Wolf Moon Ritual

Chapter 11

Aurora’s POV

My teeth slid back to their normal size and length as I was ripped out of my lustfully intoxicated encounter with Alex. We looked at each other and then to the door. The scream sounded like it came from downstairs, I scurried off the bed and went to the door. “What are you doing?” He asked, still breathless.

“Seeing what’s happened.” I said walking out the door, knowing that he won’t be able to come with me. I walked down to a crowd of people and Crystal balling her eyes out and acting hysterical.

“You. You did this.” She stormed towards me with a fistful of her cut off blond hair. “What? No, I didn’t do…” She cried harder. “She was jealous of my hair and took revenge.” I remain silent completely dumbfounded. “I didn’t, I’ve been in my room all night.” I protested. “Can anyone prove you were in there all night?” Sighing I looked to the floor and shook my head no. I knew Alex would not be able to back me up as he was meant to be out all night. “I want her punished for this.” She shouted to both Ruby and George.

“I am not about to punish someone that didn’t do this.” Ruby answered with all the authority of a luna. Crystal turned to George. “She did this to me. You saw how she resented me at dinner for being with Hunter and talking about our wedding. She was also rude and awful to me all night.” She shed more crocodile tears and George frowned. “Enough, go to bed all of you. Until you can prove she did this no one will be punished.”

I left out a shaky breath, I didn’t know if they would side with her or not. Crystal seethed at them deciding not to do anything and threw her cut off hair at me in a huff, her tears instantly dried up.

I walked back upstairs not knowing what the hell just happened. I shut the door slowly and shuffled forward to sit on the edge of the bed. “You should go.” I said to Alex as he pulled my numb body to his side.

“I don’t want to.” He whispered. “If she catches you here, I don’t know what she will do. If she can accuse me of cutting her hair off then I don’t know what else she is capable of. Not to mention your father will not be happy if your caught here.” He nodded in understanding. “Okay.” He rolled away from me and out of bed. I instantly felt as cold as ice without his presence by my side. “Goodnight Aurora.” Was the last thing he said before leaving.

I did not sleep a wink after he left, knowing that he was so close, and couldn’t be with him was torturous, but I also didn’t want to be in case little miss psycho came for me again. “You look like shit.” Shay said as she came through the door. I didn’t make a move, just followed her movements with my eyes.

“What the hell happened last night? Cole said bratty accused you of cutting her hair off.” I nodded. “Of course I know you didn’t but what is her problem?” I shrugged. “I don’t know. She said I did it because I were jealous, resentful, rude and awful.” Shay snorted. “Okay. So what are we doing today?” She skillfully changed the subject. “Nothing I’m tired.”

“Fine, we will camp here for the day or you can get your ass up and we can go training.” She thrilled. I wasn’t in the mood for anything but reluctantly got up and went to get ready for a workout.

“Cole also said Hunter was up here last night.” She teased for the bathroom door. “He was.” I said between brushes of my teeth. “You naughty girl.” I rolled my eyes at her flippant comment. “I nearly marked him.” Her eyes nearly fell out of their sockets. “OMG, really. Why didn’t you?” She excitedly asked. “Bratty screamed and interrupted.” Shay tutted loudly clearly annoyed.

We chatted some more as we made our way outside to Cole who will be training me as part of the alphas orders and his beta duty to oversee the training of the pack. It was hard going, he pushed me to every limit I had and then pushed even more. For 3 hours solid we ran, did weight training, swam, and completed core strengthening drills. I was on the verge of collapse when we got back to the house. “Rose with me.” An older sterner version of Cole summoned.

He didn’t say another word to me, just led me to George’s office. There I was met with the man himself, Ruby and another older gentleman that scowled at me to the right of the desk, both Alex and Crystal stood together to the left. “Rose. You have been called here to state your innocence or guilt in the case of cutting off Crystals hair.” I was speechless, I thought this was over with last night.

“I didn’t do it.” I said pleading my innocence. “So you plead not guilty.” George said formally. I nodded to his statement. “Very well. These scissors were found in your room with traces of Crystals hair on them. What do you have to say now?” My jaw dropped to the floor while staring at the pair of scissors now placed at the edge of his desk. They weren’t mine. “I didn’t do it, please you have to believe me.” Tears brimmed my eyes.

