf herself she would understand my asking, but letting me do it was another thing altogether. “I’ll see what I can do.” She said as she exited the room and locked the door behind her. That was a positive response, right?

A few hours later heavy footsteps bounded up the stairs, the lock turned and the old alpha barrelled into the room. He took in my stretching stance and eyed me surreptitiously. “I hear you want to run?” He twisted my words to sound as if I were escaping. Well that was the greater plan but not right now, I needed to scope out my surroundings first. “For a run, sir.” I looked at the floor as I corrected him.

He scoffed at me. “You won’t be able to run in wolf form, I trust you understand why?” I nodded, not that I would be a challenge to anyone, I were too inept in my wolf form, but he didn’t need to know that. “Come here.” He demanded, pointing to the floor in front of him. I hesitantly approached him but kept a wary eye out for any move to hit me. “Hold out your wrists.” Again, I followed his instruction and lifted my arms. He snapped two silver bands on my wrists, they wrapped tightly around them. I winced at the sudden pinch of them but didn’t say a word and retracted my arms from his personal space.

“Follow me.” I cleared my throat and he narrowed his eyes at me when he turned back. “May I put footwear on?” I asked. He looked puzzled at my question but nodded anyway. I quickly ran into the closet and put on the second-hand running shoes that were kindly given to me by Ruby and met him back in the main room in minutes.

He led me through the house to the back door, that looked out over the same lake and mountain range I saw before coming here from his car window. It seemed such a long time ago that it baffled me. “This is Cole. He is the beta in training for this pack and has agreed to take you for that run you requested. You have 30 minutes. I suggest you get going.” He turned quickly and left me with a stranger. Beta in training though, must be trust worthy right?

Cole were a tall lean guy, with tightly wound muscles that were visible from under his navy blue work out vest and black shorts. His dark hair was cut short, his eyes a bight piercing blue. The look of pure ice, but his demeanour is warm and energetic. “After you.” This guy, Cole gestured to the forest. Not wanting to miss any opportunity I jogged passed him, thankful that I stretched beforehand and worked out my aching muscles. “Come on princess, you can do better than that.” He teased before taking off with long strides. The challenge thrilled me, even though I couldn’t let my wolf free, we both would enjoy the fresh air and exercise.

I picked up my pace, catching him slightly but knew he wasn’t going at full speed. If he were, I doubt I would be able to keep up with not being able to keep my fitness up while trapped in the attic. I rolled my eyes at sounding like a damn fairy tale damsel. Only now understanding his stupid nickname.

In a huff of annoyance, I sped past him. “Keep up.” I shouted as I pushed myself as fast as I could. It didn’t take much for him to match me but I liked his easy-going personality and appreciated his calmness. I know my nerves would have been clear to him, but he didn’t say anything, and we continued in silence as we ran at this punishing pace.

“Up ahead is the lake. We will stop there to rest before going back.” He instructed. Sure, enough the lake came into view and the evening sun danced over the water’s surface with dazzling brightness. I slowed my pace to a jog and then again to a slow walk as I neared the water’s edge, it was just as pretty as the last time I saw it.

I took several deep breaths while holding my knees, feeling my heart pound in my chest. “If you stand tall and put your hands behind your head, you will oxygenate your body much faster than that position.” He pointed at me hunched over. Curiously I stood and put my hands to the back of my head and inhaled, I was pleasantly surprised that he was right, as lungsful after lungful of air expanded my chest. “Told ya.” He laughed at my surprise, causing me to look in his direction and scowl at his mocking tone.

I rolled my eyes at him, before sitting down and watching the water lap at the banking. He plonked down near me but not next to me and eyed me curiously. I looked at him from the corner of my eye but didn’t say anything, just watched him, getting uncomfortable with his shameless staring. He wouldn’t hurt me, right? I silently questioned his integrity again in my head.

“So, what do I call you?” He broke the silence finally. “Ruby calls me Rose, you can do the same.” I said but kept guarded. He shrugged. “Okay, Rose it is.” He outstretched his left leg out towards me and leaned back, his arms supporting his lounging position. “Where you from?” Seems we have entered the question position of my free time. “I’m not going to answer your questions so you might as well not ask.” I snapped.

He shrugged again. “Fine seeing as you don’t want to talk let gets back. Was going to let you see the moon raise but never mind.” Shock and desperation shot through me. “No wait. I’d like to see the moon very much. Please let me see the moon.” I wasn’t sure if he would let me anymore but I had to try. He raised his eyebrow, judging my reaction. I probable gave to much away with my tone but I couldn’t help it. It’s what I’ve wanted for weeks now. “Answer one question truthfully and I will.” I bit my lower lip. I didn’t know what to do for the best. He could ask me anything, did I want to risk it?

“Fine, lets head back.” I stood and smacked the dirt from my shorts. He shrugged again and jumper to his feet, before starting back to the trail we came from. I spotted the trail on the opposite side of the clearing heading further away from my captivity and stared at it longingly. I heard Cole stop and turn to watch me, judging if I were about to run or not. It was hard to smile genuinely with the thought of returning to imprisonment but it had to be done, I needed more time to plan my escape.

