Wolf Moon Ritual

Chapter 22

A/N - Apologies to those who read this chapter before it was edited. I didn’t realise that I had published it.


Aurora’s POV

It has been hours and still Oryan refused to speak to me, let alone acknowledge I was in the same position as him. Well, not exactly the same. Unlike me he wasn’t chained and bound to the wall, but he were in some ways worse. Nursing that nasty looking wound on his stomach, but I could tell it was sealed and no longer bleeding like it were. But no where near healed like it would have been if he had the opportunity to regain his energy.

Thirst was the next issue I were dealing with, but I were no stranger to dehydration. It had been a long time since my body were cruelly – physically and mentally – abused by my father. Held in a constant state of crippling fear and withering away to a shell of a human being and robbed of its basic needs. It were only a few months ago that I had a refresher on the excruciating feeling of dehydration, although it did not make my situation any better, but at least I had a reminder of how to control the cravings.

My thoughts inevitably turned to the ritual as a way of distracting myself, but it was in truth an unavoidable subject to think about. I could feel it deep down in my gut that this time would be a lot different than before, and undeniably not in a good way for me. The main gut wrenching difference being that I wouldn’t have my mother to support me or Sheila to help me escape from my monstrous father.

My heart squeezed at the thought of my mother, I longed to have her back with me and I miss her dearly every day. “Do you miss her?” I rasped into the darkness. My tongue feeling like sandpaper as it moved in my mouth to form the words. As expected a long silence followed my question, but I felt the anger rippling off my brothers still form. “Do not speak to me of her!” He snapped while looking over his shoulder at me with contempt. Not caring that he were angry at me, I pushed on. “I miss her so much. I think about her every day.”

“You don’t deserve to miss my mother. Because of you she is dead.” His words were a knife plunged deep into my heart. Stunning me into a shocked silence. Did he really think that? No. He couldn’t. I wasn’t the one that killed her. Father was. I knew that for a fact.

“Oryan, you can’t really believe that? I wasn’t the –” He were in front of me in an instant, gripping my cheeks between his thumb and fingers painfully and glaring maliciously into my eyes. “She died because of you make no mistake of that, you should have died that night. It was you who stayed away. It was you that caused her death, she would still be here if you were dead. Her blood is on your hands.” Once again being stunned into silence, tears instantly springing from my eyes as he drove the figurative knife deeper into my heart and twisted it. He smirked at my reaction knowing exactly what he is doing to me, and enjoying every minute of it.

“He is trying to break you. Don’t let him.”

My whispering protector spoke to me again, snapping me out of my stupor. My heart spluttered and skipped, and felt as if it swelled. Enlarging as strength gathered within it. What was that? I asked myself knowing that I wouldn’t get an answer. Heat instantly burned under my flesh, and I could see it in his eyes that Oryan felt it too. The heat burning brighter as my anger raged. “I. Did. Not. Kill. Her.” I screamed with as much conviction as I could muster. The heat ignited into an inferno, heating the metal shackles around my wrists causing them to burn my own wrists, but I didn’t care. Oryan, however let go of my face and shook out his hand as if trying to put out the flames I set him alight with and cursed loudly at the sudden pain of his fingertips.

Minutes passed before he had his discomfort under control and turned to me with surprise clear on his face. “How can you still have such power? Your bound in silver.”

A bell like chuckle came from my lips, but amusement were something far from what I were feeling right now. “You forget boy. I’ve always been more powerful than you.” Another chuckle escaped me, leaving me startled.

Finally I realised, they weren’t my words and I wasn’t the one to speak them.

Oryan’s POV

I’d heard that tone coming from her once before, but something felt off. Deep in my gut I just knew that, that wasn’t my sister. Even with not knowing her as a person or being in any way apart of her life. I just knew that wasn’t her.

“Who are you?” I asked sceptical of any deceit that this other persona might reply with. Another chuckle left her, sending the hairs on my spine to stand erect. “You don’t need to know little boy.”

My next question were on the tip on my tongue about to escape but the basement door slamming open distracted me. Peter leisurely walked down the stairs and over to me. Standing toe to toe with me and looking into my eyes with a wicked glint in them.

