Wolf Moon Ritual

Chapter 23


Alexander’s POV

I were out for a run with Finn and Cole when searing pain shot through my body. My wolf yelped and screeched from the pain as it continued to scatter over my body, tearing at the flesh it landed on. I didn’t understand what was happening to me as I writhed around on the ground as blow after blow exploded over me and consumed my mind. I could vaguely hear both Cole and Finn shouting at each other to make it stop or wondering how or what was happening to me. Only agreeing to call for my parents and the pack doctor to come to our location as quickly as possible.

After what felt like hours I laid still but panting for breath on the ground, I didn’t want to chance moving in case the searing pain returned. I could hear several pounding footsteps coming our way but still didn’t move at the approach of others.

“Step back please let me work.” Tia spoke firmly to my running companions. “Hunter. It’s me Tia. Do you think you could shift for me?” I gritted my teeth and shut my eyes tightly as I tried to access the magic within me that will allow me to shift, finding it was hard to block out the consuming pain. A howl released as my bones started to move and shift before ending in an agonised groan as my voice returned.

The crowd released a collective disbelieving gasp as my body shivered and panted on the floor beneath them. “What happened?” My father shouted seizing both Finn and Cole in his hands and shook them.

“I… We...” Finn started but were unable to finish but Cole did. “We don’t know.”

“What do you mean you don’t know.” My father once again roared. “Aurora.” I replied in a garbled whisper. Everyone’s attention returned to me. “What about Aurora?” My mother asked in a tone similar to mine. I didn’t get to finish my thought as the world when black.

Emery’s POV

I stared down at the franticly placed deep lacerations that covered Alex’s back, even the one that crossed over his left cheek. I knew instantly that this was a result of the alpha and luna mate bond, he and Aurora shared. Knowing that she was receiving this punishment twisted my heart painfully, she didn’t deserve any of this.

I watched Tia, the Hunter pack doctor pulling herbs and spirits out of her medical bag. She started to grind the herbs together, adding the spirits sparingly and created a medicated paste. Tentatively she poured the thick mixture into each of the deepest wounds and then layered an ointment over the edges of the shredded skin and covered his entire back and cheek in a padded dressing before securing it in place.

Tears spilled from Ruby’s eyes as she asked George why this has happened. He met my gaze and linked with me, but instead of asking his wife’s question he asked one of his own. “Is this a result of what is happening to Aurora?” I nodded in confirmation rather than vocalising it. His lips set into a thin pursed line, his body stiffening while clutching Ruby closer to him in comfort.

There was one thing that I needed to work out though. It has been days since Alex has been able to connect with her, why now? It didn’t make any sense. Yes the ascension to alpha and luna would heighten the bond, but even with that he was unable to connect with her as far as I’m aware.

That got me thinking. I wondered if Leo has a spell cast on his territory that would block any such links from being made. Quickly dismissing the thought because he wasn’t powerful enough to sustain a spell like that. So who was? The only answer being a witch of Circe and Latina’s calibre, but they were both long since dead.

Aurora’s POV

I basked in the moons warming rays as the river ran its never ending course over the bedrock of the river, each lap onto the bank caused a small bubble. The wind whirled through the trees softly and over my skin in a soothing and calm caress.

Here there were no pain.

No suffering.

It was bliss.

Large familiar hands wrapped around my waist as they buried their head in my hair and inhaled deeply. “I thought I’d lost you.” His voice nothing but a whisper in my ear, not wanting to disturb the moment that has brought us together after days apart.

“There is no where I could go, where you wouldn’t be able to find me.” I hummed back as he placed kisses along the column of my neck, and pulled me closer to his chest. I could feel his erratic heart beat against my naked flesh.

“I’m coming for you. Please just stay strong for me. Don’t leave me.” He all but sobbed. I turned in his arms and placed a gentle kiss to his lips before pulling back and looking him in the eye. “I will and I will never leave you.”

Pearls of dark laughter filled our peaceful surroundings. I gasped knowing who was here. I looked around trying to find her but couldn’t. Alex matched my actions protectively putting himself in front of me and preparing to fight this unknown enemy.

Her black frame blurred into existence at the edge of the tree line. The only other feature that you could see were her pale white mouth and black lips moving as she laughed but disappeared seconds later, only to again blur into being but this time with half the distance between us gone. “How sweet. But you won’t be able to save her.” The dark shadow hissed.

Alex stepped forward and I held him back, before stepping to the side of him and stood proudly. “You know nothing.” I shouted back towards her. Angry that she was here. “Oh, but I do.” She chuckled. “You will lead me to everything that I deserve but was denied.”

“Who are you?” Alex asked angrily. “You don’t need to know boy.” She snapped back at him before disappearing again. “Who is she?” He asked me after a few moments of waiting for her to reappear but she did not.

“Latina. A powerful witch. She is the one that has kept us apart.” I cupped his face in my hand reassuring him that I was here now, and whatever we were to face we would do it together.