I reluctantly walked back towards Cole as the breeze blow past him and ruffle past his vest top. That scent. I know that scent, he was here, my heart skipped a beat. He was watching me for afar, I looked in the trees over Cole’s shoulder. My eyes searching for the mysterious guy that brought me here, or his wolf’s. “You won’t find him.” Cole’s words draw my attention back to him, he knew he were there, was that why he was questioning me? To get him information about me.

“Why can’t I see him?” I asked still searching the trees. The darkness had taken over the forest’s depth but I had enhanced vision, yet I still couldn’t find him. “Because you can’t.” Was his vague reply, the same answer I get from Ruby. “But that doesn’t answer anything? I don’t understand why I’m even here, why I’m still alive?” My voice high with frustration. “You’re here and alive because it would kill him if you were to die.” Cole’s honesty flabbergasted me, and frustrated me more all at the same time. “But I have to see him marry someone else, to be a fuck piece whenever he wants. What’s fair in that?”

I stormed passed his shoving his shoulder hard as I did. He never replied to my last comment and I gave up wanting to talk to him anymore. His calmness now angering me, as well as my ‘mates’ hidden presence. I ran as fast as I could all the way back wanting to be alone in that stupid room as fast as possible and away from everyone.

I didn’t stop as I got to the kitchen door, just slowed my pace and walked briskly up to my room, where the guard followed me up the stairs to the attic. I slammed the bedroom door shut like a teenager having a temper tantrum and threw myself onto the bed and fumed while fiddling with the silver bracelets trying to get them off, but they wouldn’t budge. “You’re not the only one trapped, ya know.” A familiar voice said, but I didn’t know where from.

I sat up quickly and looked around to every corner of the room, but finding no one. “Yea well, this is your fault.” I decided to reply anyway not speaking in any general direction. “I know.” He answered. “Doesn’t mean we can’t talk though.” I rubbed over my face with both hands, it was better than silence I thought. “What if I don’t want to talk?” He chuckled. “Then don’t.”

I stayed silent and so did he, but so many questions swam around in my head. “Where are you?” He chuckled again. “Below you.” He teased. I looked at the floor not understanding. “The floor below you. My bedroom is underneath yours.” Oh, that made more sense. I wondered if that’s why I felt content at night, subconsciously knowing he was close to me.

“Why can’t I see you?” I asked the same question I’ve asked several times before but this time to the source but now knowing that he would have heard me ask it before. “It’s just not possible with the current situation of the pack.” Finally, a different answer, although it wasn’t really a proper answer still vague in so many ways. “What situation?” I pushed. He huffed out a sigh. “The Crystal situation.” I’ve heard that name before, but where? I racked my brain.

As realisation hit me, in his father’s office the day I arrived here. That’s the girl he’s going to marry. “Who’s Crystal?” I wanted to see if he would answer me. “Where are you from?” He retorted, changing the subject. “Everyone that asks me that seems to already know, they just want me to confirm it.” I fiddled with the zipper of my jacket. “So, confirm it.” He answered. “Why are you pushing me to confirm it? What’s in it for you?”

He stayed silent again and I was the one to change the subject this time. “What’s your name?” I could hear his amusement in the way he breathed out a laugh. “What’s so funny?” I snapped. “You’re asking my name but won’t tell anyone yours.” I rolled my eyes again. Fine, I was a hypocrite.

“Alexander. My name is Alexander.” I smiled to myself. “Thank you.” I replied appreciatively. “Your welcome.” Ernest in his voice. I bit my lip really wanting to repay him with my name, but fear stopped me. I could never tell him, what if he turned me over to my father? As time ticked on, a seed of doubt niggled at my brain. “I thought your name was Hunter?” I blurted before I could stop myself. “That’s my last name, it just kinda stuck.” I nodded, liking Alexander better than Hunter.

“Your mother calls me Rose, it’s a beautiful name.” I answered. “Yea, my mom wanted a girl but instead got two boys. He laughed, and I chuckled along with him. “Must have been tough for her. He laughed again. “Nah, she was fine with it. She had to be.” I guess that was true.

“I have a brother, it’s been a long time since I’ve seen him.” I didn’t know if that were too much information but oh well, too late now. “Younger or older? Mines younger and he’s so annoying.” He answered in true older sibling style. “Neither.” I said. “Well I suppose older but only by two minutes.” I corrected. I knew this time that I had given too much information away and sighed, continuing my nervous fiddling.

Alexander? His answering hmm, told me he was listening. “I know you know who I am, as does everyone else around here. But please could you stop them from ever telling my father where I am. I can’t go back there.His silence wasn’t very reassuring, and instilled bitter disappointment in my heart.

“I’ll try my best. You should get some sleep. Goodnight… Rose. I could tell he wanted to call me by my actual name but chose not to. “Goodnight Alexander, Sweet dreams.” I don’t know why I said that but it was something my mother always said to me before I went to sleep.

I slowly got off the bed and walked into the bathroom to prepare for bed. I brushed my teeth methodically, while staring at myself in the mirror. My eyes were a little bit of a brighter blue than normal, I wondered why they had changed colour but it was pretty and I didn’t particularly mind the alteration. Finishing with washing my face and towel drying it off, I stripped out of my running gear and dressed in comfy pyjama bottoms and the long-sleeved shirt that Alexander gave me the day he brought me here. His scent still lingered faintly within the cotton strands, I snuggled into it pulling the blankets up over my shoulder cocooning me with his presence. I smiled and closed my eyes, relaxing into a dreamless sleep.

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