Before I even had time to react he punched me hard in the gut, directly over my healing wound. All the air left me in a grunt as I hunched over bracing my hands on my knees trying to regain my breath in deep pants. Not being able to eat or even drink now showing that it has clearly taken a toll on my body and slowed my healing.

Peter snapped a pair of shackles onto my wrists and started to drag me out into the harsh light of day, not stopping until he dropped me to the ground in a pile of twisted limps. The wet mud under my face, indicated that he had taken me out onto the lawn near the fighting pits. This part of the property were well walked over, so no life could ever sprout.

Slowly I got to my hands and knees, then pushed myself up to a knelt position and squared my shoulders. Staring pointedly towards where I knew my father would be sat.

“Ah, my dear boy.” He cooed as if he were pleased to see me, but I knew he didn’t give a shit. I remained silent just waiting for what’s to come, already knowing I won’t like it. When he never said anything further, tension started to build around the field. Footsteps approached from the direction in which I were brought but I didn’t look back, just kept my gaze on my father and my guard up.

Aurora’s beaten body were thrown at my knees. I chanced a glance down and saw her once flawless porcelain face were now purple and blooded. I kept my face expressionless, not wanting to show I cared for her. Fuck, did I care? I swallowed the feeling and looked back up into my father’s amused eyes, as if he just read my mind and found the information that he wanted.

“You will now receive her punishment. Fifty lashes was it?” My father gleamed with joy. “Unless.” He let the word linger between us, goading me to ask. Not being able to take anymore suspense I broke. “Unless?” I questioned. “Unless. You can get her to willingly give up her power to me?” I scoffed. “And how might I do that? She won’t let anyone near her without burning them. She trusts no one here.”

My father smiled cruelly. “Yes, she does. She trusts you.” I were stunned. Me? She didn’t trust me. She hated me just as much as him, and especially after accusing her of killing our mother earlier, and twisting the proverbial knife.

Peter lifted her body from the floor and took her behind me. I heard shackles being attached and her groans as she slowly regained consciousness. Peter returned to me and I knew what was going to happen next. Not wanting to show any fear, I rose and made my own way to the wooden cross facing hers and knelt in front of it. Extending my arms out to the sides at shoulder height and allowed Peter to remove one set of shackles, only to be replaced with another, attaching me to the solid wood, just like her.

Freezing water was dumped entirely over her, shocking her back to reality with a gasp. Aurora opened her eyes and saw how we were positioned and pure terror were written all over her face before her eyes misted over. That’s when I knew she was reliving a memory of being subjected to this punishment as a small child. Only this time she wouldn’t feel any pain, except from her heart breaking.

Alexander’s POV

Thinking back to yesterday I were still stunned. My father was still in his prime, him stepping down so soon was not only shocking but completely unexpected. Laying in our bed, I cuddled into Aurora’s pillow as if I were a child seeking comfort. In truth it was the only thing at the moment that could bring me any solace as it still smelled of her, my thoughts turning back to yesterday’s events.

Alpha? I’m the new Alpha? I didn’t quite understand what was happening and needed it clarifying. “What?” The stunned reply escaped me as my mind fought to understand.

My father smiled at me. “Come here son?” He extended his hand towards me, I slowly rose and walked to his side, putting my hand in his and my mother covered mine while smiling proudly at me.

“I George Hunter, formally step down from my position as leader of the Hunter pack and hand my position to my son Alexander Hunter. Will you pledge your loyalty to the members of this pack, to protect and guide them until you see fit to step down?” I had no words, my mind still hadn’t grasped the situation. “Alex, do you accept?” I nodded. “Yes, I accept. I pledge my loyalty and will do everything in my power to protect and guide my pack.” I answered his questions.

Expecting my father to let go of my hand I released his hand but his grip and my mother’s only tightened around mine. My hand started to tingle with the pressure, I frowned at him but he only held a knowing smile for me. The tingling didn’t stop though, only intensified and ran rampant up my arm and spread over my entire form. Strength of the alpha started to gather within my muscles, causing me to fill out more, not by much but I could feel my shirt begin to get taught and my height increased by inches. At its peak the power exploded inside my heart, causing it to stammer and stutter. Minutes passed and the feeling started to wane, my father and mother eventually exhaled and then together let go of my hand leaving me dumbfounded. What was that?