“Say goodbye.” Latina hissed as she threw her arms around me and pulled me away from Alex. I saw him growl and prepare to pounce as the dream like world receded and I was brought back to the harsh reality of unbearable pain.

Alexander’s POV

I awoke with a roar escaping my lips. “Alex? What’s wrong? Are you in pain? Do I need to get the doctor?” Finn bombarded me with questions as I lay panting with rage on my bed, trying to gain some control over myself.

“Alex?” He tried again. His tone full of concern. “I’m fine Finn.” I choked out. “Okay, but why are you so angry?” I worked to regain my composure, sorting the information that I had just learnt. “I finally connected with Aurora –”

“That’s great, is she okay? Does she know where coming for her?” Finn eagerly interrupted me. “As I were saying. I finally connected with Aurora only to have her ripped away from me.” His excitement quickly turned to anger and was now on the same page as me, my anger reflected in his own eyes. “Who could do that? The mate bond is too strong.” I shook my head gingerly sitting up, trying to avoid opening any of my wounds.

“A powerful witch. Latina, Circe’s daughter to be precise.” He looked at me confused, but a shocked gasp from the doorway pulled my attention away from my brother and to the new member of our conversation.

“Latina? How could that be? That doesn’t make any sense.” Emery said before searching his mind for the answer. His eyes opening exceptionally wide alerted me to the fact he had found his answer.

“Emery, what do you know?” I asked walking towards him and seizing his arm in a tight grip. His eyes turned upwards from the floor to meet mine before focusing on me. “It means that she is taking refuge within Aurora and will seek to take over her body and highjack the ritual for her own gain.”

Finn’s POV

“I don’t understand?” I stated approaching both Alex and alpha Emery. “How could she take over her body?” Emery just shook his head in disbelief. “I need to call my sister. We need the mirror?” With that he left the room. I turned to Alex who were just as confused as me. “Alex what did he mean, take over Aurora’s body?” The pain in Alex’s eyes intensified, he was losing himself. If we had any chance of getting her back we needed him here, not lost.

I gripped hold of the back of his neck and pulled his head towards mine and looked him square in the eye. “Alex. Listen to me. We will not lose her. We will get her back.” I confirmed in short, clipped sentences. He only nodded but I could see he were struggling to accept my words, drowning in doubt.

I shook him harshly. “Did you hear me? We will get her back.” Alex’s eyes focused on mine and he nodded with more conviction now and I saw the determination in his eyes. “Now get dressed. We need to tell the others.” I ordered.

I went to leave the room but Alex pulled me into an embrace. “Thank you.” I gingerly patted his back in appreciation, before leaving the room.

Oryan’s POV

“Aurora. Aurora, wake up.” I gently encouraged. We had been strapped to these crosses all night and she still hadn’t woke up from her thrashing.

I’d stayed awake all night in contemplation, no closer to deciding what I were going to do. I just watched her sleep, keeping watch, not that I could have done anything if anyone decided to come this way. She looked so peaceful, and despite the cut along her left cheek she were a beauty, just like mother.

I did miss our mother terribly, as a child I wasn’t allowed to spend too much time with her, father didn’t want me to become soft he used to fume. Although I got more time with her than Aurora did. After she got locked away in that god awful dungeon, our world turned up side down. I were then thrown into training and learning what the ritual was all about. I spend many days in tears after my father told me that my twin sister would soon be dead, and then beat me for crying.

At a young age I was taught to show no emotion. It was a weakness and the weak never prevailed. I were hardened to the world and told to be strong, the night of the ritual I resolved to be everything my father wanted me to be and keep all the emotions locked away but I couldn’t. With every tear that were shed, every minute that passed and boom of thunder above me I wanted to save her, my other half so to speak.

After the fight that broke out and the chaos that ensued I lost sight of Aurora and then she were gone.

She left me.

The after math of the failed attempt only got worse for every member of the pack, in every unimaginable way possible. The small family that I once had were no more.

My mother along with every other female were banished to the small out building that the dungeon sat upon. The children ripped from their families and thrown into brutal training regimes and me.

I were subjected to a cruel and torturous upbringing by a man that didn’t know how to love, how to be a father or be anything other than merciless and filled with greed.

Heather’s POV

After receiving a call from Emery I scrambled around to get the mirror safely transported to the Hunter pack. I contemplated its transport carefully.

I had gotten word that my territory were being watched by the Mercury pack at the order of alpha Rex, but I knew who the real order was given by.


Although Rex was given command and title as alpha he would in every way bow to every whim of his older brother, knowing his fate if he disobeyed.

Having been forewarned I assembled two teams. The first team would travel by car, the crate being loaded into the trunk for safe keeping. The second by foot, strapping the mirror to one of their backs and the other to protect them and the mirror. The two teams would both leave at midnight, under the cover of darkness, I even went as far as planning this with my beta on the terrace knowing it would be over heard. Nothing like a good misdirect to fool your enemies.