“You leave me no choice but to sentence you as guilty. The evidence is stacked against you and clearly shows it was you. Your punishment is 5 lashes…” “I want you to do it.” Crystal’s voice rang out cheerfully. I turned my head to see she had asked Alex to deliver to the lashes. “What? No.” He protested. “You won’t defend my daughter’s honour against those that seek to harm her?” The older man shouted, anger taking over his features.

“OR.” George shouted and slammed his hand against the desk regaining control. “5 days in the dungeon without food.” He finished his judgement without any more interruptions. All eyes were now back on me awaiting my answer. I squared my shoulders and raised my chin. She will not break me, she knows I didn’t do this but blamed me anyway, her cruel nature showing through that butter would melt façade. “Show me to the dungeon.”

A hand landed on my shoulder, it belonged to the older Cole. Who led me from the office and down the stairs. “Don’t worry daddy I’ll stay here and make sure she does her time.” I sighed, so she wasn’t leaving today then. I was taken to a small sturdy metal door below the stairs, the older man unlocked the door and pointed for me to go first. I looked over my shoulder to see Shay and Cole’s shocked faces as stepped inside.

The place was so dark I could barely see, the tall man lit a candle and motioned to the shackles on the wall. I held out my wrists without a fight and he secured them in place. “You have been judged and will now begin your punishment. Water will be brought to you three times a day. The toilet is to your left. Any questions?” I shook my head. He frowned and looked at me apologetically before leaving.

I looked around and tried to look for the positives. 1. At least I wasn’t in a small box. 2. I wouldn’t be tortured. 3… 3… I didn’t have a third positive, but hundreds of negatives swarmed my brain. I tried to hold my chin up high again and force my tears away but I just didn’t have the strength. I sank to the floor and sobbed in the near pitch black of the dungeon.

After several minutes or hours, I didn’t know. I realised I were shedding valuable salts that my body needs. I stood back up and dusted myself off, okay, I thought I can do this. I did a whole year of this, 5 days will be nothing compared to that. I tried to judge time from the deliveries of water, catching seconds of the outside world as the door opened and closed.

I think it was day 3, possibly still day 2 when the door opened again. “Aww look at you all dirty and pathetic.” Crystal was the one to deliver water today it seems. I stayed quiet as she continued to bully and belittle me with her words, while drinking my glass of water herself. My parched lips were cracking as she quenched her thirst, I tried to swallow but had no moisture to do it with, my throat now burning.

“Oh and guess what. Hunter is taking me out on a date tonight. That boy is going to get lucky too, if he plays his cards right.” My wall of bravado was crumbling quickly. ‘She will not break me, she will not break me.’ I repeated over and over again, clinging tooth and nail onto my last shred of dignity. “Oops, you weren’t thirsty were you?” She laughed as she left me behind in the dark.

I was cast into numbness, reeling at the news he were taking her out, he would be with her while I rotted down here alone. I would have cried big fat tears, if I weren’t so dehydrated. Metal images of the two of the laughing and joking at my discomfort went around and around in my head like a carousel, driving me further into depression.

The next time the door opened I prayed it were not her but luck and prayers were never on my side, as she came into view. Her blond hair was immaculately curled to perfection, her makeup done to the same precision. Her dress was a deep maroon, possibly purple I couldn’t tell in this dim light, but the cut didn’t leave much to the imagination. It ran mid-thigh with lace cut outs on each side of her waist, the neckline showed her ample breasts. The whole outfit hugging her tightly, her strappy heels accentuate her long legs amazingly. No man, would be able to not get an eyeful of her and lust after her.

“Don’t I look fantastic?” She said giving me a spin to see her from all angels. I stayed silent, just wanting her to leave. She went on and on about Hunter looking good in his suit and how she were going to get him to claim her tonight. “Oh, I forgot your water. Never mind I gotta go.” My heart sank, I hadn’t had anything in so long that I was sure I would pass out. “Will you hurry up.” A male voice I didn’t recognise boomed into the dungeon. “I’m coming keep your hair on.” She tutted and clipped away before slamming the door closed.

Slumping to the floor in pure exhaustion I tried to sleep, but my mind wouldn’t shut off its merry-go-round of torture.

I didn’t even move when the door next opened and someone lifted me from the floor and rested me against their warmth. They could have been talking but I didn’t know anymore. With the mental and emotional torment still in full swing in my mind, I drowned out the physical things.