“It is done. Congratulations my son. You will lead this pack to greatness of that I am sure.” Cheers erupted around me and hands clapped me on the back followed quickly by more words of congratulations. My mother hugged me tightly saying how delighted she were of me and proud of the man I have become and the mate I had found. I kissed her cheek in acknowledgment, but saddened that my mate wasn’t here for this. Finn too wore a face of pride at my ascension to alpha, but he too were disheartened that Aurora wasn’t here too. They had formed a strong bond that day at the lake, one that won’t be easily forgotten, if ever.

“We’re gunna make one hell of a team Hunter.” Cole’s elation reached me and I turned to see his smile beaming at me. Still a little overwhelmed I nodded and offered him my own small smile. “Yeah, well you better hurry up and join me on the top step then.” I teased him. “I’m already there. Glad you could make it.” He teased me right back pulling me into a bro-hug. “My father handed me the batten just before you came in.” I shook his hand and patted his back in congratulations. We we’re indeed going to make a good team.

Knocking at my door pulled me from thoughts of yesterday with a sigh. I reluctantly left the comfort of her pillow to answer the door, dragging my exhausted body out of bed and from yet another night of barely any sleep as my mind continued to think over everything. Finn stood in my doorway and informed me that I were needed for the formalities and the announcement of my leadership to the entire pack.

The pack was just as stunned about the news as I were but elation soon took over their mind set and again a round of congratulations was offered. Again my mood on the matter were a dark cloud over the festivities as Aurora were still not here by my side to enjoy this moment with me.

Hours later the pack leaders and our guests all reconvened in the dining room and the real strategy meeting began. Even though I were the new alpha my father took control of the meeting. I didn’t mind though he were still my father and he knew a great deal more than me in the art of battle and that is exactly where we were all heading.

Commander Rays laid out a map of the Crescent Moon pack territory onto the table and started identifying where each out post were and significant parts of their land. Even giving suggestions to where things could have possibly been changed to, after the fight that ensued after the failed ritual attempt. Then where the pack house were located and where Aurora would most likely be being held. He continued to then regale us with how the pack are trained and the trials that each member will be subjected to before they are called a pack warrior.

The trials he described were brutal and barbaric, and not to mention horrific for those that didn’t make the cut. After Aurora managed to get away by some miracle. Leo decided that the pack were lacking and lowered the age in which boys started their training and made each one more difficult. At the young age of ten, these children would be traumatised or twisted up in vicious and cruel way once they completed their training, giving them the infamous reputation of being the strongest warrior pack.

Sitting back I watched and wondered how this man knew so much about this pack. After the second time he mentioned Aurora’s name and Emery took over the meeting I saw the previous man showed deeply seated sadness in his eyes. This piqued my interest and I filed that knowledge away for later contemplation.

Leo’s POV

Seeing my lost daughter after all this time was a relief. My time was running out and my body was becoming weaker every year that past. The magic and power that I managed to acquire from the failed ritual was almost spent with her approaching birthday. My strength and power reduced quicker the more I used my new talents to try and find her over the years, leaving me in this state of poor health.

There were no time to waste and after years of research I managed to fine a loophole which will allow me to bring forward the ritual, with the same outcome that I would have achieved in the first place. Immortality and unlimited power though, was more than worth the years that I had to wither into an old man at only forty-three.

Aurora didn’t even know I were approaching her as she panicked and struggled to get out of her restrains, that bound her to the cross, with no result. Her chest rose and fell at a rapid rate and her panting breath made me smile in a wicked way. Now she is older she resembles her mother more than I was happy about, but she would die all the same. I took pleasure in the fact that I knew as well as her this wasn’t going to be pleasant and she knew the pain I could inflict with each lash of the whip.

“You remember how much fun we had with this punishment last time, don’t you princess?” I whispered into her ear. Sending panic shooting through her body and every hair on her neck stand on end. Loving her reaction I raised my hand and gripped her throat forcing her to take note that Oryan was chained just as she were. “For your disobedience, he will be punished and you will watch every lash he receives and all the pain you should be feeling.”

Moisture started to soak my finger alerting me to the fact that she were crying. Licking the tears from her cheek I enjoyed the taste of her terror. I nodded to Rex as he stood behind Oryan and ripped away his shirt, baring his back, readying him for the harsh corded leather of its throng.