The same afternoon I had consulted the mirror. Knowing I wouldn’t be answered as I didn’t have the power to summon Circe’s herself but I knew she would hear me and if she so chose, she would come to me.

No such luck.

The teams departed at midnight on the dot, taking two different routes. With my heightened senses I could tell that the spies that were in the woods left, separating into two groups, and following at a safe distance. Hoping to be able to intercept the mirror for their own gain.

Reluctantly I retired to bed, hoping that my plan would succeed.

“Heather.” My name being spoken awoke me. I knew exactly who it would be, I got out of bed and walked the short distance into my closet where the mirror had been moved to, to keep up appearances. “Circe?” I questioned. Only now noting the grey scaled tinge to the world around me.

“You must not interfere with the ritual.” She stated as her form came into view. She was an undeniably beautiful woman, but her eyes were haunting. Pitch black holes of unknown depths. “What do you mean? Emery needs your help with Latina.” I asked incredulously.

“The ritual must not be interrupted. It is imperative that the timeline plays out like it is meant to.” She hissed. I nodded in understanding although I didn’t want to disappoint my brother.

“I can feel your reluctance, but you must heed my words.” She encouraged. I know my reluctance deepened and showed clearly on my face. Circe did not say anything further, only raised her hand towards me and uncurled her fingers out towards me. An invitation to see for myself what were to come.

My brother had told me that she did this on occasion, but the consequences of seeing the future would be taken from my body and mind, putting me into a deep sleep for the next 24 hours.

I ran through the pro’s and con’s of doing this. My pack would be in uproar at my state, but Kain knew this could happen and hopefully would keep the peace until I awoke.

Placing my hand in hers. Circe’s grip tightened and cold flooded my veins dropping me to my knees as the first onslaught of images flashed in front of me, and a subsequent gasp left my lips at the devastation before me.

Latina’s POV

A scream left my lips as another barrel of freezing cold water from the lake were dumped over my body. “Rise and shine princess.” A few of Leo’s men laughed as they dropped the heavy barrel to the floor. I could hear Oryan shouting at them to leave Aurora alone but I knew they wouldn’t.

Their ridicule and derogatory remarks only increased as the pulled at the tattered remains of her dress relieving her of what remained. Nudity wasn’t something that bad to wolves but in front of these wolves, while bound and helpless was terrifying her. They could do anything to her and I wasn’t having any of it, they would not damage the vessel I were to consume and soon inhabit. Panic and fear ran unbridled through her and I could feel her anxiety about not being able to do anything to defend herself as they all came closer, touching her, grabbing at her ass and breasts.

I took control as they hauled her body up into an awkward standing position, I could now feel everything as if it were my own. My wrists and shoulders twisting into unnatural positions.

“Do you think you could take me little boys?” I confidently voiced my question. In this moment both myself and Aurora knew I had stepped forward and taken control. Hearing my tone Oryan stopped thrashing and stared into my eyes, I smirked at him and blew him a mischievous kiss.

“Were going to take everything from you. One after the other until your begging for us to stop.” One of the men slapped my ass cheek hard. “But we won’t.” He threatened as he slapped me again. I revelled in the stinging sensation. It has been years since I had felt anything.

As the boys argued about who would go first I felt heat pool in my hands. The temperature raising rapidly until the metal warped and the silver started dripping from my wrists. The wooden cross scorched and burst into flames. It burned brightly before collapsing to the ground in charred remains.

I stood to my full height and stretched out my arms, rolled my shoulders and head working out the kinks from the awful position I had been left in for so long. The wounds on my body although excruciating started to heal up. The shredded edges knitting back together and disappearing as if they never happened.

I turned towards the men, not one of them moved from where they were stood. All gawking in amazement and astonishment at what I had just done. “So who’s first?” I asked with a sickly sweet smile plastered on my lips.

I rolled my eyes as all three fell over themselves to get away from me. Scurrying away from me like scared little bunnies. Such a shame I chuckled and turned towards her brother.

“Do you want to be free little boy?” I asked. Oryan nodded sceptically. “Good. I will free you and you will steal the knife for me.” The boy frowned at me as if I had just asked for him to give me the world. “What is the problem?” I asked exasperated.

“The knife is on his person at all times -”

Irritated I interrupted. “And?” I drawled. He shook his head. “You don’t understand. He has used magic to imprint it as a tattoo onto his body. I can’t steal it.”

I gritted my teeth, fuming at this revelation. Leo was always a cunning son of a bitch. It seems this wont be as easy as I thought, I will have to wait until the ceremony to unleash my plan.

No matter, I would still be able to have some fun in the meantime. I walked to the back of Oryan and dropped to my knees behind him, leaning my body into his and pushing him forward before placing my hands over the locks, burning them to warp them just as I did to mine so he could slip his hands out of them.

“I think we should have some fun.” I whispered into his ear as I extended my tongue and licked at his lobe.

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