Light engulfed me and I coward away from it with a whimper. I didn’t know what was going on, but heavily muffled voices broke my subconscious. More hands or the same ones I wasn’t sure touched my head and arms with faint pressure, and then went back to nothingness.

Beeping was the next thing to break my conscious level, but as before it quickly faded.

I lost count at how many times I came into reality only to leave again moments later. Was I still in the dungeon? Was I dead? No, I didn’t feel dead but then what does death feel like? With that thought the darkness took over again.

My eyes slowly opened to the vaulted ceiling of the attic, the beeping was still ringing, but the first thing I realised was that I felt stronger. My throat still felt dry but at least I could see with focused eyes again. “You’re awake.” A despondent voice croaked. I looked in the direction of the voice and saw Alex, he looked like he hadn’t washed, slept or eaten in days, his dishevelled appearance giving it away.

He took hold of my hand and placed multiply kisses on it before pulling me into his arms. ”Thank god your awake, I was so lost without you.” He cried. Physically sobbing into the crook of my neck as he held me to him. “I’m here.” My voice didn’t sound like mine anymore, to faint and cracked with disuse, but I needed to sooth him.

More people flooded into the room all elated that I were awake. Some thanking the deity and others shedding tears of their own. “You’ve had your turn move.” Shay pushed Alex to the side but didn’t release my hand and hugged me next. “I swear that bitch will pay for what she did to you!” She seethed while hugging me. I didn’t understand her anger and remained silent.

“Right come on. Everybody out Rose needs her rest.” Ruby instructed. The crowd dwindled to leave just one, Alex. He didn’t make a single movement to follow her instruction and she didn’t push him, just left the room herself.

“What happened?” I croaked. He ran his hand through his hair as it looked like he had hundreds of times before. “The first day you were placed in there, Mary Cole’s mother were placed in charge of your water requirements as she were an impartial person in the whole judgement, but that wasn’t good enough for Crystal. She argued until she got her way and was now the one to deliver your water.” His anger was building, but didn’t stop his story. “She appeared to be doing her duty until Mary notice that the log wasn’t being filled in. That bitch had left you for 4 days without a drop of water and went to tell her husband, Robert. He went to check on you himself and found you unresponsive. You have been unconscious for 2 days.”

I marvelled at the story, she really was a cruel and evil person. “Where is she now?” I feared. “She was escorted off the property, for going against my father’s orders.” I nodded now being able to relax a little. “She was intentionally evil, but she did look perfect for your date.”

“Date? What date? I never took her out. I’ve been on voluntary patrol all week so I wouldn’t be around her.” I shrugged. “I don’t know, she were talking about it for a full day, and showed me what she was wearing on it before I passed out.” I explained finding it hard to concentrate.

“Get some rest. I’ll be right here when you wake again.” He soothed. I didn’t need any more encouragement than that and quickly fell into a deep sleep.

Darkness surrounded me when I next opened my eyes. As I looked round for Alex I noticed a soft light glowing in the corner of the room. Shay was tucked up on an armchair reading a magazine swathed in a grey fluffy blanket. “Hey.” I croaked in her direction. “Oh hey, how you feeling?” The magazine now discarded on the floor as she got up still wrapped in the blanket and came over to my bed. “Better.” I answered and scooted over so she could get in with me.

I tentatively rolled onto my side, very aware of the IV line in my arm and how it itched my skin. “Where’s Alex?” I asked not wanting to be soft but I needed him close. “Alex?” She questioned. So it really wasn’t a name he went by if someone this close to him didn’t know it. “Hunter.” She made an ‘O’ with her mouth finally knowing who I meant. “A. Hunter, I get it now. I finally convinced him to go get a shower and change. The boy stank.” She giggled. “He hasn’t left your side since you were brought out of that place. Well with the exception of being present when bratty got told to leave, but we will give him that one.” He giggled again.

The sound was easy and uplifting to my fragile state. It was good to have her here, someone I could call a true friend in this cruel world. We chatted about everything else that has gone on since I was… out. She didn’t leave one detail out. “Did you get a look at the guy? The one that took her on this date?” I knew who she meant. “No, he didn’t come in. Just told her to hurry up from outside.”