Oryan’s chest puffed out as he held his breath in anticipation for his first strike. Rex raised the anxiety level by slapping the handle against his palm and whipping the ground with a whack. Setting Oryan’s teeth gritting together hard enough for them to shatter.

Rex raised his arm high in the air and with a quick flick of his wrist he sent the plaited leather tip slicing forward and cleanly connected with the soft flesh of Oryan’s back. I watched enthralled as his eyes bulged and every muscle bunched from the tearing pain, spittle flew from between his gritted teeth as he absorbed the pure agony that now racked his body. The satisfying lash caused Aurora to jerk in my hold and a small shriek leave her mouth as more tears slide down her cheeks.

By the twentieth lash Oryan was spent, his body was limp and bleeding. Sweat dripped down from his forehead and into the mud under his knees. Aurora was struggling and becoming more and more vocal, begging through every sob for Rex to stop. When he didn’t let up she reached out in support and laced her fingers with the boy’s, squeezing his fingers with hers in comfort.

“Please. Please stop.” She sobbed loudly. “He can’t take anymore.” Rex stilled his hand at my command. “The punishment isn’t over princess.” I reminded her calmly with a wicked edge to my tone. Inside though, I were thrilled at how easy it were to break her. She kept up a string of pleading for this to stop as another landed on its target. “The punishment will be delivered one way or another.” She sobbed harder. “Are you prepared to take the rest in his place?” I could see her weighing up the agony of receiving each blow against watching the delivery of each one to her brother’s broken form. Another thwack from Rex to Oryan had her taking one last deep breath and nodding, accepting the rest of my delicious torment. Only this time she were wet and ice cold, which would make this ten times more painful for her.

Oryan’s POV

I came too, to the quick but rhythmic sound of the whip connecting with its target but felt nothing additional to the deep ridged wounds that were already present on my back. But cries of agony were still ringing out into the early evening air. Were they mine? and I were to numb to the feeling to even realise.

No. The cries were feminine. But who else were there to punish? The women of this pack were locked away and used only to breed fighters and sate all the men’s needs and nothing more.

In a moment of clarity I realised Aurora. Aurora were taking the rest of the reprimand onto herself after I passed out. Guilt, washed over me thick and fast. She had took the rest of them to save me, and prevent further harm to my already damaged and abused body. Father was right she did trust me and would do anything to help me, her fingers wrapped around mine were a testament to that. In this moment I felt like a bastard.

Despite my muscles screaming at me not to, I managed to raise my head just enough to see the tears, the sweat, the undeniable agony she was feeling from each strike painted across her features. Unlike Rex that provided each assault to me. Peter was in charge of her punishment, each strike unfocused and struck in a callous manner. His only aim were to give her the greatest damage, and as much pain as he possibly could.

But this, this wasn’t punishment this was revenge for Roger, Peter’s brother. And I’m sure more than the fifty lashes probably ensued. Father finally called enough and Peter angrily growled, clearly he didn’t think it was and a heated argument broke out between the two men. Only to have it end when father used his authoritative tone of the alpha to put end to it.

Peter left after he were scolded, taking the amassed crowd with him, and quickly disappeared. Each watchful member going back to their chores and training now the entertainment were over. Leaving both mine and Aurora’s bodies limp and hanging from our wrists while attached to our allocated crossed whipping posts. As if worshiping at the alter of torment and pain.

Father limped over to me and whispered into my ear, causing a sickening feeling to run down my spine. “Remember our deal and you will be rewarded with everything you have ever wanted.” Before he also left us. I would be a fool to trust my father, he has never been trust worthy, I learnt that the hard way.

Remembering back to when I were eighteen and how he tricked me into giving him my power. The memory of that day is burned into my mind and is the epitome of, ‘if I could do it again’, I would have done the whole day differently. Well if I’m being completely honest with myself, I would have left that morning and never looked back.

Tightening my fingers around Aroura’s I just held her as best I could, returning the same comfort she offered me and contemplated father’s words. No longer knowing what I should do, but knew without doubt I had to do what was best for me and no one else. The only person anyone could rely on is, themselves.

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