She then proceeded to tell me that Alex had a meeting with his father to try to use this as a way to get out of the engagement but George rightly pointed out that it could be misconstrued easily that he found someone else and that would look badly upon them and could potentially start a pack rivalry. Which is not what we need right now.

“We need to catch her with this guy so that alpha can officially break the engagement off as infidelity.” I didn’t know who this guy was so I really couldn’t help, especially in my vulnerable and weakened state. “Don’t worry yourself. Just get better.” She encouraged.

We fell asleep after many more hours of talking about nothing in particular. Warm hands cupping my face pulled me out of a dreamless sleep and soft lips pressing to mine was a good way to fully wake up. “Good morning.” I croaked opening my eyes to the most gorgeous chocolate brown eyes I’ve ever seen. “Good morning. You feeling ready to get up today?”

“Or you could join me in here?” I cheekily suggested, remembering the night we were last in this bed together. He chuckled. “I think three is considered a crowd.” He motioned over my shoulder. Shay’s answering yawn reminded me she was still here. “Getting up it is. I erm… Kinda want a shower though first.” He licked his bottom lip before pulling it between his teeth. “How about a bath instead.” He countered seductively. “Oh god, none of that while I’m here please.” Shay rebuked and groggily got out of bed. We both laughed at her stumbled rushing to get away from us, I watched her leave before turning back to Alex.

He deftly stopped the fluids and took out the IV line from my arm before carrying me into the bathroom. “I can walk you know.” I protested as he set me down to stand in front of the sink. I steadied myself as he turned on the shower and waited for the water to get hot. “I know I just wanted to hold you.” I rolled my eyes. “When did you turn into a sap?” I teased as I walked passed him checking the water temperature, noting that it was a little cold I turned up the heat.

Steam started to billow out to fill the small room, clinging my top to my skin as it soaked up the moisture in the air. Having Alex so close wasn’t helping with the heat building in the room.

His hands wondered to my waist and cupped my hips in his large hands. My breath hitched but I remained silent as he moved his fingers down my thighs and under the hem of my night shirt, bunching it as he raised it up and over my head. Our eyes never left each other’s as I did the same to him and bared his chest to me. His skin felt hot under my touch, as I traced the outline of his pectorals and each indentation of his abs.

The smell of arousal permeated the air mixing with the heated steam. I nervously gulped as I hooked my fingers under the waist band of his sweatpants and pushed them down to the ground. He stepped out of them and walked backwards pulling me along with him by holding my hips.

He flinched at the temperature, tensing his shoulders as the water fell over his skin. It felt perfect to me and relished the feel of it on my skin. Slowly he turned me round so my back was to his chest as he took up a wash cloth and soaked it in soap, gently lathering the suds over me, washing away days of stagnation from my body.

His fingers trembled as he washed over my breasts, and my nipples peeked under his touch. I could feel with the way his chest rose and fell that he was breathing heavily. My heart beat syncing with his as it hammered against my rib cage, I could no longer hold still and turned to face him. Eyes and lips meeting in one swift motion that I was carried away on a wave of desire, continuing what was interrupted all those days ago. Pressing my body to his needing him closer, wanting our bodies to be connected in the most intimate of ways. I wrap myself around him repositioning us so to ease the joining of our bodies.

He broke us apart with a loud growl, holding my shoulder at arm’s length as he struggled to hold himself together. I couldn’t say I was successful in doing the same, rejection flooded over me, crushing me so completely that I nearly crumbled to the floor. Instead I rushed from the shower, the bathroom and the room altogether.

I raced through the house as fast as I could, not caring that I didn’t have any clothes on. The fresh breeze coming from the open door welcoming me into the wide open space of the outdoors. I flew out the door, swapping bare human skin for my wolf’s white coat in one swift motion.

I heard people calling after me, gasps of shock and crashes of items hitting the floor as I pushed past people. Nothing stopped me on my quest to get away. I ran, pushing myself beyond all limits I’ve ever had before.

I ran up steep inclines of the mountain sides, down uneven and loose rocks of the descending side, through lush green fields filled with wildflowers and scampering deer, over trickling streams and waded through small rivers. My muscles ached in protest the entire way, willing me to stop but I carried on.

Only when black spots flickered in front of my eyes blurring my vision and it was extremely difficult to pull air into my lungs anymore did I eventually stop and looked towards the horizon, I didn’t know where I were but the view was breath-taking.

“Hello Aurora.”

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